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农田暗管排水系统建设是提高农业机械化作业效率的有效措施之一.土工布作为排水暗管外包滤料时,需要具有良好的透水性能和抗淤堵能力.文中以扬州段沿运灌区为例,针对当地土壤中粉粒含量较高,土工布外包滤料筛选困难等实际问题,参考相关技术准则,选用2种开孔率和厚度不同的土工布进行了水力渗透试验,并与传统的河砂反滤材料进行了对比,筛选出适合当地土壤的土工布外包材料.研究结果显示,所选用的2种土工布透水性能存在较大差异,其中厚度较大(0.41 mm)、孔径较小(180 μm)的土工布A的透水性能较好,渗透系数为初始值的54.1%,高于河砂滤层的46.1%,而厚度为0.35 mm、孔径为227 μm的土工布B渗透系数仅为初始值的30.2%.相比于土工布B,土工布A具有更好的抗淤堵能力,长期使用后淤堵率比土工布B低16%.通过对土工布表面形成的、透水性较低的滤饼分析发现,土工布B不但自身发生了较大程度淤堵,其表面形成的滤饼较为密实,是影响其渗透性能的直接原因.  相似文献   

Subsurface drainage requires appropriate materials to ensure a proper functioning of the drainage system. The materials normally applied for subsurface drainage are drain pipes and envelopes. Besides a review of the materials used for drain pipes, their hydraulic characteristics — discharge capacity and entrance resistance — have been treated. Much attention is paid to subsurface drainage envelope materials because of practical problems and a serious gap in knowledge, in spite of considerable research efforts. After treating the aim of drainage envelopes, a review of the used materials is given. Practical experience with gravel envelopes, still often used in irrigated areas, shows serious shortcomings. Since organic envelopes are vulnerable to deterioration, the only possible alternative are synthetic envelopes. Their property to retain soil particles is characterized by the so-called filter criteria. Laboratory research and field experiments to evaluate the blocking and clogging aspects of synthetic envelopes are discussed and selection criteria given.  相似文献   

Summary The stability of 22 commercially available soil salinity sensors was studied: 23% were considered to be stable under the imposed experimental conditions during a period of 14 months. During the same time period, accuracy of sensors decreased from ±0.32 to ±0.98 mmho cm–1. Time response is adequate under saturated conditions (Fig. 3) but it may be extremely long for unsaturated soils (Fig. 4 and Table 2). Measurements of the soil solution electrical conductivity with salinity sensors and by the suction probe extraction technique demonstrated that the soil matrix affects the salt distribution near soil surfaces and within the pore space. Time response (63% of total change) of sensor thermistor is 0.9 min, with an estimated accuracy of ±0.3 °C.  相似文献   

Adequate control of excess water in fine textured, low permeable soils often requires an uneconomical, highly intensive drainage system. Solutions to this problem can be found by using a less intensive drainage system that removes only part of the excess water, complemented by adaptations in farming practices. Two cases are presented to illustrate this principle. The usefulness of soil moisture regime studies in the planning of such solutions is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

为了研究叶片缝隙引流对高速诱导轮性能的影响,以1台带前置诱导轮的高速离心泵为研究对象,就诱导轮叶片设置5种不同缝隙下高速离心泵内部流场进行数值模拟,研究诱导轮叶片缝隙引流对其自身及高速离心泵性能的影响.对比分析了开缝后诱导轮截面内速度分布、诱导轮外特性曲线、高速离心泵空化特性曲线、诱导轮流道内空泡分布以及诱导轮沿轴向位置各截面静压分布规律.结果表明,叶片表面设置缝隙可减弱诱导轮叶顶间隙泄漏流对管道壁面的冲击,削弱叶片进口边吸力面附近的旋涡,改善该区域的流态;缝隙可改变诱导轮流道内压力的分布,从而影响诱导轮流道内的空泡的分布,且合理设计缝隙的大小可使高速离心泵的空化性能得到改善.  相似文献   

