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The effect of fire severity and post-fire management on Pinus pinaster recruitment was evaluated in three burnt areas in Galicia (NW Spain) exhibiting different levels of serotiny. Three sites were sampled, each of which had two of the following levels of fire severity: combusted crown, scorched crown and unaffected crown. Viable seed rain was closed related to the canopy cone bank and stand serotiny level. Soil burn severity also favoured seed dispersal. Relative germination success increased with soil burn severity whereas initial and final seedling density depended on both the canopy cone bank and soil burn severity. A positive influence of fire severity on the final/initial seedling density and final density/total seed dispersal ratios was also observed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness of four fire hazard mitigation techniques in piñon-juniper forests of the Davis Mountains Preserve in West Texas. Four replicate fuel treatments (thin only, thin + burn, burn only, and control) were implemented to assess the effects of fire and fire surrogates on fuel loadings. The results suggested that the thin only and the thin + burn treatments significantly altered fuel loadings. The thin + burn treatment resulted in a 63% reduction in tree density, the thin only treatment resulted in a 23% reduction, and the burn only treatment showed an 8% reduction. Seedling density and tree basal area were not significantly affected by the treatments. Although thinning and thinning + burning were the most effective for reducing live fuels, they generated significant increases in surface fuels. Our results suggest that more aggressive thinning operations that target larger trees and prescribed burning during hotter, drier conditions could enhance future fuel management treatments in piñon-juniper woodlands in this region.  相似文献   

Due to increases in tree density and hazardous fuel loading in Sierra Nevadan forests, land management is focusing on fuel reduction treatments to moderate the risk of catastrophic fires. Fuel treatments involving mechanical and prescribed fire methods can reduce surface as well as canopy fuel loads. Mastication is a mechanical method which shreds smaller trees and brush onto the surface fuel layer. Little data exist quantifying masticated fuel beds. Despite the paucity of data on masticated fuels, land managers desire fuel loading, potential fire behavior and fire effects such as tree mortality information for masticated areas. In this study we measured fuel characteristics before and after mastication and mastication plus prescribed burn treatments in a 25-year old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson) plantation. In addition to surface fuel characteristics and tree data collection, bulk density samples were gathered for masticated material. Regressions were created predicting masticated fuel loading from masticated fuel bed depth. Total masticated fuel load prior to fire treatment ranged from 25.9 to 42.9 Mg ha−1, and the bulk density of masticated fuel was 125 kg m−3. Mastication treatment alone showed increases in most surface fuel loadings and decreases in canopy fuel loads. Masticated treatment in conjunction with prescribed burning reduced both surface and canopy fuel loads. Detailed information on fuel structure in masticated areas will allow for better predictions of fire behavior and fire effects for fire in masticated fuel types. Understanding potential fire behavior and fire effects associated with masticated fuels will allow managers to make decisions on the possibility of mastication to create fuel breaks or enhance forest health.  相似文献   

We determine the time frame after initial fuel treatment when prescribed fire will be likely to produce high enough mortality rates in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum Dougl. ex Laws.) regeneration to be successful in maintaining treatment effectiveness in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We measured pine regeneration in disturbed stands and young pine growth rates to estimate the susceptibility of pine regeneration to prescribed fire with time since initial treatment. We also determined surface fuel accumulation rates for stands after prescribed fire to help estimate likely fire behavior in maintenance prescribed fire. Given our estimates of regeneration density and tree size, and likely fire behavior, we then used small pine tree mortality—fire effect relations to estimate the effects of prescribed fire on developing understory pine at specific times since initial treatments.  相似文献   

Some consequences of long intervals between fires were studied in fynbos of the Swartberg Mountains. Results showed that foliage projective cover was less patchy and mostly denser in mature than in senescent regrowth. Proteaceae seedling regeneration was significantly reduced in old stands, but the ratio of seedlings to adults was similar in mature and old veld. Proteaceae seedlings were more common after the autumn than the spring burn. Non-Proteaceous dicot seedlings were significantly fewer in regenerating senescent veld. Some consequences of long intervals between fires and features of dispersal in fynbos are discussed.  相似文献   

