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通过研究水稻不同灌水方法即浅—湿—浅间歇灌溉,湿润灌溉,常规灌溉对水稻产量及耗水量,成本的影响。结果表明,湿润灌溉较常规灌溉节水5247t,节水率33%,节约成本220元/hm^2,是一项保护生态,节约资源的好技术,应大力推广。  相似文献   

水稻浅湿灌溉的生育表现与节水效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1989年在江苏省不同生态稻区进行了水稻浅湿灌溉的多点试验。结果表明,水稻大 田生长期采取浅水──湿润(土壤含水量不低于田间持水量的80%)灌溉方式,不会造成显著减产,较常规水层灌溉每亩可节约灌溉水200m3左右,节水率达60%左右。汕优63采取全生育期湿润灌溉产量较高而稳,而献改63对水分较敏感。在本试验条件下,土壤水分状况对源限制型水稻的颖花总容量影响甚微,对结实率和千粒重则有不同影响。不同试点间,淮北由于水源不足,采取前温后水灌溉既节水又能高产,而里下河地区,水源充沛,宜采取全生育期湿润灌溉。  相似文献   

试验研究了浅湿干灌溉、间歇灌溉、好气灌溉等3种大田节水灌溉方式对水稻群体生长特性的影响。结果表明,节水灌溉延迟了水稻分蘖进程,分蘖数较常规灌溉不同程度增加,增幅为27~54茎/m2;水稻成穗率较常规灌溉有所提高,增幅分别为3.2%、13.9%和12.8%;水稻根干质量和根冠比均高于常规灌溉。  相似文献   

综述了中国水稻生产中控制灌溉技术、干湿交替灌溉技术、水稻“薄、浅、湿、晒”灌溉技术、微灌技术、蓄雨型灌溉技术和覆盖旱种6种常用的节水灌溉技术及其应用发展情况,并总结了控制灌溉技术、干湿交替灌溉技术和覆盖旱种3种主要节水灌溉技术对水稻产量的影响及其机理。从加强水稻根—土互作机理、新技术应用以及根构型特性研究等方面提出了未来节水灌溉技术的研究重点,以期为中国水稻高产节水栽培提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式对水稻产量及产量构成因子的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过多年不同灌溉试验,研究了不同灌溉方式对水稻产量及产量构成因子的影响。结果表明,常规淹水灌溉栽培使水稻分蘖高峰期提前,分蘖增多,株高增高;节水灌溉栽培、极度节水灌溉栽培使水稻分蘖高峰期后移,分蘖减少,株高降低,生育期推迟。在常规淹水灌溉、节水灌溉、极度节水灌溉三种灌溉栽培下平均穗长递减。常规淹水灌溉栽培、节水灌溉栽培对水稻单位面积收获穗数和平均每穗实粒数影响不大;极度节水灌溉栽培对水稻单位收获穗数和平均每穗实粒数影响较大。节水灌溉栽培、极度节水灌溉栽培使水稻平均千粒重和平均结实率较高;常规淹水灌溉栽培反而使水稻千粒重和结实率降低。常规淹水灌溉栽培、节水灌溉栽培条件下水稻平均产量接近,说明水稻在栽培过程中适度的节水,对产量没有影响;极度节水灌溉栽培条件下水稻平均产量较低,说明节水过度对水稻的产量影响很大,降低了水分利用效率,反而成为低效用水。  相似文献   

草甸白浆土保水能力强,通透性差,常规灌溉使水稻生长发育不良。通过节水控制灌溉试验结果表明,节水灌溉技术既降低了成本,又增加了产量,使农民增产增收。  相似文献   

水稻节水控制灌溉技术试验总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草甸白浆土保水能力强,通透性差,常规灌溉使水稻生长发育不良。通过节水控制灌溉试验结果表明,节水灌溉技术既降低了成本,又增加了产量,使农民增产增收。  相似文献   

水稻旱种是从水稻旱直播发展而来的,即在旱地状况下直播,苗期旱长,中后期利用雨水和适当灌溉以满足稻株各时期需水要求的一种种稻方法。在水资源较贫乏的今天,国家农业部将此项技术列为“十五”重点推广50项技术之一,因此,搞水稻旱种意义十分重大。水稻旱种是节水栽培的一种形式,我地区按照水稻旱播后的灌溉模式,把旱种分为旱种水管和旱种旱管两种类型。旱种水管,是指水稻播种出苗经过一段时间的旱长后,按照常规水稻淹灌或浅湿灌溉的模式进行中后期田间水分管理。旱种旱管,是指水稻播种出苗后,按照定期的湿润灌溉模式进行中后…  相似文献   

