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我省海蜇池塘养殖现状与存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 海蜇池塘养殖现状辽宁省海蜇池塘养殖最早可追溯到1999年,当时锦州娘娘宫乡的一个虾场,在粗放养虾过程中,养虾池自然纳潮进入了海蜇,同时在沿岸人为抓了一部分海蜇入池,当年14hm2虾池收获海蜇6000~7000kg,开了养虾池塘成功养殖海蜇的先河。由于海蜇的人工育苗技术在上世纪80年代已成熟,近年来人们面临着海蜇自然资源量正逐渐的衰退,海蜇价格的不断攀升,人工苗种、池塘养殖海蜇已成为市场的选择和产业化发展的必然趋势。因此近两年海蜇池塘养殖已进入快速发展轨道,2002年全省海蜇养殖面积已达5000hm2左右,海蜇育苗水体3000~4000m3,种苗…  相似文献   

通过研究海蜇池塘2茬养殖生产模式,提高了养殖效益。6月1日放苗养殖第1茬,7月底8月初收获。8月1日放养第2茬8—10cm大规格苗种,10月份收获2茬海蜇。  相似文献   

一、海蜇池塘养殖现状和存在问题近两年,辽宁省海蜇全人工苗种育苗技术的研究、水质中理化因子对海蜇成活率影响的研究、外界因子突变对海蜇性早熟的影响研究、以及不同生物饵料对海蜇生长速度的影响研究等科研课题相继取得重大突破,1999年海蜇虾池养殖试验也获得了成功,从此,我省海蜇池塘养殖生产有了飞速的发展。2003年全省海蜇养殖规模达到9600公顷,生产鲜蜇710万千克,面积、产量分别比上年增加93郾3%和139%;海蜇育苗达到20000米3水体,比上年增长400%,培育海蜇苗种上亿头。目前海蜇池塘养殖成为我省渔业新的经济增长点。在发展的同时,我…  相似文献   

海蜇养殖时间短,见效快,池塘养殖60天可收获。海蜇在我国北方可养殖2~3茬,5月1日可放苗养殖第1茬,6月底7月初收获。而7~8月份由于海蜇苗种缺乏,常常无苗可放,浪费了池塘养殖水体。如果在春夏季节采取低温保种,解决海蜇苗种生产需求,便可确保一年养殖2~3茬海蜇。笔者根据几年来海蜇育苗和养殖生产情况将海蜇螅状体春夏低温保种技术做一介绍,  相似文献   

利用不同面积、水深的池塘,采用不同的放养密度、不同规格的苗种进行高密度养殖试验。结果表明:泥鳅养殖池塘以长条形为佳,面积2亩~3亩,水深保持在0.4m~0.5m,池底铺设腐殖泥土10 cm,养殖效果较好;泥鳅苗种规格为70尾/kg~80尾/kg,放养量1000kg/亩~1200kg/亩,单产较高,效益最好;放养苗种规格越大,养殖成活率越高;随着放养密度增大,成活率逐渐降低;试验条件下,放养规格为70尾/kg的泥鳅苗,单产最高。  相似文献   

海蜇(Rhopilemaesculenta)是我国近海经济价值较高的大型浮游动物,全国沿海均有分布,主要渔场在黄、渤海以及浙江沿岸,历史最高产量约(干品)4×104t。近年来由于资源量的减少,现仅渤海湾渔场尚有少量的可捕资源,因此海蜇产品市场供应日趋紧张,价格不断攀升,目前市场上鲜品价格约在10 0元 kg。在市场需求的拉动下,海蜇池塘养殖首先在辽宁兴起,由于海蜇养殖成本较低,近两年海蜇养殖发展势头较强,2003年辽宁海蜇养殖面积8000hm2,苗种产量上亿头,鲜品产量上千万千克,已初步形成产业化规模[1]。但在海蜇养殖产业化大发展的同时,也出现了海蜇…  相似文献   

