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In view of the worldwide importance of Toxoplasma gondii and the fragmented information on the seroprevalence of the disease in animals in Tanzania, a study, using the modified Eiken latex agglutination test (LAT), was conducted from May 2003 to January 2004 to determine the prevalence of antibody to T. gondii in 130 randomly selected farms comprising 655 cattle. The overall seroprevalence of T.gondii antibodies in cattle and farms were 3.6% and 13%, respectively. Risk factors for animal and herd-level toxoplasmosis seropositivity were tested using multivariable logistic regression to control for confounding factors. Cattle managed under traditional husbandry practises were more likely to be seropositive than those managed under smallholder practises (48% versus 4.7%; p < 0.01). Herd size of ≥ 9 cattle were at greater risk of acquiring infection than herds holding fewer animals [≤ 9 cattle], (odd ratio [OR] = 3.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.97–16.48; P = 0.001). We concluded that seroprevalence at herd level was high and relatively low at animal level, possibly due to the reduced susceptibility of cattle to T.gondii infection as compared to goats and sheep. The high seroprevalence in animals managed by traditional husbandry practise suggests that the parasite is widely distributed in the environment and could pose a public health threat to the people living in those areas.  相似文献   

1. The performance of indigenous ducks (ID), Khaki Campbell (KC) and their reciprocal crossbred layers was studied from 19 to 58 weeks of age. For each genotype, 4 x 18 ducks (3 males + 15 females) were reared under a semi-intensive system (SIS) and an intensive system (IS) with standard management, and 4 x 50 ducks (8 males + 42 females) were reared in an extensive system (ES) with traditional management. 2. In comparison to KC, ID were superior in terms of age at first egg, age at 50% egg production, egg weight, hatchability, eggshell thickness with higher egg shape index. KC ducks were superior to ID in body weight, egg production and feed/kg eggs. Egg quality was similar among the genotypes. Crosses were superior to their parent breeds in age at first egg, egg production and feed/kg eggs. They were also superior to KC in egg weight and egg-shell thickness with a higher egg shape index. 3. The performance of genotypes in the SIS and the IS was similar and superior to the ES except for fertility and yolk colour. 4. Significant heterotic effects were recorded for age at first egg, age at 50% egg production, egg production per duck-day, feed efficiency and egg weight in crosses. Performance was similar in the reciprocal crosses, but superior to their parent breeds.  相似文献   

