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Case report

The present case series describes the clinical course and outcome of three cats diagnosed with pseudomembranous cystitis. This is an uncommon presentation of lower urinary tract obstruction but can be easily be identified by ultrasonography, revealing severe bladder wall thickening and thin hyperechoic luminal strips. The condition can be secondary to severe bacterial urinary tract infection. All cats were successfully treated with medical management only, mainly based on antimicrobials and individualised supportive therapy.


Further evaluation of this condition is necessary in order to determine potential underlying aetiologies, pathophysiological mechanisms and the most appropriate standardised treatment.  相似文献   

Urethral obstruction is a life‐threatening form of feline lower urinary tract disease. Ultrasonographic risk factors for reobstruction have not been previously reported. Purposes of this retrospective cross‐sectional study were to describe urinary tract ultrasound findings in cats following acute urethral obstruction and determine whether ultrasound findings were associated with reobstruction. Inclusion criteria were a physical examination and history consistent with urethral obstruction, an abdominal ultrasound including a full evaluation of the urinary system within 24 h of hospitalization, and no cystocentesis prior to ultrasound examination. Medical records for included cats were reviewed and presence of azotemia, hyperkalemia, positive urine culture, and duration of hospitalization were recorded. For medically treated cats with available outcome data, presence of reobstruction was also recorded. Ultrasound images were reviewed and urinary tract characteristics were recorded. A total of 87 cats met inclusion criteria. Common ultrasound findings for the bladder included echogenic urine sediment, bladder wall thickening, pericystic effusion, hyperechoic pericystic fat, and increased urinary echoes; and for the kidneys/ureters included pyelectasia, renomegaly, perirenal effusion, hyperechoic perirenal fat, and ureteral dilation. Six‐month postdischarge outcomes were available for 61 medically treated cats and 21 of these cats had reobstruction. No findings were associated with an increased risk of reobstruction. Ultrasonographic perirenal effusion was associated with severe hyperkalemia (P = 0.009, relative risk 5.75, 95% confidence interval [1.54–21.51]). Findings supported the use of ultrasound as an adjunct for treatment planning in cats presented with urethral obstruction but not as a method for predicting risk of reobstruction.  相似文献   

Objective – To describe a case of presumptive secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) in a cat with urinary tract infection and chronic urethral obstruction. The obstruction was believed to have resulted from sloughed urinary bladder mucosa secondary to pressure necrosis. Case Summary – A 5‐year‐old, 4 kg, castrated male Siamese cat presented for vomiting and stranguria. Medical history included a perineal urethrostomy for urethral obstruction. Physical examination revealed a large, painful, nonexpressible urinary bladder. Point‐of‐care testing demonstrated electrolyte derangements consistent with a postrenal azotemia and metabolic acidosis. Results of urine culture was positive for bacterial growth. Diagnostic imaging revealed presence of retroperitoneal fluid, marked urinary bladder wall thickening, bilateral hydroureter, mild bilateral pyelectasia, and small nephroliths. The patient was treated for a urinary tract obstruction and infection. In the 3 weeks following initial discharge, the patient was evaluated on multiple occasions for lethargy, intermittent vomiting, inappropriate urination, and progressive polyuria and polydipsia. Although the urinary bladder was easily expressed during repeat examinations, it was persistently distended and subjectively thickened upon palpation. Repeat ultrasound of the urinary tract showed evidence of sloughed tissue in the bladder lumen, likely secondary to chronic urethral obstruction and pressure necrosis. A cystotomy was performed to remove the necrotic tissue, and a revised perineal urethrostomy was done due to a partial urethral stricture. Bladder biopsies were obtained at this time. Postoperatively, the cat was reported by the owners to be urinating normally but continued to be polyuric and polydipsic in the week following discharge. One week after surgery, the cat presented in hypovolemic shock with laboratory findings consistent with a presumptive diagnosis of secondary PHA. New or Unique Information Provided – PHA has not been reported previously in a cat. This case report suggests that aldosterone resistance should be considered in cats with consistent laboratory findings and a history of documented obstructive uropathy and urinary tract infection.  相似文献   



To describe hemostatic derangements associated with canine anaphylaxis and to assess for association with syndrome severity.


Prospective observational study.


