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利用苦豆子健康植株中分离鉴定的8株内生真菌菌株为真菌诱导子,分别制备灭活菌丝和菌液浓缩物,研究内生真菌诱导子不同种类、浓度和诱导时间对苦豆子无菌苗和愈伤组织的生长以及喹诺里西啶生物碱含量的影响。结果表明:8株苦豆子内生真菌诱导子中,菌液浓缩物的诱导效果要强于灭活菌丝。菌株HMGKDF1菌液浓缩物和灭活菌丝都能明显促进愈伤组织的生长,净生长率是对照的1.82和1.42倍;菌株NDZKDF13菌液浓缩物对愈伤组织生物碱的合成效果明显,生物碱含量为0.5483 mg·g-1,是对照的23.8倍;在一定浓度范围内(0.01~1.0 mg·L-1),苦豆子内生真菌诱导子能够促进宿主植物喹诺里西啶生物碱的合成。内生真菌诱导子处理苦豆子无菌苗12 d时,喹诺里西啶生物碱含量最高,是对照的2.65倍。在苦豆子无菌苗或愈伤组织中添加一定量的苦豆子内生真菌诱导子,对宿主的生长以及提高喹诺里西啶生物碱含量是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

Fungi isolated from the cortical tissue of surface sterilized tomato roots collected from field plots produced secondary metabolites in nutrition broth that were highly toxic toMeloidogyne incognita. Especially strains ofFusarium oxysporum were highly active with 13 of 15 strains producing culture filtrates toxic to nematodes. The mechanism of action of the toxic metabolites produced by the non-pathogenicF. oxysporum strain 162 with proven biological control ofM. incognita in pot experiments was investigated. These metabolites reducedM. incognita mobility within 10 min of exposure. After 60 min, 98% of juveniles were inactivated. Juveniles were initially inactivated within a few minutes of exposure, but with exposure of 5 h 50% of the juveniles were dead and 24 h exposure resulted in 100% mortality. In a bioassay with lettuce seedlings metabolite concentrations > 100 mg/l reduced the number ofM. incognita juveniles on the roots comparing to the water control. TheF. oxysporum toxins were highly effective towards sedentary parasites and less effective towards migratory endoparasites. Nonparasitic nematodes were not influenced at all. Metabolites of strain 162 also reduced significantly the growth ofPhytophthora cactorum, Pythium ultimum andRhizoctonia solani in vitro. Secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi on plant-parasitic nematodes and soil-borne fungi should be considered for control of plant parasitic nematodes and plant pathogenic fungi. The results also show the need for proper selection of target nematodes inin vitro bioassays.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether single‐chain antibodies (scFvs) specific for a viral movement protein could accumulate in the plant cell cytosol and restrict viral systemic infection in plants. Nine chicken scFv fragments against the Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) movement protein (NSM) were isolated by phage display. Soluble scFvs were produced in bacteria and the NSM binding activity of purified scFvs was confirmed. The nine scFv genes were cloned into a plant expression vector enabling recombinant protein accumulation in the plant cell cytosol. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that two of the nine chicken scFvs accumulated to high levels (5·9 and 8·0% of total soluble protein). Bioassays of viral infection using transgenic tobacco plants producing NSM‐specific chicken scFvs showed delayed symptom development when compared to non‐transgenic control plants, indicating that expression of antibodies recognizing the TSWV movement protein is a potential strategy for generating resistant plants.  相似文献   