Data from 82 kiddings from mixed-breed (native x dairy goats) goats reared on rangeland (n = 47) or confinement (n = 35) were used to determine the influence of various factors on length of labour, standing of newborn kids and time to first suckling in pluriparous goats. Both groups were mated at the same time to bucks of the same genotype in February. During the kidding time in July, the goats were monitored for 24 h in order to register parturition traits and kid birth weight and body measurements. For all goats, blood samples were collected at parturition in order to establish the nutritional state of goats. Grazing goats had lower body weight and body condition score (P < 0.01) than pen-fed goats, as well as lower values for some blood metabolites indicative of low body energy reserves. For both grazing and pen-fed goats, the majority of kiddings (>93%) occurred during daylight hours. No kiddings were registered from 2300 to 0500 hours. No effects of height at withers, thoracic circumference and sex of kids at birth were found to influence length of labour. Labour was shorter (P < 0.01) for pen-fed does than grazing goats (10.6 ± 1.18 min vs. 15.4 ± 1.2 min; mean ± SD). The length of parturition was considerably longer (P < 0.05) for twin-bearing does than for single-bearing does (16.6 ± 1.76 min vs. 11.2 ± 0.81 min, respectively). The interval between parturition and standing of kids was shorter (P < 0.05) for kids from litters weighing >3.3 kg (entire litter) than kids from litters with <3.3 kg (22.7 ± 1.82 min vs. 31.1 ± 2.76 min). Time to first suckling was longer (P < 0.05) for kids delivered from pen-fed does than kids from grazing does (57.8 ± 7.57 min vs. 42.9 ± 3.05 min). These results confirm that, independently of type of production system (intensive or extensive), kiddings of does are concentrated during daylight hours. These results also indicate that conformation of kids does not alter duration of labour, and that nutritional stress of goats during gestation (extensive conditions) does not interfere with the neonate’s level of alertness and arousal.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate wool (Dorset and Rambouillet) and hair (Dorper, Katahdin, and White Dorper) breeds for their ability to complement Romanov germplasm in two distinct production systems by estimating direct sire and grandsire effects on lamb growth, survival, and ewe productivity traits. Rams of the five breeds (n = 75) were mated to Romanov ewes (n = 459) over a 3-yr period to produce five types of crossbred lambs (n = 2,739). Sire breed (P > 0.06) did not impact body weight or survival traits of the first-generation crossbred (F1) lambs. The productivity of retained crossbred ewes (n = 830) mated to Suffolk and Texel terminal sires was evaluated at 1, 2, and 3 yr of age in each production system. In the intensive production system, labor and harvested feed were provided for sheep that lambed in March in barns, and ewes were limited to rearing two lambs with additional lambs reared artificially. Ewes in the extensive production system lambed in May on pasture and were responsible for rearing all lambs born with no labor or supplemental feed provided before weaning. A total of 1,962 litters and 4,171 lambs from 2,229 exposures to two terminal sire breeds (Suffolk and Texel) were produced in the experiment. Crossbred ewes in the intensive production system were mated in October, resulting in larger litter sizes than crossbred ewes mated in December for the extensive production system. However, single- and twin-born lamb mortality was similar between the two systems that differed greatly in labor, feed, and facilities. Lambs produced in the intensive system received concentrate feed from an early age and were heavier at 24 wk of age than lambs produced in the extensive system. These outcomes resulted in greater 24-wk litter weight in the intensive than in the extensive system (P < 0.0001). Unexpectedly, the relative performance of crossbred types did not differ importantly between production systems. White Dorper × Romanov crossbred ewes had numerical advantages in productivity in each system; however, differences between ewe types were not significant. In the extensive system, without labor and shelter at lambing or supplemental feed until weaning, 3-yr-old crossbred ewes of all types averaged 1.78 lambs marketed per ewe lambing, and 40% of the ewes that gave birth to triplets weaned their entire litters. These results document that prolific sheep and extensive systems can be successfully combined if appropriate crossbred types are used.  相似文献   

A survey to demonstrate the presence or absence of genital campylobacteriosis and trichomonosis in cross-bred breeding bulls kept under smallholding dairy farms in the Tanga region of Tanzania was carried out during the period of January-June 1996. Sheath washings, swabs and preputial scrapings were collected from 58 randomly selected bulls. Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis was demonstrated in 3/58 (5.1%) and Tritrichomonas foetus in 0/58 (0%) of all bulls tested. Bull-level variables of level of taurine genes (62.5% taurine genes, F2; 75% taurine genes, F3) and age were not significantly associated with campylobacteriosis (P > 0.05). The result of the study identifies Campylobacterfetus subsp. venerelias as the agent of enzootic infertility in smallholder herds and suggests that may be a significant problem.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. infection in a cross-sectional study of dairy cattle, from two contrasting dairying regions in Tanzania, were determined by staining smears of faecal samples with the modified Ziehl-Neelsen technique. Of the 1 126 faecal samples screened, 19.7% were positive for Cryptosporidium spp. The prevalence was lower in Tanga Region than in Iringa Region. The prevalence of affected farms was 20% in Tanga and 21% in Iringa. In both regions, the probability of detecting Cryptosporidium oocysts in faeces varied with animal class, but these were not consistent in both regions. In Tanga Region, Cryptosporidium oocysts were significantly more likely to be found in the faeces of milking cows. In Iringa Region, the likelihood that cattle had Cryptosporidium-positive faeces declined with age, and milking cattle were significantly less likely to have Cryptosporidium-positive faeces. In this region, 7% of cattle were housed within the family house at night, and this was marginally associated with a higher likelihood that animals had Cryptosporidium-positive faeces. Our study suggests that even though herd sizes are small, Cryptosporidium spp. are endemic on many Tanzanian smallholder dairy farms. These protozoa may impact on animal health and production, but also on human health, given the close associations between the cattle and their keepers. Further studies are required to assess these risks in more detail, and understand the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium spp. in this management system.  相似文献   

