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文章对乌兰察布市禁牧舍饲后养殖业现状与问题进行了全面的分析,充分肯定了养殖业在乌兰察布市农村经济发展中的重要作用,并进一步地提出了今后发展舍饲圈养建议。  相似文献   

实施舍饲禁牧是恢复生态、促进自然环境修复的有效途径,是全面落实党的十八大提出的生态文明建设和自治区“8337”发展思路的具体实践.为了更好地保护、建设和利用生态资源、构筑祖国北方生态安全屏障,实现经济、社会和生态环境协调发展,乌兰察布市从2012年4月20日起,除四子王旗中部牧区执行国家草畜平衡、轮封轮牧政策外,其他地区严格实行禁牧舍饲措施.经过一年多的实践,全市上下认真贯彻落实市委、政府《关于进一步加强禁牧舍饲工作的实施意见》精神,克服了准备工作不够充分、饲草料贮备严重不足、禁牧队伍人员匮乏、禁牧经费短缺等困难,市、县、乡三级政府联动,强力推进禁牧舍饲各项工作,并取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

乌兰察布市拥有丰富的柠条资源,大面积种植柠条对防风固沙、减少水土流失、保护生态环境起到了很好的作用。合理利用现有的柠条资源,一方面,为禁牧舍饲提供饲草来源;另一方面,为林业产业发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

文章通过对乌兰察布市禁牧和草畜平衡建设现状的阐述,分析了禁牧工作存在的问题,并提出对策和建议。为有效治理草原退化、沙化,有效保护草原生态建设成果提供参考。  相似文献   

刘家祥 《林业调查规划》2006,31(Z1):203-206
永善县国土面积27.89万hm2,自2002年以来完成退耕还林任务2 667hm2。对退耕还林与基本农田建设、农村能源建设、生态移民、后续产业、封山禁牧舍饲等的5个保障措施结合进行了调查,分析了存在的问题,提出了需要改进的措施。  相似文献   

今年,乌盟盟委、行署做出了“封山禁牧、舍饲圈养”的决定。基本要求是:全盟农区牲畜从 2001年 5月 1日开始全部实行禁牧舍饲,牧区实行轮封轮牧和季节性禁牧,国家重点生态建设项目区,实行全面禁牧。这一决定,是乌盟“进退还”战略发展到一定阶段的必然选择,也是乌盟建设畜牧业大盟的客观需要。现在我们从三个方面谈谈对这一重大决策的认识。   一、从巩固“进退还”战略成果,使之向健康方向发展的高度来认识“禁牧舍饲”的客观必然性   乌盟从 1994年开始,作出“进一退二还三”,调整优化结构,建设畜牧业大盟的战略决策。六年…  相似文献   

可持续发展战略是近年来,以防研究的热点问题,巴林左旗生态安全问题主要表现为环境污染和生态破坏,已成为制约巴林左旗持续发展的重要因素。经过近几年的防沙治沙,退耕还林还草以及2002年以来的舍饲禁牧工作,生态环境在局部上得以改善,但在整体上仍存在问题。  相似文献   

随着京津风沙源治理、退耕还林等国家重点生态建设工程在赤峰市相继启动,市委、市政府抓住机遇,从全面推进“生态立市”战略角度出发,做出封育禁牧的重大决策。2003年10月,赤峰市委、市政府颁布了《关于实行全市封育禁牧的决定》。从2004年开始,全面实行封育禁牧、舍饲圈养、季  相似文献   

文章通过对乌盟林草加工业现状和存在问题的分析 ,提出加快乌盟林草加工业发展的对策 ,即 :一是要继续坚定不移地推行禁牧舍饲 ;二要加大林草地使用权明晰度 ;三要加强林草加工、转化科学技术的普及、推广 ;四要加快林草加工业的发展 ,发挥林草加工龙头企业的辐射作用 ,带动全盟林草加工业发展  相似文献   