University teaching hospital.


Twenty-seven client-owned dogs, recruited from November 2018 to January 2022, diagnosed with anaphylaxis of varying severity were included. Study inclusion required presentation <6 hours after initiation of clinical signs, no medications or history of illness within the prior 2 weeks, lack of comorbidities expected to affect hemostasis, and lack of a disease state that could alternatively explain the clinical presentation.


Blood samples were collected within the first hour of presentation for CBC, serum biochemistry, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and viscoelastic coagulation testing for use with a cartridge-based point-of-care device.

Measurements and main results

Clotting time and clot formation time were prolonged, alpha angle and maximum clot firmness were decreased, PT and aPTT were prolonged, and platelet counts were lower in severe cases compared to mild and moderate cases. There were no differences for any parameter between mild and moderate cases. The presence or absence of abdominal effusion was not associated with hemostatic status.


Global hemostatic derangements consistent with hypocoagulability are a prominent feature of severe anaphylaxis in dogs and should be considered for routine evaluation.  相似文献   

The clinical features and interventional therapy in the case of a female cat with urinary tract obstruction secondary to neoplasia are presented. This form of neoplasia in cats is rare and therapeutic intervention to relieve urinary tract obstruction caused by malignancy has been described only once. This is the first report of a self-expandable metallic stent placed in a feline urethra to relieve obstruction caused by malignancy and the first report of the use of a unique composite metallic stent (Platinol™) in a cat. In conclusion, the palliative stenting of the feline urethra may be a valid therapeutic intervention for malignancies. Further studies are required to determine the optimal size and type of stent that will provide the greatest benefit.  相似文献   

Rapid and accurate diagnosis of septic peritonitis is critical for initiating appropriate medical and surgical management.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, male neutered mixed breed dog was presented emergently with a three-week history of hyporexia, vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. Upon examination, the patient was dull, had generalised muscle atrophy, moderate abdominal pain and a mild amount of peritoneal effusion. A fluid-filled, distended, corrugated small bowel with marked gastroparesis and moderate peritoneal effusion was noted on abdominal ultrasonography. Endoscopy revealed hyperaemic and friable mucosa and a subjectively narrowed pylorus. Emergency exploratory celiotomy was performed due to worsening patient condition and revealed thick, diffuse, fibrous adhesions of the abdominal cavity. Based on these findings, sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (SEP) was suspected. A large mass of omentum adjacent to the greater curvature of the stomach had caused a pyloric outflow obstruction. Adhesiolysis was attempted but was unsuccessful due to the friability of the small intestines. The dog was humanely euthanased under anaesthesia. A diagnosis of SEP was confirmed via necropsy. No underlying cause was identified. This is the first known case of a pyloric outflow obstruction secondary to SEP in a dog. Although rare, this condition should be considered as a differential for dogs with signs of a pyloric outflow obstruction with concurrent ascites and abdominal pain, hyporexia, vomiting and diarrhoea.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to compare the quality parameters of fresh feline ejaculates collected by three different techniques—urethral catheterization after medetomidine administration (CT), electroejaculation (EE) and epididymal slicing after orchiectomy (EP). A total of 34 adult male cats (Felis catus) were included in the study. In all male cats, the sperm collection was performed under general anaesthesia by three collection methods in the following order: urethral catheterization, electroejaculation and epididymal slicing. The sperm parameters evaluated were as follows: volume, motility, viability, sperm concentration, total sperm count and morphological examination. The highest quality semen parameters were achieved using EE. The comparison of results of the evaluated sperm quality parameters from EE and EP showed significant differences only in one case—the percentage of head abnormalities and lower percentage of head abnormalities were achieved using EE compared to EP: 8.5% (3.0%–21.0%) versus 10.0% (4.0%–22.0%). Semen collected by CT rendered the lowest quality samples when compared to sperm samples collected by EE and EP, especially with respect to the motility and total sperm count which were significantly lower (p < 0.001). Our study showed that sperm samples collected by EE and EP result in better quality of feline ejaculates compared to collection by CT from sperm samples collected from the same male cats. These results demonstrate the necessity of further research of urethral catheterization as a novel technique of semen collection in male cats.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the effect of a balanced isotonic crystalloid solution with that of 0.9% sodium chloride on the acid–base and electrolyte status of cats with urethral obstruction.
Design: Randomized prospective clinical trial.
Setting: Academic veterinary emergency room.
Animals: Sixty-eight cats with naturally occurring urethral obstruction.
Interventions: Cats were randomized to receive either a balanced isotonic crystalloid solution (Normosol-R, n =39) or 0.9% sodium chloride ( n =29) for fluid therapy. Baseline venous blood gas and blood electrolyte values were obtained at the time of admission and at intervals during the course of therapy.
Measurements and main results: Baseline values were similar between groups. Cats receiving Normosol-R had a significantly higher blood pH at 12 hours, a significantly greater increase in blood pH from baseline at 6 and 12 hours, as well as a significantly higher blood bicarbonate concentration at 12 hours and a significantly greater increase in blood bicarbonate from baseline at 6 and 12 hours. Conversely, the increase in blood chloride from baseline was significantly higher at 2, 6, and 12 hours in cats receiving 0.9% sodium chloride. There were no significant differences in the rate of decline of blood potassium from baseline between groups. Subgroup analysis of hyperkalemic cats (K+>6.0 mmol/L) and acidemic cats (pH<7.3) yielded similar findings.
Conclusions: While both crystalloid solutions appear safe and effective for fluid therapy in cats with urethral obstruction, the use of a balanced electrolyte solution may allow more rapid correction of blood acid–base status within the first 12 hours of fluid therapy. The use of a potassium-containing balanced electrolyte solution does not appear to affect the rate of normalization of blood potassium in treated cats with urethral obstruction.  相似文献   

