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The advancement in functional genomics, such as DNA microarrays along with the genome availability of important pathogens as well as of human and livestock species has allowed scientists to study the expression of thousands of genes in a single step. In the past decade, DNA arrays have been employed to study infectious processes of pathogens, in diagnostics, and to study host-pathogen interactions. The generation of enormous data sets by microarray experiments also stimulated the growth of a new generation of analytical software. The information provided by microarray experiments has been useful in generating new hypotheses for future research. The concept of DNA array technology has been utilized in the development of novel diagnostic methods. This review highlights the application of microarrays in the field of veterinary research.  相似文献   

The molecular analysis of disease pathogenesis in cattle has been limited by the lack of availability of tools to analyze both host and pathogen responses. These limitations are disappearing with the advent of methodologies such as microarrays that facilitate rapid characterization of global gene expression at the level of individual cells and tissues. The present review focuses on the use of microarray technologies to investigate the functional pathogenomics of infectious disease in cattle. We discuss a number of unique issues that must be addressed when designing both in vitro and in vivo model systems to analyze host responses to a specific pathogen. Furthermore, comparative functional genomic strategies are discussed that can be used to address questions regarding host responses that are either common to a variety of pathogens or unique to individual pathogens. These strategies can also be applied to investigations of cell signaling pathways and the analyses of innate immune responses. Microarray analyses of both host and pathogen responses hold substantial promise for the generation of databases that can be used in the future to address a wide variety of questions. A critical component limiting these comparative analyses will be the quality of the databases and the complete functional annotation of the bovine genome. These limitations are discussed with an indication of future developments that will accelerate the validation of data generated when completing a molecular characterization of disease pathogenesis in cattle.  相似文献   

昆虫的先天免疫系统包括细胞免疫与体液免疫,它们共同作用于入侵的微生物,保护机体免受各种病原物的侵染。在漫长的进化中,病原微生物也发展了一系列策略应对昆虫的细胞与体液免疫。已有研究表明,病原物主要采取杀死血细胞,抑制细胞吞噬及结节形成,分泌毒力因子或利用体表的脂类成分等策略逃避昆虫细胞免疫;通过分泌蛋白酶降解抗菌肽,利用病原物细胞表面缺乏免疫诱导因子或抑制宿主抗菌肽的表达等策略应对昆虫体液免疫。本文结合相关研究成果,综述病原物抵抗昆虫免疫反应的一系列策略,阐释宿主昆虫同病原物之间免疫与抗免疫的动态互作过程。  相似文献   

Anaplasma phagocytophilum infects a wide variety of host species and causes the diseases tick-borne fever (TBF) in ruminants and granulocytic anaplasmosis in humans, horses and dogs. TBF in sheep has become one of the more prevalent tick-borne diseases in some regions of Europe. A. phagocytophilum infection modifies host gene expression and immune response. The objective of this research was to characterize differential gene expression in sheep experimentally and naturally infected with A. phagocytophilum by microarray hybridization and real-time RT-PCR. The results of these studies demonstrated in sheep the activation of inflammatory and innate immune pathways and the impairment of adaptive immunity during A. phagocytophilum infection. The characterization of the genes and their expression profiles in sheep in response to A. phagocytophilum infection advances our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of pathogen infection and the pathogenesis of TBF. Collectively, these results expand current information on the mammalian host response to A. phagocytophilum infection.  相似文献   

