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A major controversy during the debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement focused on the impact of NAFTA on Mexico's environment. This paper examines the evidence of impact specifically on Mexico's environmental policy. Criteria of impact are developed, and comparisons made for three periods: before 1990 as the baseline period; 1990-93 when NAFTA was being negotiated; and beginning in 1994 when NAFTA came into effect. Much evidence indicates that Mexico's environmental policymaking and enforcement did improve in the early 1990s while NAFTA was being debated. Some evidence also suggests that the NAFTA-influenced environmental commitment was sustained during the 1995 financial crisis. Thus, it is concluded that NAFTA has contributed significantly to Mexico's environmental policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between environmental policy and growth, from the perspective of endogenous growth theory. In particular three standard endogenous growth models are supplemented with environmental issues, such as pollution and exhaustibility of natural resources. It is found that these new elements may affect the long run growth rates, but this is not a universal outcome. One consequence for economic policy is that optimal taxation to realize a social optimum should take account of environmental issues.  相似文献   

在对中国环境经济政策内涵及作用分析的基础上,针对西欧环境经济政策成功的经验及对中国的启示:政府与农户签订长期合同、发放补助金和实施减免税政策等。并结合中国西部地区退耕还林的调研结果述评,提出了中国退耕还林政策的取向:实行长期的补贴政策、尊重农户意愿、改善林业投资环境、对退耕还林成果实行产业化经营运作等。  相似文献   

中国对虾养殖业发展轨迹及技术变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虾养殖业的兴起与发展是市场需求与技术进步共同推动的结果。文章借助于中国渔业统计年鉴及联合国粮农组织渔业统计数据库,梳理了1958—2015年中国对虾养殖业整体发展规模、养殖品种、单产水平、生产成本与收益等指标的发展变化情况;分析了对虾苗种繁育和养殖环节的病害防控、营养需求和饲料配方以及精细化管理等技术变迁的路径,以便深度挖掘产业发展的演进规律,为制定产业可持续发展战略提供参考。  相似文献   

Climate change has become one of the key issues affecting global society and economic development,and it is related to the sustainable development of mankind and the earth’s ecological system.Firstly,this research begins with the important international conferences and agreements on Global Climate Governance,and analyzes the recent progress of the Paris Agreement,the Marrakech climate conference and the major progress of China & US climate cooperation and China’s contribution.Secondly,from the perspective of China’s adaptation and response to climate change,the main progress of climate change in China is reviewed from a multi-level perspective.The main scientific and technological progress and achievements in China’s response to climate change have been tracked.Finally,from the environmental risk areas,the future risks of climate change are predicted from six aspects,to contribute to the scientific and technological support program for climate change governance.  相似文献   

Technology Creating something new is spring of technology progress,and diffusion of trasfer of technology is a key stage or symbol of technology progress.Raz Baruch,Liu Wenge and Zhu Jiaxing,respectively,had given or modified receiver state model of technology transfer.This paper firstly explains that S-type model is a model of simple,applicable and higher guasi-degree for technology transfer as well.Next,a long-time model of receiver state of technology(development) in technology diffusion is obtained and Zhu's model is revised.  相似文献   

中国农业政策环境影响初步分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
国家农业政策是国家总体经济政策的重要组成部分,是政府为了实现一定的农业、经济和社会发展目的。对影响农业发展的重要环节所采取的一系列具有宏观调控作用的政策措施的总称。国家农业政策的实施,可能会对中国的环境及其保护事业造成巨大的压力和影响。通过对中国农业政策背景、政策目标、政策利益相关者、政策手段等进行分析总结,指出中国农业政策通过改变农户生产结构、生产方式和生产技术等对农业环境产生影响。目前对农业环境影响较大的农业政策有粮食安全政策、土地政策、提高农民非农收入的政策、结构调整政策和农业环境政策。通过对这些政策对农业环境的影响分析,提出了要提高对农业环境问题的重视程度、实施农业政策与环境政策一体化,深化农地使用制度改革、明确界定土地所有权主体、稳定土地承包关系,制定激励政策减轻农业面源污染,建立健全农业环境污染监管机制,重视生态建设,发展生态农业等政策调整建议。  相似文献   

WEI Feng  KONG Yu 《保鲜与加工》2005,(11):151-153
Using non-parameter test and multinomial logit regression, this paper studies the dividend policy and behavior empirically. The results show that the change of the earnings of firms affects their dividend policy. When the EPS of the firms increase, the probability of choosing not to pay cash dividend is maximal, yet when the EPS of the firms decrease, many firms choose not to pay cash dividend or choose to increase DPS, so that the information that the relevant firms have great expectation is transmitted to the market. Furthermore, this paper also finds that the successiveness of the dividend policy of the listed firms in China is not good.  相似文献   

