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中国农业政策环境影响初步分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
国家农业政策是国家总体经济政策的重要组成部分,是政府为了实现一定的农业、经济和社会发展目的。对影响农业发展的重要环节所采取的一系列具有宏观调控作用的政策措施的总称。国家农业政策的实施,可能会对中国的环境及其保护事业造成巨大的压力和影响。通过对中国农业政策背景、政策目标、政策利益相关者、政策手段等进行分析总结,指出中国农业政策通过改变农户生产结构、生产方式和生产技术等对农业环境产生影响。目前对农业环境影响较大的农业政策有粮食安全政策、土地政策、提高农民非农收入的政策、结构调整政策和农业环境政策。通过对这些政策对农业环境的影响分析,提出了要提高对农业环境问题的重视程度、实施农业政策与环境政策一体化,深化农地使用制度改革、明确界定土地所有权主体、稳定土地承包关系,制定激励政策减轻农业面源污染,建立健全农业环境污染监管机制,重视生态建设,发展生态农业等政策调整建议。  相似文献   

The extensive debate over trade liberalization policies in the United States holds a general consensus that some industries will benefit while others will not. This paper explores the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on U.S. retailers in states located along the border with Mexico. Overall, the impact of trade on U.S. border retailers has been beneficial. However, the results demonstrate that retailers in the region are vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations and other macroeconomic influences that change the relative price ratio between the United States and Mexico. Furthermore, retailers in metropolitan statistical areas that have a relatively high concentration of retail sector employment are more susceptible to these changes.  相似文献   

As concern for environmental protection is growing within all sectors of society, industrial firms are being forced to become more accountable for their actions. Government policies, in the form of environmental standards, have been designed to reduce the level of toxic pollutants being discharged by firms. In order to comply with these standards, firms must either change the nature of their production processes or employ technologies that reduce the level of effluent being discharged. This paper investigates the role of environmental policy in driving firms to adopt pollution control technologies. The policy addressed is the Province of Ontario's Municipal Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA) which seeks to compel firms to reduce discharges of industrial effluent through the application of the “Best Available Technology Economically Achievable.” The impact of this policy instrument on the adoption of pollution control technology in the Ontario organic chemical industry is examined. The analysis is based on interviews with firms in the chemical industry which reveal that environmental policy has played a central role in inducing firms to adopt pollution control technologies. The paper draws on literature about technology diffusion, especially the relationship between suppliers and users of technology, and examines the process through which environmental technology is transferred to regulated firms. The relationship between the suppliers and users of technology is strong, especially between the large multinational users and smaller independent domestic technology suppliers.  相似文献   

This paper employs vector autoregressive (VAR) models to measure the impact of monetary policy shocks on regional output in Indonesia. We find substantial cross‐regional variation in policy responses in terms of both magnitude as well as timing. Our work adds to the existing literature by providing insights from a large developing country, viz. Indonesia, where monetary policy has both a national and a regional dimension. The results support previous findings that the differential regional effects of monetary policy are significantly related to sectoral composition (especially the share of manufacturing), providing evidence for the relevance of the interest rate channel of monetary policy. We also find that firm size contributes to these differences, providing evidence for the importance of the credit channel. As a whole, both types of channels appear to operate simultaneously in the decentralized Indonesian monetary policy and to impact on the real part of the regional economy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Over the past twenty years, the environmental regulation of landfills has become increasingly restrictive both at the federal and state levels. Using a panel dataset of Ohio landfills, we developed a theoretical framework to explain the landfill operators’ responses to regulatory actions, and then estimate an empirical model of changes in industry structure. Because not all Ohio counties have landfill operations, we hypothesize that there is self‐selection in the location of landfills, which is accounted for with an appropriate econometric model. The study finds that environmental regulations had significant impact both on the location of landfill operations and concentration of the industry during the time period studied.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between environmental policy and growth, from the perspective of endogenous growth theory. In particular three standard endogenous growth models are supplemented with environmental issues, such as pollution and exhaustibility of natural resources. It is found that these new elements may affect the long run growth rates, but this is not a universal outcome. One consequence for economic policy is that optimal taxation to realize a social optimum should take account of environmental issues.  相似文献   