Initial experiment on the reactions of five Japanese cultivars of cucumber toColletotrichum orbiculare infection in the greenhouse revealed that cv Suyo and Gibai were susceptible and moderately susceptible, respectively, while cv Shogoin fushinari and Sagami hanjiro were resistant to infection byC. orbiculare; cv Ochiai fushinari was moderately resistant. The ability of 16 plant growth promoting fungi (some isolates belonged to species ofPhoma and some non-sporulating isolates) isolated from zoysiagrass rhizospheres to induce systemic resistance in the above five cucumber cultivars was tested by growing plants in potting medium infested with barley grain inocula of PGPF in the greenhouse. The second true leaves of 21-day-old plants were challenge inoculated withC. orbiculare and disease assessed. Nine, out of 16 isolates, caused significant reduction of disease caused byC. orbiculare in at least two cultivars.Phoma isolates (GS8-1 and GS8-2) and non-sporulating isolates (GU21-2, GU23-3, and GU24-3) significantly reduced the disease in all the five cultivars. The disease suppression in cucumber was due to the induction of systemic resistance, since the inducer(s) and the pathogen were separated spatially and that the inducer did not colonize aerial portions. The resistance induced by certain isolates in a susceptible cultivar was less than that in a resistant cultivar. Disease suppression caused by isolate GU21-2 was similar to theC. orbiculare induced control in certain cultivars. The average rate of expansion of lesion diameter on leaves due toC. orbiculare was slower due to induction with the selected plant growth promoting fungi compared to the uninduced control plants. Roots of four cultivars were colonized by only three isolates, however, roots of one cultivar (Suyo) was colonized by five isolates suggesting the cultivar-specific root colonization ability.Abbreviations cv cultivar(s) - PGPF plant growth promoting fungal isolates - PGPR plant growth promoting rhizobacteria  相似文献   

Several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine (COR)in vitro, and the availability of purified toxin has facilitated development of immunological detection methods. A modified, indirect competitive ELISA using the COR-specific monoclonal antibody 11B8 was developed to detect COR in various host plants infected by P. syringae. The estimated detection limit for COR was 50 pg per well, and COR could be reliably quantified from 5 to 40 ng ml−1. The subcellular localization of COR within infected tomato tissue was investigated using the COR-specific antibody MAb 8H3G2. Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold labelling showed that COR was present inside tomato cells and was associated with chloroplasts and particles of proteinase inhibitor I. Localization studies indicated that COR is mobile in infected plant tissue and can be detected in healthy tissue adjacent to the bacterial lesions.  相似文献   

The role of infected seed in the epidemiology of Ascochyta blight of pea, caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes, was studied both under growth chamber and field conditions, using healthy seeds, naturally infected seeds and artificially infected seeds. Results suggest that infected seeds caused serious losses, as a result of poor germination and high transmission of the disease, to parts of the plants under soil level. Foot rot symptoms often caused the death of young seedlings. Losses were increased by low temperatures during the early stage of crop development. M. pinodes progressed from seeds to aerial parts of the plants, but no Ascochyta blight symptoms occurred, the disease remaining near to the basal parts of the plants as a foot rot symptom. This suggests that seeds cannot be regarded as a source of contamination in the epidemiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Alfalfa, maize, sorghum and sugarbeet plants were inoculated with zoospores ofPhytophthora andPythium species in order to assess the effects of inoculum density, plant age and temperature on disease severity. Seedlings were grown axenically in test tubes and inoculated with zoospore suspensions. Disease severity was assessed by measuring the root growth and discoloration of treated and control seedlings. The incremental root length of all plants decreased and root discoloration increased as inoculum concentration of the pathogen increased. Changes were more intensive among low levels of zoospore concentrations and no significant differences in disease severity were found for inoculum densities higher than 104 zoospores ml-1. Disease severity was negatively related to plant age. Disease development on sugarbeet seedlings infected withPythium andPhytophthora species was affected by temperature, but the pattern of response was determined by the pathogen’s temperature preferences. The incremental root length decreased as temperature increased up to 25°C. The effect ofPythium dissimile andPhytophthora cactorum on root length was significantly lower at 35°C than at 25°C, whereasPythium aphanidermatum andPhytophthora nicotianae caused significant damage to roots even at 35°C. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 3, 2001.  相似文献   