Forest thinning and prescribed fire practices are widely used, either separately or in combination, to address tree stocking, species composition, and wildland fire concerns in western US mixed conifer forests. We examined the effects of these fuel treatments alone and combined on dwarf mistletoe infection severity immediately after treatment and for the following 100 years. Thinning, burning, thin + burn, and control treatments were applied to 10 ha units; each treatment was replicated three times. Dwarf mistletoe was found in ponderosa pine and/or Douglas-fir in all units prior to treatment. Stand infection severity was low to moderate, and severely infected trees were the largest in the overstory. Thinning produced the greatest reductions in tree stocking and mistletoe severity. Burning reduced stocking somewhat less because spring burns were relatively cool with spotty fuel consumption and mortality. Burning effects on vegetation were enhanced when combined with thinning; thin + burn treatments also reduced mistletoe severity in all size classes. Stand growth simulations using the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) showed a trend of reduced mistletoe spread and intensification over time for all active treatments. When thinned and unthinned treatments were compared, thinning reduced infected basal area and treatment effects were obvious, beginning in the second decade. The same was true with burned and unburned treatments. Treatment effects on infected tree density were similar to infected basal area; however, treatment effects diminished after 20 years, suggesting a re-treatment interval for dwarf mistletoe.  相似文献   

Successful management of forest fire risk in the Northeastern China boreal forest ecosystem often involves trade-offs between fire dynamics, fire hazard reduction, and fiscal input. We used the LANDIS model to study the effects of alternative fuel reduction strategies on fire dynamics and analyzed cost effectiveness for each fuel reduction strategy based on cost–benefit theory. Five levels of fuel treatment area (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% for each decade) and two fuel treatment types (prescribed burning [PB] and mechanical treatments in combination with prescribed fire [PR]) under current fire suppression simulated by LANDIS were compared in a 5 × 2 factorial design over a 300-year period. The results showed that PR scenarios are more effective at reducing the occurrence and burn area of catastrophic fires than PB scenarios. In addition, area burned by high intensity fire can be tremendously reduced by increasing low intensity fires with a higher level of treatment area under the various PR scenarios. The cost effectiveness of alternative fuel reduction strategies is strongly dependent on treatment area. In general, PB scenarios will be more cost effective in larger treatment areas and PR scenarios in smaller. We recommend mechanical treatments in combination with prescribed fire, with 4% of landscape treated in each decade (PR04) to be the optimal fuel reduction strategy in the study area based on risk control and cost efficiency analysis. However, the most challenging work in China is to make local forest policy makers and land managers accept the ecological function of fire on forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Recurrent problems with regeneration of oaks (Quercus spp.) have been documented across a wide range of ecosystems. In oak-dominated forests of the central and Appalachian hardwood regions of the United States, a lack of competitive oak regeneration has been tied, in part, to fire suppression in these landscapes, and managers throughout the region are using prescribed fire to address this concern. To examine fire effects on oak regeneration, researchers have generally relied on inventories or population studies of existing seedlings. These studies are valuable but do not permit examination of the role of fire in enhancing the establishment and growth of new oak seedlings stemming from oak mast events. In this study, white (Quercus alba) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) acorn mast crops serendipitously occurred in year three (fall 2005) of a landscape-scale prescribed fire experiment. We examined establishment, survival, height and diameter of new seedlings on sites on the Cumberland Plateau in eastern Kentucky. Treatments were fire exclusion, a single prescribed fire (1x-burn; 2003), and repeated prescribed fire (3x-burn; 2003, 2004, and after acorn drop in 2006), all conducted in late spring. Initial densities of newly established chestnut and white oak seedlings were statistically similar across treatments (P = 0.42), despite fires on the 3x-burn site having occurred after acorns were on the ground. Oak seedling density was significantly predicted by oak basal area on all sites (R2 = 0.12–0.46), except for chestnut oak on fire-excluded sites (R2 = 0.04). Litter depth was less on 3x-burn sites compared to 1x-burn and fire-excluded sites, whereas canopy openness was greater on both burn treatments compared to fire-excluded sites. Seedling mortality was generally higher on fire-excluded sites compared to burn sites, especially for white oak. Oak seedling mortality in the first two growing seasons was significantly predicted by initial litter depth and open sky, with greater litter depth and lower percent open sky leading to higher mortality. In the third growing season none of the measured variables predicted chestnut oak seedling survival; for white oak, percent open sky remained a significant predictor of mortality. Initially, seedlings on the fire-excluded sites had similar height but smaller diameter; after three growing seasons there were few differences in seedling height or diameter among treatments. Our findings suggest a potential role for prescribed fire in establishing forest floor and light conditions that may enhance the success of new oak germinants, although different responses among species may suggest the need to target management for individual oak species.  相似文献   

