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The chemical composition of water in 44 lakes of the Kulunda steppe has been studied. It is shown that solute concentrations in different lakes vary from 1 to 390 g/l. Four chemical types of the water salinity—chloride, sulfate, chloride-sulfate with the presence of sodium bicarbonate, and sodic waters—are distinguished. The nature of the water alkalinity has been studied in 12 lakes. In the lakes with neutral chloride and sulfate salts, the total alkalinity does not exceed 16.56 meq/l. In the lakes with the presence of soda, it reaches 189 meq/l. In sodic waters, the total alkalinity varies from 600 to 1504.6 meq/l. In the latter case, the water alkalinity is conditioned by the presence of soda and borate salts. Salt minerals in the bottom sediments and in the salt crusts of solonchakous playas around the lakes are represented by halite, calcite, dolomite, and thenardite. In two salt crusts, the presence of soda and trona has been diagnosed.  相似文献   

The surface chemical properties of soil samples i.e., surface charge and zeta potential, and the mineralogy of soil clay fraction were investigated with reference to soil weathering extent for four different soils derived from Quaternary red earth using the ion adsorption method, a micro-electrophoresis method and the X-ray diffraction analysis. Results indicated that all these soil samples contained kaolinite and gibbsite. The Ultisols from Guizhou, Hunan and Jiangxi possessed the 2:1 type clay minerals of mica and vermiculite. Hematite and magnetite were found in the Ultisols from Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangxi. Goethite was found in the Ultisols from Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou. The positive surface charge for these soils decreased with the order: the Ultisol from Guangxi ≅ the Ultisol from Guizhou > the Ultisols from Hunan and Jiangxi from south to north when pH < 5.0. This is consistent with the content of free Fe/Al oxides present in these soils. On the other hand, the value of negative surface charge on the Ultisol from Guangxi was found much lower than the other soils perhaps because of the intensive weathering of the soil. Both permanent and variable negative charges for the former were also lower than the latter, whereas the point of zero salt effect (PZSE) for the former was greater than that of the latter. The variability of soil negative surface charge followed the order: the Ultisol from Guangxi > the Ultisol from Guizhou > the Ultisol from Jiangxi ≅ the Ultisol from Hunan. The zeta potential and isoelectric point (IEP) of soil colloids and soil net surface charge followed the same order: the Ultisol from Guangxi > the Ultisol from Guizhou > the Ultisols from Hunan and Jiangxi. A good correlation between zeta potential and net surface charge of these soils was observed. Therefore, the magnitudes of the PZSE, IEP and zeta potential of these soils were in agreement with the weathering extent of the soils and can be employed as reference criteria for classification and evolution of soils.  相似文献   



Heavy metal lability, probably, is the most important isolated factor to cause toxicity in plants and organisms in soils. Sorption of heavy metals, in turn, affects directly the amount of their labile forms in soils. Therefore, to assess sorption and quantify labile forms of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, adsorption and incubation studies were carried out.  相似文献   


Calcareous soils often need supplemental manganese (Mn) to support optimum plant growth, but some reports show that the apparent recovery of applied Mn is very low in such soils, i.e., nearly all of the applied Mn is retained in the soil. This experiment was conducted to find the relationship between the retained Mn and selected properties of calcareous soils. Eleven surface (0–20 cm) soil samples with pH ranging from 7.7 to 8.1 and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) ranging from 20 to 50% were used in the Mn adsorption study. Two‐gram subsamples of each soil were equilibrated with 20 mL of 0.01M CaCl2 solutions initially containing 10 to 200 mg Mn L‐1. The Mn that disappeared from solution (after 6 h shaking at 25°C) was considered as adsorbed (retained) Mn. The adsorption data showed a highly significant fit to Freundlich and also to the two‐surface Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The coefficients of both isotherms showed significant positive correlations with cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic matter (OM), and CCE of the soils indicating that OM and calcium carbonate are the sites of Mn retention in calcareous soils. Comparison of the adsorption data of this experiment with those of plant Mn uptake of the same soils (published earlier) shows that as the Langmuir second surface adsorption maxima (maximum retention capacity) of the soils increase the plant Mn concentration and uptake decrease.  相似文献   