In the Latvian S.S.R. experiments on hydrological drainage action have been carried out for some 16–17 years on 200 drainage fields. It is found that the average annual removal of excess water is 150–250 mm and, in particularly moist years, 400–500 mm and more. Drainage results in a considerable reduction of the duration of over-wetting and over-flooding of the active soil layer. The importance of drainage in the control of the soil water regime is the greatest in the winter and spring periods. The most effective draining and the best economic indices have been achieved by applying deep systematic drainage. For sandy and loamy soils, a 1.3–1.5 m deep drainage installation and use of larger diameter drain pipes are recommended. It is expedient to determine the drain spacing by combining the hydromechanical and the empirical methods, making the most of the data of many years of observations of the action of drainage systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework irrigation managers can use in assessing performance of irrigation, and recommends a specific set of indicators for measuring performance that the authors believe are practical, useful, and generally applicable. Although the primary focus is on the management of canal systems for agricultural production, the paper also discusses indicators that can be used for assessing longer term performance, including physical, economic and social sustainability. Finally, the paper highlights the crucial importance of strategic, as well as operational management performance, and the necessity of having an incentive system that encourages managers to improve performance.  相似文献   

An evaluation of performance of trickle irrigation systems installed in Balochistan, Pakistan during 1982–2002 was conducted by field surveys, physical verifications and interviews with farmers. Thirty systems were fully or partially operational and 76 had been abandoned. Successful systems required clean and reliable water supply, availability of spare components and accessories for replacements, skilled manpower, and a high level of interest and participation by the owner. The dominant species irrigated with these trickle systems were apples, grapes, and mixed orchards. Installations of trickle systems on old mature orchards were not generally successful due to lack of adaptation of the new system to limited and scheduled irrigation supplies. Many of the irrigators were not instructed on how to adjust the trickle system to meet changing needs of the plants. Consequently, growth of some of the trees was stunted and a few of them died. Lack of technical skill to repair and maintain the system and non-availability of replacement parts were general causes of failure of installed trickle irrigation systems. Clogging of the emitters was the primary specific cause of failure. Emitters with a larger opening that will not be clogged by most of the contaminants contained in the water available to these farmers and turbulent action screening systems to take out the other contaminants are proposed as solutions to this problem. Commercial shops, which sell the components, carry replacement parts and provide after-sales service are needed to keep trickle systems functioning in these isolated areas.  相似文献   

