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本文研究了在交错系统中,当F_n一致收敛到一个I上的连续自映满射F时,F_n和F必须是I上的恒同映射,进而证明了[f,g]不是Devaney混沌。  相似文献   

文畅平 《草业科学》2015,32(2):174-181
本研究在综合分析天然草地的生态状况、可再生产能力和经济条件3方面因素的基础上,建立了天然草地分类评价的递阶层次指标体系;在相关研究成果的基础上,将天然草地分为温性荒漠类、温性草原类和草甸类3个类别,并选用新疆准噶尔盆地西部地区的18个天然草地样本作为训练样本,建立了突变级数判据;选用另外13个天然草地样本作为判别样本,以检验该突变级数判据的可行性和可靠性。结果表明,该突变级数判据对判别样本的分类结果合理,突变级数法可以很好地反映不同类型天然草地间的资源属性,且分类结果与灰色关联度分析法、投影寻踪法、投影寻踪动态聚类法、集对分析法和自组织特征映射(SOFM)神经网络法的分类结果基本一致。  相似文献   

农牧交错区草地农业系统理论与实践的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马红彬  王宁 《草业科学》2004,21(12):19-23
分析了中国农牧交错区生态环境恶化的原因及后果.环境的恶化尤其是水土流失与土壤荒漠化是导致该区贫瘠与灾害的主要根源,而生态环境恶化的主要原因是综合治理与经济发展的长期失调.依据农牧交错区自然生境特点及资源优势,结合前人在该区开发治理的经验和发展草地农业试点的成果,草地农业系统应在农牧交错区开发治理中起主导作用.大力发展草地农业是农牧交错区农业可持续发展的有效途径,阐述了草地农业在农牧交错区生态环境治理与农业经济持续发展中的作用和发展模式.  相似文献   

新审计准则的颁布施行,对于规范和指导审计机关和审计人员执行审计业务的行为、保证审计质量、防范审计风险等具有重要意义,也对审计教学过程中的教学理念、教学内容、教学目标提出了新要求。  相似文献   

本文对相位速率准则的评估方法开展研究,并以某算例飞机为对象进行评估应用研究。研究结果表明,这一评估方法可以较好地预测闭环飞机的PIO趋势。  相似文献   

零排放养殖技术又名生物发酵垫料式生产技术,也就是自然养猪法,是一项源自日本,从2006年引入我国,利用生物技术运用于生猪生产的无污染、无排放、无臭味的新型环保、生态养殖技术。该技术对解决生猪养殖污染问题,尤其是粪污治理难题;改善环境质量,提高人们生产、生活质量;加快实现社会主义新农村建设步伐;达到"资源节约型、环境友好型"目标发挥积极作用。本文对技术引进、示范应用情况等进行探讨。  相似文献   

1963年帝斯曼开始对华贸易,1997年在上海建立了第一家多维和预混料工厂,随后在山东、湖南、吉林建立预混料生产基地,2011年10月17日帝斯曼在华第五家预混料工厂在成都开业……世界最大的维生素生产商帝斯曼见证了中国维生素产业的迅猛发展。帝斯曼凭借对维生素营养深入的研究以及对维生素营养理念的独到诠释,其维生素、预混料一直是高附加值产品的杰出代表。自1958年第一版维生素添加准则发布以来,帝斯曼在持续推广优选维生素营养(OVN)理念的同时,也赢得了畜牧工作者广泛的尊重与追随。如今,距2006年版帝斯曼公司维生素添加准则发布已是5年时光,《中国畜牧杂志》有幸采访到帝斯曼营养全球维生素产品经理Gilberto Litta先生,期待得到关于最新帝斯曼公司维生素添加准则(2011版)的详尽解读,并进一步了解帝斯曼在中国这个世界最大的维生素生产基地发展壮大的宏伟蓝图。  相似文献   

1鞣酸该药为淡黄色粉末,或为疏松有光泽的鳞片,或为海绵状块。微有特异臭味,味极涩。易溶于水,水溶液呈酸性反应,久置则缓缓分解。该药为一种蛋白质沉淀剂,能与蛋白质结合生成鞣酸蛋白,故具有收敛作用。内服后部分鞣酸在胃内与胃蛋白结合,形成鞣酸蛋白,到达小肠后,再被分解放出睐酸而呈现收敛性消炎、止泻作用。但在肠内碱性环境中,大部分鞣酸可迅速被分解而失效,故其收敛作用不能到达肠道后部。此外,鞣酸还能与生物碱、苷及重金属盐等产生沉淀。但该药不能沉淀吗啡、可卡因、阿托品、烟碱、毒扁豆碱等生物碱及砷、锑、汞等重金属,故这类物质中毒时不能用其解毒。该药吸收后对肝有毒性,故烧伤面积太大时不宜采用,以免吸收中毒。外用5%-10%鞣酸溶液或20%软膏,可治疗创伤、湿疹和急性皮炎等。用于止泻内服,马、牛10-20克/次,羊2-5克/次,猪1-2克/次。  相似文献   

