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Paper mill residuals may beneficially be used to improve the fertility of tropical acid soils. The effects of paper pulp on soil pH, exchangeable Al and soil solution composition of three acid tropical soils were compared with the effects of equivalent rates of lime in two batch experiments. Paper pulp was more effective than lime in increasing soil pH. However, both amendments were equally effective in decreasing exchangeable Al. Paper pulp and lime similarly influenced the composition of the soil solution by increasing soil solution pH, dissolved organic carbon, inorganic carbon, NO3, SO4, Ca and Mg. The supply of nitrate by the soil, however, was reduced in paper pulp treatments compared to lime treatments. Nitrate had a major role in controlling nutrient concentrations in the soil solution. Reduced NO3 concentrations in paper pulp treated soils compared to limed soils could therefore result in lower nutrient availability and limited losses by leaching.  相似文献   


Lime requirements (LR) of 26 agricultural acid soils were estimated using the following buffer methods: Shoemaker‐McLean‐Pratt (SMP) single buffer (SMP‐SB), SMP double buffer (SMP‐DB), Mehlich buffer method for crops with high LR (MEHLICH I), and Mehlich buffer methods for crops with low LR (MEHLICH II). The LR were determined to three pH targets (6.5, 6.0 and 5.5). The LR values were then evaluated through regression analysis using LR values obtained by the Ca(OH)2 titration (for the 6.5 pH target) and moist CaCO3‐incubation (for the 6.0 and 5.5 pH targets) as reference methods. All the buffer methods were well correlated with the reference methods but the SMP‐DB gave the best results for both high and low LR soils, and was particularly impressive at the lowest pH target.  相似文献   


Our aim was to determine the combined effect of brassinolide (BR) and lime on the growth and yield of maize on acid soils of South East Nigeria using two BR levels (0 and 250 mL), two maize varieties [Ikom White (IKW) and Oba-98] and two lime levels (0 kg ha?1 and 500 kg ha?1). The IKW was better (≤ 0.05) in growth morphology than Oba-98; however, Oba-98 was more (p ≤ 0.05) efficient in intercepting radiation (420.16 μmol m?2s?1) than IKW (325.08 μmol m?2s?1). The 500 kg ha?1 lime plus BR improved (≤ 0.05) nitrogen (N) uptake, dry matter yield, harvest index, shoot to root ratio, and grain yield, especially in Oba-98. Thus, the interactive action of BR and lime could increase the soil pH to an extent for enhanced yield of hybrid maize.  相似文献   

以K326烤烟品种为材料,在土培条件下研究了石灰和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)处理的酸性土壤对烤烟生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明:石灰和PAM处理的酸性土壤,在PAM含量低时(0.1%),烤烟生物量显著提高,光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)增高,根系活力增大,相对电导率和丙二醛(MDA)含量下降,但随PAM用量的增大,烤烟生长减缓。在酸性土壤中,烤烟叶片和根系的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性最低;在加入石灰的土壤中,烤烟叶片和根系的三种酶活性升高,同时加入石灰和PAM的土壤,在PAM含量低时,三种酶活性下降,但随着PAM含量增高(0.2%),酶活性又开始上升。石灰和PAM处理的酸性土壤,土壤交换性H、交换性Al含量的改变是由石灰引起的,PAM的影响不显著;相反,石灰对土壤含水量、水势、比重、孔隙度的影响不显著,而PAM影响显著,低PAM含量时(0.1%),土壤含水量增加,但随PAM用量加大,土壤比重、孔隙度进一步增大,土壤含水量则逐渐降低,土壤水势显著下降。因此推测,石灰显著降低了酸性土壤交换性H、交换性Al含量,适量PAM提高了土壤孔隙度,增加土壤含水量,从而促进烤烟生长;但是当PAM过量,会导致土壤水势下降,烤烟吸水困难,其生长减缓。  相似文献   

