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姜燕琴  韦继光  曾其龙  於虹 《园艺学报》2015,42(Z2):2845-2846
南方高丛蓝莓新品种‘新昕1号’是从美国引进的蓝莓优选系‘NC1074’בUS237’的人工杂交种子选育而成。叶色亮绿,椭圆形或卵圆形,叶渐尖,叶长4.82 cm,叶宽2.43 cm。花梗长0.90 cm,总状花序,每花序3 ~ 6朵小花。果实中等大小,平均单果质量1.22 g,坚实,蒂痕小,深蓝色,味酸甜可口,果粉厚。在南京地区6月上旬成熟。丰产性强,对江苏省南部夏季高温多湿气候和粘重土壤有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

高温对北高丛越橘叶片结构和生理代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2年生北高丛越橘(Vaccinium corymbosum L.)‘蓝丰’、‘公爵’和‘布里吉他’为试验材料,利用人工气候箱设置4个培养温度(25、30、35和40 ℃),研究高温对叶片叶绿体超显微结构、气体交换参数、叶绿素荧光、抗氧化酶活性、色素含量以及电导率的影响。结果表明:温度对3个品种超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性影响不大,但显著改变了3个品种叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性。40 ℃对‘公爵’和‘蓝丰’的叶绿体结构有不同程度的破坏,而对‘布里吉他’没有产生显著影响。另外,随着温度的升高,3个品种叶片的叶绿素a(Chl.a)、叶绿素b(Chl.b)、叶绿素a/叶绿素b(Chl.a/b)、总叶绿素[Chl.(a + b)]及类胡萝卜素(Car.)均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,且3个品种的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)也出现了相似的变化趋势,品种不同其最大值出现的温度也不同。叶片相对电导率和叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm的测定结果也间接地支持了上述结论,即30 ℃35 ℃高温对叶片结构和功能的影响有限,但40 ℃高温导致其受到严重损伤。抗高温能力‘布里吉他’最强,‘蓝丰’次之,‘公爵’最弱。  相似文献   


Growing fruits and vegetables in plastic tunnels is known to accelerate maturity and protect quality. There are several studies on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) that demonstrate the ability of row covers to advance or delay crop maturity depending on how they are manipulated. Accelerating or delaying harvest time can prove to be very lucrative for producers. However, before producers start putting plastic tunnels over their crops it is important to know how blueberry cultivars will behave when grown under plastic. Six cultivars of southern highbush blueberry and eight cultivars of northern highbush blueberry were grown in a high hoop plastic tunnel for two seasons. Blueberry plants were grown under plastic from February 1 until their harvest was completed each year. After harvest, the plastic covering over the hoops was removed to help the blueberry plants develop fruit buds and meet winter chill requirements. On February 1 the plastic covering was returned to the high hoop tunnel after chilling requirements were met. As expected, fruit maturity dates were 1-3 weeks earlier for all the highbush blueberries grown inside the tunnel versus the same cultivars grown outside. The difference in maturity dates between cultivars grown under plastic and outside did change from one year to the next because of variation in the weather. Despite potential for poor pollination of blueberries in plastic tunnels, yields were significantly enhanced for four cultivars when grown under plastic tunnels. ‘Toro’, ‘Nui’, ‘Legacy’, and ‘Misty’ showed yield gains ranging from 1 to 4 times when grown under a plastic tunnel. Seed numbers per fruit were not significantly impacted by growing plants inside our tunnel.  相似文献   

十个半高丛越橘品种在山东的试验评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以10个半高丛越橘为试材,研究评价了树体性状、果实外观性状、果实内在品质和丰产性等指标.结果表明:北极星、瑞蓝、北青、慧蓝和北陆等5个品种在山东地区栽培反应良好,有待于进一步示范推广试验.奇伯瓦属于高产不优品种,建议用其作为亲本进行杂交育种.其余4个品种属于优质低产型,不适宜山东地区栽培推广,可以考虑引种至其他区域进行栽培试验研究,以期筛选出更多适合栽培的优良品种.  相似文献   