There are clear differences in the normal radiographic appearance of the abdominal organs between a left lateral vs. a right lateral view. While a few veterinary academic institutions have transitioned to a three‐view abdominal radiographic study protocol, obtaining only two views of the canine abdomen remains the current standard in veterinary medicine. In this combined retrospective and prospective, case‐controlled study, 48 canine patients presenting with signs of acute abdomen were recruited. Four board‐certified veterinary radiologists and four general practice veterinarians with greater than 3 years of experience in small animal practice were asked to determine if 10 predetermined findings were present within the set of images and if surgery was recommended based on those findings. Image readers were unaware of the clinical history. Three‐view studies did not yield statistically significantly greater accuracy than two‐view studies when evaluating all readers together. No statistically significant associations between the availability of the third view and increased accuracy or confidence were found in evaluations of general practitioners specifically. Evaluation of three‐view radiographic examination, as compared to two‐view examination, did not have perceived or statistically significantly increased diagnostic utility. Based on our findings, there is no statistically increased utility to justify a standard three‐view abdominal radiographic examination over a two‐view study for canines presenting with signs of acute abdomen.  相似文献   

The study population consisted of cats presented to the University of Missouri-Columbia Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1995. Ventrodorsal radiographs including the pelvic region were evaluated for radiographic evidence of hip dysplasia. Each radiograph was evaluated independently by three board-certified veterinary radiologists and a consensus normal of dysplastic evaluation was determined. There were 684 cats from 12 breeds. The data derived from this study indicate the frequency of feline hip dysplasia in this population to be about 6.6% (45/684) and that the incidence appears to be breed dependent. Also, the radiographic appearance of hip dysplasia in cats is different than in dogs. A shallow acetabulum with remodeling and proliferation involving the cranio-dorsal acetabular margin were the most common radiographic signs. Minimal remodeling of the femoral neck was seen.  相似文献   

在兽医临床上,尿道插管术是常用的操作技术之一,用于冲洗膀胱与尿道,根治炎症;导流尿液,规避感染;提供尿道支撑,防止闭塞等。但雄犬因尿道解剖与生理的特殊性,插管比较困难。反复操作必然给犬带来很多痛苦,而且容易损伤尿道黏膜,出现并发症。现有资料对雄犬尿道插管技术的介绍并不多见。笔者在研究雄犬尿道解剖结构与生理特点的基础上,结合临床实践经验,总结了雄犬尿道插管的实际操作技术,并详细分析了插管过程、导尿管留置期间和更换导尿管时应注意的问题及处理方法,以期为临床上科学地应用导尿管及开展泌尿外科动物试验提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

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