The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) infection in cattle was investigated in pastoral and intensive production systems in the eastern zone of Tanzania. The prevalence of BTB infection as determined by single comparative intradermal tuberculin test (SCITT) was 1.3%, whereas the non-specific infection prevalence was 6%. In the pastoral sector, the prevalences were 1 and 7%; under intensive systems, they were 2 and 6% for BTB and non-specific infections, respectively. The prevalences were significantly higher in the intensive than pastoral production systems. However, the prevalence of BTB infection was higher in the small-scale (3%) than in other production systems (0.6-1.1%). Non-specific infections were lowest in the small-scale dairy sector (4%) than in other dairy-production systems (6-11%).Out of 143 herds tested, 10 and 28% of herds in the intensive systems (small, medium and large farms) and 17 and 88% of the herds in the extensive system (pastoral farms) had both BTB and non-specific infections, respectively.  相似文献   

Plasma biochemical profiles were studied in 112 mature (3 to 5-year-old) healthy cattle comprised of 61 Thai indigenous and 51 Simmental x Brahman crossbred male and cyclic female cattle at Nongkwang (Central Thailand) Livestock Research and Breeding Center, Thailand. Data were analysed for the effect of breed and sex. The results showed that the plasma glucose and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) in the two breeds were significantly (P < 0.05) different. Furthermore, the urea, creatinine, albumin, total protein, aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels in Thai indigenous were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in crossbred cattle. However, creatine kinase did not significantly differ in crossbred and indigenous animals. A sex difference was found in glucose level with male Thai indigenous having significantly higher levels (P < 0.05) than the other three groups. Plasma urea concentration in male crossbred cattle was lower than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Female crossbred cattle had significantly (P < 0.05) lower plasma creatinine levels than the other animals. Furthermore, levels of albumin in male and total protein in female crossbred were the lowest (P < 0.05) among the groups. The AST, ALT, ALP and GGT levels were significantly (P < 0.05) different between male and female. Female crossbred cattle had the lowest (P < 0.05) AST and GGT levels, whereas lowest (P < 0.05) ALT and ALP concentration was determined in male individuals of these breeds.  相似文献   

Data on adult body weight of ewes belonging to Nali, Chokla breeds and their crosses (F1) with Rambouillet and Soviet Merino raised under semi-arid conditions in India were analysed. The ewes belonged to 5 distinct age groups ranging from 16.5 to 64 months. Nali and Chokla were significant lighter than all the 4 crossbred groups. There were no significant differences in body weight between crossbred groups except in the case of Soviet Merino x Chokla group which was the lightest and differed significantly from all other groups. Rambouillet crosses were heavier than Merino crosses but the difference was statistically significant only on Rambouillet x Chokla and Merino x Chokla. The improvement in body weight in crossbreds over native sheep ranged between 9.3 and 21.88%. The increase in live weight was significant only up to 49 months.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of gastrointestinal nematode parasitism in beef cattle in mountainous areas of Spain was performed. The dynamics of contamination with gastrointestinal nematode larvae of Pyrenean pastures was studied over four years at five areas at different altitudes (900 m to 2100 m), grazed by animals according to traditional systems of beef cattle in mountainous areas. Grass samples were taken every two weeks and larval differentiation was performed. Worm egg counts of grazing animals were assessed in cows, heifers and calves. A consistent seasonal pattern of infective larvae on pasture through the study was observed. In hay meadows, located below 1000 m, infective larvae were found from the end of October until June of the following year. At higher altitudes (1200-2100 m), a bimodal pattern of pasture larvae contamination was observed with increases in late spring (March-June) and in late autumn (September-November). Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., and Nematodirus spp. were found, with Ostertagia spp. being the most frequently found, followed by Cooperia spp. The highest increase of larval contamination in autumn coincided with the grazing of animals in hay meadows. This elevated autumn larval population had a very important epidemiological role because these larvae remained as overwintered larvae until the following grazing season, starting the cycle of contamination of the animals.  相似文献   

