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In 1989 and 1990, preharvest applications of 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (ethephon) at dosages from 50–400 mg 1’1 were applied to ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’ apples. In 1989, the greatest reduction in scald after storage on both ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’, relative to the untreated control resulted from applying 400 mg 1?1 ethephon five weeks before harvest and was 45% and 55% of controls, respectively. On ‘Granny Smith’ 400 mg 1? was also effective when applied three weeks before harvest. In 1990, preharvest applications of ethephon at either 200 or 400 mg 1?1 reduced scald in both cultivars relative to the controls. Ethephon applied six weeks before harvest had no dosage effect on scald reduction after storage. There was no consistent effect on fruit maturity at harvest from any treatment in either year, and no effect on quality of fruit out of storage.  相似文献   


Several pre-storage time (0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 d) and temperature (3.5º, 10º, 15º, 20º, 25º, and 30ºC) delayed cooling (DC) treatments were tested on harvested ‘Honeycrisp’TM apples to determine which combination was optimal for reducing soft scald and low temperature breakdown (LTB), while maintaining the highest fruit quality [i.e., firmness, minimal mass loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids content (SSC), absence of rot, and minimal skin greasiness] after 4 months of refrigerated air (RA) storage. Fruit were harvested from three separate Annapolis Valley (Nova Scotia) orchard sites in 2006 and in 2007. Multiple linear regression and surface response curves showed that fruit firmness and SSC generally increased throughout the DC treatment, but were affected curvilinearly by temperature, reaching a maximum at approx. 15ºC, then declining. Loss of fruit mass was positively related to a (day temperature2) interaction, indicating that it increased synergistically the longer and the warmer the DC treatment. Fruit acidity was affected only by temperature, with the highest TA values at approx. 15ºC, then declining at higher DC temperatures. Multiple logistic regression and surface responses demonstrated that the incidence of soft scald declined curvilinearly the longer and the warmer the DC treatment, while LTB declined curvilinearly with increasing DC temperature only. A positive (day2 temperature2) interaction indicated that fruit greasiness increased non-linearly as the duration and temperature of DC increased. Collectively, these results show that both soft scald and LTB were suppressed or eliminated by a DC regime of 25ºC for 1 – 2 d, or 30ºC for 1 d, without incurring a major reduction in fruit quality.  相似文献   

In the present study, selected almond genotypes in Keciborlu/Isparta region by Y?ld?r?m (2007) based on late blooming and superior nut chacteristics were used to evaluate seedling growth performances and the reaction to root knot nematodes. Seeds were planted on perlite medium and stored 60 days at +4 °C in order to break seed dormancy. After germinating, seedlings were transferred to plastic pots to evaluate seedling growth characteristics and remaining seedlings were inoculated with Meloidogyne javanica and Meloidogyne incognita in order to asses resistance status of the selected seedlings. The highest germination percentage was obtained from Genotype 54 (96.1?%), the highest plant was observed from Genotype 9 (62.18 cm), the longest primary root was found from Genotype 54 (30.28 cm), the average secondary root lenght was highest in Genotype 9 (31.04 cm) and the widest root collar was observed in Genotype 33 (8.38 mm). Seedling stem diameter changed between 4.76 mm (Genoype 40) to 7.67 mm (Genotype 33). The lowest variation for stem widht was observed in Genotype 55 (0.58?%) while the lowest variation for seedling hight was found in Genotype 33 (0.50?%). Evaluated almond genotypes showed different reactions to studied nematode species, M. javanica and M. incognita. Resistant reactions of almond genotypes to nematode species were classified as susceptible, tolerant and resistant based on gal index values. Genotype 9 and 31 classified as tolerant to M. javanica while Genotype 54 classified as resistant to M. incognita.  相似文献   