植被封禁保护是黄土高原植被恢复的重要措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了黄土高原地区的植被资源现状及分布规律, 分析了该地区实施植被封禁保护(包括封山育林和禁牧、轮牧)的必要性和可行性。对于封山育林和禁牧的实施效果、存在的问题及对策进行了说明。指出黄土高原地区今后的封山育林工作应该向工程化、规范化的方向发展。提出黄土高原天然次生林区应该长期坚持“封山育林为主, 辅之以人工措施”的经营策略。实行封禁保护为主的林区经营方式, 适当辅助以人工促进(抚育、补植等)措施。另外, 在黄土高原以农牧业为主的厚层黄土区和北部草原区等应该实施封山禁牧或轮牧, 提倡舍饲圈养。黄土高原地区的封山育林和禁牧工作要与农村经济发展和产业结构调整紧密结合, 才能长期实行下去。  相似文献   

通过对嫩江沙地具有代表意义的退化草地封育后植物群落的调查,研究了封育禁牧后沙地植被生长发育规律和演替趋势。结果表明:与自由放牧相比,封沙禁牧分别使半固定和固定沙质草地植被盖度提高25和27个百分点,产草量(干草)分别提高27.09%~41.09%,优质牧草比例分别提高23.51和46.27个百分点。  相似文献   

封山育林对贺兰山生态环境的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贺兰山国家级自然保护区实施退牧还林(草),解决了历史遗留的林牧矛盾,实现了封山禁牧,测定出封山禁牧在生态环境建设中的作用和效果。  相似文献   

In view of the low pasture productivity in the Central American humid tropics where cattle rearing is a major land-use activity, it is important to examine the potential of alternate feed sources for ruminant feeding. Erythrina berteroana Uban, locally known as poro, and green banana (Musa AAA) fruits have been identified as two such potential sources. The effects of feeding poro as a grazing supplement and diet supplementation with green banana fruits on cattle productivity were evaluated in a long-term trial in Costa Rica. Daily liveweight (LW) gains were measured and samples of all feed material were analyzed for crude protein and in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility. Pasture availability was high, averaging 0.17 t DM ha day–1 over the grazing period. The main grass species were Paspalum fasciculatium Poiret, Axonopus compressus Swartz and to a lesser extent African star grass (Cynodon nlemfluensis Vanderyst). DM yields of poro declined significantly with time (> 50%) when it was managed with a two-month resting period but remained higher when subsequently managed with a three-month resting period. Average daily LW gain of animals was 21% to 26% higher with two hours daily browsing of poro than for animals only grazing pasture. Highest liveweight gain was achieved when diets were supplemented with banana and there was no additional benefit when poro was fed in addition to banana. This suggests that fodder banks of poro or supplements with green banana can improve cattle nutrition in the humid tropics.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

IntroductionMongoliangazelle(PrOCSPraguttuross)isaspecialruminantspeciesthathasnumerouspopulationsintheeasternpaFtofNetMonggolGrasslandandasignificantcomponentofthegrasslandecosystem.Thisspecieshasthehabittoselectspeciesandqualityofplantstograze.However,thepopulationhasdecreaseddramaticallyandfacesextinctioninChina(JiangetSI.1998).Therefore,itisveryimportanttostudythefoodhabitsandfoodchoicebyMongoliangazelleforpromotingtheprotectionandmanagementofremainingpopulation.Inapreviouspaper(Gao…  相似文献   

通过对建国以来我省天然林资源的消长变化状况和天然林资源现状的论述 ,分析了我省天然林资源下降的主要原因 ,提出保护和恢复天然林必须要建立强有力的管理机构 ,全面禁止采伐天然林 ,并依造科学技术 ,保护天然林及其生物多样性  相似文献   

This study deals with grazing in kunugi (Quercus acutissima) forests in the Aso district of Kyushu Island in southwest Japan. These forests are managed for production of bed-logs for shiitake mushrooms and cow-calf farming. One of their characteristics is short-term rotation such as 10–15 years for bed-logs and a year for calf production. A forest grazing experiment was begun in Minamioguni to look at forest growth, vegetation change and grazing intensity. Stem densities dropped in a few years. After sprout cutting, they also dropped gradually, then stabilized. Although grazing caused tree damage and suppressed tree growth, grazing intensity of up to 150 cow-days/ha·year did not harm forest regeneration. Herbage volume decreased as grazing was repeated and trees grew. Another investigation of kunugi grazing forests in Minamioguni and Asaji showed the correlation betweenRy (yield index in Stand density diagram) and grazing capacity could be expressed with a regression equation. The results were also used to design a yield table for kunugi grazing forests. The yield table has items ofRy and grazing capacity in addition to usual yield table items, and can indicate timber yield and grazing capacity at the same time. The table estimates that proper grazing capacity is 60–80 cow-days/ha·year in wild grass sites. In the light of these results, an optimal management plan was proposed as a diagram integrating stem density, forest yield, and forest management.  相似文献   

