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The effects of organic versus conventional crop management practices (fertilisation, crop protection) and preceding crop on potato tuber yield (total, marketable, tuber size grade distribution) and quality (proportion of diseased, green and damaged tubers, tuber macro-nutrient concentrations) parameters were investigated over six years (2004–2009) as part of a long-term factorial field trial in North East England. Inter-year variability (the effects of weather and preceding crop) was observed to have a profound effect on yields and quality parameters, and this variability was greater in organic fertility systems. Total and marketable yields were significantly reduced by the use of both organic crop protection and fertility management. However, the yield gap between organic and conventional fertilisation regimes was greater and more variable than that between crop protection practices. This appears to be attributable mainly to lower and less predictable nitrogen supply in organically fertilised crops. Increased incidence of late blight in organic crop protection systems only occurred when conventional fertilisation was applied. In organically fertilised crops yield was significantly higher following grass/red clover leys than winter wheat, but there was no pre-crop effect in conventionally fertilised crops. The results highlight that nitrogen supply from organic fertilisers rather than inefficient pest and disease control may be the major limiting factor for yields in organic potato production systems.  相似文献   

Organic farming has become increasingly important in recent decades as the consumer has grown its focus on the food and environmental benefits of the technique. However, when compared to conventional farming systems, organic farm system are known to yield less.Presented in this paper are the results from two organic cropping systems following six years of organic management. Fertilisation management differentiated the two systems; one was fertilised with green manure and commercial organic fertilisers, while the other was fertilised with dairy manure. A conventional cropping system, managed with mineral fertiliser as typical in the southern Piemonte region (Italy), served as the bussiness as usual crop management. The first hypothesis tested related to crop yield variation during the initial phase of organic management; we expected a sharp reduction in the early phase, then minor reductions later on. The second hypothesis tested related to soil fertility variation; we expected enhanced soil fertility under organic management.Overall, the organic system produced less, relative to the conventional system in interaction with year effect. Yield reduction seemed related to the lower soil nutrient availability of organic fertilisers that provided nutrients consequent to mineralisation. Therefore, summer crops are well-suited to manure-fertilised organic farms as mineralisation happens at higher temperatures, as opposed to winter wheat, which is largely reduced in such systems. Commercial organic fertilisers can, however, limit this effect through their high nutrient availability in the winter and early springAlso shown was that soil quality, defined as a general decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) over time in the three analysed arable systems, can be mitigated by manure additions. Green manuring can maintain SOC and increase total N in soil, only if introduced for a sufficient number of years during crop rotation. Finally, soil fertility and Potential Mineralisable N in the different systems demonstrated that organic systems managed with commercial organic nitrogen fertilisers and green manure do not improve soil quality, compared to systems managed with mineral fertilisers.  相似文献   

The trend towards specialization in conventional farming led to large agricultural areas in Germany and in Europe lacking livestock. Also stockless organic farming has increased during recent years. In organic farming clover/grass-ley (CG) provides nitrogen (N) to the whole cropping system via symbiotic N2 fixation and also controls certain weeds. A common practice in organic farming, when ruminants are not present, is to leave the biomass from CG in the field for their residual fertility effect. CG biomass, crop residues (CR) and cover crops (CC) represent a large unexploited energy potential. It could be used by anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. A field experiment was carried out by implementing a whole cropping system with a typical crop rotation for such farming systems on the research station Gladbacherhof from 2002 to 2005. The crop rotation consisted of six crops (two legumes and four non-legume crops). The aim was to evaluate whether the use of N could be improved by processing biomass from CG, CR and CC in a biogas digester and using the effluents as a fertilizer, compared to common practice. In the control treatment, represented by the usual stockless system, the CG, CR and CC biomass were left on the ground for green manure purposes. In the biogas systems these substrates were harvested for digestion in a biogas plant. The effluents of digestion were used to manure the non-legumes in the same crop rotation. Results indicate that digestion of CG, CR and CC can increase the crop dry matter and N yields and the N content of wheat grains in organic stockless systems. Harvesting and digestion of residues and their reallocation after digestion resulted in a better and more even allocation of N within the whole crop rotation, in a higher N input via N2 fixation and lower N losses due to emissions and probably in a higher N availability of digested manures in comparison to the same amounts of undigested biomass.  相似文献   

