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我国“十二五”规划的重点之一是提高农民收入问题。佳木斯地区农业人口比重偏大,而且这里的农民收入普遍偏低。研究提高农民收入的有效途径有利于提高佳木斯地区农民的生活质量、缩小城乡差距,从而实现国家建设全民小康社会的总体规划。结合国内外学者关于农民增收问题研究的最新成果,在深入分析佳木斯地区农民收入实际的基础上得出了以下结论:提高佳木斯地区农民收入,必须从宏观和微观两方面采取有效措施。一方面,要加强政府的科学管理和支持,另一方面,要提高农民自身素质和市场营销能力,提高农业生产满足市场需求的竞争优势,实现农民快速、持续增收。应重点从6个方面入手:提高农业现代化水平;发展绿特色农业;发展多种经营;提高农村劳动力素质,促进农村富余劳动力劳务输出;提高农民市场营销能力;加强政府管理。  相似文献   

对吉林省农安地区成熟防护林的农田林网的防风敢应、水热效应和经济效益进行了调查研究。结果表明:由4条林带构成的林网.平均降低风速30.4%,最低风速出现在观测区背风面的3H-10H处。降低60%。林网内背风面1H—10H处和迎风面3~5H处为增温区.日平均增温0.4~1.0℃。而林网内背风面15H~35H处和迎风面6H处为低温区,日平均增温在0.3~0.5℃。2行林带在有效防风距离以内.相对湿度的提高最低,平均提高6-3个百分点。12行林带次之,平均提高10.1个百分点。6行林带最好,平均提高20.4个百分点。林网内玉米平均产量9211.9kg/hm2.比对照区增加14.1%。3~10H增产幅度为17%~25%,属于增产率最高区。可见,农田防护林具有非常明显的防风效应、水热效应和经济效益.是农田基本建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Chinese government has highlighted the importance of adopting hog safety/quality traceability, and a growing amount of research continues to entice firms to adopt traceability systems. In this study, a survey was conducted on a sample of pig slaughtering and processing firms in Zhejiang, China through personal interviews and emails. The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of firm behavior on the implementation of voluntary traceability systems with more stringent standards and controls than those of the mandatory system in China. The results revealed that motivation based on product quality improvement, capital ability and role perception (business type) had significantly positive relationships with a firm’s voluntary traceability. Other incentives, such as operation improvement, recall risk reduction, reduced occurrence of safety issues, and technical strength were not found to be supportive in our study. This study provides an opportunity to better understand the determinants of firm behavior on voluntary traceability, particularly in light of the fact that some Chinese firms are facing the threat of criminal action for the use of illegal additives and the abuse of Clenbuterol. Policy recommendations on encouraging the implementation of pork safety voluntary traceability by hog slaughtering and processing firms are also discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a method to assess and analyze the total allelopathic potential of crop germplasm and to test this method on four winter wheat accessions commonly planted in the Loess Plateau. A systems engineering model was developed and used to evaluate the total allelopathic potential of crop cultivars. In addition, a method for quantifying the total allelopathic potential in crop accessions was presented. Total allelopathic potential of four winter wheat accessions from the Loess Plateau was estimated and compared using a systems theory approach. The model assessed allelopathic potential in different parts of the plants from the time wheat turned green in spring until maturity. Results from these models indicated that the four wheat accessions had very weak allelopathic potential. Allelopathic potential declined in the order Xiaoyan 22 〉 Ningdong 1 〉 Fengchan 3 〉 Bima 1. This system engineering evaluation method allows for the assessment of allelopathic potential among crop varieties. It will help plant breeders to select and develop allelopathic crop accessions that combine weed suppression properties with agronomic traits related to yield and quality.  相似文献   

For the scientific management of farmland, it is significant to understand the spatio-temporal variability of soil organic matter and to study the influences of related factors. Using geostatistical theory, GIS spatial analysis, trend analysis and a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model, this study analyzed the response of soil organic matter to climate and socio-economic factors in central Heilongjiang Province during the past 25 years. Second soil survey data of China for 1979-1985, 2005 field sampling data, climate observations and socio-economic data for 1980-2005 were analyzed. First, soil organic matter in 2005 was spatially interpolated using the Co-Kriging method along with auxiliary data sets of soil type and pH. The spatio-temporal variability was then studied by comparison with the 1980s second soil census data. Next, the temporal trends in climate and socio-economic factors over the past 25 years were investigated. Finally, we examined the variation of the response of soil organic matter to climate and socio-economic factors using the GWR model spatially and temporally. The model showed that 53.82% area of the organic matter content remained constant and 29.39% has decreased during the past 25 years. The impact of precipitation on organic matter content is mainly negative, with increasing absolute values of the regression coefficient. The absolute value of regression coefficient of annual average temperature has decreased, and more areas are now under its negative effects. In addition, the areas of positive regression coefficient of annual sunshine hours have northward shifted, with the increasing absolute value of positive coefficient and decreasing absolute value of negative coefficient. The areas of positive regression coefficient of mechanized farming as a socio-economic factor have westward shifted, with the increasing absolute value of negative coefficient and decreasing absolute value of positive coefficient. The area of regions with the positive regression coefficient of irrigatio  相似文献   

分析了现代城市广场的基本概念,提出了现代城市广场景观设计的四大原则和设计要点,并将其应用于南京西安门广场景观设计中,旨在为相关城市广场景观设计提供参考。  相似文献   