石灰用量对酸性土壤pH值及有效养分含量的影响   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
采用室内培养法,设置不施生石灰和生石灰用量0.3、0.9、1.8、2.4、4.8 g/kg,共6个用量梯度,研究不同生石灰用量对酸性土壤pH值动态变化、有效养分含量的影响及土壤pH值与有效养分含量之间的相关性。结果表明,生石灰的施入,可以显著提高土壤pH值,改善土壤酸度。培养到第90 d,生石灰用量4.8、2.4、1.8g/kg处理较对照分别提高了2.88、1.16和0.74个pH单位。施用生石灰对土壤全氮含量影响不大,但对土壤无机氮影响显著。生石灰用量在0~2.4 g/kg范围内,土壤硝态氮含量随生石灰用量的增加而显著增加,增幅为12.4%~146.8%,当生石灰用量2.4 g/kg时,土壤硝态氮含量显著降低。土壤铵态氮的变化趋势则刚好相反,随着生石灰用量的增加而减少;土壤有效磷含量随着生石灰用量的增加先升高后降低;对于土壤速效钾来说,当生石灰用量0.9 g/kg,其含量随着石灰用量的增加而显著降低,降幅为2.9%~21.7%。施用生石灰可以显著提高土壤有效Ca含量,且随生石灰用量的增加而显著增加,增幅为32.3%~543.0%。生石灰的施用显著降低了土壤有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的含量,且当生石灰用量≥2.4 g/kg时,土壤有效Mn、Zn含量均已处于极其缺乏的状况。土壤pH值与土壤全氮、铵态氮、速效钾、有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn呈显著线性负相关,与有效Ca呈极显著线性正相关,与土壤硝态氮、有效磷和有效Mg则符合二次函数,各相关系数均达到极显著水平。土壤养分与土壤酸度有着较好的相关性,在施用石灰改良酸性土壤时,要特别注意其施用量及土壤有效Mn、Zn等微量元素的及时补充。  相似文献   


A study to investigate the effect of lime on dry matter yield of maize (Zea mays) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and nodulation of beans grown in three tropical acid soils (two humic Nitosols and one humic Andosol) was carried out in a greenhouse. The soils ranged from 4.2 to 5.0 in pH; 1.74 to 4.56 in %C; 21.0 to 32.0 meq/100g in CEC; 5.10 to 8.10 meq/100g in exchange acidity; 0.60 to 3.20 meq/100g in exchangeable (exch.) Al and 0.13 to 0.67 meq/ 100g in exch. Mn.

Exchange acidity and exch. Al decreased with increasing levels of lime in the three soils. Exchangeable Al was reduced to virtually zero at pH 5.5 even in the soils which had appreciable initial amounts. Exchangeable Mn also decreased with increasing levels of lime in the two Nitolsos. Exceptional results, however, were obtained with the Andosol where exch. Mn increased ten‐fold with the first level of lime and then decreased with subsequent levels.

In all the soils, mean dry matter yield of beans and maize, and mean nodule dry weight of beans generally increased significantly with increasing lime levels up to pH value of 6.0. The dry matter yield of beans and maize, and nodule weight of beans, however, decreased progressively with increasing lime levels beyond pH 6.0 value. pH range of 5.5 to 6.0 was considered optimum for the growth of maize and beans, and nodulation of beans in these soils.  相似文献   


The effects of liming (7 500 kg CaCO3/ha) and rate of urea application (0,50,100, and 200 kg N/ha) and its placement at the surface or at 5 cm depth on grain yield and nutrient uptake by corn grown on an acidic tropical soil (Fluventic Eutropept) were studied. Liming significantly increased grain yield, N uptake, and P and K uptake although Ca and Mg uptake, generally, were unaffected. Sub‐surface application of urea increased N uptake only. Yield response to applied N was observed up to 50 kg N/ha when limed but at all rates in the absence of liming. It therefore, reduced the fertilizer N requirement for optimum grain yield. Liming the acidic soil also reduced exchangeable Al but increased nitrification rate and available P in the soil profile (at least up to 0.6 m depth).  相似文献   

石灰在酸性稻田的施用效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在土壤呈酸性且重金属铜、镉含量相对较高的稻田开展施用石灰效果试验。试验显示,施用石灰可提升土壤pH值,平均750 kg/hm~2石灰提升土壤pH值0.179;施用石灰可促进土壤有机质分解,增加土壤氮和磷的有效性,也会影响土壤铜、镉全量变化。试验初步表明,处理C(石灰用量750 kg/hm~2)的稻米对铜、镉富集能力较强。增施石灰可减少土壤铜、镉向稻米转移富集。水稻对镉的富集能力高于对铜的富集能力。试验表明,施用石灰可增加水稻有效穗数和千粒重,增产效果显著。以石灰用量750 kg/hm~2的水稻产量最高,效益最好,比CK增产干谷619.7 kg/hm~2,每千克石灰增产稻谷0.83 kg,净收入1 068.7元/hm~2,产投比为2.66。科学施用石灰可促进水稻增产和减轻稻米对铜、镉富集。  相似文献   