Spreading lesions were found in primary leaves of French bean after inoculation with pieces of dead bean tissue on which a droplet of a suspension ofBotrytis cinerea conidia was placed, and after inoculation with conidia suspended in a diffusate from dead tissue. After fractionation of aqueous extracts from dead bean leaves, the infection-stimulating activity was confined to the fractions containing sugars and phosphate esters.The infection-stimulating activity and the concentrations of carbohydrates and orthophosphate in extracts of liquid N2-killed bean leaves varied slightly with the manner and degree of senescence. No consistent correlation, however, was observed between infection-stimulating activity and concentration of particular components. This was also true for extracts from other dead bean tissues. The stimulation of infection exhibited by extracts from dead flowers of different plant species, however, was closely correlated with the orthophosphate concentration.Inocula containing only orthophosphate and sugars in the same concentrations as found in the extracts, did not stimulate the infection to the same extent as the extracts did. It is concluded that, in addition to simple carbohydrates and orthophosphate, one or more other compounds in the extracts are involved in the stimulation of infection.Samenvatting In primaire bonebladeren onstonden zich uitbreidende lesies na inoculatie met stukjes dood boneweefsel waarop een druppeltje van een suspensie van conidiën vanBotrytis cinerea was aangebracht, maar ook na inoculatie met condiën in een diffussat van dood weefsel. Na fractionering van waterige extracten van dode bonebladeren bleek de infectiestimulerende activiteit gebonden te zijn aan de suiker- en fosfaatesterfracties.De infectiestimulerende activiteit en de concentraties van koolhydraten en orthofosfaat in extracten van met vloeibare N2 gedode bonebladeren varieerden enigszins met wijze en mate van veroudering. Er werd echter geen vaste correlative waargenomen tussen infectiestimulerende activiteit en concentratie van bepaalde stoffen. Dit gold ook voor extracten van andere dode boneweefsels. De infectiestimulatie teweeggebracht door extracten van dode bloemen van verschillende plantesoorten was evenwel nauw gecorreleerd met de orthofosfaatconcentratie.Inoculatie met sporensuspensies waaraan orthofosfaat en suikers waren toegevoegd tot de concentraties gelijk waren aan die in de extracten, gaf veel minder infectie dan die met sporen gesuspendeerd in de extracten zelf. Daarom wordt geconcludeerd dat naast eenvoudige koolhydraten en orthofosfaat een of meer andere stoffen in de extracten betrokken zijn bij de stimulatie van de infectie.  相似文献   

The immunogold-silver staining technique was developed for the light microscopical localization of viral antigen in plant tissue. Semi-thin sections of LR White-embedded plant tissue were immunologically labelled with primary antiserum and protein A-gold. Individual gold particles were covered with a silver precipitate using a physical developer. This precipitate could be seen as black spots in a conventional light microscope with brightfield and as brilliant white spots with darkfield illumination. Maximal sensitivity and low background was obtained when immunogold-labelled sections were fixed in glutaraldehyde prior to silver enhancement. Simultaneous observation of the silver coated gold label and cell morphology was achieved by epipolarization microscopy. Using this technique cowpea chlorotic mottle virus coat protein was detected in cowpea plants as function of the infection period. Virus translocation and multiplication was monitored in systemically inoculated tissue, showing viral antigen in phloem parenchyma of petiolules 6 h after systemic inoculation and subsequent spreading from the phloem to the neighbouring bundle sheath and cortex cells.Samenvatting De immunologische techniek (IGSS), waarbij complexen van antilichamen met proteïne A geadsorbeerd aan kolloïdaal goud (pAg) worden bedekt met zilver, werd met succes toegepast voor het aantonen van viraal antigeen in geïnfecteerd planteweefsel met behulp van de lichtmicroscoop. Semi-dunne plakjes weefsel werden ingebed in LR White en behandeld met antiserum tegen het cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV). Aan dit antigeen-antilichaam complex werd pAg gehecht. Vervolgens werd op de individuele gouddeeltjes zilver neersgeslagen met een ontwikkelaar bestaande uit een mensel van zilverlactaat en hydroquinone. De gouddeeltjes katalyseren de reductie van de zilverionen in oplossing tot metallisch zilver, dat neerslaat op de gouddeeltjes. Het zilverprecipitaat is waarneembaar als zwarting in een lichtmicroscoop met doorvallend licht en licht wit op bij donkerveld belichting. Maximale gevoeligheid van detectie en lage achtergrondkleuring werden bereikt door fixatie van het antigeen-antilichaam-pAg complex met glutaaraldehyde vóór de zilverkleuring.Gelijktijdige waarneming van het zilver label en de morfologie van de cellen was mogelijk door toepassing van gepolarisserd licht in een microscoop met opvallende belichting (epipolarisatiemicroscopie) in combinatie met doorvallend licht. Het zilverprecipitaat is hierbij waarneembaar als een helder blauwe kleur door de weerkaatsing en verstrooiing van het gefiltreerde gepolariseerde licht, terwijl de morfologie van de cytochemisch gekleurde cellen zichtbaar is met doorvallende belichting. Met IGSS in combinatie met epipolarisatiemicroscopie werd het CCMV gelokaliseerd in cowpea planten als functie van de infectieduur. De translocatie en vermenigvuldiging van het virus werden gevolgd in planteweefsel dat systemisch was geïnoculeerd volgens de differentiële-temperatuur-inoculatietechniek. Zes uur na systemische inoculatie werd het virus voor het eerst waargenomen in enkele floeemparenchymcellen en de infectie breidde zich daarna snel uit. Vierentwintig uur na inoculatie kon virus worden aangetoond in grote delen van het floeem, in de bundelschede en in de aangrenzende delen van de schors. Concluderend kan worden gesteld dat het virus vanuit de primaire bladeren naar de secundaire bladeren werd getransporteerd via het floeem, analoog aan het transport van assimilaten.Tot slot werden dunne plakjes geïnfecteerd weefsel, geïncubeerd met antiserum en proteïne A-goud, na zilverbehandeling vergeleken in licht-en elektronenmicroscoop.  相似文献   