Weeds often form a major problem in weakly competitive vegetable crops, particularly in low input systems. Undersown cover crops can be used to suppress weeds, but often put too high a competitive pressure on the main crop. Cover crop selection is one of the potential means that can be used to design or optimize these intercropping systems. The objective of the current research was to investigate the variability among a range of clover species in morphological and physiological traits that are considered relevant for interplant competition. To this purpose, field experiments with pure stands of eight clover species (2001) and a selection of three clover species (2002) were conducted, in which regular observations and periodic harvests were taken. Clear differences in the time in which full soil cover was obtained, total accumulated biomass, growth duration, height development and N-accumulation were observed. Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) and subterranean clover (T. subterraneum L.) were the two most contrasting species in this study, particularly differing in the period in which full soil cover was obtained. Persian clover's faster soil cover could not be attributed to a single trait, but resulted from a number of intrinsic characteristics, like light extinction coefficient, light use efficiency and specific leaf area that together determine the relative growth rate. The study also demonstrated the importance of differences in relative starting position, caused by, for instance, seed size, seeding rate and fraction establishment, for the analysis of early growth characteristics. Alsike clover (T. hybridum L.), berseem clover (T. alexandrinum L) and crimson clover (T. incarnatum L.) developed slower than Persian clover, but all produced a higher amount of accumulated dry matter, due to a longer growing period. Clear differences in height and height development between species were observed. These differences were not associated with dry matter accumulation, as the tallest (red clover; 80 cm) and the shortest species (subterranean clover; 12 cm) produced similar amounts of dry matter. A strong positive correlation between early soil cover development and N-accumulation was observed. The large variability among clover species indicates that species selection is a very important aspect of the development of cropping systems that include clover as a cover crop.  相似文献   

Undersown cover crop species introduced for weed management purposes should ideally combine adequate weed suppression with only marginal negative competitive effects on the main crop. The aim of this research was to identify the growth characteristics of clover species that determine weed suppressive ability and competitive ability against the main crop. In addition, the variation in these characteristics among clover species was determined, to identify whether species selection is an important component of the optimization of living mulch systems.In 2001, a field experiment was conducted in which weed suppression and competitive ability against leek of eight clover types was determined. Based on the results, three contrasting clover types were selected and their weed suppressive ability was further investigated in a field experiment conducted in 2002. Results of both experiments were related to growth characteristics that were simultaneously determined and described in a previous paper.Correlation analysis showed that the competitive effect of clover on transplanted leek was strongly correlated with maximum canopy height, indicating that yield reduction was mainly caused by competition for light. Subterranean clover, being the shortest species, gave inadequate weed suppression, whereas all other species were found to provide at least reasonable weed suppression. Subterranean clover reduced individual leek plant dry weight more strongly (60%) than expected based on its canopy height. Indications were found that this clover species was hindering the uptake of nitrogen by leek. Clover species with superior weed suppression, like Persian clover, red clover, alsike clover, berseem clover and crimson clover also gave the strongest negative effect on dry matter accumulation of leek (reductions between 70% and 90%). White clover was found to give the best compromise between adequate weed suppression and mild yield reduction, though also with this species reduction in leek plant dry weight was still 60%. It was concluded that for optimization of systems that introduce clover species as a weed suppressing cover crop species selection is important element, though additional management to restrict the competitive effect on the main crop remains a requirement.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration, recently advocated to mitigate climate change, needs a thorough knowledge of the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC), whose study requires long-term experiments. A field trial started in 1967 is still in progress in the Southeast Po valley (Italy). It compares a 9-year rotation (corn–wheat–corn–wheat–corn–wheat–alfalfa–alfalfa–alfalfa), two 2-year successions (corn–wheat and sugarbeet–wheat), continuous corn and continuous wheat. During the first 18 years (up to 1984) wheat crops were always followed by catch crops of silage corn. Within each rotation, three rates of cattle manure have been factorially combined with three mineral NP rates. In 1984 the highest manure application was stopped. Wheat straw and corn stalks have always been removed from the field. Since 1972 up to now every year we have determined the organic C and total N contents in soil samples collected from 0.40-m depth. During the first 18 years (in the presence of the catch crop) SOC exponentially declined, probably as a consequence of the intensification of tillage depth and crop succession with respect to the previous conventional agriculture. The intensification regarded ploughing, which became deeper, the number of cropped species that in most treatments was reduced, and mineral N application, which, on average, increased. The drop was faster in the sugarbeet–wheat succession than in the 9-yr rotation and continuous wheat. After 1985, without the catch crop, SOC linearly increased, faster in the 9-yr rotation and continuous wheat than in sugarbeet–wheat. The results can be ascribed to the amount and C/N ratio of debris remaining in the field after each crop, even after having taken away wheat straw and corn stalks. The debris consisted of sugarbeet tops, with a low C/N ratio, and of roots and basal culms of the two cereal crops with higher C/N ratio. Mineral fertilizers significantly increased SOC, probably for the greater amount of cereal roots and sugarbeet tops in more fertilized plots. The influence of manure was less intense, but its benefits lasted longer than 18 years after its interruption. Soil N content was more related to accumulated organic matter than to mineral N fertilisation. In conclusion the highest C sequestration was obtained with manure addition, with the highest rate of mineral fertilizers, and in the rotation containing the alfalfa ley. The effects of these factors were not additive.  相似文献   