物质流分析研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟琴道  李艳萍  乔琦 《安徽农业科学》2013,(17):7395-7398,7403
20世纪90年代以来,物质流分析逐渐成为可持续发展和产业生态学的重要研究内容和分析工具。该文阐述了物质流分析的基本概念,根据研究对象将物质流分析划分为整体物质流分析和元素流分析。整体物质流分析主要用于评估经济系统中大宗物质的输入、输出或强度;元素流分析则主要对与环境问题息息相关或具有重要经济意义元素的流动和库存进行分析。重点综述了国内外理论研究和应用进展,进一步分析了现阶段物质流分析研究中的不足和问题,最后对物质流分析应用的前景和应用方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

根据青岛市城阳区2008—2015年汛期(6—9月)日降水量资料,采用简单插值法、经验插值法、Z指数变换法、平方根变换法和立方根变换法等5种计算阈值的方法,比较分析得到适用于城阳区的阈值确定方法,并计算分析了精细化的城阳区极端降水阈值。结果表明,5种方法中,Z指数变换法更适于城阳区实际情况;城阳区极端降水阈值的分布大致呈南部阈值偏大、中部阈值偏小、北部的棘洪滩阈值也偏大。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the material flow situation in argo-animal husbandry ecosystem by compartment model. This model was an important mean for investigating the whole structural characteristics in ecosystem. Based on this analysis, characteristics of material cycle and integrity in the system were mastered. As an example of natural conditions in Yonghe Village, Shuangcheng Township, Shuangcheng Municipal, Heilongjang Province, the system of linear differential equations in system was established by extracting each compartment and investigating material flow and stability of this model was proved by Lyapunov linear theory. The result showed that this system could not be interfered by initial value in the state of present, input and output.  相似文献   

采用土钻法研究了青岛市城阳区悬铃木在四种立地条件下根系空间分布特征,结果表明细根根系主要分布在10~60 cm的土层中。在水平方向上随着离悬铃木主干的距离越远根系分布也呈现递减趋势。立地条件对悬铃木的根系分布特征有明显的影响。在公园绿地条件下悬铃木根系长势最好,其次是绿带,再次是草坪砖,长势最差的是硬质铺装,说明道路铺装对行道树的生长产生了不利的影响。采用环刀法研究了四种立地条件的土壤容重,结果表明随着土层深度的增加土壤容重逐渐增大,说明土壤容重对根系产生一定的影响,其存在负相关性。  相似文献   

青岛市城阳区地被植物滞尘效益研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青岛市城阳区10种地被植物的滞尘效益作了研究,结果表明:不同植物因其叶面形态特征不同,其滞尘能力存在较大差异,叶面粗糙、凹凸不平且密附细毛的植物(如结缕草、三叶草)滞尘能力较强,反之(如海桐、麦冬)则较弱;植物滞尘量的季节变化规律为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季;不同生活型植物的滞尘能力表现为木本地被>草本地被>藤本地被;植物的滞尘能力与单位面积滞尘量和植物的总叶量有关.  相似文献   

随着城市的建设发展,城市可利用绿地面积越来越少,在这种趋势的引导下,城市绿化逐渐由地面向立体空间发展,攀援植物因其独有的生物学特性而被广泛应用于城市立体绿化中。本文对青岛市城阳区绿地中的攀援植物进行了调查分析,结果发现,城阳区的攀援植物种类共16种,隶属于11个科,其应用形式有铺地式、附壁式、棚架式、篱垣式和立柱式。根据调查分析可知,城阳区攀援植物的应用形式多样,但仍然存在应用种类过少、缺乏合理搭配、管理过于粗放等问题,针对这些问题提出了适当引进新品种、科学合理搭配、加强养护管理等建议,以期为青岛市城阳区攀援植物的园林应用提供参考。  相似文献   

采用物质流分析方法,研究了2004年海南农垦橡胶产业生态系统养分的物质输入和输出等相关指标。结果表明,全年土壤养分的总耗竭量达1.30万t,并根据1952~2004年的历史数据进行计算,结果显示胶园土壤养分呈现逐渐耗竭的趋势。2004年橡胶产业养分的物质消耗强度为496.98 kg/人,说明橡胶产业属于资源密集型产业;橡胶产业体现出较强的经济效益,其养分的物质生产力达到69.42元/kg。从直观上看,加大人工施肥量是保持胶园土壤养分的有效手段;从生产管理或成果推广上看,改变当前片面追求资源开发利用技术,不注重生态保护型技术的现状,纠正科技进步的不对称性是橡胶产业健康、可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

西柏店村级养殖种植园区氮素流和能量流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将西柏店村畜禽养殖规模折合为1.50万头猪场当量污染负荷,并将整个园区生产工艺分为养殖、废弃物处理和种植3个阶段,不考虑隐藏流的情况下,以1 a为系统边界,通过数据调查、已有资料研究和小区种植试验,采用物质流和能量流分析方法分析了该村养殖种植园区在整个生产工艺过程的氮素和能量流动,以期为村级养殖种植园区大力发展低碳经济...  相似文献   

园林绿地在保护、改善、美化城镇环境方面发挥着重要作用,植物配置已日益引起人们的关注。本文对青岛市城阳区八个城镇不同绿地的植物配植现状进行了详细调查研究,总结出各城镇绿地园林植物种类丰富,但常见植物种类基本相同。居住区和公共设施绿地园林植物较多,工业区和道路绿地园林植物相对较少。种类以乔木与低矮灌木为主,中间层次灌木较少。植物配置形式单一,季相变化不明显,缺少地方特色。  相似文献   

秀荣  塔娜  张志耀 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(10):3945-3947
采用试验方法对垂直管内气-固两相流的压差波动信号进行采集,设计基于LabVIEW的小波分析数据处理平台,对压差波动信号进行消噪,并提取其小波能量特征,通过小波能量探讨颗粒物性、填充量与颗粒流动特性的关系,并通过对小波能量法与静压降法进行对比,验证了小波能量法应用于分析气-固两相流流动特性的可行性。  相似文献   

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