[目的]研究喷施萘乙酸(NAA)和生长素抑制剂(邻氨甲酰苯甲酸,NPA)对玉米花后营养元素吸收及转移的调节作用,为实现不同玉米生产目的效率提供技术手段.[方法]首先以玉米品种郑单958为供试材料进行田间试验,在玉米吐丝期,设叶片喷施萘乙酸0.05、0.1和0.5?mmol/L?3个处理,成熟期测产,确定了萘乙酸的适宜喷...  相似文献   

In view of growing concern about sulfur (S) deficiency, we attempted to study the effect of soil characteristics on the adsorption and translocation of S in soils. Laboratory experiments were conducted with five surface soils collected from three regions in the state of Orissa (Eastern India). In an adsorption study, all the soils were equilibrated with graded doses of potassium sulfate (K2SO4). Freundlich adsorption isotherms provided good fit to S adsorption data. Free Fe2O3 and Al2O3 in the soils were primarily responsible for retaining added S in soils. Further, studies on the movement of sulfate‐S in 30‐cm plexiglass columns, where radio‐labeled S along with water (5 cm) was applied as gypsum and K2SO4, showed that K2SO4‐S migrated deeper than gypsum‐S. Sulfur moved deeper in case of initially water‐saturated soils than in initially air‐dry soils.  相似文献   

施肥对酸性菜园土壤莴笋硝酸盐和叶片养分形态的效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过田间试验研究了3种酸性菜园土壤(强酸性、酸性和微酸性土壤)不同氮磷钾配比及其与硝酸盐复合控制剂配施对莴笋产量、硝酸盐及叶片养分形态的影响。结果表明,莴笋产量以微酸性土>酸性土>强酸性土,酸性和强酸性土壤上配施硝酸盐复合控制剂可使莴笋显著增产(达6.2%~18.2%),而微酸性土壤则相反。HNK配施硝酸盐复合控制剂在3种土壤上分别降低莴笋茎和叶硝酸盐含量25.1%~76.3%和3.1%~27.7%(微酸性土除外),降低作用以茎>叶,以HNK+C2处理效果最好。莴笋叶片硝酸盐含量以酸性土壤>微酸性土壤>强酸性土壤,茎中硝酸盐以酸性土壤为最高。莴笋叶片氮、磷、钾形态分别以蛋白氮、非蛋白磷、非蛋白钾为主,HNK配施硝酸盐复合控制剂(HNK+C3除外)提高莴笋叶片蛋白氮占全氮、蛋白磷占全磷和蛋白钾占全钾的比例。莴笋叶片硝酸盐含量与全氮、蛋白氮、全磷、蛋白磷和蛋白钾含量呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

Deficiency of molybdenum (Mo) in acid soils causes poor growth of pulses. An experiment was, therefore, conducted in greenhouse to study the effect of Mo, phosphorus (P), and lime application on the dry matter yield and plant Mo concentration of lentil (Lens esculenta L.) in two Mo‐deficient acid alluvial soils. The experiment was conducted using a factorial design with three levels of lime (no lime, half, and full lime requirement), three levels of P (0, 25, and 50 mg kg‐1), and two levels of Mo (0 and 1.0 mg kg‐1). Plants were grown for 60 days and at harvest their dry matter yield and Mo concentration were recorded. The three treatments significantly increased dry matter yield, Mo concentration and Mo uptake, the increase being most pronounced with Mo application followed by lime and P. Increases due to applied Mo were greater in presence than in absence of added P; while the reverse was true with the liming treatments. Liming and P application at their lower levels also interacted positively for better Mo nutrition of plants. Results thus indicated that the severity of Mo deficiency in the lentil plants may be reduced by lime and P application in Mo‐deficient acid alluvial soils.  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural systems are based on managing soils according to their capabilities and constraints. To facilitate the identification of constraints and appropriate management strategies for upland soils, a decision support framework ‘Soil Constraints and Management Package’ (SCAMP) has been developed. Basic soil data (both field and laboratory) are entered into an Access database and are processed to output reports that identify soil constraints to productivity and that tabulate appropriate management strategies. Where spatially referenced soil data are available, maps of constraints can be readily produced in a Geographic Information System. To demonstrate the ability of SCAMP to identify soil constraints at plot scale, it was applied to soil data sets from the two major soil types (Ferralsols and Acrisols) of Gia Lai Province, Vietnam. Phosphorus (P) fixation, aluminium toxicity and low cation exchange capacity (CEC) were identified as common constraints to productivity on Ferralsols, and low plant available water capacity, compaction and low K status as common constraints to productivity on Acrisols. Field experiments were undertaken on a Ferralsol and an Acrisol to assess management strategies for minimizing these constraints in the presence of adequate N, P and K. Maize (Zea mays) yields from the Ferralsol were increased by applying a plant amendment (Tithonia diversifolia) (selected to increase soil pH and decrease P fixation) and high activity clay (selected to increase CEC). Water‐soluble P fertiliser recovery was increased in this high P‐fixing soil by placing the fertiliser in a sub‐surface band. For the Acrisol, maize was grown in mounded rows and yields were maximized by applying a super‐absorbent material (selected to increase soil water holding capacity) or a high activity clay (selected to increase the low CEC of this soil). To demonstrate the usefulness of SCAMP on a catchment/regional scale, spatially referenced soil survey data of the Herbert River catchment, Queensland, Australia, were used to produce a map identifying areas of low pH, high acidification hazard and low CEC. These applications demonstrate the usefulness of SCAMP for linking soil data to management strategies for sustainable productivity at both plot and catchment scale.  相似文献   