The effects of heat injury induced by long exposures were evaluated in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa ‘plants’) Camarosa in this study. Seedlings were grown in 14 × 12 cm pots using perlite for three weeks at 25/10°C day/night temperature, and watered daily by modified 1/3 Hoagland nutrient solution. Half of the plants were transferred to a growth chamber with a constant 25°C, 16/8 h (light/dark) photoperiod regime and 1200 lux light intensity for a week to acclimate the plants. Temperature was increased stepwise (5 K per 48 h) to 30, 35, 40°C and finally to 45°C. In addition to others, plants were transferred from the outside to the growth chamber, at each temperature step to impose a heat shock. Leaf relative water content (RWC, %), loss of turgidity, chlorophyll content (Spad value) and heat-stress tolerance (HTS; LT50) were measured in control and stressed plants. Total soluble proteins and total DNA were extracted from the leaves following the above treatments using standard procedures and total protein contents were determined using a Bradford assay. In general, effects of gradual heat stress (GHS) and shock heat stress (SHS) on the variables studied were mostly significant, except for chlorophyll content, while the effect of temperatures was significant for all the variables. Interaction between the heat stress type and temperature treatments was not significant for leaf RWC, loss of turgidity and chlorophyll content. Data also indicated that total protein and DNA contents were changed significantly by heat stress types (GHS and SHS) and/or temperature treatments. The plants exposed to GHS exhibited a significant increase in HST compared with the plants exposed to SHS (LT50 of 41.5°C and 39°C, respectively). Consequently, gradual heat stress increased HST in strawberry leaves. Increased HST may be associated with the accumulation of several heat-stable proteins in GHS plants.  相似文献   

Rootstocks-scion relations have critical consequences about nutritional status, tree vigour, resistance to pest and pathogens, yield and yield quality. In this study, we therefore investigated seasonal variations of leaf mineral nutrient concentrations in Satsuma mandarin’s cvs. ‘Okitsu’, ‘Clausellina’ and ‘Silverhill’ budded on different citrus rootstocks under Dörtyol-Hatay, Turkey ecological conditions. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and K (potassium) concentrations of the leaves showed slightly similar trend each other, in general these nutrients reduced from January to March–April, and increased during the growing season until mid- and late summer, then decreased until December. Despite rootstocks did not significantly affect the leaf N, P and K concentrations rootstock-scion relation was pre-eminent and nutrient dependent. Most conspicuous scion dependent changes were recorded for K concentration whereas P concentration was little influenced. In terms of scion-rootstock combination, the range of N and K concentrations were 2.11% (‘Okitsu’/sour orange) to 2.34% (Silverhill/sour orange), and 1.09% (‘Okitsu’/Carrizo citrange) to 1.39% (‘Clausellina’/Carrizo citrange), respectively; but P concentrations were highly similar %0.13 (‘Okitsu’/sour orange) – %0.16 (‘Clausellina’/Carrizo citrange), in the entire growing season. It can be concluded that there are considerable differences in nutrient uptake ability of scion-rootstock combination.  相似文献   


The growth and photosynthesis of Oncidium ‘Goldiana’, a popular tropical orchid for cut flower production, were studied. Four main developmental stages were identified: bud stage, plantlet stage, unsheathing stage and pseudobulb stage. Pseudobulb formation occurred during the unsheathing stage which was closely followed by the formation of an inflorescence. The pseudobulb is of the heteroblastic type (arising from a single node) and lacks stomata. It is a G, shade plant based on chlorophyll a/b ratio, C02 compensation point, post-illumination C02 outburst and light response curves. The formation of new sinks such as inflorescence and axillary bud have a significant effect on the rate of photosynthesis of certain leaves. The photosynthetic rates of leaves L2 and L3 increased during the development of the axillary bud and inflorescence respectively. Pseudobulbs have high water content and contain chlorophyll but show no sign of gas exchange in light and dark. However, fixation of C02 is possible in light with partial removal of the underlying cuticle.  相似文献   


The influence of partial substitution of agar by galactomannans in culture media supplemented with different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was studied on in vitro rooting of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivar ‘Durondeau’ and apple rootstock (Malus prunifolia Borkh.) cultivar ‘Marubakaido’. The galactomannans applied were obtained from Cassia fastuosa (cassia) and Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (guar gum) seeds. The results obtained with mixtures of agar and galactomannan (3 g l–1 each) were compared with those from media solidified with a standard concentration of agar (6 g l–1). The rooting of pear shoots was enhanced significantly in the presence of a mixture of agar plus cassia galactomannan compared to medium solidified with agar only. The modified media promoted a higher number of roots than the control, and increased the percentage of rooted shoots. A maximum of 84.8% rooting was obtained on half-strength MS medium (1?2MS) supplemented with 0.49 µM IBA and solidified with a blend of agar plus cassia galactomannan. For the apple rootstock, only the number of roots per shoot was influenced significantly by the addition of galactomannan to the rooting medium. The highest number of roots per shoot was 16.67 on 1?2MS medium gelled with a mixture of agar plus guar galactomannan supplemented with 4.90 µM IBA. The behaviour of the agar-galactomannan gel and the possibility of reduced costs when compared with systems containing only agar, suggest new biological and commercial applications for galactomannans.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of foliar spraying salicylic acid (SA) and methyl Jasmonate (MJ) on the physiology responses of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa cv. Camarosa’) grown under salinity stress. According to results, SA and MJ significantly reduced the injuries caused by salt stress, possibly through promoting K+ accumulation as well as decreasing the electrolyte leakage and Na+ contents in the leaves. The best protective effects resulted from 0.75 mM SA and 0.25 mM MJ treatments. These results indicate that SA and MJ can effectively improve the defense system and antioxidant capacity of strawberry in the salt affected environments.  相似文献   

