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Scenarios of climate changes indicate longer and more frequent spells of mild weather during winter in northern latitudes. De-hardening in perennial grasses could increase the risk of frost kill. In this study, the resistance to de-hardening of different grass species and cultivars was examined, and whether the resistance changes during winter or between years, was tested. In Experiment 1, two cultivars of timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) of contrasting winter hardiness were grown under ambient winter conditions, transferred from the field in January and April 2006 to the laboratory for 9 d with controlled de-hardening conditions of 3°C, 9°C and 15°C. The timothy cultivars were tested at 3°C, 6°C and 9°C in a similar experiment (Experiment 2) in January 2007. De-hardening, measured as decrease in frost tolerance (LT50), was less in timothy than in perennial ryegrass and increased with increasing temperatures. The northern winter-hardy cultivar Engmo of timothy de-hardened more rapidly than the less-hardy cultivar Grindstad, but had higher initial frost tolerance in both experiments, whereas there was less difference between cultivars of perennial ryegrass in Experiment 1. Cultivar Grindstad of timothy lost all hardiness in early spring at all temperatures, whereas cultivar Engmo maintained some hardiness at 3°C. Cultivar Engmo de-hardened at a lower rate in 2007 than in 2006, in spite of similar frost tolerance at the start of de-hardening treatment in both years. This indicates that the rate of de-hardening was controlled by factors additional to the initial frost tolerance and that autumn weather conditions might be important for the resistance to de-hardening.  相似文献   

Adequate seed production is essential for cultivar success in perennial ryegrass turf and forage industries, but improvement is limited by the complexity of yield components and low-rank correlations between selection and production environments. This study examined seed yield components among 20 perennial ryegrass entries in both spaced plantings (selection environment) and swards (production environment) at two locations in Minnesota. Competitive (23 plants/m2) and non-competitive (3 plants/m2) spaced-plant nurseries were tested. Competitive spaced-plant total yield was highly correlated with sward yield (rs = 0.64 and 0.66, p < 0.01) at both locations, whereas the non-competitive environment showed no correlation. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to explore the indirect and direct relationship of fall vegetative growth, winterkill, and yield components on total seed yield in all environments. Fertile tiller number (spikes plant−1/m−2) exhibited both strong direct and indirect influence on total seed yield in all environments. However, the importance of fertile tiller number in the SEM was reduced with increased plant competition. The SEM showed that both weight per spike and seed yield per spike influenced total yield in spaced plants; however, neither consistently predicted total sward yield. The ratio of these two traits (g seed spike−1/g spike−1) gave an index of fertility that was easy to measure and had a superior correlation with sward yield at two locations (rs = 0.81 and 0.54, p < 0.05) when spaced plants were under competition. Results suggest that increasing competition in spaced plantings and selecting for spike fertility may more accurately identify superior plant material compared to lower competition environments.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of each of two contrasting grass species, timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.), sown either in May or July, were sampled for dry matter (DM) weight of roots and herbage in late October (end of main growing season) and examined for regrowth when exposed to a frost treatment (−8 to −10°C in darkness for 48 h) in late January, early March and late April. The frost treatment caused compensatory root and herbage growth, and regrowth of roots in March and April was greater than regrowth of herbage. Early-sown plants had higher DM weights of roots and herbage than late-sown plants in October but had the lowest survival rate when exposed to the frost treatment in April. Compensatory growth of root and herbage in response to moderate frosts occurred in January and March in all cultivars, and in the most frost-resistant timothy cultivar in April. Concentration of total carbohydrates increased from October to March with the greatest increase in the most winter-hardy cultivar of each species, and then decreased in April. An indirect correlation between concentration of total carbohydrates and tolerance to moderate frost was indicated, and plant survival and ability for compensatory growth were also associated with differences in adaptation related to winter survival in the cultivars tested.  相似文献   