为了解决土地整治规划环境质量影响综合评价定量化的难题,探索简便易行的土地整治规划环境质量影响综合评价技术方法,以土地整治规划实施前后土地利用结构的变化为切入点,以规划实施对环境系统结构-功能-价值的影响为分析评价对象,构建了环境质量影响综合评价指标体系,建立了环境质量综合影响指数法定量评价模型,应用该方法对商丘市的土地整治规划进行了环境影响综合定量评价。评价结果表明,评价指标易于定量化取值,综合影响指数法评价模型简便易行,规划方案实施对环境质量综合指数的影响值为+11.76,规划实施对区域环境质量的影响总体是有利的,规划方案具有环境可行性。以规划实施对环境系统结构-功能-价值的影响为切入点,构建的环境质量影响评价指标体系针对性强、评价指标易于量化;环境质量影响综合评价模型法使评价工作得以大幅简化,实用性强,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

在对中国环境经济政策内涵及作用分析的基础上,针对西欧环境经济政策成功的经验及对中国的启示:政府与农户签订长期合同、发放补助金和实施减免税政策等。并结合中国西部地区退耕还林的调研结果述评,提出了中国退耕还林政策的取向:实行长期的补贴政策、尊重农户意愿、改善林业投资环境、对退耕还林成果实行产业化经营运作等。  相似文献   

环境污染转移对中国农村可持续发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建设中国特色社会主义新农村,实现农村的可持续发展,环境污染向农村转移的问题就必须高度重视。笔者主要分析了环境污染转移对中国农村的生态环境及农民身体健康造成的严重影响,结果导致贫困,并指出环境污染转移导致了恶性循环,同时提出了相应的对策建议。最后得出的结论是污染企业要走循环经济之路,中国农村未来的发展方向是发展生态农业。  相似文献   

为方便资料用户准确地把握霍尔果斯站的气候资料信息,进而揭示真实的气候变化特征与规律,选取霍城和伊宁县作为参考站,利用霍尔果斯站和参考站1961—2014年的同期观测资料序列进行了完整性、区域一致性和均一性分析。发现,霍尔果斯站观测资料完整性好,但气温、降水、湿度和风速共4个要素的区域一致性均较差,并且均存在不连续点。同期对比观测资料分析结果表明,相对湿度、降水量和风速一致性较好,气温和风向一致性比较差。显著性检验结果表明,新址和旧址除年、月平均风速差异显著,不能连续使用外,其他5个要素基本通过了显著性检验,资料可以连续使用。而风速在资料服务中需要进行订正,方可连续使用。  相似文献   

朱松  孙彩霞 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):330-333
农业开发建设项目具有很强的环境依赖性。现代农业的发展带动了农村经济的发展和农民收入的增加,也改变了原有土地利用方式和生态环境。农业建设项目对环境的影响是一个长期累积的过程,因此环境影响评价对污染的预防和控制尤为重要。文章主要分析了现代农业建设项目的环境问题、开展环境影响评价的主要内容以及保护对策和措施,以期为相关项目的环评工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

环境因子对长白山区天然核桃楸林生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以长白山区14块核桃楸为主具有代表性的林分样地为研究对象,分析核桃楸的生长指标与14个环境因子的相关性,以期揭示环境因子对核桃楸生长的影响。结果表明:(1)不同林分组成的核桃楸林对核桃楸的生长影响显著,其中含落叶松的核桃楸林中径生长优于其他林分的核桃楸,而且郁闭度对树高影响显著(R=0.5049)。(2)坡向和坡位分别与胸径、材积(P<0.05)和树高、胸径、材积(P<0.01)呈显著和极显著相关,而坡度与其材积呈显著负相关(R=-0.5016)。(3)海拔与胸径和材积呈显著正相关(R=0.4918、R=0.5203),经度与材积呈显著负相关(R=-0.5428)。(4)土壤厚度和土壤碱解氮含量对其树高的影响均显著,作用大小为:土壤碱解氮含量>土壤厚度;土壤中有机质含量和土壤pH值对其胸径的影响均显著,作用大小为:土壤中有机质含量>土壤pH值;土壤中碱解氮含量与材积呈极显著正相关(R=0.8314)。  相似文献   