Anaplasma and Mycobacterium species are among the most prevalent bacterial pathogens in European red deer (Cervus elaphus) in south-central Spain and are known to modify gene expression in ruminants. In this study, we used microarray hybridization and real-time RT-PCR analyses to characterize global gene expression profiles in red deer in response to Anaplasma ovis and A. ovis/Mycobacterium bovis/Mycobacterium avium sub. paratuberculosis (MAP) infections, compare the expression of immune response genes between red deer infected with A. ovis, M. bovis and A. ovis/M. bovis/MAP, and characterize the differential expression of immune response genes identified in red deer in cattle infected with M. bovis and Anaplasma marginale. Global gene differential expression in A. ovis- and A. ovis/M. bovis/MAP-infected deer resulted in the modification of common and pathogen-specific cellular biological processes. The differential expression of host immune response genes showed pathogen and host-specific signatures and the effect of infection with multiple pathogens on deer immune response. These results suggested that intracellular bacteria from Anaplasma and Mycobacterium genera produce similar genes expression patterns in infected ruminants. However, pathogen and host-specific differences could contribute to disease diagnosis and treatment in ruminants.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria belonging to the family Anaplasmataceae include species of the genera Ehrlichia and Anaplasma. Ehrlichia chaffeensis, first known as the causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, also infects several vertebrate hosts including white-tailed deer, dogs, coyotes and goats. E. chaffeensis is transmitted from the bite of an infected hard tick, such as Amblyomma americanum. E. chaffeensis and other tick-transmitted pathogens have adapted to both the tick and vertebrate host cell environments. Although E. chaffeensis persists in both vertebrate and tick hosts for long periods of time, little is known about that process. Immunological studies will be valuable in assessing how the pathogen persists in nature in both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Understanding the host immune response to the pathogen originating from dual host backgrounds is also important to develop effective methods of diagnosis, control and treatment. In this paper, we provide our perspective of the current understanding of the immune response against E. chaffeensis in relation to other related Anaplasmataceae pathogens.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) is the causative agent of Johne's disease, a deadly intestinal ailment of ruminants. Johne's disease is of tremendous economic importance to the worldwide dairy industry, causing major losses due to reduced production and early culling of animals. A highly controversial but developing link between exposure to M. paratuberculosis and human Crohn's disease in some individuals has led to the suggestion that M. paratuberculosis is also a potential food safety concern. As with many other mycobacteria, M. paratuberculosis is exquisitely adapted to survival in the host, despite aggressive immune reactions to these organisms. One hallmark of mycobacteria, including M. paratuberculosis, is their propensity to infect macrophages. Inside the macrophage, M. paratuberculosis interferes with the maturation of the phagosome by an unknown mechanism, thereby evading the host's normal first line of defense against bacterial pathogens. The host immune system begins a series of attacks against M. paratuberculosis-infected macrophages, including the rapid deployment of activated gammadelta T cells, CD4+ T cells and cytolytic CD8+ T cells. These cells interact with the persistently infected macrophage and with each other through a complex network of cytokines and receptors. Despite these aggressive efforts to clear the infection, M. paratuberculosis persists and the constant struggle of the immune system leads to pronounced damage to the intestinal epithelial cells. Enhancing our ability to control this important and tenacious pathogen will require a deeper understanding of how M. paratuberculosis interferes with macrophage action, the cell types involved in the immune response, the cytokines these cells use to communicate, and the host genetic factors that control the response to infection.  相似文献   

The immune system is a multifaceted arrangement of membranes (skin, epithelial, and mucus), cells, and molecules whose function is to eradicate invading pathogens or cancer cells from a host. Working together, the various components of the immune system perform a balancing act of being lethal enough to kill pathogens or cancer cells yet specific so as not to cause extensive damage to “self” tissues of the host. A functional immune system is a requirement of a healthy life in modern animal production. Yet infectious diseases still represent a serious drain on the economics (reduced production, cost of therapeutics, and vaccines) and welfare of animal agriculture. The interaction involving nutrition and immunity and how the host deals with infectious agents is a strategic determinant in animal health. Almost all nutrients in the diet play a fundamental role in sustaining an optimal immune response, such that deficient and excessive intakes can have negative consequences on immune status and susceptibility to a variety of pathogens. Dietary components can regulate physiological functions of the body; interacting with the immune response is one of the most important functions of nutrients. The pertinent question to be asked and answered in the current era of poultry production is whether the level of nutrients that maximizes production in commercial diets is sufficient to maintain competence of immune status and disease resistance. This question, and how to answer it, is the basis of this overview. Clearly, a better understanding of the interactions between the immune signaling pathways and productivity signaling could provide the basis for the formulation of diets that optimize disease resistance. By understanding the mechanisms of nutritional effects on the immune system, we can study the specific interactions that occur between diet and infections. This mechanism-based framework allows for experiments to be interpreted based on immune function during an infection. Thus, these experiments would provide a “real world” assessment of nutritional modulation of immune protection separating immune changes that have little impact on resistance from those that are truly important. Therefore, a coordinated account of the temporal changes in metabolism and associated gene expression and production of downstream immune molecules during an immune response and how nutrition changes these responses should be the focus of future studies. These studies could be answered using new “-eomics” technologies to describe both the local immune environments and the host-pathogen interface.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatiotemporal immune response in listeric rhombencephalitis of ruminants in situ. Our data support the view that astrocytes facilitate the containment of infectious lesions. Results on the natural disease recapitulate observations in experimental rodent models and suggest that the mounted adaptive lymphocytic response of ruminants is effective in eliminating Listeria monocytogenes (LM). However, our data indicate earlier participation of the adaptive immune response, a stronger B lymphocyte contribution and a more protracted macrophage infiltration in the natural disease than it has been deduced from experimental models. Therefore, such models should be complemented by studies in natural host systems. Various macrophage and microglia subsets are involved in listeric rhombencephalitis and their differential contribution may account for species differences in clinical course and outcome of infection as might species differences in the B-cell response. Future functional ex vivo and in vitro studies are necessary to further investigate the findings obtained in the present study.  相似文献   