A small‐plot experiment was carried out in Northern Ireland on a predominantly perennial ryegrass sward over the period July 1993 to March 1994 to investigate the effect of timing and rate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on herbage mass and its chemical composition over the winter period. Eighty treatment combinations, involving four N fertilizer application dates (28 July, 9 and 30 August and 20 September 1993), four rates of N fertilizer (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1) and five harvest dates (1 October, 1 November, 1 December 1993, 1 February and 1 March 1994), were replicated three times in a randomized block design experiment. N application increased herbage mass at each of the harvest dates, but in general there was a decrease in response to N with increasing rate of N and delay in time of application. Mean responses to N applications were 13·0, 11·5 and 9·5 kg DM kg?1 N at 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1 respectively. Delaying N application, which also reduced the length of the period of growth, reduced the mean response to N fertilizer from 14·3 to 7·4 kg DM kg?1 N for N applied on 28 July and 20 September respectively. Increasing rate of N application increased the N concentration and reduced the dry‐matter (DM) content and water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the herbage but had little effect on the acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) concentration. Delaying N application increased N concentration and reduced DM content of the herbage. The effect of date of N application on WSC concentration varied between harvests. A decrease in herbage mass occurred from November onwards which was associated with a decrease in the proportion of live leaf and stem material and an increase in the proportion of dead material in the sward. It is concluded that there is considerable potential to increase the herbage mass available for autumn/early winter grazing by applying up to 60 kg N ha?1 in early September.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is by far the most widely sown grass species in Ireland. Genotype × environment (G × E) interactions are a frequent occurrence in herbage yield evaluations. The objectives were to determine (i) the nature and relative magnitudes of the pertinent G × E interaction variance components for dry matter yield of perennial ryegrass sward plots in Ireland and (ii) the optimal allocation of replicates, locations and years in a testing programme. Sixteen perennial ryegrass cultivars were sown at six locations throughout Ireland between 2000 and 2004. Plots from each sowing were harvested for 2 consecutive years under a simulated mixed grazing and conservation management programme. The largest component of the G × E variance was generally genotype × location × year emphasizing the need for evaluation of genotypes across locations and years to adequately characterize genotypes for differences in yield. Relative differences among genotypes from year to year and location to location were due mainly to changes in genotype rankings. Weather was estimated to have a greater effect on annual variation in herbage yield than age of stand. The optimum allocation of resources for a testing programme was estimated at four replicates per location, and either two locations and 3 sowing years or three locations and 2 sowing years with 2 harvest years for each sowing year. The most appropriate option depends on the relative importance of time vs. financial resources.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the effect of closing date and date of harvest for conservation (accumulation period), on dry‐matter (DM) yield and forage quality of annual pasture in Western Australia. The field study comprised 48 plots, 2 m × 2 m, sown with either annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) or Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.), and mixed with subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). Defoliation of swards until the end of winter was at the three leaves tiller–1 stage. In spring, once stem nodal development had commenced, swards were defoliated every 3–4 weeks. Swards were defoliated either twice with three leaves tiller–1 (accumulation period 1 commenced on 15 August); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then once after 4 weeks (accumulation period 2 commenced on 11 September); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals (accumulation period 3 commenced on 9 October) or; twice with 3 leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals and then once after 3 weeks (accumulation period 4 commenced on 30 October). From the commencement of the accumulation period, tiller density, DM yield and forage quality were determined weekly for up to 10 weeks. There was a positive quadratic association between DM yield and days after the commencement of the accumulation period. Yields were maximized from accumulation period 1 with 5·3, 6·6 and 9·5 t DM ha–1, and growth rates were 140, 128 and 145 kg DM ha–1 d–1, for Wimmera annual ryegrass and Richmond and Concord cultivars of Italian ryegrass respectively. In contrast, in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein (CP) content were negatively associated with days after the commencement of the accumulation period, and initial values were greater than 0·80 and 180 g kg DM–1 for IVDMD and CP content respectively. The rate of decline in IVDMD d–1 for Wimmera annual ryegrass was 0·005, 0·019 and 0·012 d–1 for accumulation periods 1, 2 and 3, respectively, while for Italian ryegrass cultivars Richmond was 0·015, 0·011, 0·02 and 0·012 d–1 and Concord was 0·014, 0·009, 0·013 and 0·01 d–1, for the 4 accumulation periods respectively. It is recommended that annual and Italian ryegrass pastures be harvested between 10% and 20% inflorescence emergence when IVDMD will exceed 0·70 regardless of cultivar and/or defoliation practice prior to the commencement of the accumulation period.  相似文献   

