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The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between clay mineralogy, specific surface area (SSA) and micromorphology in polygenetic Konza soil series. Physical, chemical and mineralogical analyses were performed on disturbed soil samples, and micromorphological investigations of selected horizons were done on undisturbed soil samples. X-ray diffraction indicated that lower part of each parent materials has more mectite and less clay mica content than that of the upper horizons in each parent material. Greater amounts of smectite can be attributed to transformation product of the clay mica in to smectite, eluviation from upper horizons or originated from parent material. Specific surface area of upper horizons in each parent material tended to increase to lower horizons. Clay content gradually increased from surface (21%) to the lower part (~48%) of the solum. Clay in Bt horizons had strong birefrengent, sharp boundary, and strong orientation pattern. SSA, clay content increase, clay mineralogy and oriented clay features agreed to one another. Therefore, this relationship gives opportunity to make predictions on extend of SSA and related soil processes by looking at one of these features.  相似文献   

According to recent conceptual models, the organic carbon (OC) of soils can be divided into OC fractions of increasing stability from labile free OC to resistant OC associated with the soil mineral phase. In this study, we present a method for quantifying two OC fractions based on soil aggregate–size fractionation and the N2 gas–adsorption method. For this purpose, we analyzed soil material of the plow layer of a Haplic Chernozem subjected to different fertilizer treatments (no fertilizer, mineral fertilizer, mineral and organic fertilizer). The total organic‐C concentration (TOC) and the clay content of the different size fractions were determined as well as the specific surface area (SSAmineral) and the sample pore volume after thermal oxidation (OC‐free). The TOC of the different soil‐aggregate fractions was linearly related to SSAmineral. Clay‐associated OC and nonassociated OC fractions of the different soil samples were quantified using two methods based on the OC surface loading at the clay fraction. The application of organic fertilizer increased the amount of nonassociated OC but hardly affected the concentration of clay‐associated OC. This finding agrees with previous studies on C dynamics in soils and indicates a finite capacity of soil materials to sequester OC. Even without any addition of organic fertilizer, the mineral phase of the analyzed soil material appears to be C‐saturated.  相似文献   

The specific surface area (SSA) of a soil is crucial for the interface of ions and water molecules with the soil particles. Therefore, many physical and chemical properties of a soil are determined using its total SSA. Measurement of SSA is time-consuming and laborious, and its estimation using pedotransfer functions is therefore preferred. The objectives of this study were to: (1) analyze the pore–solid interface fractal dimension (D) in soils with different textures from thesouthern part of Iran using estimated improved particle-size distribution (PSD) from the soil primary particles, i.e. clay, silt and sand; (2) develop a multivariate pedotransfer function to estimate D based on PSD; and (3) develop a multivariate pedotransfer function to link the values of D to the SSA. As a result, two pedotransfer functions are presented for estimation of D and SSA. To estimate SSA, the value of D is first obtained using the presented pedotransfer function and these estimated D values are then used in another pedotransfer function to estimate SSA. The pedotransfer functions were validated and it is concluded that they are able to predict the values of D and SSA accurately.  相似文献   


The mechanism of specific phosphate adsorption by hydroxy‐lated mineral surfaces comprises two aspects: the phosphate‐hydroxyl surface reaction and the configuration of the adsorbed phosphate ion. Evidence pointing to ligand exchange as the mechanism of the phosphate‐surface hydroxyl reaction include kinetics of adsorption and desorption; hydroxyl ion release; infrared spectroscopy, and stereochemical calculations. Data pertaining to the coordination of adsorbed phosphate on hydroxy‐lated mineral surfaces have not been conclusive overall. Isotopic exchange experiments and studies of desorption kinetics do not provide definitive information on surface coordination. Measurements of hydroxyl ion release and crystallographic calculations provide support for the existence of both monodentate and bidentate surface complexes of phosphate ions. Infrared spectroscopic investigations suggest a binuclear complex on dried, phosphated goethite. However, these studies cannot be extrapolated automatically to soil minerals, since the addition of water favors formation of a monodentate surface complex. Further research is needed to establish the configuration of adsorbed phosphate ions.  相似文献   

