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卫红亮 《中国饲料》2021,(5):104-107
我国饲料行业已从发展的快速增长期步入成熟期。当前,饲料企业数量众多,分布广泛,但不少饲料企业规模较小,市场竞争力弱,急需进行转型升级。由于中小饲料企业信用评级低,经营风险大,且资产抵押物少,导致企业融资渠道较为狭窄,融资成本高。融资难的问题已经成为了制约饲料企业发展、扩大企业规模、提升企业技术水平的瓶颈。金融管理作为提升企业管理水平、优化金融管理的重要手段,对帮助或解决中小饲料企业融资难有一定的效果。因此,本文以中小饲料企业融资难问题为切入点,通过分析金融管理对融资难的影响,归纳总结出当前中小饲料企业金融管理的问题和解决对策,为饲料行业转型升级提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Mash feed preparation is the widely practiced method of preparing and presenting feed to laying hens in the egg industry due to its economics, flexibility, and simplicity. However, this form of feed presents a wide range of particle sizes that are likely to segregate (i.e., large particles may separate from the small particles during feed delivery through either auger or drag-chain delivery systems). Two predominant segregation patterns were observed, including sieving and side-to-side segregation, during feed delivery. These segregation patterns promoted ingredient selection activities by the hens (mainly larger particles) that modified the nutrients in the feed and influenced the hens’ ability to meet their daily nutrient requirements. This observation was quantified through a systematic study of the relationship of feed nutrients, feed particle size distribution, and hen performance, including BW and egg quality analysis. To minimize the feed segregation effect on hen performance and egg quality, 3 recommendations are proposed to improve feed fabrication and the feed delivery system.  相似文献   

文湘  梁力军 《中国饲料》2021,(4):124-127
饲料行业作为养殖行业的供给产业,对水产养殖、畜牧养殖、禽类养殖等养殖产业有着重要影响。饲料品质直接决定养殖业的发展态势,养殖业和饲料业二者之间互为供求关系。但随着全球金融风暴的影响,经济环境紧张,全球范围内对畜牧产品及其孳息产品的消费能力降低,畜牧业的发展态势也随之有所减缓,对饲料产品需求的减少直接影响饲料业的平稳运行,饲料产品又受到自身对运输条件要求高、存放周期短的特点的影响,产能过剩的饲料面临着滞销的尴尬境地,周转资金停滞将给中小型饲料企业带来沉重打击。生态饲料作为新型饲料产品,相对于普通饲料,在成本、环保方面等有着诸多优势,本文研究探讨了受金融风暴影响下,生态饲料如何发挥自身优势,获得平稳良好的发展。  相似文献   

银合欢、木薯饲料的研发及应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着畜牧业的蓬勃发展,畜禽及水产饲料产量逐年增长,致使饲料原料短缺,除蛋白质饲料不足外,能量饲料不足的问题也越来越严重,开发廉价的饲料资源替代部分玉米和大豆等能量与蛋白质原料势在必行。银合欢和木薯因其自身的优势在饲料应用上有着巨大的潜力,但也存在不少缺陷,再加上对其饲料研发技术不够成熟,目前仍不能很好的发挥其作用。作者针对其良好应用效果、饲料应用潜力及研发技术处理作一简述,为研究利用中国热带地区产量高、营养丰富的银合欢和木薯提供一定的参考,有望作为替代部分玉米和大豆等能量与蛋白质的重要原料。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to develop a model for the prediction of dry matter intake by lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows. To estimate the model parameters, a calibration dataset was compiled with the data from 32 feeding experiments conducted at 9 different sites. The database contained weekly information on 1507 lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows regarding their diet composition and feed analysis, together with their individual voluntary feed intake, milk yield (MY), milk composition, parity, days in lactation and days pregnant.Dry matter intake was predicted from feed and animal characteristics. The feed chemical composition and digestibility can be related to feed degradation, bulk volume, intake rate, palatability and other factors influencing feed intake. Therefore, the data of standard feed analysis were used to estimate the satiety value of numerous commonly used feeds and forages. The satiety value is the measure of the extent to which a feed limits intake. The cows' ability to process the intake-limiting satiety value-units is expressed as the feed intake capacity, which is predicted from parity, days in milk and days of pregnancy which are indicators of the size and physiological state of the cow. This study shows that feed intake can be predicted using a limited number of easy-to-measure inputs that are available on commercial farms, yet reasonably biologically sound. Because the model inputs are not related to animal output (milk yield or body weight), future extension of the intake model with models for the prediction of animal performance is possible.  相似文献   

