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本文对抗锥虫新药“锥双净”的疗效进行临床治疗观察。试验对贵池市清溪乡等地的牛经IHA检查发现的11头自然感染锥虫病的阳性牛,按1.5mg/kg体重剂量(最高限量400kg)的锥双净治疗,有效率达100%,一次用药治愈率为82%(9/11)。  相似文献   

以日剂量3-20毫克/千克.体重连续天分组给大鼠每天皮下注射一次20%碘硝酚钠注射液。定量检测大鼠的心电图,血常规,血液生化,肝功能,肾功能等项指标。结果证实本药日剂量3-12毫克/千克.体重,累积给药量为42-168毫克/千克.体重低中剂量组大鼠的各项检测指标均未发显改变;日剂量达到15-20毫克/千克.体重,累积给药量为210-280毫克/千克.体重的高剂量组大鼠,则发生不同程度的轻微中毒反应  相似文献   

药物名称别名及主要用途用法与用量注意事项青霉素G(PenicillinG)又名:青霉素、苄青霉素抗菌药物肌注:5万~10万单位/千克体重与四环素等酸性药物及磺胺类药有配伍禁忌氨苄青霉素(Ampicillin)又名:氨苄西林、氨比西林抗菌药物拌料:0.02%~0.05%肌注:25~40毫克/千克体重同青霉素G阿莫西林(Amoxicillin)又名:羟氨苄青霉素抗菌药物饮水或拌料:0.02%~0.05%同青霉素G头孢曲松钠(Ceftriaxonesodium)抗菌药物肌注:50~100毫克/千克体重与林可霉素有配伍禁忌头孢氨苄(Cefalexin)又名:…  相似文献   

本文利用中国农业大学生产的阿维菌素饮水剂,选择感染消化道线虫的滩羊60只,分为4组:1.组为空白对照组,2.组口服丙硫咪唑,3.组皮下注射害获灭.4.组灌饮阿维菌素0.2毫克/千克体重。结果表明,阿维菌素组对滩羊消化道线虫虫卵转阴率,虫卵减少率和驱虫率均为100%;害获灭组的虫卵转阴率,减少率分别为93%和99%;  相似文献   

氨苄青霉素(ampicillin)又名氨苄西林。拌料,0.02%~O.05%;肌肉注射,25—40毫克/千克体重。阿莫西林(amoxicillin)又名羟氨苄青霉素。饮水或拌料,0.02%~0.05%。头孢曲松钠(ceflriarone sodium)肌肉注射,50~100毫克/千克体重。与林可霉素有配伍禁忌。  相似文献   

鸡蛔虫是鸡体内最大的线虫,寄生于鸡小肠,大小鸡均可感染。大鸡症状不明显,主要表现消瘦,产蛋量减少。对3~4月龄的幼鸡危害严重,病鸡一般表现渐进性消瘦,贫血,羽毛松乱,腹泻,粪中混有血液及粘液,严重感染时可引起大批死亡。 剖检病死鸡可见肠粘膜充血、水肿、出血,有时有许多虫体阻塞肠道,甚至肠破裂。 治疗方案:1.左旋咪唑20~40毫克/千克体重,拌料一次饲喂。2.驱蛔灵 200~300毫克/千克体重,拌料饲喂,晚上投药最好,如能连续两晚投药,效果更佳。3.驱虫净40~50毫克/千克体重,拌料饲喂。以上…  相似文献   

本试验分两组,为一般感染组和严重感染组。试验结果表明,灭虫丁对绵羊痒螨有强的驱杀作用,选用0.2mg/kg剂量皮下一次注射,一般感染组第20天病羊治愈率为100%,而严重感染组治愈率仅为75%,病羊仍有12.5%的虫体存活,需作第二次治疗。  相似文献   

1痢菌净药理 痢菌净为鲜黄色结晶或黄白色粉末,无臭,味微苦。牛、猪内服每千克体重5—10毫克,每天2次,肌内注射每千克体重2~5毫克,每天1次;家禽对痢菌净较为敏感,安全剂量为内服每千克体重5~10毫克,每天2次,混饲浓度为100~200毫克/千克,混饮浓度为50~100毫克/千克。当使用剂量高于临床治疗量3~5倍时或长时间应用会引起不良反应,甚至中毒引起大批死亡。  相似文献   

