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The fate of isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate and cyclohexyl methylphosphonofluoridate in wheat plants has been studied. Using wheat grown in hydroponic culture and applying the compounds via the culture solution, it has been shown that both compounds are rapidly hydrolysed within the plants. Only one of the resulting hydrolysis products, cyclohexyl hydrogen methylphosphonate, was degraded further to methylphosphonic acid: no further degradation of isopropyl hydrogen methylphosphonate was observed. The effects of the nature of the O-alkyl group on the degradation of O-alkyl methylphosphonofluoridates in wheat plants are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法研究唑草酮在小麦中的残留动态,建立了气相色谱-串联质谱(GC-MS/MS)测定唑草酮在小麦植株与麦粒上的残留分析方法.唑草酮在小麦植株中的平均回收率为99.4%~102.2%,变异系数为3.0%~6.5%;在麦粒中平均回收率为88.3%~90.6%,变异系数为2.8%~8.9%.动态结果表明:在小麦上使用唑草酮后,利用该方法检测唑草酮在山东和河南两地小麦植株中的残留消解半衰期分别为3.50 d和3.67 d;收获期唑草酮在麦粒中最终残留量均小于0.01 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Wheat blast of wheat (Triticum aestivum), caused by Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype triticum (MoT; anamorph Pyricularia oryzae) is a destructive disease in the South American countries of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. In Argentina, the fungus was recently recorded on wheat and barley plants in the northeast part of the country, Buenos Aires and Corrientes Provinces, with a potential for spreading. This work aimed to study, for the first time, the morphocultural and pathogenic characteristics of Magnaporthe isolates collected from wheat and other herbaceous species in Argentina and three neighbouring countries (Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia) and determine their aggressiveness on wheat varieties. Statistical differences among isolates, culture media, and development conditions were found for conidia colour, growth rate, size and sporulation rate. Pathogenicity tests performed on seedlings with 19 isolates of Magnaporthe spp. under greenhouse conditions showed a maximum disease severity of 55.3% and 66.7% for varieties BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. Weed and grass isolates were infectious on wheat, demonstrating their potential epidemiological role on the disease. Spike disease severity was 34.6% for the host × pathogen interaction of BIOINTA 3004 × PY22. Observed symptoms included partial or total spike bleaching, and glume and rachis discolouration. The 1000‐grain weight was significantly reduced to 38.5% and 63.1% for cultivars BIOINTA 3004 and Baguette 18, respectively. The disease affected grain germination, which fell to 65.9% for seeds infected with the PYAR22 isolate. Symptoms observed in infected grains were partial spotting, grain softening, and rot symptoms with the presence of a greyish mould.  相似文献   

Samples of wheat grain and straw have been analysed from trials with the wild oat herbicide benzoylprop-ethyl ( I ) in several countries. Following recommended commercial treatments (application of 1.0–1.6 kg ha?1 at Feekes growth stage G-J), total residues of I and its hydrolysis product N-benzoyl-N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-DL - alanine (free and conjugated) were low and in the majority of instances they were < 0.01 mg kg?1 in samples of grain from the UK, although rather higher residues were detected in some grain samples from other countries. Residues in straw were higher, but normally did not exceed 2 mg kg?1, and were rather variable, possibly as a result of differences in agricultural practice.  相似文献   

The distribution and degradation of chlormequat chloride (2-chloro 1,2-14C ethyltrimethylammonium chloride) was determined after uptake by the roots of summer wheat seedlings. This plant regulator was readily translocated from the roots to the above ground parts and converted into choline. Choline was further metabolized to betaine which upon demethylation yielded finally glycine and serine. Both amino acids were incorporated into a protein fraction.The occurrence of radioactively labeled glycine and serine in the amino acid pool and the evolution of 14CO2 from chlormequat treated plants indicated that serine was formed from glycine under the release of 14CO2 during photorespiration.One week after the uptake period 82% of 14C chlormequat taken up by the roots was recovered as the parent compound or as breakdown products in wheat plants. In addition 5% of the amount taken up by the roots was released as 14CO2 by the leaves.Fifty per cent of the total amount of chlormequat originally present in roots and leaves was already metabolized after 7.5 days. No evidence has been obtained for the presence of unchanged chlormequat or an unknown metabolite in the nucleic acid or protein fraction.  相似文献   