East Coast fever (ECF) causes considerable mortality and production losses in the Tanzania smallholder dairy sector and limits the introduction of improved dairy breeds in areas where the disease is present. The infection and treatment method (ITM) was adopted by smallholder dairy farms for ECF immunisation in Hanang and Handeni districts of Tanzania. This study recorded incidence rates for ECF and other tick-borne diseases (TBDs) for ECF-immunised and non-immunised cattle between 1997 and 2000. Approximately 80% of smallholder households from both sites (n?=?167) participated in this longitudinal study, with immunisations carried out at the request of the livestock owners. Efficacy of ITM for preventing ECF cases in these crossbred dairy cattle was estimated at 97.6%, while that for preventing ECF deaths was 97.9%. One percent of the cattle developed clinical ECF as a result of immunisation. Since ECF immunisation permits a reduction in acaricide use, an increase in other TBDs is a potential concern. Sixty-three percent of farmers continued to use the same acaricide after immunisation, with 80% of these reducing the frequency of applications. Overall, 78% of farmers increased the acaricide application interval after immunisation beyond that recommended by the manufacturer, resulting in annual savings in the region of USD 4.77 per animal. No statistical difference was observed between the immunised and non-immunised animals in the incidence of non-ECF TBDs. However, immunised animals that succumbed to these diseases showed fewer case fatalities. ITM would therefore appear to be a suitable method for ECF control in Tanzania's smallholder dairy sector.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is the zoonosis of worldwide distribution and common cause of economic loss and ill health among animals and human populations. A cross-sectional seroprevalence study, using a microscopic agglutination test (MAT) with a threshold titre of ≥1:160, to elucidate disease magnitude, distribution and associated risk factors in cattle in Tanga, Tanzania was conducted from May 2003 to January 2004. Serum (n = 655) samples collected from randomly selected herds (n = 130) were tested for antibodies against four different Leptospira interrogans serovars (Bataviae, Tarassovi, Hardjo and Pomona) used in the agglutination test. Positive titres were detected in 30.3% [95% confidence intervals (CI) = 26.7–33.9] of cattle and 58.5% (95% CI = 49.5–67.1) of herds, respectively. Of the 198 MAT positive serum samples, 98 (49.5%) were positive against serovar Hardjo, 80 (40.4%) were positive against serovar Tarassovi, 12 (6.1%) was positive against serovar Bataviae and eight (4%) were positive against serovar Pomona. Associations found to be statistically significant in univariate analyses (at P < 0.1) were assessed by multivariable logistic regression to control for confounding factors. The results showed that risk factors for cattle were pasture grazing [odd ratio (OR) = 2.83, 95% CI = 1.57–5.12, P = 0.001], presence of goats/sheep on the farm (OR = 1.73, 95% CI = 1.17–2.56, P = 0.001) and age of the animal (OR = 2.05, 95% CI = 1.42–2.96, P = 0.001), while concrete floor housing was protective (OR = 0.47, 95% CI = 0.30–0.74, P = 0.001). Herds managed under pasture grazing system were more likely to be sero-positive than those managed under zero grazed practices (OR = 9.31; 95% CI = 3.67–23.64 for grazing herd). We concluded that bovine leptospirosis is an endemic and locally widespread disease in Tanga and suggest that it may play a role in zoonotic transmission to humans.  相似文献   

Serum and colostrum levels of IgG1, IgM and IgA were determined in the indigenous White Fulani and Ndama cattle, the exotic German Brown and crosses between the local Ndama and German Brown breeds kept under similar husbandry conditions in Nigeria. Of these breeds, adult Ndama had the highest plasma values of immunoglobulins (IgG1 26·4 ± 6·2 mg/ml, IgM 4·3 ± 1·2 mg/ml, IgA 0·97 ± 0·3 mg/ml) while the German Brown had the lowest (IgG1 24·6 ± 3·9 mg/ml, IgM 0·98 ± 0·3 mg/ml, IgA 0·51 ± 0·1 mg/ml). The German Brown X Ndama had similar plasma values to the German Brown parental stock except for IgM values which were higher (IgG1 22·8 ± 8·0 mg/ml, IgM 2·20 ± 0·2 mg/ml, IgA 0·45 ± 0·1 mg/ml).In general, the concentrations of serum and colostrum immunoglobulins in these cattle were higher than for similar values in cattle breeds reared under temperate conditions.  相似文献   