抗生素等抗菌药物作为饲料添加剂在动物饲料中使用,促进动物生长及预防某些疾病,对饲料工业及畜牧业的发展做出了很大的贡献。但抗生素的使用也引发了许多严重的食品安全问题和环境污染,而已有的一些抗生素替代物效果不够确实和稳定,目前在我国的饲料生产中还是在大量的使用抗生素饲料添加剂。科学地认识和对待饲用抗生素,正视并重视抗生素的安全性问题,正确引导、规范和合理使用抗生素饲料添加剂是实现畜牧业健康发展的重要支撑。  相似文献   

Use of feed antibiotics as growth promoters for control of pathogens associated with monogastric food animal morbidity and mortality has contributed to the development of antimicrobial resistance, which has now become a threat to public health on a global scale. Presently, a number of alternative feed additives have been developed and are divided into two major categories, including 1) the ones that are supposed to directly and indirectly control pathogenic bacterial proliferation; and 2) the other ones that are intended to up-regulate host gut mucosal trophic growth, whole body growth performance and active immunity. A thorough review of literature reports reveal that efficacy responses of current alternative feed additives in replacing feed antibiotics to improve performances and gut health are generally inconsistent dependent upon experimental conditions. Current alternative feed additives typically have no direct detoxification effects on endotoxin lipopolysaccharides(LPS) and this is likely the major reason that their effects are limited. It is now understood that pathogenic bacteria mediate their negative effects largely through LPS interactions with toll-like receptor 4, causing immune responses and infectious diseases. Therefore, disruptive biological strategies and a novel and new generation of feed additives need to be developed to replace feed antibiotic growth promoters and to directly and effectively detoxify the endotoxin LPS and improve gut health and performance in monogastric food animals.  相似文献   

王卫国 《饲料工业》2012,33(11):1-7
文章综述了美国、欧盟和中国的饲料管理的主要法律、法规、指令、指南等。美国、欧盟的饲料管理法规建设历史长、系统、完整、科学、可操作性强。我国饲料管理法规建设发展相对较晚,发展很快,需要借鉴美、欧的经验。饲料法规的发展趋势是更为科学、系统、操作简便、高效率,有利于保护食品安全、动物安全与福利、有利于建立公平、和谐的法制环境,促进饲料工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conduced to quantify the potential negative effect of fine particles (<0.5 mm diameter) in the feed on fast- and slow-growing broiler growth performance. In the first experiment, chickens were fed mash or pellets of 2.5 and 4 mm diameter between 15 and 35 d of age. During this period, fast-growing broiler fed pelleted feed had a 19% higher final BW, a 12% higher feed intake, and a 12% lower (improved) feed conversion ratio than those fed mash. Feed form had no significant effect on feed intake, BW gain, or final BW of slow-growing chickens. Feed conversion ratio, however, was 6% lower with pellet than mash. In the second and the third experiments, fast and slow-growing chickens weighed 1.2 kg at the beginning of the experiment. In the second experiment, the effects of a transition from pelleted feed to mash or a mixture between the 2 feed forms on the short-term feed intake and growth was investigated. After the transition from pellet to mash or the mixture, both fast- and slow-growing chickens adapted their feed intake in less than 10 min. The mixture between mash and pellets led to a 25% higher feed intake and an 18% lower feed conversion ratio for fast-growing chickens. There was no significant difference between mash and the mixture on slow-growing feed intake, but feed conversion ratio was 9% lower. In the third experiment, the effect of fine particles concentration in the feed on short-term growth response was measured. Increase in the concentration of fine particles in the feed linearly reduced feed intake and BW gain of both fast- and slow-growing chickens. However, the slope was 5 times greater for fast-growing chickens than for slow-growing chickens. These 3 experiments showed that fast-growing chickens are more sensitive to feed form than slow-growing chickens. Therefore, physical form of the feed can be a major limiting factor of performance.  相似文献   