This experiment quantified the effects of: (i) heading date of perennial ryegrass, (ii) grazing frequency in spring and (iii) date of silage harvest, on the ensilability of herbages harvested for silage, and on the conservation and estimated nutritive value of the resultant silages. Replicated field plots with two perennial ryegrass mixtures (intermediate‐ and late‐heading cultivars) were subjected to three spring‐grazing regimes (no grazing, grazing in late March and grazing in both late March and late April) and were harvested on four first‐cut harvest dates between 20 May and 21 June. Herbage from each of the four replicates of these 24 treatments was precision‐chopped and ensiled unwilted and with no additive in laboratory silos. Herbage from the sward with the intermediate‐heading cultivar had a higher (P < 0·001) dry‐matter (DM) content and buffering capacity than that from the late‐heading cultivar, whereas water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations increased (P < 0·001) with more frequent grazing in spring. Later harvesting enhanced herbage ensilability through an increased (P < 0·001) DM content and reduced (P < 0·001) buffering capacity and pH. Fermentation profiles of the silage were not markedly influenced by the cultivar mixture used but grazing in both late March and late April resulted in a more extensive fermentation with the acids produced increasingly dominated by lactic acid. The concentrations of acetic acid, and to a lesser extent, ethanol declined as silage harvest date was delayed. Overall, the relative effects of grass cultivar mixture were smaller than those of spring‐grazing treatment or silage‐harvesting date although on any given harvest date the herbage from the intermediate‐heading cultivar mixture was easier to preserve as silage than herbage from the late‐heading cultivar mixture. Delaying the harvesting of the late‐heading swards by 8 d removed the differences related to growth stage in buffering capacity, pH and DM content.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of advancing stage of maturity and additive treatment on the fermentation characteristics of three common grassland species. Perennial ryegrass (PRG; Lolium perenne L., var. Gandalf), timothy (Phleum pratense L., var. Erecta) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L., var. Merviot) were harvested at three dates in the primary growth (11 May, 8 June and 6 July; Harvests 1–3) and ensiled with the following additive treatments: (1) control (i.e. no treatment), (2) formic acid‐based additive, (3) homofermentative lactic acid bacterial (LAB) inoculant and (4) heterofermentative LAB inoculant. Additive application to the PRG (irrespective of harvest date), the late‐harvest timothy (Harvest 3) and the red clover (Harvests 2 and 3) herbages had little impact on silage fermentation characteristics, where a lactic acid dominant fermentation already prevailed. However, the application of the formic acid‐based additive to the Harvest 1 and 2 timothy and Harvest 1 red clover herbages, where the silage fermentation characteristics were poorer, resulted in an increase in the proportion of lactic acid in total fermentation products and a decrease in pH. In contrast, the heterofermentative LAB inoculant had a negative impact on silage fermentation characteristics where a poor preservation prevailed in the corresponding control silage.  相似文献   

Three replicate paddocks, each of 0·235 ha, containing adjacent monocultures of perennial ryegrass or white clover [50:50 by ground area, 6 cm sward surface height (SSH) at start of experiment] were continuously stocked with three yearling and four mature non-lactating, non-pregnant Scottish halfbred ewes for 12 weeks. Herbage intake, grazing behaviour and dietary selection were measured on seven occasions. Clover SSH declined rapidly over the first 5 weeks then stabilized at 1·2–1·6 cm, whereas perennial ryegrass SSH rose slightly initially, then declined gradually. Animals initially included proportionately c . 0·6 white clover in their diet but, by the end of the experiment, this had fallen to 0·3. Total daily herbage intake declined over the 12 weeks from 1·8 kg dry matter (DM) day–1 at the start to 1·0 kg DM day–1. Total grazing time increased from 561 min day–1 to 649 min day–1 at the end of the experiment. The results suggest that, despite overall herbage depletion and a greater depletion of white clover than perennial ryegrass as a result of the initial partial preference for white clover, the animals traded-off a reduced total intake and an increased grazing time in an attempt to maintain their initial preferred dietary composition.  相似文献   