通过耕地和施入硫酸措施来改善盐碱地土壤   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Amelioration of saline-sodic soils through land preparation with three tillage implements (disc plow, rotavator and cultivator) each followed by application of sulfuric acid at 20% of gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O) requirement or no sulfuric acid application during crop growth period was evaluated in a field study for 2.5 years at three sites, i.e., Jhottianwala, Gabrika (Thabal), and Thatta Langar, in Tehsil Pindi Bhattian, Hafizahad District, Pakistan. Within 2.5 years, there was a decrease in the salinity parameters measured (electrical conductivity, pH, and sodium adsorption ratio), with a gradual increase in rice and wheat grain yields. It was observed that the disc plow, which not only ensured favorable yields but also helped improve soil health at all the three sites, was the most effective tillage implement. Also, application of sulfuric acid resulted in higher yields and promoted rapid amelioration of the saline-sodic soils.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the influence of soil properties on adsorption and desorption of boron (B) as well as to estimate the degree of reversibility of adsorption reactions. The utility of Freundlich and Langmuir equations for characterizing the plant availability of applied B in soils was established using soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] as a test crop. The adsorption-desorption study revealed that Fe2O3 and clay were primarily responsible for retaining added B in all the 25 different soils under investigation. Organic carbon, pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) positively influenced the adsorption of B while free Fe2O3, organic carbon and clay retarded release of B from these soils. The degree of irreversibility (hysteresis) of B adsorption/desorption increased with increase in organic carbon and CEC of these soils. Freundlich isotherm proved more effective in describing B adsorption in soils as compared to Langmuir equation. The split Langmuir isotherm demonstrated that any of the adsorption maxima, calculated from lower, upper or entire isotherm, could be of practical use. Contrary, bonding energy coefficient, calculated either at lower or higher equilibrium concentration failed to show any practical benefit. Regression models as a function of B application rate and adsorption equation parameters to predict B uptake from applied B, demonstrated the utility of Langmuir and Freundlich equation parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of time and temperature on the changes in Olsen P after phosphate application were studied in 13 calcareous soils from Pakistan, an Oxisol from Colombia and an Inceptisol from England. The phosphate sorption reactions were monitored in two stages. The short-term reaction (30 min shaking with added phosphate in the presence of the Olsen bicarbonate solution) showed that over this time the nature of the sorbing material and number of available sites for P adsorption were important but temperature was not. The extent of the short-term sorption was not related to the amount of calcium carbonate. In the long-term reaction (incubating the soils with phosphate at 10, 25 and 45 °C for one year) the amount of Olsen P decreased with time following a power relationship. Increased temperature increased the rate of reaction, following the Arrhenius principle i.e. Q10⊃ 3 (activation energy 83 kJ mol–1). The effects of time and temperature were well described by a modified power equation Y = a (1 + fTt ) -b , where Y is the amount of Olsen P extracted after time t , a is the Olsen P value after the short-term reaction (the initial value), fT is the ratio of the rate constants at any two temperatures and b is a coefficient which represents the loss in extractability with time. On the basis of the initial Olsen P values and subsequent Olsen P values at different times and temperatures a unified decay curve Y/a = (1 + t )–0.20 was developed where the initial Olsen P values are normalized to 1. The parameters of this equation allow, with limitations, the prediction of changes in Olsen P in these soils if the initial Olsen P value of the soil is known.  相似文献   