鲟鱼养殖方式有水泥池工厂化流水养殖、静水池塘养殖、流水养殖、网箱养殖。1静水池塘养殖1.1鱼池条件有独立的供水,能不定期地补充新水,并可以充分地排水,有稳定的水位。1.2苗种选择与放养密度选择无病无伤、健壮活泼、规格整齐的苗种放养,体长为10~15 cm,每667 m2放养600~1 0  相似文献   

海蜇养殖作为一项投入成本低、生产周期短、病害少、风险低、收益高的新兴水产养殖产业,受到了越来越多水产养殖业户的青睐。但是在海蜇养殖过程中,苗种放养成活率低,制约了养殖生产的发展。为此,2003年春季笔者在龙口市海蜇育苗中,进行了海蜇与鱼类网箱混养对比试验,现将试验情况报告如下,以供参考。  相似文献   

为探索海水池塘人工养殖海蜇的可行性,2003年4~7月,象山县水产养殖技术推广站在象山县鹤翔水产养殖公司,开展海蜇人工养殖试验,现将试验情况报告如下:  相似文献   

梭子蟹池塘养殖技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同面积、水深、底质的池塘,设置不同的隐蔽物,采用不同的放养密度,放养不同规格的苗种,调节不同的透明度进行试验。结果表明:梭子蟹养殖池塘以面积在5亩~30亩、水深在1.5m~2.0m、底质为泥沙质和沙泥质,养殖效果较好;幼蟹规格为720只/kg时,亩放养2000只~2500只,单产较高;随着放养密度增大,成活率逐渐降低;放养苗种规格越大,养殖成活率越高,试验条件下,放养规格为1000只/kg的苗种,单产最高;透明度为30 cm~40 cm的池塘,平均单产、成活率均较高,设置隐蔽物对防止梭子蟹互相残杀效果不明显;透明度大于40 cm时,设置隐蔽物的池塘养殖梭子蟹的成活率明显高于对照池塘、  相似文献   

In mountainous Northern Vietnam, traditional pond aquaculture is part of the integrated farming activity contributing to food safety and to income generation for small‐scale farmers of ethnic minorities. Traditional pond management consists of a polyculture of macro‐herbivorous grass carp with 3–5 other fish species that are cultured in small ponds with constant water flow through. The main limitations to production are species‐specific mass mortalities of grass carp, a poor feed base especially for all species but grass carp, and poor water quality. In this study, we compared the traditional pond management to a semi‐intensive pond management that was based on the traditional management system but included changes designed by researchers to increase fish production. The modifications consisted of water inflow control, supplemental fertilization and feeding, and a polyculture dominated by common carp. The changes in management significantly reduced the turbidity and increased oxygen supply, as well as the natural food base within the pond. These changes in pond management provide farmers with the possibility to improve their pond aquaculture scheme and overcome previous limitations.  相似文献   

A management system, replacing emergency aeration practices with gentle pond circulation, has been employed over an entire catfish growing season. Five waterblenders were used to provide pond circulation for a 1.42 ha catfish pond stocked at a density of nearly 10,000 finger-lings/ha. Pond water circulation during the daytime hours mixed oxygen-rich surface waters with the deeper oxygen-poor waters. The waterblending operation continued long enough after dark to decrease the thermal gradients, so that the diurnal temperature change provided top-to-bottom mixing on most nights during the season. Comparisons of yield data, power requirements, and oxygen and temperature profiles show the advantages of the pond receiving water circulation over a neighboring pond that was aerated only on an emergency basis. Comparisons of waterblending with recent aeration studies of other investigators show an order of magnitude reduction in energy uses.  相似文献   

To reduce disease impact, Philippine farmers developed the green-water (GW) system, which has been spreading rapidly since 2008. In the most applied GW-system, the shrimp pond receives water from a reservoir stocked with tilapia. We collected financial data on GW and non-GW systems from farms having similar management and environmental context. All farms had more than one pond; the average pond area was < 1 ha, and total pond areas per farm ranged from 1.4 to 139 ha. The total variable and fixed costs per ha of shrimp pond were not different for GW and non-GW farms, but on GW farms the cost per kg of shrimp produced was lower. The latter was higher than the 2009 market price of 30 g shrimp for non-GW farms mainly. In GW farms the cost of seed was lower, and survival rates and individual shrimp weights at harvest were higher for an equally long culture period.  相似文献   