以高丛越橘(Vaccinium corymbosum)大果型品种‘奥尼尔’和小果型品种‘蓝雨’为试材,测定花芽膨大与果实发育期间生长曲线及成熟果实的部分生理指标;开展包含PLAC8保守结构域的FWL(fruit weight like)基因全基因组鉴定与序列分析,并应用实时荧光定量PCR法检测VcFWL/PLAC8基因亚家族成员在花芽膨大与果实发育进程中的相对表达水平。结果表明:‘奥尼尔’果实单果质量与横径自S2期起均显著高于‘蓝雨’,其成熟果实中心室数、单果种子数及种子质量也显著高于‘蓝雨’果实。越橘VcFWL/PLAC8家族包含11个成员,分布于10条染色体上,结构分析显示这些基因均包含2~3个外显子。大部分VcFWL/PLAC8基因包含高度保守的结构域,聚类分析可将其分为3个亚家族,其中B和C亚家族成员间高度保守。qPCR分析表明A与C亚家族基因的表达模式和越橘花芽与果实发育进程中细胞增殖趋势一致,B亚家族基因的表达丰度较低,推测VcFWL/PLAC8基因可能通过不同的机制和途径参与调控果实的生长发育。  相似文献   

高丛、半高丛和矮丛越橘越冬冻害研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
试验在长春进行,2002年10月中旬温度骤降,造成越橘枝条成熟程度差。2003年4月撤除防寒物后发现部分品种不同程度受冻害,调查了高丛越橘品种斯巴坦、蓝丰、蓝乐,半高丛越橘品种圣云、北陆、北蓝和矮丛越橘品种北村、美登,比较了其基生枝、延长枝、2年生枝的受冻枝条数、受冻长度、花芽和叶芽受冻比例,韧皮部受冻级别。结果表明:越橘3种类型中,高丛越橘抗寒能力最低,半高丛越橘其次,矮丛越橘抗寒能力最强。各品种中,高丛越橘斯巴坦受害最重,其基生枝和延长枝受害枝条数和枝条受冻长度分别为82.5%、85.7%和88.0%、95.6%,远高于蓝丰和蓝乐2个品种;2年生枝受害数量和长度斯巴坦为85.2%和76.4%,而蓝丰仅为17.6%和5.5%,蓝乐仅为33.0%和0%;3个品种花芽和叶芽受害比例、韧皮部受害级别也表现出同样趋势。半高丛越橘按抗寒能力由强到弱顺序排列依次为:北蓝>北陆>圣云。矮丛越橘2个品种北村和美登基本无冻害发生。  相似文献   

LED补光组合对大棚越橘生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2年生南高丛越橘‘Emerald’为材料,以大棚内自然光作为对照,研究LED光源的红蓝光(3︰1和6︰1)、紫外光(UVA)对植株长势、叶片光合作用、碳氮代谢、开花基因表达及开花率、果实品质的影响。结果表明:红蓝光组合处理下‘Emerald’的植株营养生长较旺盛,株高、1年生枝条长度和粗度显著高于对照。此外,红蓝光(6︰1)处理下叶片的叶绿素相对含量、比叶重和净光合速率均显著提高。红蓝光组合也可诱导植株开花,开花基因FT表达量和开花率明显高于对照。紫外光下叶片的氮含量、开花率及FT基因表达量显著高于对照。不同光质组合补光对‘Emerald’的果实品质有显著影响,红蓝光(3︰1)处理下果实的质量、横纵径、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、花青素含量和糖酸比均高于对照。总之,不同光质补光会促进越橘‘Emerald’的生长发育,红蓝光6︰1组合对促进营养生长作用相对较大,红蓝光3︰1组合对提高果实品质效果较好。紫外光虽能改变植株形态和促进开花,但果实品质提高效果较红蓝光处理稍弱。  相似文献   