The performance of winter wheat was evaluated under organic (ORG) and conventional (CON) management systems in the Nafferton Factorial Systems Comparison (NFSC) long-term field trial. The present study separates out the crop protection and fertility management components of organic and conventional production systems using two levels each of crop protection (CP) and fertility management (FM). The experimental design provided the four combinations of crop protection and fertility (CON-CP CON-FM, CON-CP ORG-FM, ORG-CP CON-FM and ORG-CP ORG-FM) to evaluate their effects on yield, quality (protein content and hectolitre weight) and disease levels during the period 2004–2008. The conventional management system (CON-CP CON-FM) out-yielded the organic management system (ORG-CP ORG-FM) in all years by an average of 3.1 t ha−1, i.e. 7.9 t ha−1 vs. 4.8 t ha−1. Fertility management was the key factor identified limiting both yield and grain protein content in the ORG management system. The CON-FM produced on average a 3% higher protein content than ORG-FM in all years (12.5% vs. 9.7%). However the ORG-CP system produced higher protein levels than CON-CP although it was only in 2008 that this was statistically significant. In contrast to protein content it was ORG-FM which produced a higher hectolitre weight than the CON-FM system (71.6 kg hl−1 vs. 71.0 kg hl−1). The clear and significant differences in yield and protein content between the ORG-FM and CON-FM systems suggest a limited supply of available N in the organic fertility management system which is also supported by the significant interaction effect of the preceding crop on protein content. The pRDA showed that although fertilisation had the greatest effect on yield, quality and disease there was also a considerable effect of crop protection and the environment.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF) by legumes in organic cropping systems has been perceived as a strategy to substitute N import from conventional sources. However, the N contribution by legumes varies considerably depending on legumes species, as well as local soil and climatic conditions. There is a lack of knowledge on whether the N contribution of legumes estimated using short-term experiments reflects the long-term effects in organic systems varying in fertility building measures. There is also limited information on how fertilizer management practices in organic crop rotations affect BNF of legumes. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate BNF in long-term experiments with a range of organic and conventional arable crop rotations at three sites in Denmark varying in climate and soils (coarse sand, loamy sand and sandy loam) and to identify possible causes of differences in the amount of BNF. The experiment included 4-year crop rotations with three treatment factors in a factorial design: (i) rotations, i.e. organic with a year of grass-clover (OGC), organic with a year of grain legumes (OGL), and conventional with a year of grain legumes (CGL), (ii) with (+CC) and without (−CC) cover crops, and (iii) with (+M) and without (−M) animal manure in OGC and OGL, and with (+F) mineral fertilizer in CGL. Cover crops consisted of a mixture of perennial ryegrass and clover (at the sites with coarse sand and sandy loam soils) or winter rye, fodder radish and vetch (at the site with loamy sand soil) in OGC and OGL, and only perennial ryegrass in CGL at all sites. The BNF was measured using the N difference method. The proportion of N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in aboveground biomass of clover grown for an entire year in a mixture with perennial ryegrass and harvested three times during the growing season in OGC was close to 100% at all three sites. The Ndfa of grain legumes in both OGL and CGL rotations ranged between 61% and 95% depending on location with mostly no significant difference in Ndfa between treatments. Cover crops had more than 92% Ndfa at all sites. The total BNF per rotation cycle was higher in OGC than in OGL and CGL, mostly irrespective of manure/fertilizer or cover crop treatments. There was no significant difference in total BNF between OGL and CGL rotations, but large differences were observed between sites. The lowest cumulated BNF by all the legume species over the 4-year rotation cycle was obtained at the location with sandy loam soil, i.e. 224–244, 96–128, and 144–156 kg N ha−1 in OGC, OGL and CGL, respectively, whereas it was higher at the locations with coarse sand and loamy sand soil, i.e. 320–376, 168–264, and 200–220 kg N ha−1 in OGC, OGL and CGL, respectively. The study shows that legumes in organic crop rotations can maintain N2 fixation without being significantly affected by long-term fertilizer regimes or fertility building measures.  相似文献   