Plum crops in the UK are often uneconomically low because of unfavourable weather at blossom time leading to low fruit set. In view of the promising results obtained with fruiting hormones on other crops, the effects were investigated of mixtures of gibberellic acid, NN’-diphenylurea and 2-naphthoxyacetic acid applied to Victoria plum during the two months following full bloom. Large increases in set and subsequent yield were obtained with two applications. Treatment at 50% petal fall was detrimental to set, whereas treatment four weeks later was essential for improved set. Flowering in the year after hormone treatment was inhibited, the reduction being attributable to the increased crop load and to the use of gibberellin per se. The results are compared with those described by other workers using different cultivars, and the practical implications of hormone spraying discussed.  相似文献   


The formation of bud scales, transition leaves, true leaves, bracts and flower primordia were observed in buds removed from non-flowering sites on one year old shoots of apple ‘Royal Gala’. Buds were sampled from trees in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand (latitude 398S) during six successive seasons. The onset of flower development varied between seasons from 72 to 99.d after full bloom. Floral development was poorly synchronized within the populations of sampled buds, lasting 22 to 50.d. Differences in the onset and duration of flower development could not be related to seasonal differences in heat accumulation from full bloom. There was significant variation between seasons in the minimum number of appendages observed within buds that exhibited doming, which indicates floral development. In the 1998/99 season, doming was observed in buds that had only 15.7 appendages, whereas in the 1999/2000 season the minimum number of appendages within a bud that had initiated flowers was 17.5. When the data from all seasons were considered, the rate of appendage formation within developing buds was not consistently related to heat accumulation.  相似文献   

A trial at the Grove Research Station, southern Tasmania in 1989-90 examined the thinning of mature ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees. High-volume sprays were applied at 6,0001 ha-1 as air blast or vertical boom using NAA at 10mg l-1 4d after full bloom (AFB) and 18 d AFB. Carbaryl at 1,000 mg l-1 and thiram at 1200 mg l-1 were also applied as combined sprays, 30 and 38 d AFB. These high-volume sprays were compared with unsprayed controls and Micron and Micronair low volume sprayers at 200 and 1,1000 l ha-1. The dosages of the low volume applications were equilibrated to apply the same rates of chemical per hectare as the high-volume sprays, and the timing was the same. All spray treatments reduced crop load to acceptable levels when compared with the overcropped controls. There were no consistent differences between treatments for number of fruit per cm2 limb area except that the lowest volume Micron spray thinned significantly less than most other treatments. Considering the number of fruit per 100 blossom clusters the airblast spray was the only treatment to be significantly better than the Micron at 2001 ha-1. These numbers were reflected in mean fruit weight with the control fruit being significantly lighter than any sprayed fruit. The air blast treatment produced significantly heavier fruit than all other treatments, apart from the other high volume treatment. Fruit size distribution (FSD) showed significant differences between the control and all the spray treatments. The airblast treatment produced significantly more fruit in the 80 mm or larger category than all treatments, apart from the vertical boom application. These preliminary results suggest that although low-volume sprays can thin apple trees, the use of ultra low volumes (ULV) should be explored using machines capable of controlled droplet application (CDA). This may ultimately lead to less chemical being applied per hectare.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,88(4):289-298
The objective of our work was to determine how fruit position on the tree affects flavonoid and chlorogenic acid contents. Light was measured at different positions within the canopy of 10-year-old ‘Jonagold’ apple trees on M.9 rootstock raised as slender spindles. Fruit from the top of the canopy contained the highest percentage of blush and the highest levels of cyanidin 3-galactoside (anthocyanin) and quercetin 3-glycosides, followed by fruit from the outside of the canopy, and then those from the canopy interior. There were no significant differences in the levels of catechins, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid among fruit from the different canopy positions. Light level was directly correlated with the levels of cyanidin 3-galactoside and quercetin 3-glycosides and with the percentage of blush in the fruit skin. Light in the interior of the canopy was poorer in UV-A, blue, green and red but richer in far-red light than at all other positions. Consequently, the FR/R ratio was much larger at the interior of the canopy than at all other positions. Both anthocyanin and quercetin 3-glycoside concentrations were clearly related to light level, and there was a critical FR/R ratio of about 1 below which no anthocyanin and only minimal quercetin 3-glycosides were formed.  相似文献   