亚热带土壤不同矿物组分中铬的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Safe application of chromium (Cr)-containing organic industrial wastes to soil requires considering the ability of the soil to adsorb Cr.In this study,the maximum Cr adsorption capacity was assessed for the bulk samples and their clay and iron-free clay fractions of four subtropical soils differing in mineralogy.To this end,the samples were supplied with Cr(Ⅲ) nitrate solutions at pH 4.5 or 5.5.The results of Cr(Ⅲ) adsorption fitted to a Freundlich equation and the adsorption capacity was positively correlated with soil organic matter and iron oxide contents.The clay fractions adsorbed more Cr per unit mass than the bulk soils and the iron-free clay fractions.The Cr(Ⅲ) adsorption capacity increased with increasing soil pH due to more charges on adsorbing surfaces.Our results suggest that the soils rich in organic matter and iron oxides and having a pH above 4.5 are suitable for application of Cr(Ⅲ)-loaded industrial wastes.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the adhesion to a sandy soil and a clay loam soil of a series of Lactobacillus strains with various cell surface characteristics. Measurable adhesion occurred within 30 s of contact time. No further increase in the number of bacteria adhering to the soil was observed after 15–20 min. The fraction of bacteria adhering to the soil was independent of the initial concentration of bacteria in solution. Bacteria adhering to the soil could be removed by washing the soil immediately after the adhesion test. Bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity, as determined by the bacterial adherence to octane and polystyrene, was the major parameter influencing the adhesion to the sandy soil. The cell surface charge of the bacteria was of minor importance in the adhesion to the sandy soil. The adhesion of the bacteria to the clay loam soil was higher than to the sandy soil and increased in the presence of divalent ions. This indicates that electrostatic interactions also influence the adhesion of bacteria to clay particles.  相似文献   

为研究柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)细根与土壤水分的空间关系,以内蒙古农牧交错带10 a生柠条锦鸡儿细根为研究对象,对细根表面积密度与土壤含水率之间的关系进行了初步探讨。分别对柠条锦鸡儿细根和土壤水分的空间分布情况进行研究发现,垂直和水平土层方向各标准地柠条锦鸡儿细根表面积密度与土壤含水率均呈极显著相关,相关系数均大于0.65(P0.01)。经回归分析建立柠条锦鸡儿细根表面积密度与土壤含水率之间的关系模型并对模型进行验证,验证结果发现该模型可以很好地描述两者之间的关系(R~2=0.84,P0.01)。撂荒地土壤含水率比柠条地高71%,研究区柠条地出现至少200 cm的土壤干层,部分土层接近凋萎湿度,柠条生长受阻。研究结果对于干旱区人工柠条林的栽植管理具有重要意义,可为北方农牧交错带生态环境建设及植被恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