Jam from wild bilberries and from the blueberry culti vars ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Berkeley’ were analyzed by means of sensory profiling and by instrumental measurement of anthocyanins, color, pH and soluble solids. The study shows that bilberry jam has more “bluish black color,” compared to a more “reddish-blue color” and “glossy” surface of the jam from cultivated blueberries. Bilberry jam was less “smooth” and higher in “viscosity” and “berry density” as well as less distinct in “flavor of flowers and fruits,” while the “blueberry flavor and odor” were more distinct in the bilberry jam than that made of highbush blueberries. Analysis of color by means of sensory hue and instrumental a Hunter lab corresponded well, as did saturation measured by the sensory method and chroma instrumentally measured.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 2010, 2011, and 2012 at a commercial blueberry farm near Burgaw, NC to determine weed control and crop tolerance to S-metolachlor and flumioxazin alone or mixed with hexazinone. Herbicides were applied pre-budbreak and postharvest. Pre-budbreak applications consisted of hexazinone at 1.1 or 2.2 kg ai ha?1, S-metolachlor at 1.4 or 2.8 kg ai ha–1, and flumioxazin at 215 g ai ha–1 alone and tank mixes of hexazinone or flumioxazin plus S-metolachlor. Additional treatments consisted of flumioxazin (215 g ha–1), flumioxazin plus S-metolachlor (1.4 and 2.8 kg ha–1), or hexazinone (1.1 kg ha–1) plus S-metolachlor (1.4 and 2.8 kg ha–1) applied pre-budbreak and followed by (fb) a postharvest application of flumioxazin (215 g ha–1). Herbicide programs containing flumioxazin resulted in greater Maryland meadowbeauty control (73%) 5 to 6 weeks after treatment (WAT) than herbicide programs containing hexazinone at 1.1 or 2.2 kg ha–1 (37% and 39%, respectively). Needleleaf rosette grass control remained ≥94% for all herbicide programs through 2 WAT. Hexazinone at 1.1 kg ha–1 provided greater needleleaf rosette grass control (87%) than flumioxazin (71%) 5 to 6 WAT. Meadowbeauty and needleleaf rosette grass control by all herbicide programs was poor (≤39% and ≤57%, respectively) 16 to 18 WAT. Two weeks after post-harvest applications, herbicide programs receiving a post-harvest flumioxazin application had greater meadowbeauty and needleleaf rosette grass control (78% and 84%, respectively) than those programs without a post-harvest flumioxazin application (43% and 71%, respectively).  相似文献   

Plant small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are abundant and diverse proteins involved in various stresses. In this study, a small heat shock protein gene (VcHSP17.7) encoding a 160-amino acid protein was isolated from the highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicated that the VcHSP17.7 is a member of the plant cytosolic class II sHSPs; this finding was supported by the subcellular localisation pattern of a VcHSP17.7-YFP fusion protein. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that the VcHSP17.7 gene was expressed in all analysed tissues. Heat shock experiments were conducted using mature blueberry fruit. The anthocyanin content was lower in heat shock-treated fruit than in control fruit after 14 days of storage at 2°C. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content was lower in heat shock-treated fruit than in control fruit during subsequent low-temperature storage, which indicates that heat shock treatment may have alleviated chilling injury (CI) and enhanced the chilling tolerance of the blueberry fruit. Meanwhile, the expression of VcHSP17.7 in blueberry fruit was induced by heat shock treatment and gradually increased during subsequent low-temperature storage. These results suggest that VcHSP17.7 might be involved in the chilling tolerance of blueberry fruit caused by heat shock treatment.  相似文献   


Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt., Rosaceae) and blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L., Ericaceae) are substantially equivalent in all characteristics that are important to the consumer, including fruit color, shape, size, nutrition, texture, and uses. In addition, both fruits are native to North America and they have practically identical historical uses and known health benefits. Their composition, processing, nutritional value and metabolism, intended uses, and levels of undesirable substances are compared.  相似文献   

