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Maize inbred lines of different origins were grown in spring (for 2 years at early and usual sowing dates) in northeastern Switzerland (latitude 47°27′ N; 550 and 720 m a.s.l.) until five to six leaves were fully developed. Averaged over all observation periods, the group of inbred lines used in hybrids for cool temperate regions (CT lines) showed better heterotrophic and autotrophic shoot growth and faster development than the group of lines adapted to warm tropical regions (CS lines). The more efficient autotrophic shoot growth of CT lines was expressed by higher rates of relative growth (RGR) and relative leaf area expansion (RLGR) and was related to a higher net assimilation rate (NAR) and a lower leaf area ratio (LAR). CT lines had better radiation use efficiency (RUE), higher rates of net photosynthesis (PN), and lower specific leaf area (SLA) than CS lines. The greater RGR and RLGR of CT line Z 7 as compared to the CS line Penjalinan were related to a higher assimilation rate but not to a better use of carbohydrates; in Z 7 the balance between assimilation production and use resulted in a greater accumulation of soluble carbohydrates and starch. Genotypic variability existed for most growth parameters and was greatest for NAR. Growth responses of inbred lines under field conditions in spring were influenced mainly by temperature. Of all parameters, NAR was correlated best with temperature. Under decreasing temperature, RGR, RLGR, the rate of leaf appearances (RLA) and NAR decreased, whereas LAR, leaf area partitioning (LAP), and SLA increased slightly. The soluble carbohydrate content of Z 7 and Penjalinan also increased. RUE showed the best correlation with the daily minimum air temperature. Within the temperature limits of this experiment, no significant interactions were found between inbred line and temperature.  相似文献   

Shoot- and full-competition between first-year seedlings of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and timothy (Phleum pratense L.) was studied m two separate experiments in a greenhouse. Timothy had a higher competitive ability than meadow fescue and produced more tillers, had a higher shoot weight and a larger leaf area in all strata of the canopy.
Competition for light was important up to the first harvest. The upright growth form of timothy plants during the reproductive phase enabled them to shade the unvernalized and prostrately-growing meadow fescue. Root competition may have been important afterwards. After the first harvest, tiller formation in timothy plants was high, and significantly enhanced when grown with meadow fescue. Meadow fescue produced few new tillers, and its tiller formation was depressed when competing with timothy.  相似文献   

S. O. Fejer 《Euphytica》1971,20(2):270-280
Summary Recurrent selection for herbage weight under different conditions of competition and cutting frequency between hexaploid timothy cultivars and within their open-pollinated progenies was inefficient in producing in two generations either highly improved material as compared to the control (Climax) or any pronounced cultural ecotypes as shown by genotype x treatment interaction analyses, but some Climax and Hungarian selections were promising.Parent-offspring correlations indicated high heritability of heading and morphological characters in the first generation but not in vigor and yield which were the only characters measured in the second generation. The correlations may have been enhanced by the technique of open-pollination. A few selfings included showed very high inbreeding depression.Very early characters were useful in indicating growth types. Plant x season interactions were obvious but not tested. There were grass x legume interactions in the F1 showing the different effects of alfalfa and white clover. A leaf marking was useful in differentiating white clover cultivars. In the F2, spacing x cutting system interactions were significant. Light interception was significantly correlated to yields in the grass rows. Discriminant functions indicated the importance of tiller thickness for a selection index.The results are discussed in relation to experimental errors and to the possible polysomic segregation in hexaploid timothy.Published with the approval of the Director of the Ottawa Research Station, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Contribution No 264.  相似文献   