The ascomycete Raffaelea lauricola causes laurel wilt, a lethal vascular disease of avocado, Persea americana, and other members of the Lauraceae plant family. Few effective control measures for laurel wilt exist and new measures are needed. In this study, biological control of the disease with endophytic fungi from avocado was examined. Thirty‐two endophytes (24 operational taxonomic units or OTUs) isolated from the xylem of healthy trees (the infection court of R. lauricola) were evaluated against R. lauricola with in vitro dual‐culture assays. Nine OTUs that showed strong in vitro antagonism of the pathogen were tested in planta against laurel wilt. In three greenhouse experiments, grafted avocado plants of Simmonds or Russell cultivars, which are both susceptible to laurel wilt, were inoculated with endophytes and, after 10–16 days, inoculated with the same isolate of R. lauricola that was used in the in vitro assays. Within 14 days of inoculation with R. lauricola, laurel wilt developed in plants that were not treated with endophytes (positive controls) but also developed in endophyte‐treated plants to the extent observed in the positive controls (= 0.05). The pathogen colonized plants rapidly and systemically, but endophytes generally did not colonize xylem more than 2 cm above the point at which plants were inoculated. Although the tested endophytes strongly antagonized the pathogen in vitro, this did not translate to an ability to reduce development of laurel wilt. The management of laurel wilt and other plant diseases with fungal endophytes is discussed.  相似文献   

The severe yellowing disease (amarelão) on melon plants is a serious problem in Brazil, although the causative agent remained unknown for a long time. Recently, recombinant isolates of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV) were reported as the possible causative agents of this disease on melon plants. Although aphids are known to be the vectors of the common type of CABYV isolates, almost no aphid colony was observed in the major melon fields in Brazil with high incidence of the severe yellowing disease. In contrast, whiteflies are often abundant. Based on this observation, the hypothesis of the transmission of recombinant CABYV by whiteflies was evaluated. After thorough transmission experiments, we found that this recombinant CABYV isolate was transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci MEAM1, but not by Aphis gossipii. Furthermore, the host response by whitefly-based inoculation in cucurbits and other indicator plants showed differences in host range when compared to the common type of CABYV. Due to its transmissibility by the whitefly and the distant relationship of the P3/P5 protein to CABYV, the name “cucurbit whitefly-borne yellows virus” is proposed for this recombinant CABYV. This is the second report of polerovirus transmission by the whitefly B. tabaci, following the report of pepper whitefly-borne vein yellows virus.  相似文献   