Traditionally, zoonotic pathogen ecology studies in wildlife have focused on the interplay among hosts, their demographic characteristics and their pathogens. But pathogen ecology is also influenced by factors that traverse the hierarchical scale of biological organization, ranging from within‐host factors at the molecular, cellular and organ levels, all the way to the host population within a larger environment. The influence of host disease and co‐infections on zoonotic pathogen carriage in hosts is important because these factors may be key to a more holistic understanding of pathogen ecology in wildlife hosts, which are a major source of emerging infectious diseases in humans. Using wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) as a model species, the purpose of this study was to investigate how host disease and co‐infections impact the carriage of zoonotic pathogens. Following a systematic trap and removal study, we tested the rats for the presence of two potentially zoonotic bacterial pathogens (Bartonella tribocorum and Leptospira interrogans) and assessed them for host disease not attributable to these bacteria (i.e., nematode parasites, and macroscopic and microscopic lesions). We fitted multilevel multivariable logistic regression models with pathogen status as the outcome, lesions and parasites as predictor variables and city block as a random effect. Rats had significantly increased odds of being infected with B. tribocorum if they had a concurrent nematode infection in one or more organ systems. Rats with bite wounds, any macroscopic lesion, cardiomyopathy or tracheitis had significantly increased odds of being infected with L. interrogans. These results suggest that host disease may have an important role in the ecology and epidemiology of rat‐associated zoonotic pathogens. Our multiscale approach to assessing complex intrahost factors in relation to zoonotic pathogen carriage may be applicable to future studies in rats and other wildlife hosts.  相似文献   

The immune mechanisms of defence against fungal infections are numerous, and range from protective mechanisms that were present early in evolution (innate immunity) to sophisticated adaptive mechanisms that are induced specifically during infection and disease (adaptive immunity). The first-line innate mechanism is the presence of physical barriers in the form of skin and mucous membranes, which is complemented by cell membranes, cellular receptors and humoral factors. There has been a debate about the relative contribution of humoral and cellular immunity to host defence against fungal infections. For a long time it was considered that cell-mediated immunity (CMI) was important, but humoral immunity had little or no role. However, it is accepted now that CMI is the main mechanism of defence, but that certain types of antibody response are protective. In general, Th1-type CMI is required for clearance of a fungal infection, while Th2 immunity usually results in susceptibility to infection. Aspergillosis, which is a disease caused by the fungus Aspergillus, has been the subject of many studies, including details of the immune response. Attempts to relate aspergillosis to some form of immunosuppression in animals, as is the case with humans, have not been successful to date. The defence against Aspergillus is based on recognition of the pathogen, a rapidly deployed and highly effective innate effector phase, and a delayed but robust adaptive effector phase. Candida albicans, part of the normal microbial flora associated with mucous surfaces, can be present as congenital candidiasis or as acquired defects of cell-mediated immunity. Resistance to this yeast is associated with Th1 CMI, whereas Th2 immunity is associated with susceptibility to systemic infection. Dermatophytes produce skin alterations in humans and other animals, and the essential role of the CMI response is to destroy the fungi and produce an immunoprotective status against re-infection. The resolution of the disease is associated with a delayed hypersensitive response. There are many effective veterinary vaccines against dermatophytoses. Malassezia pachydermatis is an opportunistic yeast that needs predisposing factors to cause disease, often related to an atopic status in the animal. Two species can be differentiated within the genus Cryptococcus with immunologic consequences: C. neoformans infects predominantly immunocompromised hosts, and C. gattii infects non-immunocompromised hosts. Pneumocystis is a fungus that infects only immunosupressed individuals, inducing a host defence mechanism similar to that induced by other fungal pathogens, such as Aspergillus.  相似文献   

Rodents are recognized reservoir hosts for many human zoonotic pathogens. The current trends resulting from anthropocene defaunation suggest that in the future they, along with other small mammals, are likely to become the dominant mammals in almost all human‐modified environments. Recent intricate studies on bat‐borne emerging diseases have highlighted that many gaps exist in our understanding of the zoonotic transmission of rodent‐borne pathogens. This has emphasized the need for scientists interested in rodent‐borne diseases to integrate rodent ecology into their analysis of rodent‐borne pathogen transmission in order to identify in more detail the mechanisms of spillover and chains of transmission. Further studies are required to better understand the true impact of rodent abundance and the importance of pathogen sharing and circulation in multi‐host– multi‐pathogen communities. We also need to explore in more depth the roles of generalist and abundant species as the potential links between pathogen‐sharing, co‐infections and disease transmission.  相似文献   