The Environmental Impact Assessment Law of our country stipulated that the project and construction items should be assessed using the method of environmental impact. The planning office becomes the agent of environmental impact assessment is as important as the agent of project construction for the first time. The scope, duty, and the legal responsibility of the agent, which does the assessment using the method of environmental impact, should be standardized and perfected. It will be helpful to implement the work of environmental assessment and make it legal.  相似文献   

Abundant researches approve that the bank-lending channel is the main monetary transmission channel in China recent years. But the most of investigations only focus on the behavior of the gross bank-lending index in the monetary transmission, and the further investigation hasn't been carried on. This paper divides the gross index of bank lending into the short-term and mid-, long-term loans based on the internal and external researches. It analyzes how the financial institutions adjust their lending policy under the impact of the monetary policy of the central bank and the effect of the adjustments on the macroeconomic, making the further study of the bank-lending channel in monetary transmission in China.  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will continue to attract political debate as U.S. manufacturing industries adjust in the face of increased import competition and export opportunities. This study applies the specific factors model of production to manufacturing industries in Alabama to examine the pending adjustment. As industrial prices change, there will be small output adjustments in the short run and downward pressure on the wages of production workers. Projected changes in industrial investment will lead to substantial long-run output adjustments.  相似文献   

中国淡水池塘养殖面临的环境问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
传统的集约化池塘养殖废水排放势必会加剧周围水域的富营养化程度,环境问题已成为中国淡水池塘养殖发展的瓶颈之一。为解决这个难题,国内外学者尝试了原位的和异位的池塘生态环境修复技术,其中具有代表性的是“鱼-菜”共生和循环水养殖模式。前者虽然增加了额外的经济、生态收入,但难以实现池塘产排污系数的绝对为零,而后者虽然能够实现水资源的循环利用,但考虑到经济、土地成本,很难有大面积的净化配置。养殖池塘水体上层种菜,养殖废水排入人工湿地,将原位与异位修复技术结合起来,建立淡水池塘生态合作养殖模式,是中国池塘养殖所面临环境问题的有效解决途径之一。渔民合作社是水产科技集中体现的平台,将中国已发展成熟的养鱼合作社,从“经济合作”、“信息合作”推向“生态合作”也是水产养殖业发展的趋势。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A recent string of “new economic geography” (NEG) models has set focus on the impacts of trade liberalisation on the intra‐national distribution of economic activity. What the existing contributions have in common is a basic two‐sector assumption (agriculture/manufacturing) and a resulting focus on the question of whether liberalisation leads to a greater concentration of aggregate manufacturing activity. Reconsidering these models from a multi‐sectoral perspective, the aim is to allow for sectoral differences in the spatial adjustments to liberalisation. This introduces a conceptual nexus between comparative advantage (CA)‐type sectoral recomposition effects of trade and NEG‐type spatial adjustments. In the analysis of Mexican manufacturing location 1993–2003, incipient empirical evidence is found in favour of the hypothesis that sectors characterised by a revealed comparative advantage and/or cross‐border intermediate supplies grow faster in regions with good foreign market access, whereas import competing ones gain in relative terms in regions with higher “natural protection” from poor market access. The relevancy of the proposed NEG/CA framework concerns both efficiency and equity objectives of trade adjustment policies, and opens a new perspective on the long‐run effects of trade on spatial inequality.  相似文献   

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