高丛越橘果实香气成分的GC/MS分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
 采用静态顶空和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,以早、中、晚熟高丛越橘品种为材料,研究了高丛越橘果实香气成分。结果表明:高丛越橘挥发性物质以醇类、酯类、萜类物质为主。共检测出67种挥发性成分,品种间具有较大差异,其中都克检测出16种,蓝乐17种,蓝丰27种,泽西13种,埃利奥特26种,达柔25种。都克特征香气成分为丁酸乙酯、大马酮、2-甲基丁酸乙酯、D-柠檬烯和2-丁酮。蓝乐特征香气成分为2-甲基丁酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯和乙酸丁酯。蓝丰特征香气成分为2-甲基丁酸乙酯、乙酸-(E)-3-己烯酯、β-芳樟醇、丁酸乙酯、乙酸己酯、(E)-2-己烯醛和(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇。泽西特征香气成分为紫罗兰酮、2-甲基丁酸乙酯和丁酸乙酯。埃利奥特特征香气成分为乙酸己酯、β-芳樟醇、D-柠檬烯和己醛。达柔特征香气成分为丁酸乙酯、乙酸己酯、D-柠檬烯和β-芳樟醇。这些特征香气物质相互作用构成了高丛越橘品种特有的风味。  相似文献   


Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) form symbiotic relationships with roots of blueberry plants providing increased access to nutrients from fertilizers and soil. In August of 2001, we sampled 55 fields in Oregon to assess the mycorrhizal status of blueberry plants under production conditions and to determine whether any relationships exist between field characteristics, root distribution, soil characteristics and level of colonization by mycorrhizal fungi. Variation in measured soil characteristics, root type, root distribution and mycorrhizal colonization occurred with cultivar, field age, bed type, rate of nitrogen fertilization, irrigation type, and mulch. Root biomass was lower in the upper 15 cm of soil compared to 15-30 cm depth. Distribution of roots between the two sampled depths varied significantly with field age, nitrogen fertilization rate, and the time of 50% harvest for the different cultivars sampled. Root length was generally greatest in the upper 15 cm of the soil than at the 15-30 cm depth. Root colonization by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) ranged from 0.5 to 44% of total root length with higher colonization generally occurring in the upper 15 cm of the soil where the majority of smaller, finer roots were found. Colonization generally increased with increasing plant age. In young plants the highest levels of colonization were found in roots from the upper 15 cm of soil while in older plants the highest levels of colonization were found in roots at the 15-30 cm depth. Colonization of roots by EMF in the upper 15 cm of the soil tended to decrease with increasing N fertilization rate, while root colonization at the 15-30 cm depth was unaffected by rate of N fertilization. Roots on cultivars that fruited early in the season tended to have higher levels of colonization than cultivars that fruited later in the growing season. Root biomass and root length were negatively correlated with soil pH and available Ca in soil, while root colonization by EMF was negatively correlated with ammonium levels in the soil. Differences in soil characteristics, root type and distribution, and mycorrhizal colonization found in this study need to be investigated in terms of production efficiency of blueberry in Oregon.  相似文献   

从高丛、半高丛、矮丛和红豆4种类型越桔中各选一代表品种研究其叶片光合作用特性,结果表明,它们的光合作用年变化均呈一双峰曲线,高丛和半高丛越桔第一次高峰出现在7月初,矮丛和红豆越桔出现在7月中旬,第二次高峰均出现在8月下旬。高丛、半高丛和矮丛越桔春季展叶后光合强度较高,9月中旬以后随着叶片变色老化迅速下降,而红豆越桔展叶后(5月26日~6月20日)光合强度较低,9月中旬以后仍维持一定水平的光合强度。光饱和点和光补偿点表现为高丛>半高丛>矮丛>红豆;呼吸强度则相反。光合速率以高丛和半高丛高于矮丛和红豆越桔。  相似文献   