1体内寄生虫 1.1丙硫咪唑(阿苯达唑、丙硫苯咪唑) 对羊群常见胃肠道线虫、肺线虫、肝片吸虫和绦虫均有效,但对线虫、吸虫要使用较大剂量。此外,本品杀灭囊尾蚴的作用强,虫体吸收较快,毒副作用小,是治疗囊尾蚴的良好药物。粉剂、片剂可内服或混饲,粉剂亦可配成灭菌油悬液肌肉注射。预防性驱虫,10-15毫克/千克体重,1次口服,对吸虫、绦虫、线虫都有驱杀作用。胃肠道线虫的驱除,10~20毫克/千克体重,1次口服。肺丝虫的驱除,5—15毫克/千克体重,1次口服。吸虫的驱除,10~20毫克/千克体重,  相似文献   

将155头仔猪白简病猪随机分为2组,试验组105头,对照组50头,分别肌肉注射新一代喹诺酮(FQS110)与氟哌酸注射液治疗3d,剂量分别为0.5mg/kg体重与4.0mg/kg体重。结果,试验组治愈101头,好转4头,治愈率与有效率分别为96%与100%;对照组治愈45头,好转2头,无效2头,治愈率有效率分别为90%与96%。  相似文献   

本文报道国内新近研制的畜禽专用氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物-二氟沙星对实验性感染猪链球菌病及支原体性肺炎的药效学研究。以试管两倍稀释法测得二氟沙星对兰氏C群类马链球菌(C55120)和猪肺炎支原体(F16株)的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别是1.6级及0.16mg/L。肌注给药对猪链球菌病和支原体性肺炎的实验性治疗结果表明,低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组(2.5、5、10mg/kg)及恩诺沙星组(2.5mg/kg)用药5d(每隔12h给药1次)对猪链球菌病的治愈分别是40%、70%、80%及70%,而链球菌感染对照组的死亡率为70%;低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组及恩诺沙星组(2.5mg/kg)用药5d(每隔12h给药1次)对猪支原体性肺炎的治愈率分别是80%、90%、90%及80%;而支原体感染对照组的自愈率为10%。  相似文献   

以试管两倍稀释法测得二氟沙星对猪肺炎支原体( F16 株)和兰氏 C 群类马链球菌( C55 1 20 )的最小抑菌浓度分别是016m g/ L及 16m g/ L。肌注给药对猪支原体性肺炎及链球菌病的实验性治疗结果表明,低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组(25、5、10m g/kg)及蒽诺沙星组(25m g/kg)用药 5 天(每隔 12 小时给药一次)对猪支原体性肺炎的治愈率分别是 80% 、90% 、100% 及90% ;而支原体感染对照组的自愈率为10% 。低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组及蒽诺沙星组(25m g/kg)用药 4 天(每隔 12 小时给药一次)对猪链球菌病的治愈率分别是 50% 、80% 、80% 及 80% ,而链球菌感染对照组的死亡率为 50% 。  相似文献   

Sixty-four pigs (average 21.8 kg live weight) were divided into 16 comparable groups of four, each based on sex and body weight, to study the effects of a single infection of Strongyloides ransomi (either 0, 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 S. ransomi larvae/kg body weight) on performance during a 91-d trial. Final weight, weight gain and average daily gain of pigs not infected were greater (P less than .01) than those of pigs given either 5,000 or 10,000 S. ransomi larvae/kg body weight, which in turn were greater (P less than .01) than those of pigs given 20,000 S. ransomi larvae/kg body weight. Average daily gain for pigs not infected was 40% greater (P less than .01) than that of pigs given 20,000 S. ransomi larvae/kg body weight. Feed required per unit of weight gain was 44% greater for pigs given 20,000 S. ransomi larvae/kg body weight than for pigs not infected, but this difference was not significantly greater due to extreme variation within the group of infected pigs. In each of two trials, eight crossbred barrows (average 20.0 kg in trial 1 and 22.7 kg body weight in trial 2) were examined for the effects of two levels of S. ransomi infections (0 and 10,000 larvae/kg body weight) on digestion and absorption of nutrients and on N balance. Digestion coefficients for dry matter, crude protein and gross energy for pigs not infected were greater (P less than .05) than for those experimentally infected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fenbendazole was given in the feed to swine at a cumulative dosage of 9 mg/kg of body weight over a period of 3, 6, and 12 days to compare efficacy. Four treatment groups of ten 2- to 3-month-old pigs each, with a mean of 15 kg of body weight per group, received 3 mg of fenbendazole/kg/day for 3 days, 1.5 mg/kg/day for 6 days, 0.75 mg/kg/day for 12 days, and no medication. Medicated feed was scheduled so that all treated pigs reached the last day of treatment on the same day, thus making the time between the last treatment and necropsy equal for all groups. Ascaris suum and Trichuris suis were the target species, their presence before treatment being determined by fecal egg counts and at necropsy by worm counts. At necropsy, 9 control pigs were infected with A suum (mean of 18.0 worms/pig), and all control pigs had T suis infection (mean of 36.5 worms/pig). All 3 treatment schedules were 100% effective in removal of A suum; and for T suis, the 3-day regimen was 100% effective, the 6-day regimen, 99.2%, and the 12-day regimen, 91.0%.  相似文献   