Seedling root and shoot growth in hydroponics and allelopathic activity using a bioassay have been studied in very diverse populations of winter wheat grown under either organic or conventional conditions for a number of generations and subjected only to natural selection. The study was conducted on seeds from generation 6 (F6) and 11 (F11) from three composite cross populations (CCPs) produced by the Organic Research Centre in the UK. Since the F5 the populations were maintained under organic and conventional conditions in Germany. Two parallel populations were created from each CC, resulting in a total of six organic and six conventional CCPs. The sets of parallel populations showed similar evolutionary trends indicating that the observed changes are related to differences in management rather than chance. Seedling root length and seedling root and shoot weight in the F11 of the organically-managed CCPs were significantly greater than in the organic F6 CCPs. In the conventionally-managed CCPs no such differences were observed. Both organic and conventional CCPs produced for quality showed higher early root and shoot growth than those produced for yield pointing to genetic differences among population types and highlighting the importance of early vigour for NUE. There were no significant differences in the allelopathic activity of the populations and between generations. The Shannon-Weaver diversity indices were similar for the studied traits in organic and conventional CCPs and hence no major changes in diversity had occurred between F6 to F11. As changes in plant height were small and weed pressure in the fields low it is concluded that the observed differences are more related to NUE, rather than intra-specific competition for light or the direct effect of increased weed pressure in the organic system.  相似文献   

Summary Since resource competition plays a critical role in many plant invasions, controlling invasive vegetation may require managing the supply of limiting resources. For example, lowering light availability with a cover crop might prevent invasions during community establishment in light-limited restored ecosystems. However, most cover crops evaluated for invasive species control either do not adequately suppress invasives or equally suppress desired species. To improve our ability to predict cover crop effectiveness, we use a theoretical model of plant competition to identify potential mechanisms by which cover crops might favor desired species over invasives. In addition, we consider the model's implications for controlling an invasive forage, Phalaris arundinacea, in restored sedge meadows. The model suggests that cover crops will improve the outcome of competition between desired and invasive species only when (1) desired species have lower minimum light requirements than invasive species and (2) invasive species dominance results from rapid establishment and resource preemption. Cover crops in the model favor desired species over faster-growing invasives because faster-growing invasives are positioned higher in the canopy. Invasive species higher in the canopy shade desired species more than desired species shade invasives. Consequently, by reducing invasive species biomass, cover crops give desired species a competitive advantage. The simple requirements for cover crop success in the model suggest that cover crops may be effective for invasive species control in light-limited restored ecosystems. The available information on P. arundinacea responses to shade suggests, however, that cover crops are unlikely to favor sedge meadow species over P. arundinacea.  相似文献   