The energy costs of aerobic odour control for pig slurry using present aerators are estimated to be about 14% of the average gross margin per pig produced. Therefore improved aeration efficiency is economically desirable. Reported aerator performance and other experimental data are reviewed to identify the major factors influencing efficiency. Mostly, these show that aeration is less efficient in animal waste slurries than in water. However, a significant minority suggest the reverse, indicating that improvements can be made by increasing specific power dissipation, reducing the dry matter of the slurry by separation and aerating at warmer temperatures by insulating to reduce thermal losses. These factors and others are discussed in detail using specific examples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the introduction of subsurface drainage as a tool to improve rice production in low land areas of acid sulphate soils. Pipe drains with 15 and 30 m spacing were installed in farmers fields in coastal lowlands of Kerala, India, at Kuttanad. Soil conditions improved within 2 years after the introduction of the subsurface drainage and significantly improved the crop yield. Data collected over a period of 14 years, showed a yield increase of 1.1 t/ha (43%) compared to non-drained areas. An economic analysis indicated that subsurface drainage is feasible with a benefit–cost ratio of 2.45, an internal rate of return of 47% and a net present value of Rs 5.17 million. The poor financial status of the farmers, however, is the main constraint for the large-scale adoption of the comparatively capital-intensive subsurface drainage systems in the acid sulphate soils of Kerala.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2007,92(3):171-188
At the end of the 1970s there were 3,300,000 ha of salt-affected land in the North China Plain. After the successful removal of the salt in the 1980s, the land has gradually been used for increasing intensive forms of agriculture. The Household Responsibility System (HRS) was adopted in Chinese rural areas at the time of the economic reform of the early 1980s. Farm households became the basic decision-making units that could directly control soil quality. This paper describes the change in soil fertility after 20 years of intensive agriculture and the driving factors of soil fertility change. Quzhou County was selected as it is representative for the North China Plain. The soil fertility status and nutrient flows of the salt-affected land for 1980–1981 and 1999 in Quzhou County were evaluated. Over 20 years, the total nitrogen (N), the extractable phosphorus (P) and the soil organic matter (SOM) in salt-affected land increased by 127%, 601% and 51% respectively; but exchangeable potassium decreased by 31%. The N, P, K and SOM balance in 1980–1981 was −15, −2, −29 and −24 kg ha−1 y−1, but in 1999 the N and P balance had changed to 24 kg ha−1 y−1 and 25 kg ha−1 y−1 as a result of the widespread use of N and P fertilizer. With the rapid increase in crop production and the sparse use of K fertilizer, the K balance continues to be negative. Straw production increased along with crop yields and there was a development of stock breeding. Together with better straw restitution practices, the SOM balance increased to a positive 613 kg ha−1 y−1. The analysis of farm household land-use and inputs indicated that there were significant differences in behaviour between almost totally off-farm households and other household types. These differences were in the choice of land-use type, the use of fertilizers and crop residue management. However, there was no significant relationship between socio-economic factors and fertilizer inputs. Current nutrient management is not optimal. Therefore, it is important to establish a better system for bottom-up knowledge collection and transfer of scientific information to farmers.  相似文献   

Adoption of more uniform sprinkler systems involves a trade off between increased capital expenditure on equipment and the benefits associated with reduced water application when application is uniform. An empirical analysis of the economics of lettuce production, grown using sprinkler systems under the windy conditions of the Swan Coastal plain in Western Australia is presented, where the yield response to water exhibits eventual declining marginal productivity. A range of sprinkler designs that have been field-tested for performance were examined. The optimal per-crop water application for the least efficient system was up to double the application rate of the most efficient system. However, the economic analysis demonstrates that there are clear incentives for adopting more water-efficient systems despite the higher capital cost, because of the yield depressing effect of over-watering. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates substantially poorer incentives for improving irrigation efficiency when yield relationships follow a Mitscherlich functional form.
Donna BrennanEmail:

A survey program was carried out from June 1988 to august 1989 in North-eastern Italy in a pipe drainage area of 61 ha in order to verify if the year of installation (one part of the system has been installed in 1984 and another one year later) and the cover material of drains (pipes were covered with cocofibre for 2/5 of their length and without envelope for 3/5) could influence the functioning of the system. Collected data of drain discharge and water table depth were subjected to an elaborate statistical analysis.A methodological approach to determine the sample size (how many measurements of discharge and watertable depth are required, in space and time, from a statistical stand-point) in drainage experiment is proposed. For drainage systems similar to the considered one, a sample size of 10–12 drains and 6–8 observation wells can be recommended in order to obtain a standard error lower than 10–15% of the mean.  相似文献   

为了探究影响负压反馈射流喷头水力性能的重要参数对水力性能的影响程度,并选出综合水力性能最优下的重要参数组合,首先设计了4因素3水平正交试验,并根据试验要求分别加工出3种长度(4.2,5.6,7.0 cm)的喷管、3种直径(3,4,5 mm)的喷嘴,以及射流进口宽×深为4 mm×8 mm、位差1.80 mm、侧壁夹角20...  相似文献   