Fuel treatments for reducing fire risk are necessarily tied to the landscape structure including forest composition and configuration. Thus understanding the relationships between landscape structure and burn severity is important for developing guidelines and management strategies for fire-resilient forests. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between landscape structure as described by spatial pattern metrics and burn severity at the landscape and class levels. In 2000, a mostly severe fire burned 16,210 ha of dense forest located in Samchuck on the east coast of the Korean peninsula. Spatial pattern metrics including patch density, largest patch index, mean shape index, area-weighted mean shape index, Euclidean nearest neighborhood distance, and Shannon's diversity index, as well as topographic characteristics of slope and elevation, were correlated with burn severity based on delta Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) assessments. Regression tree analysis was also carried out with the same variables to avoid spatial autocorrelation and to reveal the relative importance of variables to burn severity. The results of this study strongly suggest that both composition and configuration of the forest cover patches are closely tied to burn severity. In particular, both the correlation analysis and regression tree analysis indicated that the area of red pine tree forest cover was the most significant factor in explaining the variance of burn severity. Topography and spatial configuration of forest cover patches were also significantly related to burn severity. The heterogeneity of forests also had a significant influence on burn severity. To reduce fire risk and increase the fire resilience of forests, forest managers and agencies need to consider enhancing the heterogeneity of forests when implementing fuel treatment schemes. However, such fuel treatments for landscape structure may only be effective under moderate weather conditions.  相似文献   

More than a century of fire exclusion and past timber management practices in many Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests have led to increased stand densities and fuel accumulation, with a corresponding risk of large, high severity wildfires. To reduce hazardous fuel accumulations and restore the health and natural processes of forest ecosystems, fuel management programs often employ thinning and prescribed fire treatments, both alone and in combination. We evaluated forest floor and mineral soil chemical and physical characteristics following these treatments in a managed Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest using a fully replicated study design with four separate treatments: THIN, BURN, THIN + BURN, and an untreated CONTROL. Compared to the CONTROL, the BURN and THIN + BURN treatments consumed a large amount of the forest floor, reducing the mass and depth by more than 80%. These treatments reduced the forest floor C and N pools by more than 85%, resulting in reductions of 25 Mg C ha−1 and more than 700 kg N ha−1 from the forest floor. Despite these large losses from the organic horizons, no significant differences in mineral soil total C and N pools were detected among treatments. Compared with the CONTROL and THIN treatments, the BURN and THIN + BURN significantly increased the mineral soil NO3-N concentration, pool of inorganic N, pH, and exposed bare soil. The THIN + BURN treatment significantly increased the concentrations of NH4-N and exchangeable Ca relative to the CONTROL. No significant differences in the net rates of nitrification, N mineralization, or bulk density were detected among the four treatments. The BURN treatment reduced mineral soil C concentration and CEC, while the THIN + BURN treatment had the greatest increase in inorganic N. Fire effects on soil pH and inorganic N were moderated in skid trails due to reduced fuel continuity and consumption. In light of the current management emphasis on hazardous fuels reduction, we recommend that researchers investigating fire effects in harvested stands include skid trail influences in their study design.  相似文献   

Three treatments designed to initiate the process of restoring the surface fire regime and open forest structure of a southwestern ponderosa pine forest were compared on the Kaibab National Forest along the Grand Canyon’s South Rim. The treatments were: (1) full restoration (FULL)—thinning trees to emulate stand structure prior to fire regime disruption ca. 1887, forest floor fuel treatment, and prescribed burning, (2) minimal thinning (MIN)—removing young trees only around living old-growth (pre-1887) trees, fuel treatment, and prescribed burning, (3) burn-only (BURN)—representing the current management policy in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), and (4) CONTROL. Each treatment was applied to a 12 ha unit. Compared to reconstructed 1887 conditions, all study sites were much more dense prior to treatment (94–176 trees/ha in 1887, compared to 783–3693 trees/ha in 1997). However, basal area increases were less striking (12.6–20.3 in 1887, 17.5–27.0 m2/ha in 1997), reflecting past harvest and dwarf mistletoe reduction treatments that removed many large pines. In 2000, 1 year after treatment, tree densities were reduced to 11, 23, and 37 of pre-treatment levels in the FULL, MIN, and BURN treatments, respectively. Understory plant communities showed significant declines in richness and plant frequency across years, probably due to a severe drought in 2000 (60% of average precipitation). No differences in plant communities were observed across treatments, despite the mechanized disturbance associated with tree removal in the FULL treatment. Prescribed fire behavior (flame length, flaming zone depth) and effects (bole char, crown scorch) were similar across all three burned treatments. Simulated fire behavior under dry, windy conditions was reduced in all three treatments compared to the control. The FULL treatment was much less susceptible to crownfire due to reduced crown bulk density and crown fuel load and increased crown base height. Crownfire susceptibility of the BURN treatment was only slightly reduced, while the MIN treatment was intermediate. Compared to the reference conditions of forest structure, the FULL treatment represented the most rapid and comprehensive restoration treatment, although the residual stand was at the low end of historical density. The BURN treatment thinned many small trees but had minor effects on crownfire susceptibility. Effects of the MIN treatment fell between FULL and BURN. The experimental treatments may be useful for the creation of defensible firebreaks near developments, roads, and boundaries with the FULL treatment, supplemented by MIN and BURN treatments over larger areas.  相似文献   