胡晶  王永杰  郭鹏 《山东饲料》2013,(11):401-402
本文以桃花峪隧道工程为背景,结合国内外研究成果及黄土隧道施工的相关经验,从安全和进度两方面着手,对黄土地区大跨径隧道适宜的施工方法和施工步距进行了全面梳理,特别是针对中隔壁法和双侧壁导坑法施工步距提出了具体要求,为工程建设提供可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   

作者根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》第十一、十二条对输出国官方出具检疫证书的规定,通过对文锦渡口岸进口动物产品随附检疫证书进行收集、分析、探讨,提出输出国官方检疫证书的确认制度和官方有效检疫证书的确认标准。并由此引发到进口动物产品检疫管理的探讨,提出加强进口动物产品检疫的五方面工作。  相似文献   

Objective— To measure and compare the strain of wires tensioned with alternate (ALT) and simultaneous (SIM) tensioning in a single-ring fixator construct and compare the stiffness of these constructs under axial loading.
Study Design— Experimental mechanical study.
Sample Population— Twenty-four, 84 mm diameter, single-ring constructs.
Methods— Twenty-four, 84 mm diameter, single-ring constructs were assembled using 2 1.6 mm wires placed at a 60° angle tensioned with either ALT or SIM technique to 90 kg tension. Voltage data from a strain gauge were recorded during the wire-tensioning process, cyclic axial loading, and load-to-failure testing. Wire strains were calculated for each wire and compared within constructs and between ALT and SIM groups. Construct stiffness was compared between groups.
Results— There was no difference between the tensioning methods in final wire strains after initial tensioning for both the wire below the ring (W1; P =.698) and the wire above the ring (W2; P =.233). There was also no difference in final wire strains within each tensioning method group (ALT, P =.289; SIM, P =.583). Loss of wire strain (3.5–5%) occurred after cyclic loading for both wires in both groups. There was no difference in construct stiffness between the ALT and SIM groups ( P =.126). Mode of failure was by wire breakage in all constructs and occurred most frequently in W1.
Conclusion— ALT tensioning of wires produced similar wire strains within a single-ring construct after initial tensioning to SIM tensioned wires. There was no difference in construct stiffness under axial loading between AIM and SIM tensioned constructs.
Clinical Relevance— ALT tensioning of wires in a single-ring fixator construct can be used as an alternative to SIM tensioning, as similar initial wire tensions are achieved.  相似文献   

<正>[本刊讯]12月26日,《饲料添加剂安全使用规范》培训班在京举行。中国饲料工业协会副会长王随元,全国饲料工作办公室调研员景梅芳,全国畜牧总站、中国饲料工业协会信息中心主任单钟,全国饲料评审委员会办公室副主任王黎文,北  相似文献   

Gastro-intestinal helminth of a group of three yearling mare Shetland ponies, which were set-stocked on a small pasture from February until September, were compared with those of a similar group of ponies, which grazed a similar pasture from February to July and subsequently was removed to a pasture which had been grazed by sheep from April to July. In addition both groups were treated with cambendazole when the latter group was removed to the sheep pasture.Pasture larval counts and worm counts demonstrated that the group grazed after the sheep acquired considerably smaller burdens of nematodes of the subfamilies Cyathostominae and Strongylinae, but considerably higher burdens of Trichostrongylus axei than the group which remained on the same pasture. The T. axei infections in the former group caused an increase in the serum pepsinogen levels within two weeks after removal to the sheep pasture followed by a gradual decrease. At necrospy T. axei populations consisted almost exclusively of inhibited early third state larvae.  相似文献   

赵新华 《蚕桑通报》2006,37(3):42-43
桐乡市位于嘉湖平原,栽桑养蚕已有数千年历史。自南宋以来就一直是浙江省的重点蚕区。蚕桑是当地农民赖以生存的主要产业,茅盾先生的名著《春蚕》就生动地描述了桐乡蚕农的生活及蚕桑在农村经济中的地位。1949年以来,桐乡蚕桑得到了很快的恢复与发展。蚕茧产量一直位于全省前三  相似文献   