Soil management systems may negatively affect the quality of the soil. Policymakers and farmers need scientific information to make appropriate land management decisions. Conventional (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) are two common soil management systems. Comparative field studies under controlled conditions are required to determine the impact of these systems on soil quality and yields. The research presented studied plant and soil physical and chemical characteristics as affected by different agricultural management practices, i.e. ZT and CT, cropped with continuous wheat or maize in monoculture (M) or in a yearly rotation (R) of these two crops, either with residue retention (+r) or without residues retention (?r), in an experimental field in the Transvolcanic Belt of Mexico after 14 years. The dominant factors defining soil quality were organic C, total N, moisture, aggregate stability, mechanical resistance, pH and EC. The principal component combining the variables organic C, total N, aggregate stability and moisture content showed the highest correlations with final yield (R = 0.85 for wheat and 0.87 for maize).After 14 years of continuous practice, ZTM + r and ZTR + r had the best soil quality and produced the highest wheat and maize yields of average 2001–2004 (6683 and 7672 kg ha?1 and 5085 and 5667 kg ha?1, respectively). Removing the residues, i.e. treatments ZTM ? r with maize (average 2001–2004: 1388 kg ha?1) and ZTR ? r and CTR ? r with wheat (average 2001–2004: 3949 and 5121 kg ha?1), gave the lowest yields and less favourable soil physical and chemical characteristics compared to the other practices. It was found that zero tillage with residue retention is a feasible management technology for farmers producing maize and wheat in the agro-ecological zone studied, resulting in a better soil quality and higher yields than with the conventional farmer practice (maize monoculture, conventional tillage and residue removal).  相似文献   

The arable fields in central Spain have been dominated by cereal production, especially winter wheat. In this area, the defined action of weed management program requires a clear understanding of the factors and mechanisms conditioning weed community dynamics in agro systems. This study evaluated the effects of different agricultural management systems on the abundance and diversity of weed communities in winter wheat crops.Weed density and composition of weed species were sampled over four years; comparing monoculture wheat and rotational wheat in three agricultural management systems: (1) direct drilling (no-tillage, NT); (2) chisel ploughing (minimum tillage 15 cm depth, MT) and (3) mouldboard ploughing (traditional tillage 20 cm depth, CT). With the aim to be able to improve weed management in agro systems with semiarid environments; within each of the agricultural management systems, we examined the impact of mineral fertilization (traditional and balanced) as a tool for reducing the external inputs in arable cereals.Weed diversity was assessed using the three common diversity indices: Shannon's index, evenness index and species richness. The data collected showed total weed density was different per tillage system and each year of the study, but we did not find significant differences between crop systems over the study.The abundance, diversity and evenness of the weed community in the arable field, were significantly increased in NT systems. Within the direct drilling (NT) plots, rotational wheat showed the highest levels of weed infestation and diversity. Comparing traditional and balanced mineral fertilization of soil did not reveal a significant effect on weed abundance and diversity observed in field.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, peas (Pisum sativum L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) were grown as sole crops and intercrops, fertilized with horse manure and yard-waste compost derived from shrub and garden cuttings at 10 t C ha−1 each. The objectives were to compare the effects of these organic fertilizer and cropping system in organic farming on (a) yield of peas and oats, grown as the sole crop or intercropped, as well as N2 fixation and photosynthetic rates, (b) the yield of wheat as a succeeding crop, (c) microbial biomass indices in soil and roots, and (d) microbial activity estimated by the CO2 evolution rate in the field and the amount of organic fertilizers, recovered as particulate organic matter (POM). In general, organic fertilizer application improved nodule dry weight (DW), photosynthetic rates, N2 fixation, and N accumulation of peas as well as N concentration in oat grain. Averaged across fertilizer treatments, pea/oat intercropping significantly decreased nodule DW, N2 fixation and photosynthetic rate of peas by 14, 17, and 12%, respectively, and significantly increased the photosynthetic rate of oats by 20%. However, the land equivalent ratio (LER) of intercropped peas and oats exceeded 1.0, indicating a yield advantage over sole cropping. Soil microbial biomass was positively correlated with pea dry matter yields both in sole and intercropped systems. Organic fertilizers increased the contents of microbial biomass C, N, P, and fungal ergosterol in soil and CO2 production, whereas the cropping system had no effects on these microbial indices. According to the organic fertilizer recovered as POM, 70% (manure) and 64% (compost) of added C were decomposed, but only 39% (manure) and 13% (compost) could be attributed to CO2–C during a 101-day period. This indicated that horse manure was more readily available to soil microorganisms than compost, leading to increased grain yields of the succeeding winter wheat.  相似文献   