Abstract This field study investigated the effect of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application in spring on the survival of grazed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Dobson and Yatsyn) over summer in a subtropical environment. There were five N fertilizer treatments: no applied N, 46 kg N ha?1 on 22 October or 22 November or 22 December, or on 22 October and again on 22 December. Water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of perennial ryegrass plants entering the summer was altered by varying defoliation frequency, with defoliation interval based on the number of leaves per tiller. Frequent defoliation was set at a regrowth level of one leaf per tiller and less frequent defoliation at a regrowth level of three leaves per tiller, over a total of two by three‐leaf per tiller regrowth periods. Application of N fertilizer was found to have no significant effect (P > 0·05) on survival of perennial ryegrass plants over summer. On the other hand, defoliation had a marked effect on perennial ryegrass persistence, with frequent defoliation decreasing ryegrass plant density (51 vs. 88 plants m?2; P < 0·001) and increasing the density of tropical weed grasses (99 vs. 73 plants m?2; P < 0·001) by autumn. Frequently defoliated plants had a lower stubble WSC content on a per plant basis than less frequently defoliated plants in spring (103 vs. 201 mg per plant; P < 0·001) and summer (59 vs. 101 mg per plant; P < 0·001). The lower WSC content was associated with a smaller root system in spring (1·50 vs. 2·14 g per plant; P < 0·001) and autumn (1·79 vs. 2·66 g per plant; P < 0·01), and this was reflected in 0·29 more plants being pulled from the soil by livestock between November 1996 and April 1997. Rhizoctonia fungus was associated with roots of pulled plants, but not with roots of seemingly healthy plants, indicating that this fungus may have a role in a weakened root system, which was more prone to sod pulling. Nitrogen applied in October and November resulted in a reduced WSC concentration, although the effect was restricted to 1 month after N application. The present study indicates that survival of perennial ryegrass plants over the summer in a subtropical region is prejudiced by frequent defoliation, which is associated with a lower WSC concentration and a shallower root system. Under grazing, sod pulling is a reflection of this weaker root system and contributes to plant mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract A test for root penetration through a wax disc of known hardness was developed and used with twenty‐five cultivars and twenty‐one breeding lines of perennial, Italian, hybrid and annual ryegrasses. After 42 days, the number of roots reaching the wax disc and the number penetrating the disc were counted. Root diameters were measured using image analysis. The proportion of root penetrations ranged from 0·06 to 0·39 across the cultivars and breeding lines, with substantial variation between replicates and cultivars. Diploid perennial cultivars had the thinnest roots, and there were no consistent differences in root diameter between perennial breeding lines, hybrid ryegrasses and Italian ryegrasses. Roots that penetrated the wax disc increased in diameter, by 0·60 on average, a few millimetres above the wax, and through the wax disc. Diameters below the wax disc were the same as those above the zone of impeded root growth. The increase was caused by an increase in size of the parenchyma cells of the root cortex. An experiment with partially and completely impeded root growth showed that impedance did not change root diameter of new roots, or the distribution of root mass between impeded and unimpeded halves of a root system for plants up to 10 weeks old.  相似文献   

高产高油抗病油葵杂交种晋葵5号的选育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晋葵5号是以雄性不育系76202-3A为母本,恢复系902-11R为父本组配选育而成,该杂交种抗旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、耐菌核病能力强,含油率达51.44%,品种鉴定平均产量3823.5kg/hm^2,比对照品种汾葵杂3号增产13.9%,生产示范平均产量2056.5kg/hm^2,比对照品种晋葵2号增产17.0%,适宜高寒山区春播及麦茬复播。  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in patterns of root distribution, nitrate interception and response to moisture stress were assessed in both parents and 198 progeny of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) full‐sibling mapping population. This was carried out in metre‐deep tubes of sand culture in a glasshouse experiment. The proportion of root dry matter (DM) weight in the top 10 cm of sand ranged from 0·33 to 0·75 and values of log10(1 ? K), where K is the constant for an exponential model relating root DM weight and root depth, also showed wide variation among genotypes. The proportion of a pulse of 15N recovered in whole plants ranged from 0·124 to 0·431. There was a positive linear correlation between the proportion of 15N recovered and plant total DM weight, but no relationship between nitrate interception and patterns of distribution of DM weight of roots. Some genotypes responded to moisture stress by increasing root growth, and in others root growth was inhibited. It is concluded that this below‐ground variability in root variables may be an evolutionary adaptation by plant populations to survive heterogeneity in soil biotic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