‘Hayward’ kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson) were sampled to identify populations of fruit with differing fruit mineral concentrations and levels of the storage-related disorder physiological pitting. Fruit were taken from different shoot types at different locations within vines. Fruit from short shoots near the tips of canes, in an area of the vine with low leaf:fruit ratios, had low fruit calcium concentrations and more pitting. In contrast, fruit from long shoots and with high leaf:fruit ratios near the base of canes, had high concentrations of calcium and less pitting. At the more distal positions along canes in an area of the vine with low leaf:fruit ratios, increasing leaf:fruit ratios on individual fruiting shoots led to higher inflow of calcium to the fruit. No such relationship was found when fruit were sampled from shoots near the base of canes, an area of the vine with relatively high leaf:fruit ratios. Inconsistent relationships were found between fruit soluble solids concentrations and calcium, probably due to different mobility of calcium and carbohydrates within the vines. Fruiting position and the associated leaf area are a source of variability in mineral concentrations of fruit, and by consequence, in the incidence of physiological pitting in ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, and should be considered when developing sampling techniques.  相似文献   

In this study, a new chlorophyll measurement tool, the delta absorbance (DA) meter, was used to develop an optimal harvest maturity model for ‘Ambrosia’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) fruit. Fruit from four commercial orchards in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada, were sampled (25 fruit from three or four trees per location) over nine consecutive weekly harvests during the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons, and 8 weeks in the 2013 season. At each harvest, five fruit from each orchard site had their index of absorbance difference (IAD) values, firmness, mass, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids content (SSC), red skin colouration and internal core ethylene concentrations measured. Following approx. 3 months of storage at 3.5°C, 20 fruit from each site were removed and assessed for the incidence of disorders such as senescent breakdown, cortical browning and coreflush. Chlorophyll concentrations in the epidermis were strongly and positively related to IAD values in the same tissue (P ≤ 0.001), confirming the assumption that chlorophyll was the basis for the DA meter IAD signal. In addition, IAD values declined significantly during fruit maturity and were negatively related to harvest week (P ≤ 0.001). The optimum harvest period was identified by aligning all ‘at harvest’ IAD values, fruit quality measurements, and ‘post-storage’ disorder data with the corresponding harvest week. IAD values associated with harvests having the highest commercial fruit quality then delineated the optimal harvest boundaries. The upper boundary IAD value of 0.47 was defined as ‘when to begin harvest’, while the lower boundary IAD value of 0.28 was considered to be ‘when to end harvest’ for long-term storage. The use of a DA meter and its IAD value to define the optimal harvest boundaries may be applicable to all commercial apple cultivars, but should be developed for each cultivar and growing region.  相似文献   

Fruit splitting, a physiological disorder of peel development in citrus, has been studied in terms of peel thickness and puncturing resistance in ‘Nova’ mandarins. Both features are negatively correlated with splitting. A mixture of G A, and 2,4-D reduced significantly the percentage of affected fruits. The best results were obtained with two applications at 60 and 30 d before the anticipated onset of the disorder. Calcium nitrate applications have similar effects, but were ineffective in orchards with a low natural incidence of splitting.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators play a vital role in fruit growth and development. However, effects of compounds belonging to the group of brassinosteroids have not been fully investigated in sweet cherries. One relatively new and one commonly applied growth regulator, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide and GA3, respectively, were tested on ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’ sweet cherries to determine the effects on fruit quality and physiological disorders. The substances were applied with a handgun sprayer at full bloom and at the beginning of fruit development (shuck split) for a 2-year period. GA3 was applied at the concentrations of 25, 50, 100 mgL?1 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide at 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 mgL?1. A combined application of 100 mgL?1 GA3 + 0.1 mgL?1 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide was also applied. Effects of GA3 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide on fruit weight and size were evident for the concentrations applied and between the seasons for both of the cultivars. Combination of the both growth regulators and 100 mgL?1 GA3 alone produced longer fruits compared to the control trees in ‘Regina’. The 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide applications increased the firmness of the flesh slightly, but not to a great degree, compared to the GA3 applications alone. The brightness of the red color was better with GA3 applications in ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’. Brassinosteroid caused the fruits to have comparably dull red color. Total soluble solid contents of the cultivars were influenced by the substances and the year of the application. Stem resistance to separation from the fruit was under the influence of both treatments and seasons. In general, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide provided better stem resistance than the GA3 applications. There were no effects of the substances on the development of physiological disorders.  相似文献   