 Rapid nitrate leaching losses due to current agricultural N management practices under the humid tropical environmental conditions of the Pacific island of Guam may contaminate fresh and salt water resources. Potential environmental contamination of the Northern Guam aquifer, which is overlain by shallow limestone-derived soils, is a major public concern because the aquifer is the sole underground source of fresh water for the island. The objectives of this study were to examine the use of waste office paper as a possible management alternative for reducing nitrate leaching due to N fertilizer applications in northern Guam while also providing sufficient N for crop growth. In a laboratory study, increasing rates of waste paper application reduced NO3 -N leaching up to approximately 200 days after incorporation of N fertilizer and paper treatments. Subsequent mineralization of immobilized N from paper applications was also observed, although cumulative NO3 -N leaching at the highest rate of paper addition was lower than the control after 394 days of incubation. The effect of waste paper on N availability and NO3 -N leaching after application of N fertilizer at rates up to 500 kg N ha–1 was also evaluated in two field experiments planted with sweet corn (Zea mays var. rugosa Bonaf.) during consecutive dry and wet periods. Leaching losses of NO3 -N were higher during the wet cropping season, leading to lower crop yields and crop N uptake. Combining paper with N fertilizer reduced NO3 -N leaching losses but also decreased crop ear yields up to N fertilizer application rates of 250 kg N ha–1 during the dry cropping season and up to rates of 100 kg N ha–1 during the wet period. Although combining waste paper with N fertilizer reduced NO3 -N leaching losses, no improvements in fertilizer N recovery were observed during the field experiments. This lack of crop response may be due to the importance of early season N availability for the short-season horticultural crops grown on Guam. We suggest that the application of waste paper may be a useful management practice to reduce NO3 -N leaching losses when high soil NO3 -N levels remain after cropping due either to crop failure or to over-application of N fertilizer. Received: 11 May 1999  相似文献   

Low molecular weight (LMW) organic compounds in soil solution are easily biodegradable and could fuel respiration by soil microorganisms. Our main aim was to study the mineralization kinetics of monosaccharides using 14C-radiolabelled glucose. Based on these data and the soil solution concentrations of monosaccharides, we evaluated the contribution of monosaccharides to basal respiration for a variety of tropical forest soils. Further, the factors controlling the mineralization kinetics of monosaccharides were examined by comparing tropical and temperate forest soils. Monosaccharides comprised on average 5.2 to 47.7% of dissolved organic carbon in soil solution. Their kinetic parameters (V max and KM ), which were described by a single Michaelis-Menten equation, varied widely from 11 to 152?nmol?g?1?h?1 and 198 to 1294?µmol?L?1 for tropical soils, and from 182 to 400?nmol?g?1?h?1 and 1277 to 3150?µmol?L?1 for temperate soils, respectively. The values of V max increased with increasing microbial biomass-C in tropical and temperate soils, while the KM values had no correlations with soil biological or physicochemical properties. The positive correlation between V max values and microbial biomass-C indicates that microbial biomass-C is an essential factor to regulate the V max values in tropical and temperate forest soils. The biodegradation kinetics of monosaccharides indicate that the microbial capacity of monosaccharide mineralization far exceeds its rate at soil solution concentration. Monosaccharides in soil solution are rapidly mineralized, and their mean residence times in this study were very short (0.4–1.9?h) in tropical forests. The rates of monosaccharide mineralization at actual soil solution concentrations made up 22–118% of basal respiration. Probably because of the rapid and continuous production and consumption of monosaccharides, monosaccharide mineralization is shown to be a dominant fraction of basal respiration in tropical forest soils, as well as in temperate and boreal forest soils.  相似文献   

Abstract. Finely ground calcium carbonate was applied at six rates (0–7.0 t/ha) to samples from four depths of an acid tropical soil (Oxisol). The mixtures were kept moist and maintained at 18 °C for a period of 30 days. There was a significant increase (> 28%) in soil pH at all the sampling depths. Extractable P also increased significantly (> 90%). Significant positive correlations between pH, extractable P and liming rate were obtained ( r > 0.9, P = 0.01). The effect of time was significant only on the 10th day after liming, when soil pH had stabilized. Exchangeable Al was completely eliminated on the 5th day after liming, when most of the soil samples had pH values > 5.0. The results clearly indicate that liming, as a management practice, could be used to alleviate or prevent acidification of Oxisols like the soil studied.  相似文献   

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