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A case is presented of a 1‐year‐old Persian cat with a corneal sequestrum treated with a bidirectional corneoconjunctival transposition. The size of this lesion precluded use of a traditional corneoconjunctival transposition. At the time of writing, the patient maintained a clear visual axis with minimal scarring and no recurrence 6 months post‐operatively. This report describes a novel surgical technique used to successfully treat a large feline corneal sequestrum.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of porcine urinary bladder matrix (UBM) to repair a full thickness defect in the cornea of a Thoroughbred racehorse. The horse presented with acute keratomalacia of the right eye of 12 h duration that had rapidly progressed to perforation of the cornea with partial iris prolapse. The cornea was surgically debrided with the horse under general anaesthesia and the defect repaired with ACell multilayer wound matrix. A temporary tarsorrhaphy was performed. The defect in the cornea was successfully repaired and the horse regained vision in the eye. Four months after surgery the defect was still undergoing remodelling and the area of opacity in the cornea was progressively reducing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft covered by a conjunctival flap for the surgical repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. PROCEDURE: All records dating from August 1999 to February 2003 from Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital of patients that had undergone ophthalmic surgical procedures and received a SIS corneal graft for a full-thickness lesion were reviewed. Fifteen cases were identified including six dogs, two cats and seven horses. Requirements for inclusion in this study were that SIS was used as a corneal graft in a full-thickness corneal defect and that the graft was completely covered with a conjunctival flap. RESULTS: Of the 15 cases, one canine patient had received SIS following removal of an epibulbar melanocytoma. The remaining five canine patients had undergone this surgical procedure for the repair of corneal perforation. The two feline patients had been presented for corneal perforation following chronic ulceration. One equine patient had been presented for a deep melting ulcer, three for stromal corneal abscesses, and three for corneal perforations. Complications encountered postoperatively included aqueous leakage, conjunctival flap dehiscence, synechia, cataract and fibrin in the anterior chamber. Fourteen out of 15 patients were visual at the final re-evaluation. CONCLUSION: SIS is an inexpensive, easy-to-handle biomaterial that appears to be suitable for the repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. Results of our study support the conclusion that this relatively new product is an effective alternative to traditional implantation materials utilized in veterinary ophthalmology.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft for the surgical repair of deep melting ulcers in dogs and cats. METHODS: Two cats and five dogs presented with deep and large melting ulcers of the cornea. In each case, the necrotic and collagenolytic tissue of the cornea was removed by keratectomy. A SIS graft, 1 mm greater than the corneal defect, was rehydrated in sterile saline and sutured to the edges of the ulcer with a simple interrupted pattern of 9/0 polyglactin 910. A nictitating membrane flap was utilized in two cats and four dogs for 2 weeks. All cases were treated postoperatively with topical and systemic antibiotics, a systemic anti-inflammatory drug and topical atropine. All animals were re-evaluated 15 days, 4 weeks, 35-45 days, 2-3 months and 6 months postsurgery. RESULTS: At 15 days postsurgery, a superficial intense corneal neovascularization surrounded the SIS graft. No ocular discomfort was present and fluorescein staining was negative in all cases. At 4 weeks the SIS graft was thick and opaque in all cases, although in one cat the SIS graft had partially detached. Between 35 and 45 days, SIS graft integration was evident in all eyes, and corneal neovascularization had decreased progressively. All eyes healed without complications and retained corneal transparency. This occurred even in the presence of corneal perforation in two cases: one prior to and one during surgery. CONCLUSION: Results of our study suggest the SIS graft may be an effective alternative surgical treatment to the traditional conjunctival grafts commonly used to repair melting ulcers in dogs and cats. The advantages of using a SIS graft include good corneal transparency, preservation of corneal integrity and maintenance of vision.  相似文献   

Two dogs with previous parotid duct transpositions presented with unrelated ocular disease. In both cases, ophthalmic examination revealed the need for enucleation or exenteration. In case 1, systemic coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed with panuveitis and secondary glaucoma of the left eye. In this case, the parotid duct was ligated at the time of enucleation to stop salivary secretions. This dog encountered morbidity in the form of a sialocele that did not resolve for 11 months. In case 2, ultrasound and computed tomography revealed a discrete mass within the left medial orbit that was suspected to arise from the nictitating membrane. A combination of exenteration and parotid duct transposition reversal was performed to avoid morbidity associated with ligation of the parotid duct. The dog encountered no complications from this novel procedure. This case report represents the first report of re‐routing a transposed parotid duct from the ventral conjunctival sac back to the mouth at the time of enucleation or exenteration in the dog.  相似文献   

Objective Canine corneal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare tumor, with only eight cases previously published in the veterinary literature. The Comparative Ocular Pathology Lab of Wisconsin (COPLOW) has diagnosed 26 spontaneously occurring cases, 23 in the past 4 years. This retrospective study describes age and breed prevalence, concurrent therapy, biologic behavior, tumor size and character, and 6‐month survival rates after diagnosis. Results A search of the COPLOW database identified 26 corneal SCC cases diagnosed from 1978 to 2008. There is a strong breed predilection (77%) in brachycephalic breeds, particularly those prone to keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The mean age was 9.6 years (range 6–14.5 years). Follow‐up information >6 months was available for 15 of 26 cases. Recurrence occurred in the same eye in nine cases, seven of which were incompletely excised at the time of first keratectomy. No cases were known to have tumor growth in the contralateral eye and no cases of distant metastases are known. Where drug history is known, 16 of 21 dogs had a history of treatment with topical immunosuppressive therapy (cyclosporine or tacrolimus) at the time of diagnosis. Conclusion Chronic inflammatory conditions of the cornea and topical immunosuppressive therapy may be risk factors for developing primary corneal SCC in dogs. SCC should be considered in any differential diagnosis of corneal proliferative lesions. Superficial keratectomy with complete excision is recommended, and the metastatic potential appears to be low.  相似文献   

Therapeutic soft contact lenses (TSCL) were applied to a thoroughbred racehorse with corneal ulcer refractory to topical medication. The insertion of the TSCL was conducted on day 36 using a nose twitch under sedation, auriculopalpebral nerve block, and topical anesthesia. The lens was retained, with the duration of wear lasting 114 days. Ocular pain improved immediately and fluorescein tests were negative 17 days after insertion. The horse was able to undergo training and ran in two races while wearing the TSCL. Thus a TSCL was found to be clinically useful for treating corneal ulcers in racehorses.  相似文献   

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