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徐楠楠 《饲料研究》2021,44(4):150-153
杜仲不仅含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素、微量元素及脂肪酸,而且含有木脂素类、环烯醚萜类、苯丙素类、黄酮类、多糖类等生物活性成分.杜仲的活性成分在畜禽生产中发挥着促生长、提高免疫力、改善抗氧化功能、抑菌的功能,还能够防治疾病、改善畜禽产品品质、提高养殖经济效益.文章对杜仲的活性成分及其在畜禽生产和疾病防治中的应用进行综述.  相似文献   

目的 对布鲁氏菌病流行历史和防控工作历史进行回顾,对疫情现状进行,分析并明确当前布鲁氏疾病的现状.方法 通过查阅历史资料和汇总分析实验室监测数据.结果 布鲁氏菌病阳性率牛为0.38%,羊为0.78%;结论 当前我省布鲁氏杆菌病发病以牛羊为主.羊阳性率呈明显上升趋势.  相似文献   

为探讨以牛奶为材料检测牛布鲁菌感染的可行性,本试验建立了可鉴定布鲁菌属的单重PCR以及可鉴定布鲁菌种的多重PCR.结果显示,单重PCR方法的特异性强,只特异性的扩增布鲁菌DNA,对照菌株大肠杆菌、牛败血性波氏杆菌、根瘤农杆菌和苍白杆菌的扩增结果均为阴性;奶液中细菌检测灵敏度为1.08×104CFU/mL.用建立的多重PCR对7株不同种的布鲁菌体和基因组进行鉴定,表明该方法可以区分不同种布鲁菌.本试验中建立的PCR方法能够鉴定所有致病性布鲁菌并对疫苗株和野生毒株加以区分,适用于实验室布鲁菌的快速鉴定.  相似文献   

布鲁氏杆菌病是由布鲁氏菌属细菌侵入机体引起的牛羊易感的一种人畜共患传染病。布鲁氏杆菌病的发生不仅降低了养殖户的经济效益,还对人的生命健康产生极大威胁。观察最近15年的发病趋势,发现布氏杆菌病疫情在世界范围内呈反弹趋势,我国尤甚。应在之前的防控、防治的基础上,进一步研究布氏杆菌病的发病机理,寻求更加有效的措施降低发病率,并探寻能够降低人感染率的有效方法。本文概述了牛羊布氏杆菌病的发病机理和临床特征,并结合近几年布氏杆菌病的流行情况和国内外已有的防治措施,探寻新背景下能够有效降低感染率的方法。  相似文献   

Thirteen cows, which had been vaccinated as calves with strain 19, were revaccinated twice or three times as adults with 1×109 cfu of B. abortus strain RB51. Their serological responses following adult vaccination remained negative to conventional brucellosis surveillance tests. Vaccination with strain RB51 during the eighth month of pregnancy did not induce abortion, although strain RB51 was recovered from milk for up to 69 days after vaccination. In a parallel study, thirteen 8- to 10-month-old heifers were vaccinated as calves with 109 cfu of strain RB51. The heifers remained seronegative to conventional brucellosis surveillance tests but antibody responses to RB51 could be demonstrated using an indirect ELISA. This study showed that multiple vaccination with strain RB51 did not induce seroconversion to brucellosis surveillance tests. In addition, this study suggests that 109 cfu of strain RB51 is safe for use in pregnant cattle.  相似文献   

A total of 13078 cattle 8 months of age and older belonging to 558 units in the Lake Victoria zone of Tanzania were screened for brucellosis using the serum agglutination test (SAT). This exercise was executed as a Tanzanian Agriculture Ministry's directive for screening all adult bovines in the country reared under controlled grazing and receiving good veterinary supervision and inputs so that brucellosis control measures could be instituted. In this category two types of management systems were encountered: Dairy, comprising 15 units totalling 3626 Exotic (Friesian and Ayrshire) and Grade (Zebu and Exotic) crosses, and Ranch, comprising two units totalling 6756 mainly dual-purpose Mpwapwa (MPW) animals. These three animal types have much higher milk production potential than the indigenous Tanganyika shorthorn Zebu (TSZ). This latter beef type is reared under local management system and owned wholly by subsistence stock owners practising uncontrolled communal grazing and having little or no veterinary supervision and inputs. However, TSZ animals from 541 farm units totalling 2705 members were also screened from the east and south sub-zones because of their close proximity to the Dairy/Ranch units and also the Serengeti Wildlife National Park. This exercise revealed an overall prevalence rate of 10.8%. There was moreover a significant difference in the seroprevalence rates among the management systems (P < 0.001). The lowest prevalence rate (4.3%) was found in the Local management system, with Dairy intermediate (6.3%) and Ranch highest (15.8%). There was also significant variation in prevalence rates between TSZ and Grade animals, and between MPW and Exotic animals (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