Deployment of diversity at the species and at the genetic levels can improve the ability of crops to withstand a wide range of biotic and abiotic stressors in organic and low-input cropping systems, where the response to stresses through external input is limited or restricted in comparison with conventional systems. Although there are several strategies to use agrobiodiversity in wheat-based systems, their implementation is limited by the lack of a clear relationship between agrobiodiversity and provision of key agroecosystem services. In a three-year field trial in Central Italy we compared common wheat Italian and Hungarian pure lines, Italian old cultivars and Hungarian and British Composite Cross Populations (CCPs), grown with or without a contemporarily sown Subterranean clover living mulch. We aimed at linking crop performance, in terms of yield, weed reduction and disease susceptibility, to three categories of functional diversity: (1) functional identity, represented by the identifying traits of cultivars, (2) functional diversity, represented by the genetic heterogeneity of wheat crop population, and (3) functional composition, represented by the co-presence of wheat and the living mulch.Concerning cultivars, effects of functional identity were predominant for weed reduction and grain yield. Old cultivars tended to better suppress weeds but to be less yielding. Italian cultivars were more advantaged than cultivars of foreign origin, thanks to a better matching of their growth cycle into local climate. Functional diversity effects on yield and weed reduction were confounded with identity effects, given that all the CCPs were of foreign origin. In fact, the performance of CCPs was generally aligned with a central-European pure line. However, differences in yield components suggest that CCPs can evolve peculiar yield formation strategies. Moreover, CCPs were less susceptible than pure lines to foliar diseases. For functional composition, the living mulch was able to reduce dicotyledonous weed abundance and weed biomass without reducing wheat yield unless wheat was poorly established. Despite the strong morphological and phenological differences among the tested cultivars, no interactions were found between cultivar and living mulch presence, suggesting that, in conditions similar to our experiments, there is room to freely combine elements of crop diversity. Crop diversification strategies in wheat should be further explored and optimized, especially by constituting CCPs from locally adapted germplasms and by improving the feasibility and efficacy of legume living mulches.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同有机肥替代率对黄河流域棉株生物量、养分积累、产量、氮磷比及土壤肥力的影响,试图探索出有机肥替代化肥的适宜替代率,为有机肥、无机肥在黄河流域棉田合理施用提供参考依据。【方法】试验始于2016年,在中国农业科学院棉花研究所试验基地设置6个施肥处理:T1:不施肥,T2:100%化肥,T3:20%有机肥+80%化肥,T4:40%有机肥+60%化肥,T5:50%有机肥+50%化肥,T6:100%有机肥。经3年施肥后,2018年进行田间取样,分析不同施肥处理对棉花生物量、养分积累、产量、氮磷比及土壤肥力的影响。【结果】(1)有机肥替代50%化肥处理提高棉株生物量、养分积累和籽棉产量。(2)与单施化肥处理相比,施用有机肥处理土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、碱解氮含量均有增高趋势,全部施有机肥显著增加土壤速效磷含量。(3)棉株全氮、全磷积累量与棉株生物量呈极显著正相关,棉株根、茎氮磷比与籽棉产量呈极显著负相关。【结论】有机肥替代部分化肥能减少化肥用量,连续应用有机肥替代部分化肥具有增加土壤肥力的趋势;有机肥替代50%化肥处理能增加棉花生物量、养分积累量,提高籽棉产量,替代效果最好。  相似文献   