利用池塘生态条件,使用净水复合菌,其含量为80亿/ml左右,以保持生态健康养殖。通过对比试验和观察测定等,对海蜇苗种的适宜放养时间、密度、规格、方法及水质要求、池水调节、生产管理等方面进行了研究,2005年平均单产143.38 kg/667 m2,平均投入产出比为1:3.46。  相似文献   

Asian shrimp farming industry has experienced massive production losses due to a disease caused by toxins of Vibrio bacteria, known as early mortality syndrome/acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (EMS/AHPND) for the last 5 years. The disease can cause up to 100% cumulative pond mortality within a week. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with AHPND occurrence on shrimp farms. A case–control study was carried out on shrimp farms in four provinces of Thailand. Factors related to farm characteristics, farm management, pond and water preparation, feed management, post‐larvae (PL) shrimp and stock management were evaluated. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified factors affecting AHPND occurrence at the pond level. Chlorine treatment, reservoir availability, use of predator fish in the water preparation, culture of multiple shrimp species in one farm and increased PL stocking density contributed to an increased risk of AHPND infection, while delayed first day of feeding, polyculture and water ageing were likely to promote outbreak protection. Additionally, the source of PL was found to be associated with AHPND occurrence in shrimp ponds, which requires further study at the hatchery level. Identification of these factors will facilitate the development of effective control strategies for AHPND on shrimp farms.  相似文献   

在3055亩盐碱荒滩池塘中进行了大面积套养梭鱼试验。亩均放养大规格鱼种643尾,其中梭鱼占总放养量的24%。清塘施肥,科学投饵,调节水质,防治鱼病,经8个月的饲养管理,亩均产商品鱼424.2kg,其中梭鱼109.3kg,亩均纯利润1229.1元,投入产出比1:1.5,该成果达到国内先进水平。  相似文献   

泥蚶工厂化育壮苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用普通扇贝育苗场进行泥工厂化育苗壮苗试验,亲蚶在室内丰饵能、成熟后自然排放,采卵孵化。幼虫、稚贝以叉鞭金藻、小球藻为饵料。以筛滤的滩泥作附着基,每天换水放干氏,定期换泥洗苗。1996年在底面积480m^2水泥池中,育出平均壳长1.09mm的蚶苗16539万粒。1996年11月专家鉴定认为,技术水平居国内领先。  相似文献   

对虾弧菌病发生时临界菌值的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对3000多公顷虾池检测496份病虾及水体,均证明致使对虾发生弧菌病、气单胞菌病时的临界菌量值为10~(4.5)~10~5个/ml,当虾池中弧菌数达到10~(4.5)个/ml时,对虾就可能发病,此时就需用药物预防或换水,并证明弧菌菌量与水温、饵料、对虾密度的关系为正相关.  相似文献   

养鳗池塘生态系统中矿物元素及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比分析了6口处于不同养殖阶段的日本鳗鲡(Anguill japonica)池塘水体、水源、底泥及饲料中的矿物元素,探讨了池塘生态系统中矿物元素的主要影响因素和生产管理对策,结果表明:1)养鳗池塘水体矿物元素与所处养殖阶段投入饲料的品种相关,底泥中矿物元素部分在养殖过程中积累而来;2)主成分分析结果表明钙、镁、铝元素是...  相似文献   

在 3口 300 m~2的池子中进行南美鲱鱼鱼种的培育试验,鱼苗放养规格为全长 2-3cm,放养密度为2200尾/口,采取微流水培育。投喂自制的团状饲料,粗蛋白含量25-30%。经过113天养殖,平均全长21.3cm,平均体重165.2g:其中最大个体全长26.2cm,体重261g;最小个体南美鲱鱼全长14.3cm,体重49.4g;.日平均增重1.46g.成活率95%,饵料系数1.7-1.8。  相似文献   

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