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About 700 sheep died on 52 farms in north-western New South Wales and south-western Queensland over a 3 mo period. Affected animals had a marked asymmetrical swelling of the face, extending from the nostril to just anterior to the eyes. They lost condition rapidly and died within 7 to 10 days. At necropsy there was a unilateral severe necrogranulomatous rhinitis with extension of inflammation into the adjacent subcutaneous tissue, nasal septum and hard palate. Metastatic lesions were present in the draining lymph nodes and in the thorax. Histological changes consisted of a granulomatous reaction with numerous eosinophilic foci of necrosis and a diffuse, heavy, mixed inflammatory cell response. Many vessels had segmental necrosis and thrombosis. Fungal hyphae were numerous, particularly within or associated with necrotic foci. Conidiobolus incongruus was isolated from nasal tissues, parotid and submandibular lymph nodes and pulmonary lesions.  相似文献   

The clinical findings, pathology and mycology of a cluster of 5 ovine cases of rhinocerebral and nasal zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus incongruus are described. All cases were in Border Leicester or Merino x Border Leicester ewes from a flock pastured in a low-lying paddock adjoining a small tidal river in subtropical Queensland (latitude 28 degrees S). These cases of zygomycosis are believed to be the first infections due to C incongruus recorded in animals other than humans. The disease was subacute in 4 animals with a course of up to several weeks. In these, the primary site of infection was the posterior nasal cavity. The lesions extended to the dorsum of the face between the eyes, to the orbital cavity and to the anterior brain and meninges in the cranial cavity. In one animal, where the anterior nasal cavity was affected and iodine treatment used, the course was longer. The fungal granulomas had numerous foreign body giant cells, neutrophils and eosinophils. Fungal hyphae were thin walled, 6 to 8 microns in diameter, with occasional septa and irregular branching. They were cuffed with a wide zone of necrotic cell coagulum, or with homogeneous eosinophilic Splendore-Hoeppli granules.  相似文献   

Disseminated tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium avium in a cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 5-year-old neutered male Siamese cat was examined by a veterinarian because of a recent decrease in appetite and a large lymph node in the left mandibular area. Clinical findings included fever, icterus, leukopenia, and progressive anemia. Despite various treatments, the cat died approximately 3 weeks after initial examination. The main necropsy findings included necrotizing and granulomatous lymphadenitis of the left mandibular lymph node, multifocal necrotizing hepatitis, and interstitial pneumonia. Acid-fast bacilli were detected in lesions of the mandibular lymph node, liver, lung, spleen, and bone marrow. Mycobacterium avium was isolated from the liver. Avian tuberculosis in cats has been reported rarely.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 4‐year‐old female spayed Bichon Frise dog that had been receiving cyclosporine A per os 3 times per week for 2 months to control allergic dermatitis developed lethargy, anorexia, fever, and multiple firm subcutaneous masses. Pyogranulomatous inflammation with branching nonseptate filamentous organisms approximately 2 μm in diameter, presumptively fungal organisms, was diagnosed by cytologic evaluation of fine‐needle aspirates from several masses. A partially acid‐fast actinomycete was cultured from 2 of the masses. The organism was identified as Nocardia abscessus (formerly Nocardia asteroides type 1) based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing of samples extracted from cultures and unstained cytologic smears. Immunosuppression caused by long‐term administration of cyclosporine A likely predisposed the dog to disseminated infection. To our knowledge, this is the first report of N. abscessus infection in a dog. This case demonstrates that N. abscessus may be mistaken for a fungal organism based on its cytologic appearance and underscores the importance of using molecular techniques for the diagnosis of suspected fungal diseases.  相似文献   

Oral granulomas were observed in 31 (33%) of 95 captive sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Necropsy of six of the afflicted cranes revealed granulomatous nodules throughout many of their organ systems. Intracellular protozoan organisms morphologically resembling schizogonic stages were observed within the granulomas by light and electron microscopy. Sexual and asexual stages of coccidia were seen in sections of the intestines of 4 of 5 cranes examined microscopically, and Eimerian oocysts were seen in fecal flotation specimens from 3 of 4 birds.  相似文献   

Neosporosis, caused by the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum, is a serious cause of bovine abortion, stillbirth and perinatal death. This paper reports a clinical neosporosis in a 3-week-old fallow deer (Dama dama). The fawn was full term and appeared normal at birth. Histological lesions consisted of a multifocal necrotizing and granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, with intralesional protozoal cysts. Positive immunohistochemical staining and characteristic PCR products confirmed the diagnosis of N. caninum infection.  相似文献   

