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作为贵州省铜仁市思南县特产之一的思南黄牛,在贵州省的脱贫攻坚以及全面经济建设过程中都是发挥着重要的作用。但是在思南黄牛养殖过程中,腹泻疾病问题不断,加之贵州多阴雨天气,饲养管理极易出现问题,这也就造成思南黄牛腹泻问题成为困扰当地思南黄牛养殖业发展的重要问题。总的来说,防治思南黄牛的腹泻中西医治疗方式都较为成熟,所以本文就针对性的介绍了该病的各种治疗方法,以及总数量养殖户日常饲养管理的要点。  相似文献   

对周口市10个县市区的黄牛不孕症病因作了调查,分析引起黄牛不孕症的原因是母牛生殖器官炎症及卵巢疾病,生殖器官异常,饲养管理及配种技术不当,繁育年龄问题,并对不同原因提出了防治办法和具体改进措施。  相似文献   

2001年,对思南黄牛寄生虫感染种类进行了调查,共检查粪样1 240份,检获虫卵、幼虫1 2种;剖检牛 156头,检获各类寄生虫41种,其中吸虫17种,绦虫3种,线虫9种,原虫6种,蜘蛛昆虫6种,隶属5纲10目22科28属.  相似文献   

思南黄牛,素以短小精悍,体质结实,肢蹄强健,行动灵活善于登山;耐劳、耐旱、抗湿及耐粗饲等特性显著。是群众喜爱乐于饲养的地方牛种,恩南牛是一个适宜山区耕作和放牧,有较好的挽力和产肉性能,数量多、商品率高的地方品种,但目前存在母牛繁殖率低,体重增长较慢等问题,只有今后加强品种选育,进行重点改良后,思南黄牛的品质和生产性能将有所提高。  相似文献   

思南黄牛是优良的役肉兼用型地方品种。在介绍其品质特征和优良性能的基础上,提出了如何提高思南黄牛繁殖力的措施。  相似文献   

养牛业是贵州山区农民家庭的主要经济来源之一,笔者对“思南黄牛”的发展进行了调查,为我县肉牛产业的发展提供了科学依据,助力脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接。  相似文献   

介绍了贵州省思南黄牛的发展近况,分析了思南黄牛产业发展中存在的问题,并提出了解决思路,旨在促进思南黄牛产业的快速发展。  相似文献   

试验选用5头思南黄牛青年公牛,对其常规营养成分、钙、磷及氨基酸和脂肪酸进行了测定。结果表明:鲜肉的蛋白质含量为(22.95±0.27)%,脂肪含量为(4.94±2.73)%,必需氨基酸与氨基酸总量(EAA/TAA)的比值为42.50%(未计色氨酸);不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)占总脂肪酸(TFA)的比例为46.30%。思南黄牛肉富含蛋白质与必需氨基酸,脂肪含量适宜,肉质柔软而不腻、易消化、营养价值高,是优质的膳食肉资源。  相似文献   

思南黄牛遗传资源保护及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思南黄牛作为思南县发展肉牛养殖业的优选地方品种,具有较好的肉用性能,其肉质鲜美、营养丰富、风味浓郁,深受消费者喜爱,但体格偏小、生长较慢、品种退化在一定程度上限制了思南黄牛的发展。为了推动思南黄牛产业发展,保护和开发思南黄牛品牌,贵州省现代肉牛产业技术体系——思南综合试验站开展了大量工作。文章对思南黄牛遗传资源特点、品种保护开发利用情况进行介绍,为推进思南黄牛产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

育成母牛超过配种年龄或经产牛在产后经过3个发情周期仍不发情,或适龄母牛配种3个发情周期(或产后发情周期)仍未妊娠,均称为不孕.本文就不孕症的发生原因和防制措施进行讨论.  相似文献   

为了解决牛冷冻精液生产中细菌菌落数超标这一现实问题,本文就可能造成精液污染的公牛、台牛、操作人员、采精、精液处理等环节进行分析并制定详细的控制措施。  相似文献   

为了解邯郸地区牛球虫感染情况及种类,研究分别在2019年冬季和2020年春季检测邯郸地区某牛场采集的300份粪便样品,对球虫卵囊进行计数、培养与虫种鉴定,计算其感染率和感染强度等指标.结果显示,冬春两季奶牛的球虫总感染率分别为13.33%和16.00%,肉牛的球虫总感染率分别为12.00%和14.00%;在所有年龄段中...  相似文献   

Postpartum infertility is caused by four factors: general infertility, lack of uterine involution, short estrous cycles and anestrus. The general infertility component is common to any estrous cycle and reduces potential fertility by 20 to 30%. Incomplete uterine involution prevents fertilization during the first 20 d after calving but is not related to anestrus. Short estrous cycles prevent fertility during the first 40 d after calving by causing the cow to return to estrus before pregnancy recognition occurs. Anestrus is the major component of postpartum infertility and is affected by several minor factors: season, breed, parity, dystocia, presence of a bull, uterine palpation and carryover effects from the previous pregnancy as well as two major factors: suckling and nutrition. These major factors have direct effects on anestrus but also interact with one or more other factors to control postpartum anestrus. Physiological mechanisms associated with anestrus involve blockage of the GnRH "pulse generator" in the hypothalamus, but other pathways also must be involved because bypassing the pulse generator is not an effective treatment for all cows. The primary cause of anestrus probably is different for different stages of anestrus. The mediating mechanisms for anestrus are not involved with prolactin, oxytocin, the adrenal or direct neural input from the mammary gland but are at least partially involved with blood glucose and the endogenous opioid peptide system. Management options to decrease the impact of anestrus and infertility include: 1) restrict breeding season to less than or equal to 45 d; 2) manage nutrition so body condition score is 5 to 7 before calving; 3) minimize effects of dystocia and stimulate estrous activity with a sterile bull and estrous synchronization; and 4) judicious use of complete, partial or short-term weaning.  相似文献   

近年来,笔者对新疆伊犁地区奶牛养殖情况作了全面调查,发现奶牛疾病严重,繁殖率低,不孕症表现突出,给广大养殖户带来了很大的经济损失。为了解决奶牛在繁殖上的一些问题,推动养牛业的发展,对影响奶牛不孕症及治疗效果作了初步分析。  相似文献   

A survey to demonstrate the presence or absence in Malawi of Vibriosis, Brucellosis, Trichomoniasis and Rift Valley Fever was carried out during 1974-1976. 4,876 serum samples were collected from Zebu cattle from 231 dip tanks throughout the country and 145 serum samples were taken from exotic cattle at 14 estates. Sheath washings were collected from 295 bulls representing indigenous Zebus and 54 bulls representing exotic cattle from all parts of Malawi. 245 vaginal mucus samples were taken from exotic breeds and 106 from Malawi Zebus. Vibriosis was found in 34 indigenous bulls and in 6 exotic bulls, 11,5 pct. and 11.1 pct. respectively. 33 vaginal mucus samples from exotic cattle of 13.4 of the samples examined were positive, corresponding to 53.8 pct. of the herds examined. From Malawi Zebus 16 vaginal samples or 15.1 pct. of the samples examined were positive. 5 of the Malawi Zebus tested for Brucellosis using S.A.T. contained a minimum of 100 IU/ml.  相似文献   

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