Olaf Erenstein   《Agricultural Systems》2006,90(1-3):132-158
The paper analyses whether the increased use of lowlands in proximity to urban centres in West Africa is associated with technological intensification or extensification. Technologies are typified in terms of their orientation – land or labour saving – and market dependence for their procurement and reviews the factors driving and modifying their use in lowlands. The factors associated with technology use are analyzed empirically using geo-referenced lowland data around four urban centers along an ecological gradient in Côte d’Ivoire and Mali. The technologies analyzed include both external inputs (fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, improved varieties) and crop management practices (plot level bunding, rice transplanting and rice direct seeding). Results from binomial logit models highlight the prominent positive and non-linear role of proximity to urban markets for the technological intensification of lowlands – an issue associated with factor scarcities and the transaction costs for procurement and marketing. Technology use in lowlands is also associated with the agro-ecological gradient, lowland development and non-native lowland users. A common thread linking these variables is that they modify resource scarcity and therefore intensification incentives. Lowlands are not always as valuable as they may seem and there may be limited incentives to intensify. Instances of significant lowland cultivation and intensification in the study sites tend to be associated with specific opportunities – driven by market opportunities and modified by seasonal, institutional or development-induced relative land scarcity. Market access is therefore a necessary but not sufficient factor for the technological intensification of lowland use. There is a need for better targeting of development efforts in terms of enabling lowland intensification or extensification as appropriate.  相似文献   

在集装箱堆场工程塑料排水板软基处理工程中,施工准备充足,制度健全,施工过程控制的技术措施严密,从而在施工中充分体现了这一方法具有劳动强度小、施工速度快等特点.因此,若能选用合适的静压打设机械,并严格按照施工工艺要求组织施工,则塑料排水板施工效率更高,经济效益更好,施工质量更有保证.  相似文献   

About 30 years have passed since the Government of Egypt embarked on implementing a series of large scale drainage projects. At present, about 3.8 million acres have been provided with drainage systems on the basis of systematic pre-drainage investigations and designs. The target is to provide drains in approximately 6.4 million acres in the Nile Valley and Delta.The implementation of the subsurface drainage system is carried out by the public sector and private contractors under direct supervision of governmental regional departments. The implementation process depends on many factors related to the drainage material, machinery, manpower, site requirements, farmers and organizations involved. Problems and constraints are sometimes challenging, however, the annual rate of implementation has gradually increased to 170,000 acre/year.This paper discusses the different aspects involved in the implementation process of drainage systems. The development in materials, machinery and construction technologies will be reviewed. Institutional and management factors are going to be also considered.  相似文献   

The development of accurate methodologies for monitoring drainage and evaluating nitrogen leaching from agricultural land is an absolute necessity, particularly considering the growing problem of nitrogen pollution of groundwater throughout the world. In this context, the Gee Passive Capillary Lysimeter appears to be an innovative tool that allows direct and continuous measurement of drainage and enables drainage water to be sampled for chemical analysis. The main objective of this study was to evaluate how the Gee Passive Capillary Lysimeter works in alluvial soils. The study was conducted at two agricultural field stations: Site 1 (central Spain), with a non-gravelly soil, and Site 2 (north of Spain), with a gravelly soil. An installation procedure that leaves part of the soil profile undisturbed was selected for the soil without gravel, whereas a procedure that may alter the soil physical properties was used for the gravelly soil. The experiment was carried out over two consecutive crop cycles at both field stations. Soil water balances were obtained through two different methods: a direct method based on direct measurements of drainage using the Gee Passive Capillary Lysimeter, and an indirect method based on the calculation of daily crop evapotranspiration. A statistical comparison of results obtained by the two methods showed no significant differences in estimates of drainage or crop evapotranspiration from both the non-gravelly and the gravelly soil. The efficiency of leachate collection with the Gee Passive Capillary Lysimeter in the non-gravelly soil was 101 ± 1% (mean ± standard deviation), while in the gravelly soil, it was 142 ± 52%. Drainage and nitrogen leaching below the root zone were determined to be primarily triggered by excessive irrigation. This study helps to validate the use of the Gee Passive Capillary Lysimeter in gravelly and non-gravelly alluvial soils under irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

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