Six Quarter Horse yearling fillies were used in a duplicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment to evaluate the technique of using nitrogen retention as a response criterion for amino acid studies in the horse. Yearlings were paired by age and randomly assigned to one of three concentrates fed with medium-quality Coastal Bermudagrass hay. Diet A, a soybean meal–based concentrate, was amino acid sufficient. Diet B, a cottonseed hull–based concentrate containing 2% urea, was amino acid deficient. Horses fed diet C, identical to diet B, were orally dosed with synthetic essential amino acids and cysteine, immediately before eating, to match amino acid levels in diet A. Nitrogen retention was not different between diets A and B. There was a trend for horses fed diet C to have higher nitrogen retention, as a result of higher nitrogen intake. Nitrogen retained as a percent absorbed was lower (P < .05) for diet B than for diet A, whereas values for diet C were not different from diets A or B. Nitrogen retention was not an effective response criterion in this study. Differences in nitrogen retained as a percentage absorbed were observed between amino acid–sufficient and deficient diets. However, horses fed amino acid–deficient diets and dosed with synthetic amino acids likely require some modified dosage level to achieve the same or higher values as those for amino acid–sufficient diets.  相似文献   

依据粮农组织数据库中给出的1961—2005年的中国牛肉产量数据为基础,分别通过差分把非平稳时间序列转化为平稳时间序列。建立了ARIMA(1,2,1)模型对中国牛肉产量进行预测。根据新华社对2006年中国牛肉产量的报道和德国莱茵农业协会对2007年中国牛肉产量的估计结果来看,ARIMA模型的预测误差只有1%左右,模型预测良好。  相似文献   

AeroMACS (Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System)作为新型机场航空移动通信系统,可以适用于近场航空器、机场地面交通以及其他近机场范围内场景的通信服务。相较于其他的移动通信系统来说,AeroMACS表现出了较好的安全性,且由于支持ATC与AOC高速数据交换业务,信息传递的效率也相对较高。本文,就结合AreoMACS技术的内容,在分析其网络结构后,对其在民航机场以及航空管理中的应用展开探讨。  相似文献   

Background: The range of American canine hepatozoonosis (ACH) is expanding from the southern USA northward. Transmission of Hepatozoon americanum occurs by ingestion of infected Gulf Coast ticks, Amblyomma maculatum. The source of the protozoan for the tick remains undetermined; infected dogs are unusual hosts for the tick. Objective: Compare possible sources of infection by field investigations of 2 multiple‐dog outbreaks of ACH. Animals: Twenty‐eight privately owned dogs (Canis familiaris), 1 coyote (Canis latrans), 31 wild‐trapped cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), 24 wild‐trapped field mice (Peromyscus leucopus), and 9 wild‐caught rabbits (Sylvilagus spp.) from sites in eastern Oklahoma were monitored for hepatozoonosis. Six laboratory‐raised cotton rats (S. hispidus), 6 Sprague‐Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus), 6 C57BL/6J‐Lystbg‐J/J mice (Mus musculus), 6 outbred white mice (M. musculus), 6 New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and 2 dogs were acquired through commercial vendors for experimental transmission trials of H. americanum. Methods: Four of 15 dogs in a rural neighborhood and 5/12 hunting Beagles were confirmed to be infected by blood smear examination, muscle biopsy, and polymerase chain reaction assay of the 18S rRNA gene of Hepatozoon species. Histories and tick host preferences led to field collections of common prey of canids and experimental transmission trials of H. americanum to selected prey (M. musculus, S. hispidus, R. norvegicus, and O. cuniculus). Results: Dogs with ready access to prey (4/15 dogs) or that were fed prey retrieved from hunts (5/12 hunting Beagles) became infected, providing evidence that predation is an important epidemiologic component of ACH infection. Experimental transmission studies identified a quiescent, infectious stage (cystozoite) of the parasite that provides an alternate mode of transmission to canids through predation, demonstrating that cotton rats, mice, and rabbits but not brown rats may act as paratenic hosts of H. americanum. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Predation of prey harboring infected A. maculatum or containing cystozoites of H. americanum in their tissues provide 2 modes of transmission of ACH to dogs, putting unconfined dogs at increased risk of infection in endemic areas.  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了公文档案管理的特点及重要性,并结合实践经验对公文档案的分类、编目、归档等方面进行了探讨,指出在档案管理实现信息化前建立过渡数据库对公文档案进行管理,可以有效提高档案管理的效率。  相似文献   

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