The possibilities and economic benefits of controlling mycoplasmal pneumonia of pigs caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae by immunisation with Respisure and by Tiamutin treatment were studied. The experiment was carried out in a herd comprising 1000 sows which was free of PRRS, Aujeszky's disease, swine dysentery and leptospirosis, and the prevalence of mycoplasmal pneumonia was low because the farm had recently been restocked. Groups C1 and C2 served as untreated controls, while Groups R1 and R2 received a prestarter diet containing 100 ppm Tiamutin from the time of weaning. Piglets of Group R1 were vaccinated with Respisure vaccine once on day 69, while those of Group R2 twice, on days 65 and 80. Piglets of Groups ST1 and ST2 were fed 100 ppm Tiamutin in the diet for 7 days at the time of weaning and then at 4 months of age, while pigs of Group ST2 received such treatment also in the 6th month of life. The efficacy of treatment was analysed on the basis of the number of animals that died, were emergency slaughtered or were retarded in growth in the different groups, the body weight of animals at weaning, at 94 and 148 days of age and at the time of slaughter, their daily body weight gain, the lung lesions found in animals slaughtered from the different groups, the costs of medication and vaccination, and the cost-benefit calculations of the results. The mortality and emergency slaughter rate was 2.88% and 4.62% in Groups ST2 and ST1, respectively, 4.23% and 4.62% in Groups R2 and R1, respectively, and 8.39% and 9.44% in the control groups (C2 and C1, respectively). The rate of growth retardation was 0.48% and 2.12% in Groups R1 and R2, respectively, 1.59% and 3.46% in Groups ST1 and ST2, respectively, as compared to 8.03% and 6.55% in the control groups (C1 and C2, respectively). The severity score of lung lesions was 1.82 and 1.46 in Groups R1 and R2, 2.18 and 2.93 in Groups ST1 and ST2, and 3.83 and 4.02 in the control groups C1 and C2, respectively. The mean finishing weight of pigs was 102.4-107.8 kg and 95.2-106.6 kg in the treated groups and 94.5-98.6 kg in the control groups. The classification of pigs according to the EUROP categories showed a shift to the E and U categories in the treated groups. The average feed cost per one kg of liveweight was 77.89-82.64 Forints in the treated groups and 85.66 Forints in the control groups.  相似文献   

不同剂量氟苯尼考对猪血液生化指标及猪瘟抗体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
40头70日龄健康猪随机分为高、中、低剂量组和对照组,每组10头,各试验组注射猪瘟弱毒疫苗(2头份/猪),同时高、中、低剂量组分别按每千克体质量于饲料中加入120、60、30 mg氟苯尼考,连续给药7 d,停药后1、8、15、22、29 d,对相关的血液生化指标以及猪瘟抗体水平进行检测分析.结果表明,停药后1、8 d,所有氟苯尼考添加组的猪瘟抗体滴度下降,仅120 mg/kg组差异显著(P<0.05),停药15 d后抗体水平恢复至正常水平;60和120mg/kg给药组TP含量在停药后1、8 d均显著下降(P<0.05);所有给药组的ALT活性在所有检测时间内均显著上升(P<0.05或P<0.01);所有给药组的γGT活性在停药后1 d均显著上升(P<0.05),而60和120 mg/kg组γGT在第8天仍显著上升(P<0.05);所有给药组的BUN含量在停药后1 d均显著升高(P<0.05或P<0.01);AST、LDH、CHE活性和ALB、CRE含量与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05);表明每千克体质量60 mg以上氟苯尼考在饲料中饲喂7 d后,对部分生化指标有一定的影响,应引起重视.  相似文献   