利用无人机影像构建作物表面模型估测甘蔗LAI   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
为探讨从作物表面模型(crop surface models,CSMs)中提取株高来估算糖料蔗叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)的可行性,该文采用无人机-RGB高清数码相机构成的低空遥感平台,以广西糖料蔗为研究对象,采集了糖料蔗全生育期的高清数码影像,分别在有无地面控制点条件下建立各生育期CSMs并提取株高。此外,该文利用高清数码影像计算了6种可见光植被指数并建立LAI估算模型,用以对比从CSMs提取的株高对LAI的估算效果。结果表明:全生育期CSMs提取的株高与实测株高显著相关(P0.01),株高预测值与实测值高度拟合(R2=0.961 2,RMSE=0.215 2)。选取的6种可见光植被指数中,绿红植被指数对糖料蔗伸长末期以前的LAI的估测效果最好(R2=0.779 0,RMSE=0.556 1,MRE=0.168 0)。相同条件下,株高对LAI有更高的估测精度,其中CSMs提取的株高估测效果优于地面实测株高,预测模型R2=0.904 4,RMSE=0.366 2,MRE=0.124 3。研究表明,使用无人机拍摄RGB影像来提取株高并运用于糖料蔗重要生育期LAI的估算是可行的,CSMs提取的株高拥有较高的精度。该研究可为大区域进行精准快速的农情监测提供参考。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验研究了施用动物粪便、动物残体、草本残体、木本残体4种不同有机物料对黑土胶体及黑土阳离子交换量(CEC)的影响。结果表明:不同来源有机物料对黑土胶体及黑土CEC的影响存在差异。与CK相比,动物粪便处理下黑土胶体比表面降低7.33%,而动物残体处理下提高了59.58%,木本残体提高了57.46%,草本残体提高了100.18%。pH<6时,各处理土壤胶体表面可变电荷量(Q表面)的曲线大致相似;在pH>6时,各有机处理土壤胶体样的表面电荷(Q样)均高于CK,并且动物粪便与木本残体的Q表面曲线相似且数值较高,CK与动物残体Q表面的曲线大致相同且数值较低。在pH为8~10时,各处理Q样由大到小依次为:动物粪便>木本残体>动物残体>草本残体>CK,动物粪便土壤胶体参比的表面电荷(Q参)与动物残体Q参的曲线大致相同并且数值较高,CK与草本残体Q参曲线相似且数值较低。不同来源有机物料对黑土CEC的影响也有所不同,动物粪便、动物残体、木本残体显著提高黑土CEC,而草本残体作用不明显。  相似文献   

土壤矿物吸附和土壤团聚体对土壤有机碳含量的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Soil organic carbon (SOC) can act as a sink or source of atmospheric carbon dioxide; therefore, it is important to understand the amount and composition of SOC in terrestrial ecosystems, the spatial variation in SOC, and the underlying mechanisms that stabilize SOC. In this study, density fractionation and acid hydrolysis were used to assess the spatial variation in SOC, the heavy fraction of organic carbon (HFOC), and the resistant organic carbon (ROC) in soils of the southern Hulunbeier region, northeastern China, and to identify the major factors that contribute to this variation. The results showed that as the contents of clay and silt particles (0--50 μm) increased, both methylene blue (MB) adsorption by soil minerals and microaggregate contents increased in the 0--20 and 20--40 cm soil layers (P < 0.05). Although varying with vegetation types, SOC, HFOC, and ROC contents increased significantly with the content of clay and silt particles, MB adsorption by soil minerals, and microaggregate content (P < 0.05), suggesting that soil texture, the MB adsorption by soil minerals and microaggregate abundance might be important factors influencing the spatial heterogeneity of carbon contents in soils of the southern Hulunbeier region.  相似文献   


The construction, theory and many of the factors such as interfering anions, extracting agents, soil to solution ratio, reference electrodes, accuracy and precision of the nitrate ion selective electrode are discussed in relation to routine soil testing for nitrate nitrogen.  相似文献   

冲积平原区土壤碳密度估算及其空间分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
冲积平原区通常具有复杂的剖面质地层次排列,为了准确估算冲积平原区土壤碳密度的空间分布特征,该文在华北冲积平原区的河北曲周县选取了121个土壤剖面,测定了各土层有机碳含量,构建了基于负指数函数的土壤有机碳垂向分布模型,结合地统计学方法绘制了该县土壤碳密度的空间分布图。结果表明,土壤有机碳含量随深度增加呈逐渐递减的趋势,各土层有机碳含量均属于中等变异程度。0~20和20~40 cm土壤有机碳空间连续性较好,它们的空间相关距离分别为14和3 km,而下层(40 cm)土壤有机碳均表现为纯块金效应结构。土壤有机碳垂向分布模型可以很好地描述剖面土壤有机碳含量的变化特征,且预测与实测的土壤有机碳含量的均方根误差仅为0.70 kg/m3,决定系数达到了0.95。曲周县土壤有机碳密度的空间分布总体表现为西北高东南低的趋势。其空间分布主要受土壤类型和质地的影响,其中潮土和盐化潮土的碳密度明显高于褐土化潮土,质地较细的土壤(轻壤、中壤和粘土)碳密度明显高于质地较粗的土壤(砂土和砂壤)。该研究为冲积平原区土壤碳密度的估算提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