本研究确立了乙腈振荡提取、弗罗里硅土SPE小柱净化小麦植株和麦田土壤中莠去津残留样本的前处理方法,建立了柱程序升温、GC-NPD残留样品检测方法.结果表明,优化色谱条件下,莠去津的色谱保留时间为5.97 min,在0.105~54.0 mg/L浓度范围内,莠去津浓度与其色谱峰面积在GC-NPD上线性响应良好,回归方程为Y=38.79X-120.34(R2=0.998 8).莠去津在小麦植株和麦田土壤中0.05~1mg/kg的3个水平的加标回收率均大于75%,各添加水平3次平行测定值的RSD均小于7%.其准确度和精密度均符合农药残留分析的要求.该色谱条件下仪器的最低检出量为0.38 ng,方法的最低检出浓度为0.018 mg/kg(植株)和0.021 mg/kg(麦田土壤),此检测灵敏度可以满足该农药在小麦植株和麦田土壤中残留的定量检测要求.  相似文献   

The degradation of triphenyltin chloride on the leaves of sugar beet proceeds via di- and mono-phenyltin compounds to inorganic tin( IV ). This degradation scheme has also been observed in rats, as the same metabolites were found in urine and faeces of these animals. After a single application of triphenyltin chloride, more than 90% of the tin given is excreted within one week (approx. 88% with the faeces and approx. 3% with the urine). The experiments were performed with radioactive (C6H5)3113SnCl.  相似文献   

Summary For some years past at several places in the province of Brescia a mosaic disease of wheat has been detected which probably must be attributede to a virus (Grancini, 1959). Presumably the same disease has recently been constatated in other provinces of North Italy.Electron microscopical study of diseased wheat leaves showed that the preparations which were obtained with the dipping method ofBrandes (1957) all contained rod-shaped virus particles with a length of 300 m. These particles were absent from healthy plants. Whether or not this virus is directly responsible for the mosaic disease could not be established, since we did not succeed in transmitting the virus artificially.Samenvatting Sedert einige jaren wordt op verschillende plaatsen in de provincie Brescia een mozaïekziekte bij de tarwe gevonden, waarvna de oorzaak waarschijnlijk aan een virus moet worden toegeschreven (Grancini, 1959).Bij elektronemicroscopisch onderzoek van zieke bladeren is gevonden, dat de preparaten, welke met de doop-methode vanBrandes (1957) verkregen waren, alle staafvormige virusdeeltjes ter lengte van 300 m bevatten (fig. 1). In preparaten van gezond bladmateriaal kwamen deze deeltjes niet voor. Of dit virus direct aansprakelijk is voor de mozaïekziekte kon nog niet aangetoond worden, aangezien het tot nu toe niet gelukt is het virus langs kunstmatige weg over te brengen.  相似文献   

Field assessment of resistance to powdery mildew in mature wheat plants   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Rankit transformation of mildew scores was used in regression analyses to compare the times and methods of scoring resistance. This showed that time and method of assessment significantly altered the relative rank positions of different cultivars. Examination of 10 cultivars in detail showed that changes in rank were associated with differences in organ resistance.
Whole plot assessments based on a 0–9 scale provided a rapid and reliable means of ranking cultivars. Where possible, and particularly for breeders, at least two assessments are recommended, the first at or soon after flowering to estimate foliar infection, and the second 2 or 3 weeks later to estimate ear infection. For general comparisons of cultivars, sufficient information may be acquired from a single assessment when all plant organs are present and when the disease has had time to become well established.  相似文献   

P. JONES 《Plant pathology》1997,46(6):946-951
Foliar application of the broad-spectrum systemic fungicide triadimefon to loose smut-infected plants of wheat and barley produced a marked curative effect. Triadimefon was particularly effective when applied at the beginning of and during stem extension. In addition to reducing percentage plant infection, foliar application of this fungicide (particularly prior to flag leaf emergence) resulted in an increased proportion of infected ears which were only partially smutted. The curative effect of these early fungicide applications resulted in significant yield increases, as a consequence of increased grain number per m2. Application of triadimefon to crops at ear emergence had no significant effect on percentage plant infection but resulted in lower levels of re-infection following artificial or natural inoculation of healthy ears, apparently as a result of a protectant effect of fungicide residues on or in the ovaries.  相似文献   