Evaluation of tiamulin for treatment of mycoplasmal pneumonia in swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 3 trials, using affected pigs of various ages, tiamulin was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced mycoplasmal pneumonia. Pneumonia was induced in respiratory tract disease-free swine by intratracheal inoculation of a lung homogenate containing Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Eleven days after inoculation, when more than 20% of pigs were coughing, pigs were allotted to 3 or 4 groups (n = 8 pigs each) and were given regimens of no medication or 60 mg, 120 mg, or 180 mg of tiamulin/L of drinking water for 10 days. Twenty-one days after cessation of medication, pigs were euthanatized and then were necropsied. Results obtained from the 3 trials did not indicate significant difference among treatment groups in severity of macroscopic or microscopic lesions induced by M hyopneumoniae or in detection of M hyopneumoniae by use of immunofluorescent technique. Clinical evaluations, daily gain, and feed efficiency did not differ significantly among treatment groups. In this study, tiamulin administration did not have beneficial effects in swine with mycoplasmal pneumonia.  相似文献   

A controlled and blinded study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a treatment with paromomycin sulphate against an experimental Giardia infection in calves. Animals were infected with 10(5)Giardia cysts of cattle origin and were either treated 11 days later with 25, 50 or 75 mg paromomycin/(kg body weight per day) during 5 consecutive days or not treated (control group). Efficacy was evaluated based on reduction in cyst excretion. Furthermore weight gain and diarrhea scores were monitored. In the group treated with 75 mg/kg per day there was a 100% reduction in cyst excretion until 9 days after the start of the treatment (D9) and a very high reduction (> or =98%) until D13. There was a high reduction (> or =93%) until D9 and D13 in the groups treated with 25 and 50 mg/kg, respectively. The cumulative cyst excretion on D13 was significantly (P<0.05) lower in the groups treated with 75 and 50 mg/kg compared to the control group. Although there was a trend towards higher weight gain and less diarrhea in the treated groups, differences between groups were not significant. No adverse reactions to the paromomycin treatment were recorded. Furthermore, the need for reliable parameters for evaluation of treatments against protozoal infections is emphasised.  相似文献   

为了研究延胡索酸泰妙菌素对猪支原体肺炎的临床疗效,选用体重90 kg左右的2月龄健康杜洛克长白杂交猪,通过建立疾病模型和疗效评价指标判别延胡索酸泰妙菌素的治疗效果。结果表明,按1000 kg饲料添加100 g或200 g延胡索酸泰妙菌素,可以显著减轻感染猪的临床症状和病理变化,提高猪的增重,其效果优于磷酸泰乐菌素预混剂。  相似文献   

文章旨在评估日粮添加不同水平的饲用枯草芽孢杆菌对9~24周龄育肥猪生长性能、养分表观消化及粪便特征的影响。将600头9周龄平均初始体重为(22.96±0.09)kg的商品猪随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复40头。对照组饲喂基础日粮,T1和T2组肥猪分别饲喂基础日粮+100和200?mg/kg枯草芽孢杆菌(3×108?CFU/kg),试验共进行15周。结果:与对照组相比,T2组15?w育肥猪体重显著提高4.37%(P<0.05),同时T1和T2组1~15?w育肥猪的平均日增重较对照组分别显著提高3.81%和5.35%(P<0.05),饲料报酬分别显著提高4.44%和4.44%(P<0.05)。T1和T2组育肥猪干物质表观消化率分别较对照组显著提高8.75%和9.37%(P<0.05),同时T1组育肥猪有机物表观消化率较对照组显著提高了6.13%(P<0.05)。日粮添加100和200?mg/kg枯草芽孢杆菌可以显著降低6和15?w育肥猪粪便中氨气浓度和大肠杆菌数量(P<0.05),同时T1和T2组15?w育肥猪粪便中乳酸杆菌数量也显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:日粮添加100~200?mg/kg饲用枯草芽孢杆菌(3×108?CFU/kg)可改善9~24周龄育肥猪的饲料报酬,改善干物质表观消化率,降低粪中氨气浓度和大肠杆菌数量。 [关键词]育肥猪|枯草芽孢杆菌|生长性能|养分消化|粪便特征  相似文献   

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