中蓖杂1号以雌性系油5~88414为母本,恢复系9404为父本配组选育而成。该杂交种抗旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、抗枯萎病能力强,种子含油率达50.87%。品种鉴定平均产量3640.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产33.3%。生产示范平均产量3874.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产43.5%。适宜华中地区春播种植。  相似文献   

优质两系杂交油菜湘杂油5号的选育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
湘杂油5号系利用温敏核不育系组配选育而成的两系杂交油菜新品种,在各级中间试验和生产试验中表现良好.本文介绍了湘杂油5号的选育过程、在各级中间试验和生产试验中的产量表现及品种特征特性,并探讨了该品种的栽培技术特点.  相似文献   

The composition of baled silage frequently differs from that of comparable conventional silage. A factorial experiment was conducted with three wilting treatments (0, 24 or 48 h) × three ensiling systems [unchopped grass in bales, unchopped grass in laboratory silos (LS), precision-chopped grass in LS] × six stages of ensiling to (i) confirm that the fermentation of unchopped grass in LS could be used as an adequate model for baled silage fermentation, (ii) quantify the differences between baled silage and silage made from precision-chopped herbage across a range of dry-matter contents and (c) quantify the fermentation dynamics within the various treatments. The onset of fermentation as evidenced by the accumulation of fermentation products and the decline in pH were slower ( P  < 0·05) in baled silage compared with silage made from precision-chopped herbage. Furthermore the pH ( P  < 0·001) and overall concentration of fermentation acids ( P  < 0·01) were lower while ammonia-N concentration was generally higher in baled silage, making it more conducive to the activities of Clostridia , Enterobacteria and yeast. Numbers of Enterobacteria were higher ( P  < 0·001) in baled silage in the early stages of ensilage and persisted in baled silage at the end of the storage period. The implications of a slower onset of fermentation in baled herbage are greater in farm practice, as the fermentation would be further restricted by a more extensive wilting of the herbage prior to ensiling.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the use of deficit irrigation and perennial pasture species other than perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in temperate agriculture, in response to the decreasing availability of irrigation water. Deficit irrigation requires an understanding of plant responses to drought stress to ensure maximum dry‐matter return on water applied. A glasshouse study was undertaken to investigate some of the morphological and physiological responses of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; syn. Schedonorus phoenix Scop.) to varied moisture availability. One water treatment involved frequent applications of water to maintain a soil water potential of approximately ?10 kPa (100% treatment), and three other treatments involved applications at the same frequency, but using 33, 66 or 133% of the water applied in the 100% treatment. The water treatments continued over two plant regrowth cycles, followed by a ‘recovery’ phase of a single regrowth cycle during which all plants received the same water allocation as the 100% treatment. Depletion and replenishment of stubble water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) differed between the three species in response to soil moisture availability. By the second regrowth cycle, stubble WSC concentration and content in moisture‐stressed cocksfoot plants had increased, followed by a decrease during the subsequent recovery phase when the stored WSC reserves were utilized to support regrowth. The changes in stubble WSC reserves corresponded to the maintenance of relatively stable (i.e. the smallest reduction in leaf DM in response to moisture stress), but consistently lower DM production for cocksfoot compared with the other species. In contrast, moisture stress had no effect on the stubble WSC reserves of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue, with the exception of a significant decrease in WSC concentration under the 33% water treatment for perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass achieved an intermediate DM yield and maintained positive growth rates throughout the study, even when watered at 33% of the requirement for optimal soil moisture levels. However, a more pronounced reduction in leaf DM in plants under moisture stress compared with the other species, combined with declining WSC reserves and the death of daughter tillers, highlighted the vulnerability of perennial ryegrass to poor persistence under prolonged drought conditions. Tall fescue appeared to have the greatest scope under moisture stress in terms of maintaining productivity and displaying attributes that contribute to persistence. Its leaf DM was consistently greater than that of the other species, displaying a smaller decline in growth under water stress compared to perennial ryegrass and an ability to recover faster upon re‐watering. This study has expanded the information available that compares and defines the potential of each species under moisture stress and emphasizes the importance of balancing short‐term DM production with long‐term persistence in choice of pasture species.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the association between leaf number per tiller at defoliation, water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration and herbage mass of juvenile ryegrass plants when grown in a Mediterranean environment. Seedlings of ryegrass were grown in nursery pots arranged side‐by‐side and located outside in the open‐air to simulate a mini‐sward in Experiments 1 and 2, and a mixture of annual ryegrass and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) was grown in a small plot field study in Experiment 3. Swards were defoliated mechanically with the onset of defoliation commencing within 28 d of germination. Frequency of defoliation ranged from one to nine leaves per tiller, whilst defoliation height ranged from 30 mm of pseudostem height that removed all leaf laminae in Experiment 1, to 50 mm of pseudostem height with some leaf laminae remaining post‐defoliation in Experiments 2 and 3. A positive relationship between herbage mass of ryegrass, WSC concentration and leaf number per tiller at defoliation was demonstrated in all experiments. In Experiment 1, the herbage mass of leaf, pseudostem and roots of tillers defoliated at one leaf per tiller was reduced to 0·10, 0·09 and 0·06 of those tillers defoliated less frequently at six leaves per tiller. However, the reduction in herbage mass from frequent defoliation was less severe in Experiment 2 and coincided with a 0·20 reduction in WSC concentration of pseudostem compared with 0·80 measured during Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, the highest harvested herbage mass of ryegrass occurred when defoliation was nine leaves per tiller. Although the harvested herbage from this sward contained senescent herbage, the in vitro dry‐matter digestibility of the harvested herbage did not differ significantly compared with the remaining treatments that had been defoliated more frequently. Leaf numbers of newly germinated ryegrass tillers in a Mediterranean environment were positively associated with WSC concentration of pseudostem and herbage mass. A minimum period of two to three leaf appearances was required to restore WSC concentrations to levels measured prior to defoliation thereby avoiding a significant reduction in herbage mass. However, maximum herbage mass of a mixed sward containing ryegrass and subterranean clover was achieved when defoliation was delayed to nine leaves per tiller.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland, to determine the effect of sowing date and nitrogen application on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of forage rape and stubble turnips. The first experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) on forage rape DM yields. The second experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) over two soil sites (fertile or nitrogen depleted) on forage rape and stubble turnip DM yields. A delay in sowing from 1 to 31 August characterized a 74·5% decrease in forage rape DM yield, while stubble turnip DM yield decreased by 55·5%. Forage rape DM yields increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 at the first two sowing dates over both sites. In contrast, stubble turnips showed less response beyond 40 kg N ha?1 on site 1 in the first two sowing dates, while DM yield increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 on the less fertile site. The results indicate that the optimal sowing time for forage rape and a stubble turnip in Ireland was early August.  相似文献   