石韵 《中国饲料》2020,(2):111-113
本文通过选取河北省、辽宁省两地,以生猪养殖户为例对饲料质量的选择情况展开调研,通过养殖户对饲料质量的总体需求情况、不同养殖规模两视角,对养殖户的经济现状进行分析。调研结果表明:两地区的养殖户饲料粮使用占比较高,工业饲料占比较少,农副产品使用情况存在较大差异,主要受养殖规模、饲料价格及经济情况影响。因此,饲料质量选择在一定程度上受养殖户经济状况影响,而选择优质放心的饲料是每个养殖户提高经济收益的关键。  相似文献   

丁波莉 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):89-92
我国饲料行业起步于1970年左右,经过40、50年左右的飞速发展,在饲料产量上位居全球第一,远超其他国家。饲料行业逐步发展成熟,离不开各地饲料企业的发展。目前全国饲料企业的数量早已突破万家,行业竞争加剧,利率水平却有所下降,不少饲料企业正面临着产业升级、技术提升、人才布局等发展的关键节点。我国饲料企业的经济发展现状将影响当下以及未来我国饲料行业的国际竞争力。因此,本文以饲料企业经济发展现状为切入点,系统梳理了当前饲料企业经济发展的历程及影响因素,找准饲料企业经济发展的关键因素,并通过大量研究了解当前饲料企业面临的发展难题和困境,并针对性的提出解决措施和建议,为我国饲料企业经济发展转型提供建议和指导。 [关键词]饲料企业|经济发展|现状  相似文献   

调控猪各个阶段的采食量是动物营养研究的热点问题。风味剂主要有香味剂、甜味剂、鲜味剂,可以改善饲粮的适口性,提高猪对饲粮的喜爱程度,也可以缓解因环境变化、饲料原料改变等应激反应导致的采食量下降。猪的嗅觉系统特别发达,灵敏度很高,味觉也要比人类敏感,因此在饲粮中添加风味剂主要通过刺激猪的嗅觉和味觉来使摄食中枢兴奋,进而促进猪采食。本文综述了饲粮中添加风味剂对猪采食量的影响及其作用机理,为相关试验提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Background: The feed conversion ratio(FCR) and residual feed intake(RFI) are common indexes in measuring feed efficiency for livestock. RFI is a feed intake adjusted for requirements for maintenance and production so these two traits are related. Similarly, FCR is related to feed intake and weight gain because it is their ratio. Cholecystokinin type A receptor(CCKAR) plays an important role in animal digestive process. We examined the interplay of these three parameters in a local Chinese chicken population.Results: The feed intake(FI) and body weights(BW) of 1,841 individuals were monitored on a daily basis from 56 to 105 d of age. There was a strong correlation between RFI and average daily feed intake(ADFI) and a negative correlation between the FCR and daily gain(r_g=-0.710). Furthermore, we identified 51 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) in the CCKAR and 4 of these resulted in amino acid mutations. The C334A mutation was specifically associated with FI and the expected feed intake(EFI)(P 0.01) and significantly associated with the average daily gain(ADG)(P 0.05). G1290A was significantly associated with FI and EFI(P 0.05).Conclusion: FCR is apply to weight selecting, and RFI is more appropriate if the breeding focus is feed intake. And C334A and G1290A of the CCKAR gene can be deemed as candidate markers for feed intake and weight gain.  相似文献   

Intestinal dysfermentation with diarrhea, tympania and accidental cases of sudden death in the pig after liquid feeding of components highly fermentable. 6 cases of the veterinary feeding advisement of the Institute of animal nutrition are presented, which can be described with the complex of symptoms: diarrhea, bloat, sudden death. These are related to feeding technique, feed composition and hygienic quality of the feed. All techniques of feeding, causing abundant feed intake and thus an exceeding of the digestive capacity of the gut are a predisposition for fermentative disturbances. A high level of feed hygiene can only be maintained in liquid feeding systems by high efforts concerning cleaning. A reduced hygienic feed quality in all present cases was apparent. All rations had a high content of easily fermentable components (sugar, partially enzymatically predigested starch). The clinical symptoms correspond to the well known "whey-syndrome". They are however not strictly correlated to rations with high whey contents. The prophylactic procedure especially concerns the improvement of the hygienic feed quality, the feeding technique and the addition of acids.  相似文献   