The environmental impact of crop production is mainly related to fossil fuels consumption and to fertilisers application. Emissions arising from the spreading of organic and mineral fertilisers are important contributors for impact categories such as eutrophication and acidification. The choice of the fertilisers and of the spreading techniques as well as the crop residues management can deeply affect the environmental impact related to crop cultivation.In this study, seven scenarios describing fertilising schemes characterised by different organic and mineral fertilisers and by different mechanisation were compared. The aim is to evaluate, using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, how the environmental performances of grain maize production were affected by these different fertilisers schemes. The study was carried out considering a cradle to farm gate perspective and 1 t grain maize was selected as functional unit. Inventory data were collected on a farm located in Po Valley (Northern Italy) during year 2013 and were processed using the composite method recommended by the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD). The compared scenarios involved organic and mineral fertiliser distribution and were: pig slurry incorporation after >3 days after spreading (BS), fast pig slurry incorporation within 2 h from spreading (AS1), direct soil injection of pig slurry (AS2), pig slurry incorporation (after >3 days) with straw collection (AS3), digestate spreading instead of pig slurry (after >3 days) (AS4), only mineral fertilisers (i.e. urea and superphosphate) distribution (AS5) and only mineral fertilisers (i.e. calcium ammonium nitrate and superphosphate) distribution (AS6).The results were not univocal, since climate and soil conditions as well as physical and chemical fertiliser characteristics differently affected the environmental load, especially for particulate matter formation, terrestrial acidification and terrestrial eutrophication impact categories. AS1 and AS2 showed the most beneficial results for these impact categories (between ↙67% and ↙73% respect to worst scenario). AS6, on the opposite, showed the highest environmental impact for those impact categories mainly affected by energy and fossil fuel consumption (climate change, ozone depletion, human toxicity with carcinogenic effect, particulate matter, freshwater eutrophication, freshwater ecotoxicity and mineral, fossil and renewable resources depletion), categories on which AS3 and AS4 were the best solutions. AS3 was the most impacting for terrestrial acidification and eutrophicationA sensitivity analysis was carried out varying grain maize yield (mostly affected: marine eutrophication) and ammonia volatilisation losses due to organic fertilisers (mainly affected: terrestrial acidification and eutrophication).The achieved results can be useful for the development of ⬓spreading rules⬽ that drive the application of organic fertilisers in agricultural areas where there is an intense livestock activity.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) availability related to fertilizer type, catch crop management, and rotation composition on cereal yield and grain N were investigated in four organic and one conventional cropping systems in Denmark using the FASSET model. The four-year rotation studied was: spring barley–(faba bean or grass-clover)–potato–winter wheat. Experiments were done at three locations representative of the different soil types and climatic conditions in Denmark. The three organic systems that included faba bean as the N fixing crop comprised a system with manure (stored pig slurry) and undersowing catch crops (OF + C + M), a system with manure but without undersowing catch crops (OF ? C + M), and a system without manure and with catch crops (OF + C ? M). A grass-clover green manure was used as N fixing crop in the other organic system with catch crops (OG + C + M). Cuttings of grass-clover were removed from the plots and an equivalent amount of total-N in pig slurry was applied to the cropping system. The conventional rotation included mineral fertilizer and catch crops (CF + C + F), although only non-legume catch crops were used. Measurements of cereal dry matter (DM) at harvest and of grain N contents were done in all plots. On average the FASSET model was able to predict the yield and grain N of cereals with a reasonable accuracy for the range of cropping systems and soil types studied, having a particularly good performance on winter wheat. Cereal yields were better on the more loamy soil. DM yield and grain N content were mainly influenced by the type and amount of fertilizer-N at all three locations. Although a catch crop benefit in terms of yield and grain N was observed in most of the cases, a limited N availability affected the cereal production in the four organic systems. Scenario analyses conducted with the FASSET model indicated the possibility of increasing N fertilization without significantly affecting N leaching if there is an adequate catch crop management. This would also improve yields of cereal production of organic farming in Denmark.  相似文献   