本文在对晋城市泽州县黄牛改良的现状调查和问题分析的基础上,通过资源基础、社会需求以及生产力的发展等诸方面,论述了在新形势下加速泽州县黄牛改良步伐的必要性和可行性以及具体途径和措施。  相似文献   

2006—2008年间,采用试管凝集试验对新疆伊犁6个地区共14468头牛进行了布鲁氏杆菌感染情况的调查。结果显示,牛布鲁氏茵感染率为0.08%(11/14468),在被检地区呈点状分布,且母牛感染率远远高于公牛。本次调查不仅为了解伊犁地区牛布氏杆菌病疫情态势提供了理论依据,而且为牛布病研究与防控提供了宝贵数据。  相似文献   

低聚果糖作为益生元的代表性物质,因为特殊的理化性质,添加于饲料中具有防水防霉等优势。低聚果糖可选择性被肠道双歧杆菌、乳酸菌等有益菌利用促进其增殖,而对大肠杆菌等有害菌具有抑制作用。低聚果糖除能通过促进生长、降低腹泻和死亡率等来改善畜禽生产性能,还能通过调控肠道菌群、肠道发酵、维持肠黏膜形态和提高机体免疫等来促进畜禽肠道健康。本文对低聚果糖在畜禽肠道健康方面的研究进展进行综述,旨在为其在饲料中的开发利用提供应用和理论依据。[关键词] 低聚果糖|畜禽|肠道健康  相似文献   

L-茶氨酸是天然存在于茶树中的一种非蛋白氨基酸,属于酰胺类化合物,具有较强的抗氧化、抗应激、抗肿瘤、保护神经、增强机体免疫力等多种作用。目前主要用于食品、保健品和医药领域,而在畜禽生产中的应用研究还较少。已有的研究证明,L-茶氨酸能够提高猪和鸡的生产性能、抗氧化能力和免疫力。本文概述了L-茶氨酸的来源与理化性质、安全性评价和生物学功能,重点综述了其在畜禽生产上的应用研究,旨在为将L-茶氨酸更好地应用于畜禽生产提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Canine brucellosis is a contagious disease associated with health implications for humans as well as for a wide range of wild and domesticated animals. In this study, 173 dog blood specimens were sampled from herding dogs in three different provinces including Tehran (n = 127), Qom (n = 40) and Alborz (n = 6) provinces. The presence of Brucella antibodies was determined using Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT), slow agglutination test (SAT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME), respectively. The seropositive samples were further screened using blood culture and PCR tests to identify and differentiate the implicated Brucella species. According to our results, 24.3% (42/173), 13.8% (24/173) and 6.3% (11/173) of blood samples were tested positive using RBPT, SAT and 2-ME, respectively. However, among 42 seropositive samples, only 38.1% (16/42) and 14.2% (6/42) were positive by PCR and culture, respectively. Brucella melitensis biovar 1 and biovar 2 was isolated from the bacterial cultures of 6 blood samples and confirmed by biotyping, AMOS PCR and Bruce-ladder PCR assays. These findings highlight the potential risk of Brucella transmission from dog to humans along with other livestock and reflect the critical role of infected dogs in the persistence of Brucella infections among ruminant farms. This study stresses the need for further epidemiological investigations on canine brucellosis among herding dogs and suggests the systematic screening of the disease among companion animals such as dogs in order to improve brucellosis surveillance and control programs.  相似文献   

布病是目前世界上流行广、危害大的人畜共患病之一,给畜牧业生产、人民群众生命安全造成了严重威胁。了解布病知识,理清传播途径,把握临床表现,掌握防控措施,提升布病的防控工作能力,是做好布病日常防范的首要任务。  相似文献   

李鑫  刘娟 《四川畜牧兽医》2010,37(11):31-33
黄曲霉毒素是一组由黄曲霉、寄生曲霉等霉菌在一定的温度和湿度下产生的结构相似的代谢产物,能影响畜禽的生长发育,降低免疫力,降低肝脏机能,具有较强的致癌、致畸性。国内外学者对黄曲霉毒素的检测和处理技术有着深入的研究,本文就黄曲霉毒素在畜禽生产中的危害及防控方面作一概述。  相似文献   