Trials in southern Tasmania examined the thinning effects of ethephon on ‘Gala’ and ‘Jonagold’ apples. Untreated controls were compared with ethephon thinning sprays applied at full bloom at 50,100,200,400,800 and 1 600 mg I“1 to both cultivars. Thinning of both cultivars was related to the concentration of the spray and in most cases logistic models were fitted. Thinning effectiveness was largely reflected in increased fruit weight and size. The ‘Gala’ fruit was still not large enough for Australian markets. Ethephon at 200 mg I“1 effectively thinned ‘Jonagold’ and produced the required increases in fruit size and weight. ‘Jonagold’ was overthinned by the high concentrations of ethephon, but this was not reflected in increased fruit weight and size. Ethephon also reduced vegetative growth at the higher concentrations which was considered an advantage. More work is required to establish specific recommendations for either cultivar.  相似文献   


The in vitro multiplication of Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’ bulblet clumps was evaluated through three 16-week sub-culture passages on media supplemented with either 1.0 mg l–1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and 0.1 mg l–1 naphthaleneacetic acid [NAA; the plant growth regulator (PGR) control], 0.5 mg l–1 BA and 0.05 mg l–1 NAA (PGR/2), or 0.1 mg l–1 BA and 0.01 mg l–1 NAA (PGR/10). At the end of the second sub-culture passage, clumps of bulblets from each of the three PGR treatments were also transferred to conditions to promote bulblet growth (G medium without PGRs) supplemented with 60 g l–1 sucrose and 5 g l–1 activated charcoal (AC). Lowering the PGR concentration during the initial multiplication phase reduced bulblet multiplication and overall culture growth, but did not influence bulblet size, as indicated by the diameter of the largest bulblet. Lowering the PGR concentration during the multiplication phase also reduced the multiplication of bulblets, overall tissue fresh weight, and the production of roots in tissues transferred to bulblet growth conditions. The reduced growth of tissues previously multiplied on PGR/10 medium was not, however, reflected in the growth of individual bulblets, since these were not significantly smaller than bulblets initially multiplied at the higher PGR concentrations. Bulblet sprouting and root growth on the bulblet growth medium were unaffected by prior PGR status in the multiplication phase. The results are discussed in terms of the mode of action of AC on the promotion of bulblet growth.  相似文献   


Dry-matter accumulation patterns and anatomical aspects of development and abscission of inflorescence buds borne on shoots of fruiting (BF) and non-fruiting (BNF) branches of bearing trees and in non-bearing branches of disbudded (NBD) pistillate trees of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) were studied from the end of May to mid September. In NBD trees, inflorescence-bud summer drop was negligible and, by the end of the growing season, dry-matter content in NBD buds was three times higher than in BF buds. The anatomical investigation showed that the inflorescence buds, irrespective of their being on shoots of fruiting or not-fruiting branches, undergo the same differentiation process, which is completed by the end of spring. In June and July, signs of degenerations are detectable in the conducting tissue of the buds that will abscise. The degeneration seems to precede and, presumably, trigger the onset of abscission layers, which may develop in different points of the inflorescence. It is suggested that the event triggering the onset of the abscission process precedes the phase of rapid embryo development and that it might be ascribed to the embryo in the phase following the first zygotic division.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,28(3):227-233
Fruits of Corchorus olitorius L. were harvested at three different developmental stages on the basis of colour (yellow, yellow with brown patches or completely brown). Seed germination (total and rate) and seedling emergence from soil varied with the fruit colour. Steeping the seeds in water at 97°C for 5 s and seed-coat scarification using sandpaper significantly improved seed germination and seedling emergence. Stage of harvesting also affected the shoot lengths and degree of uniformity in shoot lengths of 5-week-old seedlings.  相似文献   

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