The long juvenile period characteristic (LJP), which delays flowering under short day conditions, has been identified in soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merrill). This characteristic may be especially important as it increases the range of adaptation of soybean in low latitudes and gives greater flexibility for sowing periods within the same latitude. The inheritance of the long juvenile period was studied in the BR80-6778 soybean line to provide knowledge to support the development of cultivars adapted to short day conditions. Cultivars with classic flowering, Paraná, Bossier, Bragg and Davis, which flower early under short day conditions, were also used as parents in single crosses. They were crossed among themselves and with the genotypes with LJP, BR80-6778 and MG/BR 22 (Garimpo). The study was carried out under short day conditions (early sowings) in greenhouses and in the field at Embrapa National Soybean Research Center, Londrina, PR. Flowering was assessed daily. The results indicated that the BR89-6778 line shares a pair of alleles with the Paraná cultivar, and when associated with the cc allele retards flowering under short day conditions. The following genotype constitutions were attributed to the cultivars: Paraná (aaBBCC), Bossier (AabbCC), and BR80-6778 (aaBBcc). The combination of the genes aabb and aabbcc has a pronounced effect on the manifestation of the trait. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Low light is a major adversity affecting yield and quality of summer maize in the Huang‐Huai‐Hai region of China. We conducted a field experiment to explore the effects of shading on root development and yield formation in two summer maize hybrids (Zea mays L.), Denghai605 (DH605) and Zhengdan958 (ZD958). The experiment consisted of four treatments (CK: ambient sunlight, S1: shading from tasselling to physiological maturity stage, S2: shading from six‐leaf to tasselling stage, S3: shading from seeding to physiological maturity stage). Shading had a strong impact on the development of roots in the upper soil layer. Shading significantly decreased the root dry weight, root/shoot ratio, root length density, root absorption area and active absorption area. The results showed that treatments in a diminishing sequence of effects on root from S3, S1, S2 to CK. Overall, shading decreased the root morphologic and activity indices, and decreased yield in summer maize. During an average of 2 years, yields of ZD958 in S3, S2 and S1 decreased by 85%, 24% and 55%, yields of DH605 in S3, S2 and S1 decreased by 87%, 26% and 67%, in compare to CK. The results will be useful for hybrid selection and improving cultural practices for enhancing the maize shading resistance in Huang‐Huai‐Hai region.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate field trends in agronomic characters of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) performance trials. Field experiments were arranged as lattice designs, and for each plot within an experiment, an environmental covariate representing the spatial trend was calculated using neighbour analysis. Correlations between environmental covariates of different characters were then used to analyse the degree of similarity in their spatial trends. Grain yield, seed protein content, and seed size were more influenced by spatial variations than time to flowering, time to maturity, and oil content. Significant correlations between environmental covariates were found, which demonstrate the similarity of trend patterns in different characters within particular experiments. In field trials exhibiting a high degree of spatial heterogeneity, correlations between environmental covariates of grain yield and protein content were highly positive. This indicates that field conditions, which promote grain yield, would also enhance protein content. Moreover, the observed trend patterns considerably affected the calculation of phenotypic coefficients of correlation between grain yield and seed protein content. The results suggest that spatial analysis should be applied to all characters of interest, when field conditions are not homogeneous.  相似文献   

R. J. Singh  T. Hymowitz 《Euphytica》1985,34(1):187-192
Summary The objective of the present paper is to provide information on the morphology and cytology of an intersub-generic hybrid (2n=59) between Glycine tomentella Hayata (2n=78) and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n=40) obtained through in vitro immature seed culture. The hybrid plant was slow in vegetative growth and twinning like the female parent but morphologically was intermediate between both parents for several traits. At metaphase I, the average chromosome associations and ranges for 25 cells were 44.0 I (37–51)+7.5 II (3–11). The plant was completely pollen and seed sterile. The present investigation suggests that wild perennial Glycine species can be exploited as either the male or female parent in wide hybridization programs with the soybean, G. max.  相似文献   