Total Zn in alluvial and calcareous soils (average 138 and 70 ppm respectively) was significantly related to their contents of CaCO3 (negatively), O.M. and clay (positively). Extracting Zn by Na2EDTA gave the highest values for both soil types. Total Cu contents varied widely from 26 to 111 ppm in alluvial and from 15 to 30 ppm in calcareous soils. They were negatively correlated with the CaCO3 contents. The pot experiments showed that EDTA(NH4)2CO3, Na2EDTA and DTPA are reasonable extractants for available Zn from both soil types. DTPA was efficient for all soils investigated, while Na2 EDTA and EDTA-citrate were specific for extracting Cu from calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Solonetzic soils are widespread in the south of Ukraine; some of them are represented by low-sodium solonetzes whose diagnostics is complicated by the absence of correspondence between the low content of exchangeable sodium and the clearly pronounced features of the illuvial solonetzic horizon. The statistical treatment of available literature, personal materials, and the materials of soil surveys in the south of Ukraine demonstrated that the diagnostics of low-sodium solonetzes should be based on the assessment of the degree of illuviation in the soil profile. It was shown that the degree of correlation between the content of exchangeable sodium and the degree of illuviation of the soil profile varies in dependence on the size of the statistical sample and differs for the low-sodium and medium-sodium solonetzes. Two scales characterizing the degree of soil illuviation were developed for these soil groups. It is suggested that these scales should be applied during soil surveys in the areas with solonetzic soils.  相似文献   


In a group of 24 related calcareous soils, derived from Jurassic oolitic limestone, there was marked variability (13‐fold) in phosphate buffering when expressed as the maximum buffer capacity. This variability was most closely related to the iron content and pH of the soils, and these together accounted for 72% of the variance. This percentage was not increased by including CaC03 content or organic matter, which were also correlated with the maximum buffer capacity. A high correlation with specific surface area of CaCO3 was probably an indirect effect due to the high correlation between this variable and the Fe and pH of the soils.

The equilibrium buffer capacity, which is the traditional measure of phosphate buffering, was less variable but quite unrelated to all the soil properties measured except the soil surface area. However the maximum buffer capacity and quantity of adsorbed P together accounted for 63% of the variance in this parameter.  相似文献   

Cadmium sorption experiments were performed using four soil separates of different chemical and mineralogical composition, adding Cd solutions with initial concentrations ranging from 15 to 150 μg l?1. At the soils pHs, the sorption isotherms were a mixture of a constant partition isotherm with a high affinity one. Also, more than 90% of the initially added Cd was sorbed by all four soils. These results indicate a high affinity of these soils for trace amounts of Cd. The effect of pH was, in general, to decrease the amount of sorbed Cd as the pH decreased. The sorption isotherms were linear at all pH's. Also, the data fitted the Freundlich's sorption isotherm in all cases, but not Langmuir's. Freundlich's k values were found to be a good index of the relative Cd sorption affinities of the four soils at all the pH's used. It was found that the structural and chemical nature of the soils sorbent complex was a more important parameter than the CEC when studying the sorption of these trace amounts of Cd by soils.  相似文献   

Borisov  A. V.  Ganchak  T. V.  Demkina  T. S.  Demkin  V. A. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2006,39(1):S106-S111
The contents of fungal mycelium have been studied in paleosols of ancient archeological monuments and in surface soils within the steppe, dry steppe, and desert zones of European Russia, on the Stavropol, Privolzhskaya, and Ergeni uplands. The buried paleosols date back to the Bronze Age (4600–4500 and 4000–3900 BP), the Early Iron Age (1900–1800 BP), and the early 18th century (1719–1721). The fungal mycelium has been found in all these paleosols. The biomass of fungal mycelium varies from 2 to 124 μg/g of soil. The distribution patterns of fungal mycelium in the profiles of buried paleosols and surface soils have been identified. It is shown that the dark-colored mycelium is typical of the ancient paleosols. In some cases, the content of the dark-colored mycelium in them may reach 100% of the total mycelium biomass.  相似文献   