元阳梯田不同土地利用类型表层土壤的抗冲性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究云南省元阳县梯田核心区土壤的侵蚀特性和保水机制,采用原状土冲刷槽法和实地放水冲刷试验法,结合有林地、灌木林地、荒草地和坡耕地的物理性质等,对元阳梯田核心区上述4种土地利用类型表层土壤抗冲性及其主要影响因素进行研究。结果表明:研究区表层土壤抗冲性由强到弱表现为荒草地>灌木林地>有林地>坡耕地;含沙量随着坡度(15°、30°和45°)和冲刷流量(1.5、2.5和3.0 L/min)的增加而增加,坡耕地具有较弱的抗冲性;土壤中的须根能够增强土壤的抗冲能力,特别是直径<1.0 mm的须根具有较强的固结性;土壤的水稳性团聚体越多土壤的抗冲性也就越好,荒草地和灌木林地表层土壤直径>3 mm的土粒,其结构水稳度为93.33%。  相似文献   

The use of landscape covariates to estimate soil properties is not suitable for the areas of low relief due to the high variability of soil properties in similar topographic and vegetation conditions.A new method was implemented to map regional soil texture (in terms of sand,silt and clay contents) by hypothesizing that the change in the land surface diurnal temperature difference (DTD) is related to soil texture in case of a relatively homogeneous rainfall input.To examine this hypothesis,the DTDs from moderate resolution imagine spectroradiometer (MODIS) during a selected time period,i.e.,after a heavy rainfall between autumn harvest and autumn sowing,were classified using fuzzy-c-means (FCM) clustering.Six classes were generated,and for each class,the sand (> 0.05 mm),silt (0.002-0.05 mm) and clay (< 0.002 mm) contents at the location of maximum membership value were considered as the typical values of that class.A weighted average model was then used to digitally map soil texture.The results showed that the predicted map quite accurately reflected the regional soil variation.A validation dataset produced estimates of error for the predicted maps of sand,silt and clay contents at root mean of squared error values of 8.4%,7.8% and 2.3%,respectively,which is satisfactory in a practical context.This study thus provided a methodology that can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of soil texture mapping in plain areas using easily available data sources.  相似文献   

河套灌区沟渠表层沉积物对磷的吸附   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解北方干旱灌区沟渠沉积物在磷的迁移转化中的作用,该文以河套灌区解放闸灌域总干渠、黄济干渠、总排干和二排干为研究对象,分别在上、中、下3个位点采集上覆水和沉积物,测定水样溶解性磷和总磷含量,对沉积物磷的形态进行分析,选择部分沉积物进行吸附动力学试验和等温吸附试验。结果表明,总干渠、黄济干渠和总排干、二排干水体磷含量相近,沉积物各形态的磷含量一般为钙结合态磷>残渣磷>闭蓄态磷>铝结合态磷>弱结合态磷>铁结合态磷,弱结合态磷、铁结合态磷和铝结合态磷高活性磷含量低且显著正相关。研究表明,沟渠对河套灌区磷输出有削减作用,且沟渠沉积物磷释放风险高,总排干、二排干沉积物较总干渠、黄济干渠沉积物磷吸附容量大。  相似文献   

有机质含量对棕壤表面电荷及NH4+的吸附解吸特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对棕壤在去除有机质前后表面电荷及NH4 的吸附解吸特性进行测定,结果表明:(1)去除有机质后,土壤胶体表面正电荷量增加,可变负电荷量减少,永久负电荷量增加。这可能是由于有机质带有大量的可变负电荷,掩蔽了一部分永久负电荷点位,同时中和了一部分土壤表面正电荷所致。(2)土壤对NH4 的吸附量和解吸量的变化与土壤表面电荷数量的变化呈现良好的一致性,有机质可以增加土壤对NH4 的吸附量,并降低其对NH4 的吸附结合能。土壤去除有机质后,其对NH4 的最大吸附量下降,吸附结合能增加,解吸率降低。  相似文献   

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