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为明确芸薹根肿菌Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron.在其它寄主中是否广泛存在无性短循环及次生游动孢子的侵染致病性,以不结球白菜为寄主培养3批幼苗(G1、G2和G3),用休眠孢子悬浮液接种G1,被侵染的G1接种G2,被侵染的G2接种G3,采用离心管水培法研究其侵染致病性。结果显示,无性短循环研究中,G1、G2和G3根毛均被侵染,除G3并株接种侵染率为33.33%外,其它处理侵染率均在50.00%以上,根毛里有明显的游动孢子囊;次生游动孢子能侵染不结球白菜的皮层组织,致使不结球白菜发病形成明显的肿根;G1、G2和G3水培发病率为20.00%、15.00%和6.00%,砂培发病率为22.50%、18.75%和7.50%;G3肿根病理切片中可观察到休眠孢子。表明芸薹根肿菌侵染不结球白菜时,其生活史中存在无性短循环,次生游动孢子具有侵染致病作用。 相似文献
Jie Feng Qiang Xiao Sheau-Fang Hwang Stephen E. Strelkov Bruce D. Gossen 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2012,132(3):309-315
Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, has two infection stages (primary and secondary). Although primary infection occurs in many plant species, secondary infection
only continues to completion in susceptible hosts. As part of a larger study of clubroot pathogenesis, secondary zoospores
collected from infected root hairs of canola and ryegrass were inoculated onto healthy roots of both plant species. The treatments
consisted of all possible combinations of the two plant species and the two sources of inoculum. At 5 days after inoculation,
levels of root hair infection were similar and in a range of 50–68% on roots in all of the treatments. Secondary infection
was also observed from all of the treatments, with approximately 50% on canola and 40% on ryegrass. The proportion of secondary
infection and the number of secondary plasmodia were higher in canola inoculated with zoospores from canola than in ryegrass
inoculated with zoospores from ryegrass, with the other combinations intermediate. At 35 days after inoculation, typical clubs
developed on 14% of the canola plants inoculated with secondary zoospores from canola, and tiny clubs developed on 16% of
the canola plants inoculated with zoospores from ryegrass. Secondary infection occurred in about one-third of ryegrass plants
but no clubs developed, regardless of inoculum source. These results indicate that resistance to secondary infection in ryegrass
is induced during primary infection. This is the first report that secondary zoospores produced on a nonhost can infect a
host and reconfirms that secondary infection can occur in a nonhost. 相似文献
U. MERZ 《Plant pathology》1997,46(5):670-674
A solution culture test system with Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea spore ball inoculum and tomato bait plants was used to create a pulse of primary zoospore production and subsequent host-root infection. Spore balls and zoospores were examined by light, fluorescence, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Most of the resting spores with a developing exit pore did not show any changes in cytoplasmic content typical of zoospore formation. A few empty resting spores and some with developing exit pores were also observed in the absence of host-root exudates. The average diameter of exit pores of empty resting spores was 1.5 μm and they were often encircled by a ring-like fusion of wall layers. Mature zoospores were never found inside resting spores. Primary and secondary zoospores are identical in morphology. The infection process is similar to that of other Plasmodiophoromycetes with internal 'Rohr'-like structures in encysted zoospores which were attached by an adhesorium to tomato root hairs. Post-infection papillae and uninucleate plasmodia were observed. 相似文献
近年来,粟瘟病在山西省中部及东南部严重发生危害,輕者减产,重者籽粒不收。作者于1962—1963年进行了粟品种間抗病性的初步观察,簡报如下: 在本所試驗地和山西省晋东南区各县良种繁殖場谷子品种区域試驗地共調查品种520个。調查时期:重点品种分苗期、拔节期、拔节末期、抽穗盛期、乳熟期进行;一般品种只在发病盛期(即抽穗盛期)进行。在自然条件下未感染粟瘟病的品种,再在溫室中种植,进行人工接种。抗病性鑑定結果如下: (一)尚未发現有免疫品种。 (二)不同品种对栗瘟病的抗病性有显著差异:在发病盛期調查,高度抗病品种61个,占总数12%,发病指数为0.1—10;抗病品种149个,占总数28.7%,发病指数为10.1—20.0;輕度感病品种128个,占总数24.6%;发病指数为20.1— 相似文献
Feeding stimulants (phagostimulants) increase the food uptake by the host insect larvae and thereby play a vital role in enhancing overall activity of insect viruses formulated as biopesticides. A local strain of granulovirus of Pieris brassicae (PbGV), a serious pest of cole crops worldwide, has shown potential as a biopesticide against this pest and with slight increase in its efficacy can be used successfully as a promising biocontrol agent in integrated pest management (IPM) programs of the pest. The addition of phagostimulants may enhance the efficacy but so far no specific phagostimulant for PbGV has been reported. In the present studies, some reported phagostimulants for insect viruses were tested for their impact on food utilization by host larvae and efficacy of the virus. The specified concentration of virus isolate was mixed with phagostimulants and laboratory studies were conducted to uncover their effect on consumption index (CI) and larval mortality. The studies revealed that phagostimulants, viz. boric acid and crude sugar, when mixed with PbGV, showed highest CI and larval mortality. Consumption index of 1.34, 1.49 and 1.43 mg/mg/day and corresponding larval mortality of 32.9%, 45.8% and 34.2% were recorded with the addition of 0.5% and 1% boric acid and 2% crude sugar, respectively, in PbGV. The leaf extracts of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli at both the concentrations (1% and 2%) also enhanced the CI but were comparatively less effective than the boric acid and crude sugar. Field evaluation of PbGV alone and in combination with phagostimulants carried out at two geographically isolated locations, viz. Palampur (subtropical) and Sangla (temperate) on three cole crops (cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli) showed that boric acid was the most promising candidate for enhancing the PbGV efficacy under field conditions, followed by crude sugar. 相似文献
白菜根肿病是由鞭毛菌亚门根肿菌纲根肿菌属的双鞭毛菌(PlasmodiophorabrassicaeWoronin)为害白菜根部导致其肿大、植株枯萎死亡的病害。为了了解其发生为害消长情况,为指导防治提供依据,本站于2001年6月至2002年6月,在根肿病发生较重的红塔区郑井11组郑文祥的蔬菜地中种植大白菜进行其发生为害消长观察。现将观察研究结果总结如下:1观察方法白菜品种选用山东大白菜良种服务中心繁育的大白菜19,撒播,从2001年6月至2002年6月共播种6批。各批次播种时间分别为2001年的6月25日、8月12日、10月1日、12月29日,2002年的3月16日、5月2日。白菜出苗… 相似文献
在室内采用选择性方法 ,研究了甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G品系和F品系对我国几种重要农业害虫的寄主选择性。结果表明 ,G品系对亚洲玉米螟卵和麦蛾卵的选择性无明显差异 ;在对玉米螟卵的选择性上 ,G品系与玉米螟赤眼蜂的差异不明显 ,可作为防治亚洲玉米螟的候选蜂种。F品系对麦蛾卵的选择性强 ,已丧失对玉米螟卵的选择性。G和F品系以及螟黄赤眼蜂对棉铃虫卵的选择性较强 ,而对麦蛾卵的选择性较弱。在对棉铃虫卵的寄主选择性上 ,G和F品系同螟黄赤眼蜂无显著差异 ;但在寄生能力上 ,G和F品系均显著高于螟黄赤眼蜂 ,均可作为防治棉铃虫的候选蜂种。G和F品系以及广赤眼蜂对麦蛾卵的选择性较强 ,而对小菜蛾卵的选择性较弱。 相似文献
Spore suspensions of Alternaria brassicae, the causal agent of gray leaf spot in Brassica plants, were incubated on the leaves of cabbage (B. oleracea) and spore germination fluid (SGF) was collected after 48 h. A high molecular weight (HMW) fraction (>10 kDa) was separated from the SGF by ultrafiltration. In a detached leaf assay, the HMW fraction induced visible symptoms only on host leaves and the toxicity was lost by treatment with proteinase K or heat at 60 degrees C for 15 min, indicating the presence of host-specific protein toxin(s). A protein toxin in the HMW fraction was purified by several chromatography steps. The toxin induced water-soaked symptoms followed by chlorosis at concentrations of 0.5 to 1 microg/ml on host leaves, but not on nonhost leaves even at 50 microg/ml. The toxin also had infection-inducing activity when added to spore suspension of a nonpathogenic isolate of A. alternata, causing symptoms similar to the infection of A. brassicae only on host leaves. These results indicate that a new host-specific protein toxin named ABR-toxin is released from germinating spores of A. brassicae on host leaves. ABR-toxin migrated as a protein of 27.5 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The isoelectric point of ABR-toxin was estimated to be approximately 7.0 and 21 N-terminal amino acid residues were sequenced. 相似文献
Some possible causes of “take-all decline”, the decrease in the severity of attack by Gaeumannomyces graminis on cereals after several years' consecutive culture, are discussed. The possible relationships between the NO3?–N:NH4+–N ratio in the rhizosphere, populations of rhizosphere bacteria and the incidence of take-all are considered. 相似文献
烟草疫霉是重要的病原真菌,但在人工培养条件下难以培养、产孢以及释放游动孢子.作者对烟草疫霉培养、产孢、接种方法进行了研究.芝麻培养基、黑麦培养基、燕麦培养基可用来培养烟草疫霉,烟草疫霉在三种培养基上平均每天生长量为1.10、0.78、0.86cm;芝麻培养基、黑麦培养基为烟草疫霉产孢子囊较好的培养基,产孢能力强,分别为2.52×104、2.07×104个孢子囊/cm2.而且孢子囊释放率高,分别为43.0%、32.1%.游动孢子囊悬浮液灌根接种和注射接种都能使烟草发病,但不同的接种方法和接种浓度下,病情指数不同. 相似文献
Grassland pests often cause obvious damage at the establishment phase, but it is rare for established swards to be visibly affected. Despite this, insidious damage to established grass is widespread and there are several reasons why it is not easily detected. Insidious pest damage is particularly prevalent in sown ryegrass-dominant swards in the lowlands. Permanent pastures, in the uplands at least, appear to suffer less from pest damage. In one experiment, established legumes did not suffer markedly from pest damage. Sward damage varies considerably from year to year, during the season, with location, with sward age and with botanical composition. Much of the blame for damage to established swards and to those being established can be attributed to stem-boring Dipterans, such as the frit fly (Oscinella frit L.). Certain non-persistent insecticides can be used to control the pest, but are unlikely to be cost-effective except when used at the establishment stage or, possibly, on efficiently utilised lowland ryegrass swards. Alterations in management practice do not seem feasible in controlling frit fly. However, large differences have been found between the varieties of perennial and Italian ryegrass, in the level of susceptibility to pests (especially frit fly), and it may be possible to develop resistant varieties. 相似文献