Seventeen new alkyl (or phenacyl) phenyl (dichloromethyl)phosphonates were synthesised; seven of these showed poor fungicidal activity when tested in vitro against Pyricularia oryzae but some possessed high insecticidal activity against Culex fatigans and Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

秦杨  余金珂  刘怀  王梓英 《植物保护》2024,50(1):347-355
小麦是我国三大粮食作物之一, 其在生产过程中受到多种害虫为害;在调查重庆市潼南区小麦病虫害过程中新发现一种鳞翅目害虫为害小麦, 对其进行形态学及细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ亚基(cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ, COⅠ)基因序列鉴定, 确定其为显脉污灯蛾Spilarctia bisecta Leech。污灯蛾属中有多种为害农作物的害虫, 但显脉污灯蛾在中国还未有为害小麦的确切报道, 这一发现提醒我们应当注意小麦和其他禾本科作物上的潜在害虫。  相似文献   

Competition between wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in two experiments; a replacement series model and a technique for separation of root and shoot systems. Wild oat and wheat in association resulted in a relative yield total very close to unity showing that the two species were‘crowding for the same space’(or competing for the same resources) and were‘mutually exclusive'. Wild oat was more competitive than wheat, as shown by its aggressivity relative to wheat, relative yields, shoot dry weights and other plant attributes. The greater competitive ability of wild oat was predominantly due to its greater root competitive ability, while the two species had similar shoot competitive ability. Root competition had a much greater effect on the relative performance of the two species than did shoot competition. The effects of root and shoot competition were additive.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. “Caribo”) was grown in vermiculite containing methabenzthiazuron (N-(benzothiazol-2yl)-NN′-dimethylurea) presowing. Effects of the herbicide on plant development and plant composition were analysed up to an age of 4 weeks. Inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution represented the primary effect induced by the herbicidal treatment and led to a decreased concentration of soluble reducing sugars. Photosynthetic activity however recovered after 3 weeks and even increased above control values. Secondary effects following methabenzthiazuron treatment included a delayed chlorophyll breakdown, a decreased chlorophyll a/b ratio, enlarged chloroplasts, an increased concentration of soluble amino acids and of soluble protein, and an increased in vitro nitrate reductase activity. These responses are taken to indicate an increased photosynthetic and metabolic capacity in methabenzthiazuron treated wheat plants. Comparable results can be obtained with plants grown at low light intensities. It is concluded that the “physiological effects” observed in wheat plants after treatment with methabenzthiazuron are similar to a natural adaptation reaction to low light intensities. It is assumed that this adaptation reaction is caused by a low concentration of soluble reducing sugars. Experiments with plants growing at different light intensities indicated that effects due to herbicidal action were more pronounced at high light intensities. Measurements on daily fluctuations revealed a peak around noon for the sugar content and the nitrate reductase activities measured in vivo as well as in vitro. In vivo nitrate reductase activity in plants treated with 5 parts/million methabenzthiazuron was very low, presumably because of lack of sugars for the production of NADH. The protein concentration was increasing and the amino acids were decreasing during the day in herbicide treated plants, possibly indicating increased protein synthesis in the light in plants treated with methabenzthiazuron.  相似文献   



The fungicide benzovindiflupyr belongs to the class of succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs). Certain SDHIs have shown plant physiological effects, so‐called secondary effects, that appeared to be related to the plant water status. Therefore, the effect of benzovindiflupyr on transpiration of leaves and whole wheat plants was studied under controlled conditions. Furthermore, wheat yield trials under controlled and natural drought stress in the field were conducted.


Transpiration of detached wheat leaves was reduced by benzovindiflupyr in a dose‐dependent manner. Similarly, whole‐plant transpiration decreased for several days following application of this fungicide. In 16 field trials under drought stress conditions that were classified as disease‐free, treatment of wheat plants at the flag leaf stage or at heading with benzovindiflupyr showed a grain yield increase (+5.2%; P ≤ 0.01) that was partially attributed to an increased thousand‐grain weight.