摘要:为研究紫豇豆品种绵紫豇1号的配套栽培技术,为其栽培及推广提供科学依据,进行了6个播种期及3个种植密度的双因子试验,分析不同播种期与密度对绵紫豇1号的生育期、植物学性状和产量的影响。结果表明:对绵紫豇1号豇豆产量的影响顺序依次为播种期>播种期与密度互作>密度;产量随播种期的推迟呈下降的趋势,随密度的增大呈先升后降趋势。综合得出,绵紫豇1号在四川地区的适宜播种期为3月25日前后,播种期不宜太迟,太迟会影响产量;在土壤中上等肥力水平下的适宜种植密度为667 m2栽8 100株。  相似文献   

通过对兔眼越桔杰兔、顶峰、灿烂、圆蓝和粉蓝等 5个品种的生长、开花、坐果、果实生长发育等生物学和生长特性进行引种试验观察,评价品种其适应性及用途.结果表明:兔眼越桔具有良好的观赏价值,果树栽培的特性各品种间有差异,5个品种均适合作为绿化观赏树种栽培,而果树栽培则选择灿烂、顶峰较适宜.  相似文献   

植物衰老往往伴随着过氧化物酶体功能紊乱,Lon2蛋白酶对过氧化物酶体的功能和结构的维持具有重要作用,但目前未见其与衰老相关性的报道。从越橘(Vaccinium ssp.)中克隆了Lon2全长cDNA序列,命名为VcLon2(KX611379),并通过烟草中NbLon2基因沉默(Virus Induced Gene Silence,VIGS)技术处理和转VcLon2基因对该基因功能进行研究。结果表明,NbLon2沉默本氏烟植株矮小,叶片小且黄化严重,而VcLon2超表达本氏烟植株鲜绿且粗壮;NbLon2沉默植株叶绿素含量仅为对照的一半,H2O2含量及膜脂过氧化程度也显著高于对照,VcLon2超表达植株则相反。同时,抗氧化酶CAT基因的转录水平在本氏烟各株系中无显著差异,但NbLon2沉默植株内CAT酶活性仅为对照的62.62%,表明Lon2蛋白酶对过氧化物酶体内蛋白质结构和功能的维持发挥着重要作用。此外,NbLon2沉默植株蛋白羰基化程度显著高于对照,植物衰老标记基因SAG12表达量为对照的15 642.2倍。以上研究均表明,Lon2蛋白酶缺失显著加剧光合色素降解、破坏细胞膜系统、羰基化蛋白大量积累等;VcLon2蛋白酶对植物健康维系及衰老延缓等具有重要作用。  相似文献   


A survey of blueberry growers determined the extent of rain-related splitting fruit on blueberry production in Mississippi and Louisiana. Growers were asked to approximate (1) the number of acres or plants of each cultivar on their farm (2) the severity rating (1 = No splitting-5 = Severe splitting) of each cultivar, and (3) the percent of berries lost to rain-related splitting. Among the 3 most widely planted cultivars, ‘Premier’ exhibited the least splitting (1.2 rating) followed by ‘Climax’ (2.2) and ‘Tifblue’ (3.1) had the most split fruit.  相似文献   

The reciprocal yield/density equation 1w = α + β? (when w is the mean weight per plant, or plant part, at density ?, and α and β are constants when ? is the only variable) was used to interpret the results of two plant density experiments with populations ranging from 15–280 plants/m2. In a fertilizer experiment the level of fertilizer used had a major effect on the β parameter, while the α parameter was influenced mainly by harvest date. In a cultivar/rectangularity experiment no effect of rectangularity was detected, and the cultivar mainly affected the α parameter, the β parameter being not significantly different between cultivars. Density was shown to have a major effect on the yield/tenderometer relationship. Yields in excess of 9.9 tonnes/ha (8 800 lb/acre) at a tenderometer reading of 120 (T120) were obtained.  相似文献   


Blueberry (Vaccinium sp.) production has expanded rapidly in the Southeastern U.S. over the past two decades, and various production problems have been encountered. These problems include poor pollination, low fruit set, freeze damage, variable yields, and small fruit size among others. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) have been utilized to overcome some production problems with some degree of success. This paper reviews findings of research that has been conducted over the past few years with PGRs and blueberries in the Southeast.  相似文献   

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