The Canarian pine (Pinus canariensis) exhibits a striking combination of high adult resistance to fire and intermediate serotiny. Hence, the study of its post-fire regeneration can support valuable new insights about functional adaptations to fire. Here, we analyse the first-year seedling establishment after fire in a P. canariensis forest on the northern slope of Tenerife, Canary Islands. The effects of fire severity and other explanatory variables on the seedling density recorded 9 months after fire were examined. We detected a clear unimodal relationship between seedling density and fire severity, with maximum regeneration associated with intermediate fire severity and no regeneration associated with very high crown damage. The results suggested that high severity fires may have caused the partial destruction of the aerial seed bank and/or the creation of unfavourable seedbed conditions for germination and seedling emergence. The density of large pine trees, reflecting seed availability, was the second most important factor explaining the distribution of seedlings. Cover of scorched needle litter on the ground correlated strongly and positively with pine seedling density and negatively with fire severity. The complete lack of regeneration at sites most strongly affected by fire does not represent a major threat for the stand recovery of the Canarian pine, due to the very high tree resistance to fire and the tremendous capacity of the Canarian pine to resprout after fire. The observed very high seedling densities at sites with intermediate fire impacts can probably be related to both the complete liberation of the seed bank (including seeds stored in serotinous cones) and favourable micro-environmental conditions for seed germination and seedling establishment.  相似文献   


Promoting patchy recruitment of shade tolerant tree species into the midstory is an important step in developing structural diversity in second-growth stands. Variable-density thinning (VDT) has been proposed as a strategy for accelerating structural diversity, as its combination of within-stand treatments (harvest gaps, thinning, and non-harvested skips) should create variable overstory and understory conditions. Here we report on western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) seedling and sapling densities in five mixed-conifer stands and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedling and sapling densities in two stands in western Washington at 3,7, 10, and 16–17 years after VDT. Additionally, we report on western hemlock advance regeneration growth and survival in two stands over 14 years. Western hemlock seedling density was highest in the thinned treatment but only significantly so in Year 10. In contrast, the gaps contained significantly more western hemlock saplings in Years 7 and 10 and significantly greater growth of western hemlock advance regeneration through Year 10. Skips embedded within the VDT did not differ significantly from unharvested reserves in terms of seedling or sapling densities of either species. Sitka spruce seedling density was highest in the gap and thinned treatments, but saplings were uncommon in all treatments. Collectively, these results indicate that our variant of VDT promoted patchy, midstory recruitment of western hemlock but failed to recruit Sitka spruce saplings in either stand where it established. Consequently, more intensive variants of VDT may be required to promote midstory recruitment of species less tolerant of shade than western hemlock.


Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis) are important high-elevation pines of the southern Rockies that are forecast to decline due to the recent spread of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) into this region. Proactive management strategies to promote the evolution of rust resistance and maintain ecosystem function require an improved understanding of the role of disturbance on the population dynamics of both species and environmental conditions that favor seedling establishment. We examined patterns of bristlecone and limber pine regeneration across the perimeters of three, 29-year-old, high-severity burns in northern, central, and southern Colorado: Ouzel, Badger Mountain, and Maes Creek, respectively. Both species exhibited a very protracted regeneration response to these fires. Bristlecone pine regeneration was concentrated near burn edges and beneath surviving seed sources. This spatial pattern is consistent with limitations incurred by wind-dispersal, also borne out by the low occurrence of seedling clusters. Relative to unburned stands, the absolute abundance of bristlecone pine generally increased only on plots retaining some surviving trees. Limber pine regeneration pattern varied between sites: high in the burn interior at Ouzel, concentrated at burn edges at Badger, and mostly in unburned stands at Maes. Clark’s Nutcracker dispersal of limber pine in each study area was indicated by high seedling distance from possible seed sources and high frequencies of clustered stems. Except at Ouzel, the absolute abundance of limber pine decreased in burns. Across sites, establishment by both species was boosted by nearby nurse objects (rocks, fallen logs, and standing tree trunks), a relationship that extended out at least as far as the closest three such objects, usually found within 50 cm. Fire decreased the frequency of Pedicularis but increased Castilleja and Ribes species (alternate hosts of white pine blister rust), though only one species, R. cereum, was positively associated with either pine species. We conclude that regeneration of bristlecone and limber pine may benefit from natural disturbance or proactive management creating appropriately sized openings and microtopographic structure (e.g., abundant fallen logs); however, beneficial responses may require many decades to be achieved.  相似文献   