A study was carried out on 92 smallholder farms in Kwale district in Coast Province of Kenya to estimate the milk yield. The effect of concentrate feed supplementation on milk yield was also evaluated. Data were collected during a one-year observational longitudinal study. Analysis was done for 371 observations following 63 calving events. The mean annual milk offtake was estimated at 2021 kg/cow. Forty-nine (77.8%) of the lactating cows were supplemented with concentrate feeds at varying rates of 0.5-3.0 kg/cow per day. Supplementary feeding of lactating cows led to a significantly higher mean daily milk yield compared to non-supplemented cows throughout the year (p < 0.05). The mean annual milk offtake from supplemented cows (2195 kg/cow) was 18.6% more than offtake from non-supplemented cows, a difference that was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, supplementary feeding of commercial feed concentrates was a rational management practice. It was also concluded that milk production from smallholder dairy cows in the coastal lowlands of Kenya was comparable to that from similar production systems but lower than national targets.  相似文献   

米占锋 《畜牧兽医杂志》2011,30(5):22-23,27
用西门塔尔级进杂交改良本地黄牛,产生西杂一代、二代、三代牛。分别对其1、2、3胎产奶量进行测定,结果表明:各代胎次之间奶量差异不显著(P〉0.05),但从1胎到3胎上升势头明显,3胎最高;各代305 d平均产奶量差异极显著(P〈0.01),西杂一代最低、三代最高,产奶天数随着杂交代次提高而逐渐增加;西杂牛产奶收益显著。开展西杂牛挤奶是增加奶源、提高养殖效益的重要举措。  相似文献   

The characteristics of a livestock area, including farm density and animal species, influence the spread of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). In this study, the impact of livestock area on FMD epidemics was examined using an FMD transmission model. For this simulation, three major livestock areas were selected: the 2010 FMD epidemic area in Japan as the baseline area (BS), a cattle and pig mixed production area (CP) and a cattle production area (C). Simulation results demonstrated that under the 24-hr culling policy, only 12% of epidemics among 1,000 simulations were abated within 100 days in the CP area, whereas 90% of the epidemics ceased in the BS area. In the C area, all epidemics were successfully contained within 100 days. Evaluation of additional control measures in the CP area showed that the 0.5-km pre-emptive culling, even when only targeting pig farms, raised the potential for successful containment to 94%. A 10-km vaccination on day 7 or 14 after initial detection was also effective in halting the epidemics (80%), but accompanied a large number of culled or vaccinated farms. The combined strategy of 10-km vaccination and 0.5-km pre-emptive culling targeting pig farms succeeded in containing all epidemics within 100 days. The present study suggests the importance of preparedness for the 24-hr culling policy and additional control measures when an FMD outbreak occurs in a densely populated area. Considering the characteristics of the livestock area is important in planning FMD control strategies.  相似文献   

The application of high doses of mineral feed additives in the form of inorganic salts increases the growth performance of animals, but at the same, due to their low bioavailability, can contaminate the environment. Therefore, there is a need to find a replacement of administering high doses of minerals with an equally effective alternative. The application of lower doses of metal-containing nanoparticles with the same effect on animal production could be a potential solution. In the present review, zinc, silver, copper, gold, selenium, and calcium nanoparticles are discussed as potential feed additives for animals. Production of nanoparticles under laboratory conditions using traditional chemical and physical methods as well as green and sustainable methods – biosynthesis has been described. Special attention has been paid to the biological properties of nanoparticles, as well as their effect on animal health and performance. Nano-minerals supplemented to animal feed (poultry, pigs, ruminants, rabbits) acting as growth-promoting, immune-stimulating and antimicrobial agents have been highlighted. Metal nanoparticles are known to exert a positive effect on animal performance, productivity, carcass traits through blood homeostasis maintenance, intestinal microflora, oxidative damage prevention, enhancement of immune responses, etc. Metal-containing nanoparticles can also be a solution for nutrient deficiencies in animals (higher bioavailability and absorption) and can enrich animal products with microelements like meat, milk, or eggs. Metal-containing nanoparticles are proposed to partially replace inorganic salts as feed additives. However, issues related to their potential toxicity and safety to livestock animals, poultry, humans, and the environment should be carefully investigated.  相似文献   

Bulk tank milk samples, collected twice with a 1 year interval, from 213 Swedish dairy herds with no vaccination programme against bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV), were tested for antibodies to BVDV using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The herds were classified into four different BVDV groupings based on changes in the estimated prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows in the herds. The estimated mean prevalences of BVDV antibody-positive cows were maintained as > 80% in 58 (27.2%) and as < 10% in 84 (39.4%) of the herds. A recent introduction of the infection was deemed to have occurred in seven (3.3%) of the herds studied. The BVDV groups were compared with regard to parameters related to disease and fertility at herd level. Relationships were assessed using logistic and ordinary linear regression analyses. The risks for clinical mastitis, retained placenta and oestrus-stimulating treatments were higher and the calving intervals were longer in BVDV infected herds, i.e. those herds with an increasing or maintained high prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows.  相似文献   

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