The successful co-existence of each Brucella spp. with its preferred host is the outcome of ancient co-evolutionary relationships and selection pressures that often result in a stalemate where the pathogen has evolved to survive within the biological systems of the host, and the host has evolved innate and acquired immune systems which allow controlled survival of infection by the pathogen, ultimately supporting the survival of the host-pathogen system. In general, Brucella spp. have evolved a similar fundamental pathogenesis of facultative intracellular parasitism though the predominant route of natural exposure varies from oropharynx to genital tract, as does the preferred tissue and cellular tropism, e.g. non-professional placental trophoblasts, fetal lung, professional macrophages of reticulendothelial system, and the male and female reproductive tracts. The morphogenesis of the pyogranulomatous lesions stimulated by Brucella reflects the nature of the persistent parasitism, i.e. genome versus genome. The question is, how can this perplexing array of survival mechanisms be unraveled? Fortunately, the integration of real-time image analysis, cell biology, genome-wide analysis, proteomics and bioinformatics holds the most promise ever for the global analysis of the Brucella infectious process and the host:pathogen interface leading to a clearer understanding of the interactions of these biological systems. These discoveries will be expected to provide a frameshift in rationales for interrupting and/or controlling brucellosis at host and/or pathogen levels.  相似文献   

Research on pathogenesis of bacterial diseases involves exploration of the intricate and complex interactions among pathogen, host, and environment. Host-parasite-environment interactions that were relatively simple were the first to be understood. They include intoxications in which ingestion of a powerful bacterial toxin was sufficient to cause disease. In more complex cases bacteria occupy a variety of niches in the host and attack at an opportune time. Some bacterial pathogens have a brief encounter with the host; others are long-term guests. This variety of relationships involves a wide range of strategies for survival and transmission of bacterial pathogens. Molecular genetics, genomics and proteomics have facilitated understanding of the pathogens and hosts. Massive information often results from such studies and determining the relevance of the data is frequently a challenge. In vitro studies often attempt to simulate one or two critical aspects of the environment, such as temperature, pH, and iron concentration, that may provide clues as to what goes on in the host. These studies sometimes identify critical bacterial virulence factors but regulation of bacterial virulence and host response is complex and often not well understood. Pathogenesis is a process of continuous change in which timing and degree of gene expression are critical and are highly regulated by the environment. It is impossible to get the full picture without the use of natural or experimental infections, although experimental infections involve ethical and economic considerations which may act as a deterrent.  相似文献   

The inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) enzyme has long been recognized as a key mediator of innate immune responses to infectious diseases across the phyla. Its role in killing or inactivating bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens has been documented in numerous host systems. iNOS, and its innate immune mediator NO has also been described to have negative consequence on host tissues as well; therefore understanding the pathogenesis of any infectious agent which induces iNOS expression requires a better understanding of the role iNOS and NO play in that disease. Previous studies in our laboratory and others have demonstrated evidence for increased levels of iNOS and activity of its innate immune mediator NO in the intestine of turkeys infected with astrovirus. To begin to characterize the role iNOS plays in the innate immune response to astrovirus infection, we identified, characterized, developed tkiNOS specific reagents, and demonstrated that the intestinal epithelial cells induce expression of iNOS following astrovirus infection. These data are the first to our knowledge to describe the tkiNOS gene, and demonstrate that astrovirus infection induces intestinal epithelial cells to express iNOS, suggesting these cells play a key role in the antiviral response to enteric infections.  相似文献   

In vivo and ex vivo studies of the immune system in relation to infectious disease that are carried out in the natural target species provide data that are relevant to understanding the biology of the immune cells and immunity to infection. This is particularly the case for diseases that show host specificity. Ex vivo studies that exploit the surgical cannulation of lymphatic ducts have allowed access to natural dendritic cells. Investigations of these cells have revealed the presence of subpopulations that differ in their ability to stimulate T cells and differ in the range of cytokines synthesized. These differences would be forecast to have major effects on the bias and type of immune response that are induced. Studies in vivo of the effect of depleting T-cell populations with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have shown how different T-cell populations have differing critical roles for different infectious diseases, and how they may contribute to the immune response and pathology after infection. Here the case is made for how studies in cattle have aided our understanding of immunity to several infections that can be exploited for the rational design of effective vaccination and control strategies.  相似文献   

奶牛乳腺中的初级吞噬细胞、嗜中性粒细胞(PMN)和巨噬细胞构成了抵御病原体入侵的第1道防线。在健康奶牛的乳腺中,巨噬细胞占主导地位且充当哨兵的角色。当病原体侵入乳腺时,巨噬细胞及乳腺上皮细胞就会释放出直接将PMN迁移到该区域的趋化剂,使PMN从循环中迅速流入并吞噬和杀灭细菌,起到保护的作用。抵御病原体入侵的第2道防线是由记忆细胞和免疫球蛋白组成的网络,它们与第1道防线相互作用。随着分子生物学技术的发展,更好地了解炎症反应的调节机制可为研究和调节宿主与病原体的相互作用提供理论基础,因此本文就奶牛乳腺免疫细胞防御机理的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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