付久才 《北方水稻》2009,39(6):51-52
根据水稻生育进程中叶龄模式栽培体系,对水稻秧田、本田采用动态的水分管理,针对各生育阶段的不同生理生态条件,分别采用浅水灌溉、深水灌溉、湿润灌溉、晒田、间歇灌溉等方式,以实现寒地井灌节水种稻,并确保水稻稳产、高产。  相似文献   

胡金忠  刘洪国 《北方水稻》2012,42(6):47-49,77
水稻控制灌溉是一种节水栽培新技术。八五二农场生产大面积推广应用该项技术,平均节水70~100 m3/667 m2,节水率达22%~35%。控制灌溉技术在推广应用时,要与垦区应用的"浅、湿、干"灌溉技术有机结合,处理好生产性用水与控制灌溉的关系,同时要与水稻叶龄诊断技术相结合,以更加精准地进行节水灌溉,更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

丁亮 《垦殖与稻作》2012,(1):27-30,33
黑龙江垦区进行节水试验,试验结果表明:控灌处理用水量296.4 m3/667 m^2,较对照省水84 m3/667 m^2,但水分供应不充分,不能满足水稻生长的需要,具体表现为:株高较对照矮0.7 cm,单穴茎数较对照少0.5株,实粒数较对照少1.8粒,产量635.4 kg/667 m^2,较对照减产6.5%;节灌处理用水量345.5 m3/667 m^2,较对照省水20.9 m^3/667 m^2,水分能够满足水稻生长需要,并且因浅水灌溉增加水温、泥温,促进水稻分蘖,单穴茎数19.6株,较对照增加1.7株,促进水稻根系的发育,产量679.1 kg/667 m^2,较对照不减产,经济效益分析节灌处理增效2.6元/667 m^2,节约水资源的同时又增加了抽水的费用,具有实际的推广价值。  相似文献   

不同海岛棉品种产量及水分利用效率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对5个海岛棉品种产量与水分利用效率的分析研究。结果表明.不同海岛棉品种各生育期土壤含水量存在差异。不同海岛棉品种产量、水分利用效率存在极显著差异。新海21是节水型品种,能够较充分的利用有限的灌溉水,在干旱半干旱地区具有强大的优势。  相似文献   

根据 2 0 0 3年度啤酒大麦不同节水耕种技术试验结果 ,以产量和灌溉水生产效率为目标函数 ,分析比较了“垄畦沟灌”节水耕种方式的生产技术效果和其在不同耕作条件下的节水效果及灌溉水生产效率。初步确立了“垄畦沟灌”这一能够有效协调节水与增产矛盾 ,适宜啤酒大麦实现节水型生产的耕种新技术 ,平均增产 5 %以上 ,灌水生产效率 1 31~ 2 2 0kg/m3;免耕较施耕每公顷节水 330 0m3,节水率达 4 4 2 2 % ,灌水生产效率提高 0 87kg/m3。为啤酒大麦的生产应用和科学研究提供了新的技术和信息。  相似文献   

根据水稻不同生育时期采取不同的灌溉方法,即:插秧至返青阶段有水不淹心;返青至分蘖高峰期寸水不露泥;拔节孕穗至蜡熟末期间歇灌溉,缺水补水。结果表明:采用节水灌溉模式稻田可节水1800m^3/hm^2,可增产625.5kg/hm^2,纯增收1431元/hm^2。  相似文献   

根据水稻不同生育时期采取不同的灌溉方法,即:插秧至返青阶段有水不淹心;返青至分蘖高峰期寸水不露泥;拔节孕穗至蜡熟末期间歇灌溉,缺水补水。结果表明:采用节水灌溉模式稻田可节水1800m3/hm2,可增产625.5kg/hm2,纯增收1431元/hm2。  相似文献   

Recent water shortages in reservoirs have caused such problems as insufficient water and fallow rice fields in Southern Taiwan; therefore, comparing irrigation water requirements and crop production of paddy fields using a technique that differs from the conventional flood irrigation method is important. Field experiments for the second paddy field with four irrigation schedules and two repeated treatments were conducted at the HsuehChia Experiment Station, ChiaNan Irrigation Association, Taiwan. Experimental results demonstrate that irrigation water requirements for the comparison method, and 7-, 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules were 1248, 993, 848, and 718 mm, respectively. Compared to the conventional method of flooding fields at a 7-day interval, the 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules reduced water requirements by 14.6 and 27.3 %, respectively; however, crop yields decreased by 7 and 15 %, respectively. Based on the results, it was recommended that the ChaiNan Irrigation Association could adopt 10 days irrigation schedule and plant drought-enduring paddy to save irrigation water requirements for the water resource scarcity in southern Taiwan. The CROPWAT model was utilized to simulate the on-farm water balance with a 10-day irrigation schedule for the second paddy field. A comparison of net irrigation water requirements with the 10-day irrigation schedule from model and field experiment were 818 and 848 mm, respectively, and the error was 3.54 %.  相似文献   