An outbreak of listeric meningo-encephalitis occurred in a population of 1800 fallow deer (Dama dama) in a park during the winter and early spring of 1985 to 1986. Listeriosis was diagnosed in 41 of 42 fallow deer that showed the typical central nervous system signs of circling disease or were found dead. The diagnosis was verified by bacteriological examination of the brains of 35 animals. In five of the seven remaining cases listeriosis was diagnosed by histological examination, and in one animal by clinical signs alone. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated in three of 23 soil samples taken from the park. In addition, L monocytogenes was isolated from the intestinal contents of apparently normal fallow deer. Fifty isolates from animals and soil were serotyped and all of them belonged to serovar 4b except one from brain (serovar 1/2b) and three from intestinal contents (serovar 1/2a). In phage typing of 54 isolates, the 35 isolates from the brain and spleen of diseased animals belonged to the same lysovar, as did most isolates from other sources, but strains from intestinal contents belonged to three other phage types. No external source of L monocytogenes was demonstrated in the outbreak and stress due to the poor beech-mast crop, an increased stocking rate and a sudden change in the weather are suspected as predisposing factors.  相似文献   

An eviscerated hunter-harvested female black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) was submitted to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The deer was emaciated, devoid of adipose tissue, and the parietal surface of the thoracic cavity contained multiple granulomas. Acid-fast bacteria were detected histologically from the granulomas and were isolated and identified as Mycobacterium kansasii, a nontuberculous mycobacterium sporadically reported to cause tuberculosis-like disease in a variety of vertebrates. This was the first report of symptomatic disease caused by M. kansasii in free-ranging deer. This case indicates that atypical mycobacteria can cause tuberculosis-like disease in free-ranging deer and illustrates the importance of identifying causative agents of tuberculosis-like disease in wildlife.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium africanum was diagnosed in an adult female hyrax (Procavia capensis). Pathologic examination revealed disseminated tuberculous lesions. The same pathologic changes were also found in a male hyrax that died a year later. Both animals were imported from the United Arab Emirates and were held in captivity at the Zagreb Zoo in Croatia. The source of infection remains unknown. The acid-fast bacteria isolated from the lungs of the female hyrax were identifyed by polymerase chain reaction as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Geno Type MTBC test confirmed the strain to be M. africanum I.  相似文献   

Résumé— Un chien, jeune adulte, a été présenté pour une masse sous-cutanée évoluant depuis un mois sur la partie droite du thorax et une masse ulcérée sous-cutanée sur la cuisse droite. L'examen histo-pathologique a révélé une inflammation pyogranulomateuse du derme et du tissu sous-cutané avec de larges hyphes fongiques. De nouvelles lésions sont apparues. Un traitement à base d'itraconazole pendant 2 semaines a été inefficace. L'euthanasie a été pratiquée 10 semaines après la première consultation. La culture fongique faite à partir de prélèvements chirurgicaux a permis d'isoler un Conidiobolus sp. Des infections àConidiobolus sp. ont été rapportées chez l'homme, le cheval, le mouton et le lama. Histologiquement, les hyphes sont difficiles à différencier de ceux d'autres zygomycètes ou de Pythium insidiosum. La culture est nécessaire pour une identification définitive. Une discussion sur les aspects comparés des infections cutanées àConidiobolus sp. est développée. [Hiller, A., Kunkle, G. A., Ginn, P. E., Padhye, A. A. Canine subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus sp.: a case report and review of Conidibolus infections in other species. (Zygomycose sous-cutanée àConidiobolus sp. chez un chien: cas clinique et revue des infections àConidiobolus dans les autres espèces). Resumen— Un perro adulto joven presentaba una masa subcutánea en la región torácica derecha y otra ulcerada en la parte proximal de la extremidad posterior derecha, ambas de un mes de duración. El exámen histopatológico mostró una inflamación piogranulomatosa de la dermis y del tejido subcutáneo con grandes hifas füngicas. A pesar de que la enfermedad cutánea presentó un curso oscilante, aparecieron nuevas lesiones. Un tratamiento de dos semanas con itraconazol no alteró el curso de la enfermedad. El animal fue eutanasiado a las 10 semanas de la primera visita. Se ais lóConidiobolus sp. a partir de las muestras quirúrjicas. Las infecciones por Conidiobolus sp. estan descritas en la especie humana, la equina, la ovina y en las llamas. Las hifas no se diferencian fácilmente a nivel histológico de otros cigomicetales o de Pythium insidiosum y es necesaria la identificatión mediante un cultivo fúngico para establecer un diagnóstico definitive Se discuten las caracteristicas de la infección cutánea por Conidiobolus sp. y se describen las caracteristicas de la pitiosis cutánea. [Hillier, A., Kunkle, G. A., Ginn, P. E. and Padhye, A. A. Canine subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus sp.: a case report and review of Conidibolus infections in other species (Cigomcosis subcutánea canina causada por Conidibolus sp.: un caso clinico y revisién de las infecciones por Conidibolus sp. en otras especies). Zusammenfassung— Ein junger ausgewachsener Hund wurde vorgestellt, der seit einem Monat an der rechten Thoraxwand ein subkutanes Gebilde und proximal an der rechten Hintergliedmaße eine ulzer-ierende, subkutane Masse aufwies. Bei der histopathologischen Untersuchung wurde eine pyogranulomatöse Entzündung der Dermis und Subkutis mit breiten Pilzhyphen entdeckt. Trotz des “Auf und Ab” der Hautkrankheit erschionon laufend neue Hautveränderungen. Eine zweiwöchige Behandlung mit Itrakonazol veränderte den Verlauf der Krankheit nicht. 10 Wochen nach der Erstvorstellung des Patienten wurde en euthenesiert. In der Kultur von chrirugischen Proben wurde Conidiobolus sp. isoliert. Conidiobolus sp.-Infektionen sind bei Menschen, Pferden, Schafen und Lamas beschrieben. Die Hyphen können histologisch schlecht von denen anderen Zygomyzeten oder von Pythium insidiosum unterschieden werden. Für die endgültige Diagnose ist eine Identifizierung mittels Pilzkultur notwendig. Die Erscheinungsbilder von kutanen Conidiobolus sp.-Infektionen werdon diskutiert und mit denen kutaner Phytiosis verglichen. [Canine subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus sp.: a case report and reviews of Conidiobolus infections in other species (Subkutane Zygomykose des Hundes durch Conidiobolus sp.: Fallbericht und übersicht über Conidioblus-Infektionen bie anderen Tierarten). Abstract— A young adult dog was presented with a 1-month history of a subcutaneous mass on the right thoracic wall and an ulcerative, subcutaneous mass of the proximal right hindlimb. Pyogranulomatous inflammation of the dermis and subcutis with broad fungal hyphae were found on histopathologic examination. Despite some waxing and waning of the skin disease, new lesions continued to appear. A 2-week course of itraconazole did not alter the course of the disease. Euthanasia was performed 10 weeks after initial presentation. Conidiobolus sp. was isolated in culture from surgical specimens. Conidiobolus sp. infection has been reported in humans, horses, sheep and llamas. The hyphae cannot be easily distinguished histologically from those of some other zygomycetes or Pythium insidiosum and fungal culture identification of the organism is required for definitive diagnosis. A discussion of the features of cutaneous Conidiobolus sp. infection is given and comparative features of cutaneous pythiosis are presented.  相似文献   