We studied five lower forest–grassland ecotones in the Darhad Valley in northern Mongolia and investigated the effects of 20th Century grazing regimes and changes in grazing management on ecotone dynamics at a local scale. A total of 2968 Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) trees were cored and tree-age distribution was constructed to determine 20th Century tree establishment. Tree age and location within the ecotones were correlated and seedling density and their distribution were explored to describe forest–grassland ecotone shift. To examine livestock herbivory effects on ecotone shift, the number of new trees was analyzed with five different grazing regimes and changes in grazing practices during the last 80 years in the Darhad Valley.We documented some evidence of ecotone shift into the adjacent grassland. Rates and patterns of ecotone shift varied with different grazing regimes. Siberian larch tree establishment was greater at overall grazing intensities of low and high levels, which were dominated by sheep and cattle grazing. In contrast, larch establishment was lower at overall grazing intensities of low and medium levels, which were dominated by goat grazing. Twentieth Century changes in grazing practices also influenced Siberian larch regeneration. An abrupt decline in Darhad Valley larch establishment during the 20th Century coincided with locally increased grazing pressure. Furthermore, regional climate variability showed important interaction with local grazing regimes in affecting larch regeneration. A 20th Century pulse in larch establishment coincided with a time period of regionally known warmer temperatures and locally reduced grazing pressure. Our results suggest that overall grazing intensity, livestock species composition, and changes in grazing patterns are important in understanding grazing effects on Siberian larch tree encroachment.  相似文献   

When combining pines and cattle on tame pasture, grazing is often delayed for several years until trees are large enough to resist injury. As an alternative approach to delayed or deferred grazing during the early years, this study in central Louisiana, USA, examined the effects of cattle grazing in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) pastures on slash (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) seeding survival and growth during the first 3 years of tree establishment. Pines were planted at about 1200 trees/ha in 3 rows on 0.4-ha subclover units with 1.3 m spacing within rows. Three grazing treatments included: (1) ungrazed pines, (2) limited grazing with a single-wire electric fence above the planted pines, and (3) grazed pines. Thirty Brahman crossbred cows with calves and a bull grazed the tame pasture on a controlled grazing, rotational basis from December through May each year, during the subterranean clover growing season. Pine trampling injury during the year was 8% on the grazed seedlings while essentially none occured under limited grazing. During the first 2 growing seasons, survival and height of the pines were significantly less on the grazed seedlings than on either the limited grazing or ungrazed seedlings. Pine heights from the limited grazing and ungrazed treatments were not different during the 3-year study; loblolly pine heights from the limited grazing treatment continued to be taller than the grazed treatment through the third year while the slash pine heights were similar for all treatments by the third year. Seedling mortality became more acute as severity of grazing injury increased; the greatest mortality occured when the terminal bud and needles were both browsed off.  相似文献   

The food availability, composition of the diets and selective grazing of the Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) were studied in Hulunber Grassland in Nei Monggol. The food availability of Mongolian gazelle showed seasonal changes. The plant biomass was higher in spring and summer than that in autumn and winter. The fecal compositions of the gazelle demonstrated that fibrous parts occupied 62.4%, 74.8%, and 66.0% in spring, autumn, and winter, respectively. The Mongolian gazelle preferred to grazeCompositeae, Leguminosae, Allium spp. and other forbs in spring and autumn, while the grasses, such asAneurolepidium chinense andStipa spp. were selectively feeding in winter. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

川西北沙化草地在围栏禁牧生态恢复过程中,土壤中有机质、全氮、水解性氮变化特征,研究对象为:未修复沙化草地、围栏禁牧生态恢复时间分别为5年、10年的沙化草地,研究其不同围栏禁牧时间沙化草地0~40 cm土层土壤中有机质、全氮、水解性氮的变化.其结果表明,随着围栏禁牧时间的增长,各土层土壤有机质、全氮含量均增加,植被盖度、...  相似文献   

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