Increasing water scarcity has necessitated the development of irrigated rice systems that require less water than the traditional flooded rice. The cultivation of aerobic rice is an effort to save water in response to growing worldwide water scarcity with the pressure to reduce water use and increase water productivity. An accurate estimation of different water balance components at the aerobic rice fields is essential to achieve effective use of limited water supplies. Some field water balance components, such as percolation, capillary rise and evapotranspiration, can not be easily measured; therefore a soil water balance model is required to develop and to test water management strategies. This paper presents results of a study to quantify time varying water balance under a critical soil water tension based irrigation criteria for the cultivation of non-ponded “aerobic rice” fields along the lower parts of the Yellow River. Based on the analysis and integration of existing field information on the hydrologic processes in an aerobic rice field, this paper outlines the general components of the water balance using a conceptual model approach. The time varying water balance is then analyzed using the feedback relations among the hydrologic processes in a commercial dynamic modeling environment, Vensim. The model simulates various water balance components such as actual evapotranspiration, deep percolation, surface runoff, and capillary rise in the aerobic rice field on a daily basis. The model parameters are validated with the observed experimental field data from the Huibei Irrigation Experiment Station, Kaifeng, China. The validated model is used to analyze irrigation application soil water tension trigger under wet, dry and average climate conditions using daily time steps. The scenario analysis show that to conserve scarce water resources during the average climate years the irrigation scheduling criteria can be set as −30 kPa average root zone soil water tension; whereas it can be set at −70 kPa during the dry years, however, the associated yields may reduce. Compared with the flooded lowland rice and other upland crops, with these two alternatives irrigation event triggers, aerobic rice cultivation can lead to significant water savings.  相似文献   

深松和灌水次数对春玉米耗水特性及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
试验设置深松条件下灌水3次和4次(SI3和SI4)两个处理,以常规浅旋耕灌水3次和4次(RI3和RI4)为对照,研究深松及灌水次数对超高产春玉米生育期耗水规律、灌浆特性及产量的影响。结果表明,与常规浅旋耕相比较,深松处理可显著改善40~100 cm深层土壤水分条件,为深层根系的水分吸收提供保障,促进春玉米生长发育。深松处理较浅旋耕处理生产单位玉米平均节水量为0.149 m~3/kg,节水6.66%,单位耗水量增产量为0.322 kg/m~3,增产7.17%。相同灌水次数条件下,深松处理显著提高春玉米产量构成因素,增产达12.47%。  相似文献   

The Zhanghe irrigation system (ZIS) is located in the Yangtze River Basin approximately 200 km west of Wuhan in Hubei Province. The reservoir was designed for multiple uses—irrigation, flood control, domestic water supply, industrial use, aquaculture, and hydropower. Over a period of more than 30 years a steadily increasing amount of water has been transferred from irrigation to other uses. Activities on the part of government, irrigation system managers, and farmers made this transfer possible with only modest decline in rice production. Most important factor was the steady increase in rice yields. The water pricing system provided an incentive for ZIS to reduce irrigation releases. With the steady decline in releases, farmers were forced to find ways to save water. Farmers improved existing ponds and built new ones to store water (improved infrastructure). Access to pond water on demand facilitated the adoption of alternate wetting and drying (technology) particularly in dry years. The establishment of volumetric pricing (price policy) and water user associations (institutions) may also have provided incentives for adoption of AWD, but more research is needed to establish their impact. These activities taken together can be seen as potentially complementary measures. Farmers received no direct compensation for the transfer of water, but recently farm taxes have been reduced or altogether abolished. Further reduction in water releases from the ZIS reservoir could adversely affect rice production in normal or dry years.  相似文献   

通过对前郭灌区水稻播种时期的研究表明:①前郭灌区水稻最佳播期:浸种催芽播种以4月18日为宜。②播种期较传统播期延后7~10 d,每天可节约费用(用水、人工等)100元左右。③最佳播期的秧苗白根多,粗且有根毛,叶距短,茎叶弹性好。④最佳播期的秧苗发病明显轻,秧苗返青快(基本无返青期)。⑤最佳播期的秧苗,秋后产量高。  相似文献   

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