Efficient use of cattle-slurry to avoid nitrogen (N) leaching and other losses is important in designing intensive dairy systems to minimize pollution of air and water. The response in dry-matter (DM) yield of herbage and nitrate-leaching potential to different rates and timing of application of N as cattle slurry and/or mineral fertilizer in a double-cropping system producing maize ( Zea mays L.) silage and Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was investigated in north-west Portugal. Nine treatments with different rates and combinations of cattle slurry, and with or without mineral-N fertilizer, applied at sowing and as a top-dressing to both crops, were tested and measurements were made of DM yield of herbage, N concentration of herbage, uptake of N by herbage and amounts of residual soil nitrate-N to a depth of 1 m, in a 3-year experiment. Regression analysis showed that the application of 150 and 100 kg of available N ha−1 to maize and Italian ryegrass, respectively, resulted in 0·95 of maximum DM yields of herbage and 0·90 of maximum N uptake by herbage. Residual amounts of nitrate-N in soil after maize ranged from 48 to 278 kg N ha−1 with an exponential increase in response to the amount of N applied; there were higher values of nitrate-leaching potential when mineral-N fertilizer was applied. The results suggest that it is possible in highly productive maize/Italian ryegrass systems to obtain high DM yields of herbage for maize silage and Italian ryegrass herbage with minimal leaching losses by using slurry exclusively at annual rates of up to 250 kg available N ha−1 (equivalent to 480 kg total N ha−1) in three applications.  相似文献   

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