H. J. M. van Dorst D. Peters 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1974,80(3):85-96
A viroid-incited disease characterized by pale fruits, crumpled flowers, and rugosity and chlorosis on the leaves of cucumber, occurs occasionally in cucumber crops grown in glasshouses in the Netherlands. The disease is found primarily in crops planted in spring, rarely in those planted in summer but not in those planted in late summer. The pathogen can be transmitted with sap, during pruning, by grafting and with dodder to cucumber and a number of other cucurbitaceous species, but not withM. persicae. There is no evidence for seed or nematode transmission. The incubation period is 21 days at high temperatures (30°C) but shorter after inoculation by razorbalade slashing. The number of glasshouses with the disease has increased since 1965, but the number of diseased plants is usually low. The initial distribution of diseased plants in the glasshouses suggests that the pathogen is introduced by an insect. 相似文献
采用套筛富集人工接种于土壤中的大豆疫霉卵孢子。结果表明,当接种量为104、103、102、101、100时,富集百分率分别为45.9%、39.6%、11.8%、1.7%、5.6%。采用玻片压碎法提取微量卵孢子中DNA后,采用PCR技术快速进行检测的结果表明,提取10,5,1个卵孢子中DNA进行PCR扩增成功率分别为83.3%、33.3%、0。提取10个卵孢子中DNA进行PCR扩增时,2个处理出现非特异性PCR产物。内切酶MspI能将特异性PCR产物消化为204bp和124bp两个片段;内切酶RsaI能将特异性PCR产物消化为242bp和86bp两个片段。 相似文献
Clubroot disease, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin, affects various cruciferous crops. Variations in pathogenicity and virulence are present among field populations of P. brassicae. Many races (pathotypes) have been reported in Japan as well as in other countries using various differential systems. Populations can be classified into four pathotypes using two clubroot-resistant (CR) cultivars of Chinese cabbage as differential hosts in Japan. However, it was recently indicated that each population is often heterogenic and composed of multiple genotypes (races or pathotypes). Breakdown in CR cultivars of Chinese cabbage is a problem in some areas of Japan and may contribute to the selective propagation of minor pathogenic genotypes on the CR cultivars. Clubroot has also been recorded on five species of cruciferous weeds in Japan. In particular, clubroot of Cardamine flexuosa is widely distributed in Japan. Some populations of C. flexuosa are often moderately pathogenic on Chinese cabbage and turnip. Therefore, the epidemiological relationship between clubroot of cruciferous crops and that of the weed has been noted but not thoroughly clarified. The relationship between pathogenic and genetic variations has also been examined among populations from cruciferous crops and weeds in Japan. The result implies an interesting genetic relationship among Williams’ races, among pathotypes determined using CR cultivars of Chinese cabbage and among populations from crops and C. flexuosa. This review includes an introduction of the status of studies on pathogenic and genetic diversity in P. brassicae from Japan. 相似文献
M. B. Ponsen S. Henstra Christina van der Scheer 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1965,71(1):20-24
Electron micrographs show the presence of the polyhedral, the outer, and the inner membranes occurring in nuclear polyhedral bodies fromMalacosoma neustria, Barathra brassicae andAdoxophyes reticulana. The outer membranes appear to be composed of a central, bimolecular leaflet of lipids bounded on either side by carbohydrates and proteins. The polyhedral and inner membranes, however, seem to consist of protein only. The inner membranes are closely attached to the virus rods, and so are the polyhedral membranes to the polyhedral protein.Samenvatting De polyëdermembranen vanMalacosoma neustria, Barathra brassicae enAdoxophyes reticulana, alsmede de buitenste en binnenste membranen om de deeltjes van deze kernpolyëdervirussen, werden met de elektronenmicroscoop bestudeerd (fig. 1A-I, 2A-C). Om de polyëders te fixeren en ter verkrijging van bepaalde contrasten in ultra-dunne coupes werd van verschillende agentia gebruik gemaakt. Vergelijking van de verkregen foto's (fig. 2D-I, 3A-B) wijst uit, dat het buitenste membraan uit een bimoleculaire laag van lipiden bestaat, die aan beide zijden door koolhydraten en eiwitten zijn begrensd (fig. 4); de polyëdermembranen (fig. 3B) bestaan evenals de binnenste membranen echter uitsluitend uit eiwitten. De virusstaafjes en de polyëders zijn respectievelijk door het binnenste membraan en door het polyëdermembraan nauw omsloten. 相似文献