This article describes the clinical and pathological features of an orphan 7-day-old, male Formosan sambar fawn that was hospitalized for treatment of weakness. The fawn had been deprived of colostrum and developed suppurative meningitis that was attributed to Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

We describe a case of canine mycoses initially diagnosed by clinical signs and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay anti-fungal test, and later confirmed by the isolation of Paecilomyces sp. during the post-mortem examination. The fungus was isolated from lesions in the kidneys, mitral valve, abdominal aorta and vertebral discs. In this kind of process, it is important to identify the responsible agent early in order to make a study of anti-fungal susceptibility and establish effective treatment.  相似文献   

Sudden death of 9 deer occurred in a large enclosed deer farm with approximately 400 heads of cervids. Fatal yersiniosis was diagnosed in 2 deer that were submitted for laboratory diagnosis. Histopathologically, the disease was characterized by multifocal pulmonary hemorrhage and mild interstitial pneumonia, marked diffuse cholangiohepatitis, minimal myocarditis with mild myocardial degeneration, and mild multifocal suppurative cystic colitis. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from the lungs and colon of the affected animals. The isolates were PCR-positive for genes virF, inv, yopB, and yopH, which are essential for invasion and colonization of host intestine and lung. The isolates reacted with polyclonal antibodies against serotype O:3 antigen. The O-genotyping patterns of the isolates were identical with each other, but different from those of the 21 O-genotypes (or serotypes) reported previously. In addition to the O-antigen genes possessed by classical serotype O:3, a gene (wbyK) encoding a mannosyltransferase-like protein was detected in these isolates. The wbyK gene of the isolates showed 94% of DNA sequence homology with the wbyK gene harbored by Y. pseudotuberculosis O:1b. On the basis of pathology, bacteriology, and serology, the authors concluded that the acute deaths of these deer were caused by Y. pseudotuberculosis infection. Molecular characterization of the isolate revealed a genetic heterogeneity in the O-antigen gene cluster of Y. pseudotuberculosis serotype O:3.  相似文献   

Four outbreaks of hemorrhagic septicemia caused by Pasteurella multocida multocida occurred in a population of 1,800 fallow deer (Dama dama) during 1992-1996. A total of 340 fallow deer were submitted for postmortem examination. Pasteurellosis was diagnosed in 273 of 312 deer suspected of having septicemia. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from 257 animals, and the diagnosis was based on typical pathologic changes alone in the other 16 animals. Pasteurella multocida was isolated in pure culture from 219 of 248 samples of cerebrospinal fluid. Eighteen animals were observed moribund with severe depression, foamy nasal discharge, and respiratory distress, and 257 were found dead. Major clinical signs and pathologic changes included extensive swelling of the head and the neck and peracute or acute septic pneumonia, petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages on serous membranes, and severely hemorrhagic adrenal glands and abomasum. Rhinitis and necrotic pharyngeal mucosae were common. Histologically, the most advanced lesions were in the nasal mucosa and pharynx. The swelling of the head and the neck arose from a diffuse cellulitis in the subcutaneous and intermuscular tissues. The earliest lesions in the lungs included large numbers of bacteria in the pulmonary capillaries, but various degrees of fibrinous exudation to the alveoli and infiltration with heterophils usually were observed.  相似文献   

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