Alternative strategies for stand density management in even-aged coniferous forests may increase plant species and functional diversity. We examined the effects of fixed and variable density thinning on tree seedling regeneration as well as on abundance (indexed by cover) and richness of understory vascular plants 11 years after harvesting 45- to 66-year old forests dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) or western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) at three sites in western Oregon. Each site contained an unthinned control (CON), and thinning treatments selected to enhance overstory structural diversity and spatial variability within stands (HD, high density treatment at 300 trees ha−1; MD, moderate density treatment at 200 trees ha−1; VD300, VD200 and VD100, variable density treatments at 300, 200 and 100 trees ha−1). Leave islands are included in HD and the other thinning treatments contain both leave islands and gap openings. Tree seedling regeneration was highly variable and generally increased with thinning. Cover of all understory species was greater in VD100 than in the control whereas richness was greater in HD and MD. Cover and richness of early seral species were greater in most thinning treatments than in the control. Understory plant communities were overwhelmingly dominated by native species. In general, vegetation dynamics was accelerated by thinning, especially in variable density treatments. Cover of N-fixing understory species was greater in VD200 than in the other treatments, and in MD and VD300 than in the control, whereas richness of understory N-fixing species increased in all thinning treatments. Cover of understory species with intermediate soil water requirements was greater in MD, VD200 and VD100 than in the control, whereas richness of these species increased in VD200 compared to the control, HD and VD300. Thinning promoted higher diversity of understory conditions without reducing density and species richness of crop tree regeneration, and seemed to increase functional effect and response diversity.  相似文献   

Dense Rhododendron ponticum (L.) understories of eastern beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stands in the Black Sea Region (BSR) of Turkey create challenging forest vegetation management problems relative to beech regeneration. Rhododendron traditionally is controlled in Turkish forests with grubbing and bulldozing. The effects of these practices on nutrient removal and natural beech regeneration have not been quantitatively studied. Two woody vegetation control treatments (bulldozing and hand-grubbing) were installed during late summer, 2002 in three mature beech stands with dense rhododendron understories in the Düzce Forest Management Directorate, in the Turkish western BSR. Aboveground biomass of each vegetation component, total aboveground vegetation biomass, nutrient concentrations, organic matter (OM) removal, and total amount of OM nutrients were determined for each woody vegetation control treatment. Soil bulk density and nutrient content, and beech seedling biomass, nutrient content, and natural regeneration also were studied. One year after treatment, the machine site preparation by bulldozing (MSP) that removed understory vegetation and attached roots, reduced mean forest floor OM content by about 84%, when compared to hand-grubbing. Mean soil C, N, K and Mg concentrations on the bulldozed sites were 36, 27, 50 and 55% less, respectively, than those on the grubbed sites. Total C and Mg amounts at the 5–10 cm soil depth were 24 and 47% lower, respectively, for mechanical site preparation (MSP) sites, when compared to grubbed sites. Overall, soil bulk density did not differ significantly between the grubbing and MSP treatments. Frequent passes on designated transects on MSP sites resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) one-third increase in bulk density of the first 20 cm soil depth, when compared to grubbed sites. No natural beech regeneration occurred on untreated control sites. Mineral soil exposure on the MSP sites increased beech seedling germination substantially. One year after treatment, the mean number of naturally regenerated seedlings for MSP sites was 2.5 times greater than for grubbed sites. Woody control treatments had significant effects upon beech seedling chemistry, with N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations averaging 35, 47, 12, 33 and 25% lower, respectively, for MSP sites, when compared to grubbed sites. However, mean seedling biomass and nutrient content were significantly greater (P < 0.05) on MSP sites. Long-term effects from windrowing on MSP site residues, associated topsoil and nutrients need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Early successional birds have declined in the northeastern United States due to the regeneration of forest on abandoned farm fields and the suppression of natural disturbances that once provided appropriate habitat. These species have become increasingly dependent on early successional habitats generated by such activities as timber harvesting. Recent approaches of timber harvesting, which range from single-tree harvesting to clearcutting, create forest openings of different sizes and configurations embedded in landscapes with different land use patterns. To assess the importance of forest openings created by timber harvesting for shrubland birds, we surveyed birds on 50 m radius plots in 34 harvest sites (0.5–21 ha). We collected data on multi-scaled habitat variables ranging from plot-level vegetation characteristics to land use patterns within 1 km of each study site. We also monitored mating and nesting success of Blue-winged Warblers (Vermivora pinus) in 10 forest openings.