An inoculation procedure was developed to obtain efficient and synchronous infection on detached tomato leaves by Botrytis cinerea. In spray-inoculated leaves incubated at 20 °C, the infection process consisted of three phases: the formation of primary necrotic lesions (until 20 hpi), a quiescent phase (20-72 hpi), and the expansion of a proportion of the primary lesions (from 72 hpi onwards), resulting in full tissue maceration. At 4 °C, the infection progressed slowly but steadily without inducing necrotic responses in the host. The actin and -tubulin genes of B. cinerea were cloned, characterized and used as probes on blots containing RNAs from leaves at various stages of the infection. The genes displayed a similar expression pattern throughout the infection and the hybridization signal reflected the amount of fungal biomass. The actin mRNA accumulated to higher levels than the -tubulin mRNA. Tomato PR protein mRNAs (chitinase, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1) were induced during the infection, albeit with different kinetics and to different levels. At 20 °C, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1 mRNAs were induced more rapidly than chitinase mRNAs. At 4 °C, mRNAs encoding extracellular -1,3-glucanase and intracellular, as well as extracellular chitinase were hardly induced.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous fungal pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina is best known as causing charcoal rot and premature death when host plants are subject to post‐flowering stress. Overseas reports of M. phaseolina causing a rapid rot during the sprouting of Australian mungbean seed resulted in an investigation of the possible modes of infection of seed. Isolations from serial portions of 10 mungbean plants naturally infected with the pathogen revealed that on most plants there were discrete portions of infected tissue separated by apparently healthy tissue. The results from these studies, together with molecular analysis of isolates collected from infected tissue on two of the plants, suggested that aerial infection of aboveground parts by different isolates is common. Inoculations of roots and aboveground parts of mungbean plants at nine temperature × soil moisture incubation combinations and of detached green pods strongly supported the concept that seed infection results from infection of pods by microsclerotia, rather than from hyphae growing systemically through the plant after root or stem infection. This proposal is reinforced by anecdotal evidence that high levels of seed infection are common when rainfall occurs during pod fill, and by the isolation of M. phaseolina from soil peds collected on pods of mungbean plants in the field. However, other experiments showed that when inoculum was placed within 130 mm of a green developing pod and a herbicide containing paraquat and diquat was sprayed on the inoculated plants, M. phaseolina was capable of some systemic growth from vegetative tissue into the pods and seeds.  相似文献   

Samenvatting In cowpea-planten die onvatbaar zijn voor het cowpea-mozaïekvirus (CPMV) kan dit virus, mits infectieus, infectie door vier andere, onderling geheel verschillende virussen remmen. Dit vermogen tot aspecifieke remming komt tot uiting in cowpea-planten met onvatbaarheid die bepaald wordt door één dominant gen, maar niet in planten met onvatbaarheid op basis van één recessief gen. De beide typen van onvatbaarheid laten dus in verschillende mate expressie van de genetische informatie van CPMV toe.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a non-specific, necrotrophic pathogen that attacks many plant species, including Arabidopsis and tomato. Since senescing leaves are particularly susceptible to infection by B. cinerea, we hypothesized that the fungus might induce senescence as part of its mode of action and that delaying leaf senescence might reduce the severity of B. cinerea infections. To examine these hypotheses, we followed the expression of Arabidopsis SAG12, a senescence-specific gene, upon infection with B. cinerea. Expression of SAG12 is induced by B. cinerea infection, indicating that B. cinerea induces senescence. The promoter of SAG12, as well as that of a second Arabidopsis senescence-associated gene, SAG13, whose expression is not specific to senescence, were previously analyzed in tomato plants and were found to be expressed in a similar manner in the two species. These promoters were previously used in tomato plants to drive the expression of isopentenyl transferase (IPT) from Agrobacterium to suppress leaf senescence (Swartzberg et al. in Plant Biology 8:579–586, 2006). In this study, we examined the expression of these promoters following infection of tomato plants with B. cinerea. Both promoters exhibit high expression levels upon B. cinerea infection of non-senescing leaves of tomato plants, supporting our conclusion that B. cinerea induces senescence as part of its mode of action. In contrast to B. cinerea, Trichoderma harzianum T39, a saprophytic fungus that is used as a biocontrol agent against B. cinerea, induces expression of SAG13 only. Expression of IPT, under the control of the SAG12 and SAG13 promoters in response to infection with B. cinerea resulted in suppression of B. cinerea-induced disease symptoms, substantiating our prediction that delaying leaf senescence might reduce susceptibility to B. cinerea. Contribution from the Agriculture Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 127/2006 series.  相似文献   

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