Seed samples of seventeen field pea cultivars grown at five locations, and nine grass pea lines grown at two locations, in western Canada during 1993 and 1994 were analysed for total phenolics and condensed tannins. Each location in each year was considered as one environment. Total phenolics in field pea differed significantly among cultivars, ranging from 162 mg/kg DM (dry matter) (CE, catechin equivalents) for AC Tamor to 325 mg/kg DM (CE) for Richmond. Field pea had barely detectable levels of condensed tannins. Total phenolics in grass pea ranged from 868 mg/kg DM (CE) for L880388 to 2059 mg/kg DM (CE) for LS89110. Condensed tannins in grass pea ranged from 0.89 g/kg DM (CE) for L880388 to 5.18 g/kg DM (CE) for LS89125. Cultivar had a larger relative contribution to total phenolic levels in field pea and to total phenolic and condensed tannin levels in grass pea than environment. Total phenolic and condensed tannin levels were not correlated with seed yield and seed protein content in field pea or grass pea. Levels of total phenolics and condensed tannins were positively correlated in grass pea. Grass pea seeds with darker seed coat colour contained higher levels of condensed tannins. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A total of 240 F1 hybrids was made beween wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell. (2n = 6x = 42) and T. carthlicum Nevski (2n = 4x = 28)) and perennial lymegrass (North European Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. (2n = 8x = 56) and North American L. mollis (Trin.) Pilger (2n = 4x = 28)). The wide crosses yielded embryos in 20% of caryopses and 96% of the embryos developed into normal hybrid plants. The hybrids were vegetatively vigorous, with evidence of the Leymus rhizomatous habit. Those deriving from L. arenarius survived overwintering in Iceland, but the hybrids L. mollis did not, whereas in a milder environment, both showed perenniality. Cytogenetic analysis of root tip cells before the plants were treated with colchicine showed that 21 out of 28 hybrids investigated had chromosome mosaics, with a population of both amphihaploid and amphidiploid cells. This spontaneous doubling of somatic chromosomes occurred in all cross combinations, with the highest average frequency of diploid cells (28%) in T. carthlicum × L. arenarius crosses. A few selfed seeds have been obtained from a T. aestivum × L. arenarius hybrid. All the hybrids were treated twice with colchicine, but the treatment appeared to have little or no effect on the frequency of chromosome doubling in the hybrids deriving from T. aestivum. The frequency of diploid cells, however, increased significantly (e.g. to 80%) in the hybrids deriving from the T. carthlicum parent. Genomic in situ hybridization confirmed the hybridity of the plants and showed that the hybrids were amphiploids containing genomes of both wheat and lymegrass. In situ hybridization using ribosomal DNA probe differentiated chromosomes of L. mollis, L. arenarius from those of wheat. The hybrids are being backcrossed with lymegrass pollen, aiming to domesticate the wild, perennial species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2007 to evaluate the competitive ability of bush type red kidneybean (RKB) (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars against redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.). Three cultivars of RKB (Akhtar, Sayyad and D81083) and five A. retroflexus densities (0, 4, 8, 16 and 32 plants m−2) were established in a factorial arrangement. A. retroflexus had a greater plant height and growth rate (GR) but a lower leaf area index (LAI) than RKB cultivars in almost all treatments. Higher densities of A. retroflexus increased LAI and GR but decreased yield of RKB cultivars. The cv. Sayyad and D81083 had the greatest and lowest LAI and GR, respectively, in competition with A. retroflexus. The maximum intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at noon by A. retroflexus was 90.4 and 66.0% in competition with cv. D81083 and Sayyad, respectively. The seed yield and pod number per plant of RKB cultivars decreased severely with increasing A. retroflexus density. A. retroflexus seed number m−2 was the highest and lowest in competition with cv. D81083 and Sayyad, respectively. The competitive ability of RKB cultivars was compared using parameters estimated through two-parameter yield loss-relative leaf area model. The relative ranking of the RKB cultivars examined for their competitiveness, supported by modeling results, was Sayyad > Akhtar > D81083.  相似文献   

Root growth of faba bean genotype ILB 1814 grown under both limited and sufficient moisture supply was studied in 1993–1994 and 1994–1995 at ICARDA's Tel Hadya research station. Crops were sown on two dates in both growing seasons. Root-length density (RLD) and root dry weight were measured at four depths in three locations relative to the crop row. In general, RLD decreased considerably with depth, and by the start of pod-filling, around 60% of the roots were found in the top 15 cm of soil. In the upper 30 cm soil profile, the RLDs of drought-stressed faba beans were significantly lower than those measured beneath well-watered crops. In the deeper soil layers, the RLDs were similar in both moisture supply treatments. An existing root model was employed for the simulation of faba bean root growth. The model estimates the depth of rooting and RLD in each soil layer based on dry matter allocation to the root system, soil layer water contents, genotype-specific rooting characteristics, and soil physical properties. A faba bean growth model provided daily allocation of dry matter to roots as well as soil layer water contents. Overall, with a few modifications, the root model was capable of predicting the RLD of faba bean grown both under limited and sufficient water supply realistically. Limitations of the model and some aspects that need further improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding of mungbean yellow mosaic disease resistance is crucial to develop resistant varieties to combat worldwide threat of the disease epidemics. This study was aimed to determine nature of disease resistance in terms of number of genes governing it and genetics of related traits. Experimental site was located on 31.43°N and 73.06°E with an elevation of 186 m, and evaluation trials were conducted during spring season due to high disease epidemics in this season. Two contrasting genotypes, that is, NM 6‐68‐2 (resistant) and NM 1‐32‐1 (highly susceptible), were crossed to raise six populations, that is, P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 for evaluation under protected and unprotected field conditions using chi‐square test and generation mean and variance analysis. It was discovered that disease resistance was governed by two major genes with additive effects. Disease resistance can easily be incorporated through backcrossing and direct selection following hybridization. Direct selection should be practised at earlier generation for plant height, chlorophyll contents and number of seeds per pod due to preponderance of additive effects whereas at later generations for seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight, harvest index, number of pods per plant and pod length due to involvement of duplicate epistasis.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - To study the impact of terminal moisture stress, thirty-one genotypes of mungbean were screened under irrigated and moisture stress at pod filling stage...  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) production is expanding into temperate and tropical environments. Yield stability studies under rhizobia inoculation were investigated in 24 soybean genotypes over two successive growing seasons at three agro‐ecological zone of Nigeria, during the 2015–2016 rainy seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split‐plot design and replicated three times. Treatments were 24 soybean genotypes and three levels of rhizobia inoculation. Results indicated that the variation of genotypes and inoculation on percentage emergence, height, number of leaves, number of branches per plant, total biomass yield, above‐ground biomass and seed yield was significant (p = .05). The effects of genotypes (G), environment (E) and G × E interactions on seed yield were also significant. Two soybean genotypes (TGx 1989‐45F and TGx 1990‐110FN) were identified as the most promising in relation to yield stability. Of the three locations, Abuja produced the least interaction effects followed by Igabi and may be most appropriate environments for large‐scale soybean production. Appropriate inoculation of soybean with inoculants (LegumeFix and or NoduMax) should be encouraged in farmer's field.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated tropospheric ozone concentration [O3] on root processes in wheat systems of different O3 sensitivity is not well understood. Two wheat cultivars (cv. Y15 and YN19) with contrasting O3 tolerance were grown in a fully open‐air O3 enrichment platform for one season. We found that elevated O3 (EO3) (50% above the ambient O3) significantly decreased the total biomass at all key growth stages and the yield of the O3‐sensitive cultivar YN19 but did not affect those of the O3‐tolerant cultivar Y15. EO3 significantly decreased the root biomass of two wheat cultivars at the jointing and grain‐filling stages. EO3 significantly decreased the root length, length density, surface area and volume of the two cultivars at the jointing stage but increased those of YN19 at the grain‐filling stage. EO3 significantly increased the root activities (specific root respiration rates) of Y15 and YN19 at the jointing, heading and grain‐filling stages. EO3 significantly decreased the contribution of fresh root respiration to soil respiration (CRS) of YN19 at the jointing stage but increased it at the heading stage; however, it did not change the CRS of Y15 at any growth stages. This study indicates that the effects of EO3 on root morphology and activity varied among wheat cultivars, and suggest that we can breed O3‐tolerant cultivars to maintain crop yield under higher [O3] scenarios.  相似文献   