The abundance of most shrubland species was influenced by plot-level habitat variables, such as tree density and vegetation height, rather than shrubland area or the composition of land uses in the surrounding landscape. Only Eastern Towhees (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) were more frequent in survey plots in larger forest openings. In contrast, neither abundance nor reproductive activity of Blue-winged Warblers was correlated with the size of the forest opening. Their abundance was negatively related to vegetation height, however. Only 54% of the territorial male Blue-winged Warblers in forest openings were mated. We documented relatively low nest success rates of 21.1% during the egg laying and incubation nest stages, but increased success rates during the later stages of nesting.

Our results indicate that even small forest openings with low vegetation provide habitat for Blue-winged Warblers and other shrubland birds. The overall reproductive rate of territorial male Blue-winged Warblers in forests openings was low during the 2 years of the study, however. Further studies are needed to assess the long-term value of this type of habitat for sustaining shrubland bird populations.  相似文献   

Mixed forest, containing a eucalypt overstorey and an understorey of rainforest tree species, accounts for approximately 20% (195,000 ha) of Tasmania's wet eucalypt forest. In wood production areas it is typically clearfelled, burnt and then sown with eucalypt seed. This management removes virtually all standing seed sources within the coupe, so that recolonisation of coupes by rainforest tree species depends largely on seed sources located at the coupe edges. We quantified the influence of mature mixed forest edges on rainforest regeneration following clearfelling by modelling the change in the density of the regeneration of the four dominant rainforest tree species (Nothofagus cunninghamii, Atherosperma moschatum, Phyllocladus aspleniifolius and Eucryphia lucida) with increasing distance from forest edge. We also assessed the influence on rainforest tree regeneration of prevailing wind direction, age of regeneration, characteristics of the mature edge vegetation and of the competing regenerating vegetation within the coupe. Distance from edge and age of coupe were highly significant (p < 0.01) effects in each of the species models. We found that the abundance of regeneration declined with increasing distance from edge for all four rainforest tree species, and with the exception of A. moschatum regeneration, increased with coupe age up to the age of 15 years. The abundance of N. cunninghamii and E. lucida, which are species with restricted seed dispersal, declined most steeply with increasing distance from the edge. A. moschatum, which is a species with the potential for long distance seed dispersal by wind, was more abundant than N. cunninghamii and E. lucida at distances greater than 20 m from coupe edges. More than 500 seedlings ha−1 were present at all distances from coupe edge for P. aspleniifolius, reflecting its capacity to germinate after disturbance from soil-stored and bird-dispersed seed. There were no significant differences in seedling density upwind or downwind of coupe edges, although the potential for dense regeneration of N. cunninghamii and E. lucida and for long distance dispersal of A. moschatum appeared to be greatest downwind of edges. Other variables that significantly affected the abundance of regeneration were the height of rainforest tree species in the edge vegetation (N. cunninghamii model), the cover of rainforest tree species in the edge vegetation (A. moschatum model) and the cover of competing eucalypt regeneration within the coupe (P. aspleniifolius model). The proportion of rainforest tree species that regenerated vegetatively was small (3.1%). We concluded that management which maintains mature mixed forest edges, or patches of mature forest within coupes, is likely to result in greater levels of rainforest regeneration and a more rapid shift towards pre-harvest composition following logging. We use our results to demonstrate that variable retention harvesting systems, such as aggregated retention or stripfelling, which reduce the distance to rainforest seed source, would result in a greater abundance of rainforest regeneration over a larger proportion of the coupe than current clearfell, burn and sow silviculture.  相似文献   

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