台北水源特定区为台湾地区第一个经由都市计划法划设的水源、水质、水量保护区,为大台北地区最主要的自来水来源。为保证水源、水质不受破坏与污染,使得水源区土地管理工作更加重要。该文主要利用高分辨率SPOT5卫星影像,辅以航空影像数据,采用高斯最大似然方法和类别变化检测法,进行水源区域土地利用变迁和环境变迁分析,成功取得了水源区域内植被、地形、地貌、土地利用及变迁情况资料。项目中,分类整体精度达到95.60%,变迁分析结果标示出两个变化较大区块。  相似文献   

日光温室冬季环境因子变化关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在日光温室冬季栽培条件下,利用温室智能监控系统,自动监测记录温室内外空气温度、光照强度、空气湿度,温室内CO_2浓度、土壤温度、土壤水分,研究各环境因子日变化规律及温室内环境因子与外界环境因子关系。结果表明,温室内外各环境因子间日变化联系紧密;除土壤温度和土壤水分外,其他各环境因子彼此之间都具有极显著相关性;温室内外光照、温室内外温度彼此之间呈极显著正相关,曲线呈不规则的"n"形,并与温室内外湿度、温室内CO_2浓度呈极显著负相关,日变化呈不规则的"u"形;土壤水分日变化较小,有一个趋同土壤温度变化的微弱变化;温室内环境变化与温室外环境变化联系紧密,温室内温度变化是温室外温光条件共同影响的结果,土壤温度受外界环境温度影响最大,温室内光照与温室外光照紧密联系。  相似文献   

Schumpeterian perspectives on industrial change suggest a relationship between new firms and the regionally specific technological bases for innovation. However, the links between such firms and the knowledge bases for innovation are more implicit than explicit. The innovation process in new firms reflects both the capabilities found within the firm as well as information sourcing from without. This paper seeks to articulate the nature of change in relationships between firms in science-based industries and the technological infrastructure accessed to support innovation, as such industries mature out of the birth phase. Innovation is treated as decision making, identifying the firm as innovator and agent of change. Survey research suggests that a shift in the sourcing of information, and an associated shift in the character of information accessed, occurred with maturation in the study industry, comprised of biotechnology firms in the U.S. “Early” and “later” forming firms show somewhat different technology sourcing patterns. Interviews were conducted to help interpret these findings. Implications for industry development are suggested.  相似文献   

以解决竹业技术推广态势下造成的竹农和科研机构双方在时间、空间上的技术供需“断层”为出发点,提出竹农参与技术创新来改变科技资源在时间和空间上重新配置,认为从竹农角度看,这种重新配置是一种市场配置行为,而从科研机构角度看,却是一种半市场配置行为。在比较科研机构与竹农科技资源的优劣势的基础上,认为竹农参与技术创新不仅可以带来整个社会财富福利的增加,而且使竹农和科研机构双方的福利有所提升,从而使科技资源配置在假设前提下获得帕累托改进。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术在养猪业中的广泛应用,养猪业经历了土杂猪,个体饲养;杂交猪,专业化饲养;良种猪,企业化、规模化饲养三个阶段。文章通过数据和图表梳理了近三十年生猪总量、饲养水平、生产成本、纯收益等指标发展变化情况。并分别分析了养猪五大基本技术:种(育种和繁殖)、料(营养饲料)、舍(猪舍环境控制)、病(猪病防治)和管(饲养管理和经营管理)的各自技术变迁历史。  相似文献   

The immobilization cell technology is a new biological engineering technique. The key for this technology is the characteristics of the immobilization supporter materials used. In this work, the categories and characteristics of the supporter materials in this technology are presented. The applications of the immobilization supporter materials in environmental pollutant treatment are also reviewed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Competitiveness can be defined as the ability of an economy to maintain stable or increasing market shares in an economic activity while sustaining stable or increasing living shares for those who participate in it. Government policy in all countries has strong effects on competitiveness. With the turn away from a Cold War economy the Clinton Administration has pursued a technology policy explicitly linked to the quest for heightened national competitiveness. It is based on a rejection of Reagan-Bush era analyses of the competitiveness problem, which centered on cost reduction in industry. There are many different forms of technology policy for competitiveness, however. Some center on labor quality, while others center on technological spillovers between industries. An effective policy should promote technological spillovers in the economy. All such policies, moreover, are only effective if they are organized and governed properly. The Clinton-Gore policy has many different programs and methods of governance. This paper argues that it should reinforce the regional level of organization of technology policy formulation and implementation.  相似文献   

阐述枇杷采后主要生理变化,并对采后贮藏保鲜技术处理作逐一介绍.  相似文献   

确保中国粮食安全的科技发展战略与政策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
科技进步在保障粮食安全过程中具有越来越重要的地位,而中国粮食科技发展的现状却不容乐观。未来粮食科技发展的战略目标是为确保21世纪中国人口高峰期到来之际的粮食安全提供科技储备,战略重点是力争在粮食科技的若干重大领域取得关键性突破。为此提出了实施国家粮食安全重大科技攻关计划,运用“绿箱”政策加大对农业科技的投入,建立新型粮食科技推广体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

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