We determined differences in the behavior of the progeny of two major sire lines of Japanese Black cattle by recording the behavior of 35 and 70 half-sib steers of sires from fast (FG) and slow (SG) growing lines, respectively. Two sire lines of steers were mixed and allocated to nine pens with 11–12 animals per pen. The proportion of steers lying was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in the SG line (43.4 ± 5.7% compared to 40.3 ± 6.0%). The proportion of time spent eating concentrate feed (FG: 12.1 ± 2.3%; SG: 11.4 ± 2.1%), drinking (FG: 0.8 ± 1.1%; SG: 0.4 ± 0.6%), licking the feed trough (FG: 0.4 ± 0.6%; SG: 0.2 ± 0.4%) and performing tongue-playing (FG: 3.1 ± 4.6%; SG: 1.0 ± 1.9%) was significantly higher in FG, whereas the proportion of time spent resting (FG: 41.5 ± 12.8%; SG: 43.7 ± 10.9%) and performing self-licking (FG: 1.7 ± 1.4%; SG: 2.1 ± 1.3%) was higher in SG (all P < 0.05). These results show progeny of the FG sire engaged in more active behaviors compared to the progeny of the SG sire line.  相似文献   

The performance of rotationally grazed beef suckler cows and their progeny to slaughter on two lowland grassland management systems differing in stocking rate (SR) and fertiliser nitrogen (N) level was compared over eight years. The two Systems were 1) Intensive (INT): SR of 0.56 (bull production) or 0.71 (steer production) ha cow? 1 unit, 211 kg fertiliser N ha? 1, two silage harvests, and 2) Extensive (EXT): SR of 0.69 (bull production) or 0.88 (steer production) ha cow? 1 unit, 97 kg fertiliser N ha? 1 and one staggered silage harvest. A cow unit was defined as a cow plus progeny to slaughter. On the silage harvesting area, the mean application rate for fertiliser N was 110 and 80 kg ha? 1 for first and second harvests, respectively. Herbage dry matter digestibility both pre- and post-grazing was similar (P > 0.05) for the two systems, whereas herbage crude protein concentrations were generally significantly lower for the EXT than the INT system. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between the Systems in cow live weight, body condition score or their changes or in calf live weight gain from birth to weaning. Post-weaning, live weight gain, slaughter weight, carcass weight, kill-out proportion, estimated carcass gain, carcass conformation score or carcass fat score did not differ (P > 0.05) between the systems for heifer, steer or bull progeny. It can be concluded that similar animal performance levels can be expected in an extensive grassland-based suckler calf-to-beef system compatible with the EU, Rural Environmental Protection Scheme as that attained in a more intensive System comprising of both a moderately high SR (~ 1.25 higher) and fertiliser N application (~ 2.1 higher).  相似文献   

The present communication is concerned with the effect of treatment with anthelmintics on animal performance in a system of beef production which was designed to make maximum use of grass and grass products. In the system under investigation a Leader/Follower system of grzing (i.e. Grazing calves in front of older cattle in the rotation) is adopted with conserved and grazing areas alternating during the season.Calves dosed with either levamisole or fenbendazole at time of change to aftergrass in mid-June performed significantly better than undosed controls. As judged by changes in serum persinogen levels (and liveweight gains in 1 year), dosing calces with fenbendazole at the end of the first grazing season was effective in removing inhibited larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi. Significant differences were found in both carcase weight and killing out percentage in the fenbendazole treated group.  相似文献   

A cross sectional serological survey was carried out in two geographical small-scale dairying areas of Tanzania to determine the distribution and prevalence and to quantify risk factors for Theileria parva and T. mutans during the period January to April 1999. The prevalence of serum antibodies to these two Theileria parasites was determined using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. The results suggest that the parasites are widely distributed through out the two study sites and seroprevalence of 23% and 48% for T. parva were obtained for Tanga and Iringa regions, respectively. Seroprevalence of T. mutans ranged from 17% in the Tanga region to 40% in the Iringa region. Farm and animal data were collected and analysed by multiple logistic regression models to explore the risk factors associated with seroprevalence to T. parva and T. mutans pathogens. In both regions, seroprevalence for the two Theileria spp. pathogens increased significantly with age. Pasture grazed animals were more likely to be seropositive than those that were zero-grazed. Among individual animal characteristics, seropositivity was higher in cash-bought and charity gifted animals compared to cattle obtained using a formal credit agreement. Further studies on the relative role of risk factors for theileriosis found in this study may assist in the development of an effective control package.  相似文献   

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