从20世纪70年代中期以来,中国饲料工业得到快速发展,然而在发展过程中,如下问题逐步凸显出来:饲料原料供应存在缺口;饲料质量安全问题依然突出;饲料工业科技创新能力不强,饲料产品国际竞争力较弱;饲料产品质量良莠不齐,市场竞争秩序较混乱;产业链整合与中小型饲料企业发展存在矛盾。在分析这些问题的基础上,本文提出了若干对策措施。  相似文献   

牛海燕 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):93-96
对饲料企业而言,人才逐渐成为企业发展的核心竞争力,但很多中小型饲料企业往往忽略了人力资源管理的重要性,所以本文从饲料企业人力资源管理的误区及对策入手,对饲料企业人力资源管理方面的现状及问题进行了分析,得出几条能提升饲料企业人力资源管理能力的对策建议。这些对策建议主要包括要加强企业管理层对人力资源管理的重视程度,建立专门的饲料企业人才库,提高专业技术人才在企业中的地位及建立完善的人力资源管理评价体系。这些举措对饲料企业人力资源管理有所助益,也是实现饲料企业长足发展的重要抓手。希望通过本文的研究,为饲料企业的人力资源管理提供一些思路和建议,使其能得到更加长远的进步和发展。 [关键词]饲料企业|人力资源管理|专业人才|管理误区  相似文献   

选用1日龄健康土杂肉鸡300只进行饲养试验,研究生姜、喹乙醇对0—60日龄土杂肉鸡采食量、日增重、饲料增重比及成活率的影响,以评定生姜作为中药饲料添加剂的价值。实验完全随机抽取300只小鸡分成3组,整个实验期间,洛加生姜组的日增重、饲料增重比和成活率均明显高于对照组(P<0.05);采食量差异不显著(P>0.05),但有高于对照组的趋势。添加生姜组与添加喹乙醇组相比较,采食量、日增重、饲料增重比、成活率均无显著差异(P>0.05),但饲料增重比略低于喹乙醇组。血清胆固醇含量以添加生姜组最低,总蛋白含量最高。综合各项指标,饲料中添加1%生姜效果最好,具有明显的增强食欲、提高土杂肉鸡采食量和饲料转化率,促进生长的作用。  相似文献   

我国家兔饲料的营养研究起步于上世纪80年代,经过近30年的研究,家兔饲料营养的相关研究取得了重大进展。随着养兔业的规模化发展,以玉米-豆粕型日粮为主的全价颗粒饲料被广泛的推广应用。但由于各方面原因导致饲料原料供不应求,特别是玉米和豆粕等常规饲料资源缺口日趋严重,价格居高不下,养殖成本剧增,对兔业的发展带来了巨大的挑战。因此,开发饲料资源、减少玉米和豆粕等用量,降低饲料成本的研究是当前兔业研究的重中之重。本文总结了国内2011年家兔饲料资源开发与营养研究取得的进展,旨在丰富相关知识,便于业内人员借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

饲料安全是当前饲料工业的重要问题,确保饲料安全饲料必备条件和影响饲料安全因素的基础上,重点介绍了国内外饲料安全管理现状及我国饲料安全科技发展的方向.  相似文献   

霉菌毒素是真菌产生的有毒的二级代谢产物,经常在奶牛饲料及其原料中发现。最常见的霉菌毒素是黄曲霉毒素(AF)、伏马菌素(FB)、玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)、T-2毒素和赭曲霉毒素A(OTA)。当饲料中霉菌毒素的浓度超过一定水平时,会导致奶牛发生免疫抑制、肝肾毒性、繁殖障碍等诸多健康问题。奶牛饲料原料在生长、收获、加工和储藏过程中不可避免受到霉菌毒素的污染,应用脱毒方法是预防霉菌毒素危害奶牛健康的关键控制点。物理、化学和生物脱毒是实现霉菌毒素脱毒的常见技术措施。其中,物理吸附和生物降解脱毒具有安全、绿色、去除率高、不破坏饲料营养物质等诸多优势,是国内外研究的重点和方向。本文主要介绍了奶牛饲料中常见霉菌毒素的生物特性、致病机理及其对奶牛的危害和物理、化学、生物脱毒方法,为防控霉菌毒素污染,实现健康养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

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