Water saving during pre‐anthesis as a result of benzovindiflupyr application may be associated with better seed setting and filling under dry field conditions in wheat. The results of this research provide new insights into secondary effects of SDHIs that lead directly to yield improvements. © 2017 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The breakdown of the triazine herbicide cyanazine (“BLADEX”,a 2-chloro-4-(1-cyano-1-methylethylamino)-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine) has been studied in spring and winter wheat and potatoes grown under indoor conditions in soils treated at planting with up to 1.5 kg/ha of the radiolabelled herbicide. Breakdown products were mainly those formed by hydrolysis of the cyano group to give an amide ( II ) and an acid ( III ) followed by hydrolysis of the chlorine to hydroxyl ( IV ). De-N-alkylation reactions also occurred although these were less evident in soils. In wheat the chloro acid ( VII ) formed by the des-ethylation of ( III ) was more evident than in previous studies with maize. In all of the crops at harvest the residues were mainly of the hydroxy acids ( IV ) and ( VIII ); ( IV ) 2-hydroxy-4-(1-carboxy-1-methylethylamino)-6-ethyl-amino-1,3,5-triazine; ( VIII ) 2-hydroxy-4-(1-carboxy-1-methylethylamino)-6-amino-1,3,5-triazine, respectively. In potatoes and spring wheat they were present in both free and conjugated forms whereas in winter wheat they were almost entirely in conjugated forms. The compounds (IV) and (VIII) are of a low order of toxicity to animals and are not herbicidal. They are unlikely to present a residue hazard if present in field crops.  相似文献   

The main degradation products formed from the dicarboximidic fungicides chlozolinate, vinclozolin and procymidone in wine have been isolated and identified using spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. The fungicides were added to wine after fermentation. Chlozolinate underwent a rapid hydrolytic loss of the ethoxy-carbonyl substituent, to give an oxazolidine that underwent hydrolytic cleavage to give 3′,5′-dichloro-2-hydroxypropanilide. The oxazolidine ring of vinclozolin underwent a similar hydrolysis to give the corresponding anilide 3′,5′-dichloro-2-hydroxy-2-methylbut-3-enanilide. Both these anilides were stable in wine for 150 days. A different degradation behaviour was observed with procymidone and led to the formation of 3,5-dichloroaniline (3,5-DCA), which, in turn, broke down but the derivatives could not be isolated. After consideration of the different behaviours of the fungicides on degradation in wine and in aqueous ethanol at pH4, together with their kinetic data, breakdown pathways are proposed.  相似文献   

Enolpyruvylshikimate phosphate (EPSP) synthase activity has been measured in different organs of 1–14-day-old wheat seedlings growing in culture chambers. Enzyme activity was first detected after two days, and reached its maximum value at day 4. It remained almost unchanged for 14 days thereafter. During germination, one of the most important sources of enzyme was the seed scutellum. Later, the developed leaves contained 43% of the whole stock of enzyme. Although the enzyme distribution was not identical under light or in the dark, there was no evident light induction of EPSP synthase. High enzyme activity was found in the coleoptile, continuing for the whole life-time of this organ, and which might be associated with its lignification. Five to 40% of the total enzyme was found in the roots, reaching a maximum at 14 days. At this stage, glyphosate applied to the first grown leaf was phloem-transported to the sink organs, with no clear relationship being shown between EPSP synthase activity and herbicide quantity in each organ. At day 4, glyphosate treatment, by soaking the seedlings in the herbicide solution, was followed by an active phloem transport from the scutellum to the growing parts. The average internal concentration of radiolabelled compounds (glyphosate plus its possible derivatives) which induced wheat seedling growth decrease, was shown to reach 50 to 100 μM under our conditions.  相似文献   

采用室内盆栽法,测定8种植物提取物对小麦白粉病的抑菌活性。结果表明,香樟叶、黄杨和刺槐提取物对小麦白粉病病菌(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici)有良好的抑制活性。其粗提物干质量浓度为40 mg/m L时,对白粉菌抑菌效果依次为57.68%,38.67%,42.39%;香樟叶粗提物对小麦白粉的室内预防和治疗作用的EC50分别为10.39 mg/m L和30.43 mg/m L,其预防效果显著优于治疗效果;测定香樟叶4种萃取物对小麦白粉病的预防效果,发现石油醚萃取物抑菌效果最好,EC50为8.71 mg/m L。说明其抑菌活性物质主要存在石油醚相中。  相似文献   

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