Chestnut paleosols buried under steppe kurgans about 4800, 4000, and 2000 years ago and their background analogues were studied in the dry steppe zone on the Volga-Don interfluve. Morphological, chemical, microbiological, biochemical, and radiocarbon studies were performed. Paleoclimatic conditions in the region were reconstructed on the basis of paleosol data. The ages of microbial fractions isolated from the buried and surface soils were determined using the method of 14C atomic mass-spectrometry. It reached 2100 years in the A1 horizon of the buried paleosol, which corresponded to the archaeological age of the kurgan (1st century AD). The ages of microbial biomass isolated from the B2 horizons of the buried paleosol and the background surface soil comprised 3680 ± 35 and 3300 ± 30 years, respectively. The obtained data confirmed our assumption about preservation of microorganisms of the past epochs in the paleosols buried under archaeological monuments. It is ensured by various mechanisms of adaptation of soil microbial communities to unfavorable environmental conditions (anabiosis, transformation of bacteria into nanoforms, etc.). The possibility to stimulate germination of the ancient dormant microbial pool isolated from the buried paleosols by 2–3 orders of magnitude with the use of β-indolyl-3-acetic acid as a signal substance was demonstrated.  相似文献   


We have studied the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of ophites located in a diapiric formation in Burgos (North of Spain), and the soils derived from them. The ophites studied show mineralogical uniformity. Their main components are clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, biotite, and olivine. Generally, they show deuteric alteration mainly affecting the olivine. The presence of talc is attributed to an outpouring of basic magma (ophite) in an evapotiric environment of Keuper facies. Chemically, they are basic rocks, of basaltic nature, poor in silicon dioxide (SiO2) and rich in magnesium oxide (MgO) and ferric oxides (Fe2O3). The weathering of the ophites results in clay consisting of chlorite, vermiculite, and interlayer chlorite‐vermiculite‐smectite inherited from original material. Small amount of extractable silica (Si), aluminum (Al), and iron (Fe) show the scarcity of amorphous material attributed to the high content in organic carbon (C) which prevents formation of allophane, and to the xeric moisture regime of soils in this location.  相似文献   

The development of the solonetzic process in paleosols buried under kurgans and in the modern surface soils has been studied on the basis of the analysis of the clay (<1 μm) fraction. The revealed changes in the textural differentiation of the soils and the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction during 4500 years are assessed from the viewpoint of the “memory“ of the solid-phase soil components. The mineralogical characteristics show that the solonetzic process in the modern background soil is more developed. The mineralogical approach allows us to reveal the long-term changes in the soil status; it is less useful for studying the effect of short-term bioclimatic fluctuations. In the latter case, more labile soil characteristics should be used. The mineralogical method, combined with other methods, becomes more informative upon the study of soil chronosequences. Our studies have shown that the data on the clay minerals in the buried paleosols may contain specific information useful for paleoreconstructions that is not provided by other methods.  相似文献   

Adapting soil engaging operations to the soil moisture status may limit damage of the soil structure or degradation processes. This requires the quantification of soil trafficability in dependence on soil hydrological conditions. The aim was to test the relevance of topsoil parameters in relation to trafficability and to study their temporal variability during a springtime period.

On different sites located in the holocene regions east of Berlin, soil moisture, density and strength parameters were analysed and related to the actual score of trafficability. The results show that those parameters being most suitable to characterise the trafficability in the field such as consistence and density, are easy and reliable to estimate on the basis on framework guidelines. Vehicle mobility and the risk of topsoil and subsoil structural damage are mainly influenced by the topsoil status of the upper 10 cm, in particular of the soil surface of cohesive soils. Trafficability state may be derived at least from two or more relevant consistency and density parameters.