Biophysical models to simulate crop yield are increasingly applied in regional climate impact assessments. When performing large-area simulations, there is often a paucity of data to spatially represent changes in genotype (G) and management (M) across different environments (E). The importance of this uncertainty source in simulation results is currently unclear. In this study, we used a variance-based sensitivity analysis to quantify the relative contribution of maize hybrid (i.e. G) and sowing date (i.e. M) to the variability in biomass yield (YT, total above-ground biomass) and harvest index (HI, fraction of grain in total yield) of irrigated silage maize, across the extent of arable lands in New Zealand (i.e. E). Using a locally calibrated crop model (APSIM-maize), 25 G x M scenarios were simulated at a 5 arc minute resolution (∼5 km grid cell) using 30 years of historical weather data. Our results indicate that the impact of limited knowledge on G and M parameters depends on E and differs between model outputs. Specifically, the sensitivity of YT and HI to genotype and sowing date combinations showed different patterns across locations. The absolute impact of G and M factors was consistently greater in the colder southern regions of New Zealand. However, the relative share of total variability explained by each factor, the sensitivity index (Si), showed distinct spatial patterns for the two output variables. The YT was more sensitive than HI in the warmer northern regions where absolute variability was the smallest. These patterns were characterised by a systematic response of Si to environmental drivers. For example, the sensitivity of YT and HI to hybrid maturity consistently increased with temperature. For the irrigated conditions assumed in our study, inter-annual weather conditions explained a higher share of total variability in the southern colder regions. Our results suggest that the development of methods and datasets to more accurately represent spatio-temporal G and M variability can reduce uncertainty in regional modelling assessments at different degrees, depending on prevailing environmental conditions and the output variable of interest.  相似文献   

Grain legumes contribute significantly to total world food production. Legumes are the primary source of dietary proteins in many developing countries, where protein hunger and malnutrition are widespread. Grain legumes germplasm constitute ~15% of the 7.4 M accessions preserved globally. Nearly, 78% of the CGIAR??s, 0.217 M accessions, have been characterized, compared to 34% of national genebank collections. Interestingly, limited data on grain quality are available as the primary focus has been on morpho-agronomic traits. Clearly, more resources should be targeted on biochemical evaluation to identify nutritionally rich and genetically diverse germplasm. The formation of core and mini core collections has provided crop breeders with a systematic yet manageable entry point into global germplasm resources. These subsets have been reported for most legumes and have proved useful in identifying new sources of variation. They may however not eliminate the need to evaluate entire collections, particularly for very rare traits. Molecular characterization and association mapping will further aid to insights into the structure of legume diversity and facilitate greater use of collections. The use of high resolution elevational climate models has greatly improved our capacity to characterize plant habitats and species?? adaptive responses to stresses. Evidence suggests that there has been increased use of wild relatives as well as new resources resulting from mutagenesis to enhance the genetic base of legume cultigens.  相似文献   

1949年以来,按照国家农业部(农业农村部)的安排部署,全国农作物种质资源普查与征集共进行了3次。陕西省铜川市耀州区分别于1956年、1981年、2019年对全县(区)农作物种质资源进行了专题调查和普查。通过对耀州区(县)农作物种质资源普查结果的科学分析、研判,指出存在的困难和问题,对全区具有优异潜质的农作物品种资源提出保护与利用的建议。  相似文献   

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