Trafficability states are autocorrelated in the time domain. One‐step‐ahead forecasting of trafficability is possible using autocorrelations and weather data.  相似文献   

姜军  赵安珍  徐仁扣  程程 《土壤学报》2010,47(4):776-780
<正>热带、亚热带地区的可变电荷土壤由于遭受强烈的风化和淋溶作用并富含铁铝氧化物,其表面化学性质与温带地区的恒电荷土壤显著不同。其中最重要的差别在于这类土壤的表面电荷随着pH等环境条件的改变而变化[1]。过去对我国南方可变电荷土壤的表面电化学性质已开展了比较多的研  相似文献   

The initial adhesion of micro‐organisms on solid surfaces strongly affects their transport and fate in soil and aquatic environments. Experiments on Bacillus subtilis with various soil minerals (including kaolinite, montmorillonite, goethite, birnessite, quartz and mica) were conducted to determine the role of surface properties in adhesion and to test the validity of the extended Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek (DLVO) theory for bacterial adhesion. Adhesion of B. subtilis on all six minerals conformed to the Langmuir equation. Adhesion capacity and affinity showed a significant correlation with the specific external surface area (SESA) of the minerals and the calculated electrostatic energy barrier, respectively, but no significant correlation was observed between hydrophobicity and the adhesion parameters. These results demonstrate that adhesion capacity and affinity are primarily controlled by the SESA of the minerals and the surface electrical properties, respectively. The dependence of the adhesion capacity on SESA may be explained by the cell–mineral interaction model. Adhesion could be well predicted by the extended DLVO theory. The initial adhesion of bacteria with soil minerals can be evaluated by using independently measured surface properties of these components based on the extended DLVO theory combined with the Langmuir equation.  相似文献   

Black Mollisols are typically rich in charred organic matter, however, little is known about the zonal distribution of black C (BC) in steppe soils. In this study, we used benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) as specific markers for BC in particle‐size fractions of depth profiles in several zonal soils (Greyzem, Phaeozem, Chernozem, Kastanozem) of the Russian steppe. In addition, liquid‐state 13C‐NMR spectra were obtained on the alkaline‐soluble soil organic matter (SOM). The results showed that both the content and depth distribution of BC varies in the different soil types; the concentration of BC in the bulk top soils being closely related to the aromaticity of the SOM (r2 = 0.98 for the native topsoils, 0.83 for top‐ and subsurface soils). Especially the Chernozems were rich in aromatic SOM, which partly contained more than 17% BC of total C, most of which being allocated in the mineral fractions. Long‐term arable cropping did not reduce the BC contents of the surface soil, though it did promote the enrichment of BC in the silt fractions. The same shift was detected as soil depth increased. We conclude that BC is not fully inert in these soils, but apparently can be preserved in the silt as decomposition of SOM increased, i.e., it accumulates exactly in that fraction, which has been formerly assigned to contain old, aromatic C.  相似文献   

Investigation of paleosols with different ages of burial mounds and the unique fortified city of Arkhaim in the steppe zone of the Southern Trans-Urals (Chelyabinsk region) is carried out. They are located on the remnants of the Big Karaganka River valley. The time of construction of archaeological monuments dates back to the Early Iron Age (Sarmatian Culture, 2300–2200 years ago) and Middle Bronze Age (Sintashta culture, 3800–4100 years ago). The soils are of medium and light loamy granulometric composition. Morphological, chemical, and mineralogical investigations of paleosols and background soils indicate that, in the Sarmatian time, the climatic conditions in the region were drier than currently, while during the Sintashta cultural development, the climate of the region was similar to the present one.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants from atmospheric deposition and from fertilizer and pesticide applications are important hazardous substances in forest soils. Data are presented showing that these substances preferentially accumulate in the upper humic horizons of the soils. Another group of substances to be considered in relation to the chemical time bomb concept are the components of humus and soil minerals, mainly nitrogen and metals, which May, be mobilized and thus threaten groundwater quality. Forestry management practices such as thinning, cropping, fertilization and liming are discussed as potential triggers for the mobilization of harmful substances. in this context, The turnover (build-up and mineralization) of organic matter plays a crucial part. It will be shown, however, that even more danger arises from soil acidification induced by the atmospheric deposition of acidifying pollutants such as sulphates and nitrates.  相似文献   

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