Summary 135 soybean landraces and pure line selections from Kyushu district fo Japan were assayed for isozyme and seed protein loci in order to determine the genetic structure groups of summer and autumn maturing cultivars. Out of the 16 tested loci, Dial, Enp, Estl, and Ti exhibited a marked difference in allelic frequency between both groups. The summer cultuvar groups had a high frequency for Dial-b, Enp-b, Estl-a and Ti-b, whereas Dial-a, Enp-a, Estl-b, and Ti-a were predominant in the autumn groups. The analysis of multi-locus genotypes revealed that both groups mostly consisted of different multi-locus genotypes. The allelic combination Dial-b Enp-b Estl-a Ti-b was most frequently observed in the summer cultivars, whereas four genootypes, Dial-a Enp-a Estl-a Ti-a, Dial-a Enp-a Estl-b Ti-a, Dial-a Enp-b Estl-b and Dial-a Enp-a Estl-b Ti-b, occupied most of the autumn cultivars. These results indicated that both groups were appreciably differentiated from each other. The summer cultivar groups also included a few accessions having the multi-locus genotypes observed predominantly in the autumn groups or Acol-b charcteristic of the landraces native to northern Japan. It seems likely that the summer cultivar groups was not phyletically derived from a single common ancestor, but partly involves the landraces with early maturity derived from northern Japan. Dial, Enp, Estl and Ti are useful genetic markers ot trace the origin and dissemination paths of Japanse soybean landraces.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate whether density, above-ground biomass and nitrogen (N) concentration of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. cause serious reductions in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) yield. A 2-year field experiment (1991–93) with four Cirsium densities (0, 4, 16, 64 plants m–2) was carried out. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of Cirsium density on faba bean yield. Multiple regression analysis showed that the main factors causing faba bean yield losses were the density and above-ground biomass of Cirsium . The results of this study demonstrate that Cirsium competition reduces faba bean yield. The mean faba bean yield losses over the 2 years were 10, 12 and 8% for above-ground biomass, seed and stem, respectively, for a Cirsium density of 16 plants m–2.  相似文献   

D. G. Roupakias 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):175-183
Summary Fertilized embryo-sac development and pod growth was studied in one Vicia faba cultivar, one Vicia narbonensis population and their reciprocal crosses. The initial development of endosperm and embryo was at least four days faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. Pods and ovules developed also faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. The growth rate of the hybrid pods followed the growth rate of the mother species, but was slower than that of the pods from selfed flowers. In the cross V. narbonensis × V. faba the ovules stopped growing 9 days after pollination, while in the reciprocal cross they stopped growing 15 days after pollination. Hybrid embryo-sacs from V. faba × V. narbonensis were aborted before they reached the stage of 256 endosperm nuclei or 200 embryo cells. Selfed V. faba embryo-sacs reached this stage in less than 9 days after pollination. In the reciprocal cross the embryo-sacs were aborted before they reached the stage of 128 endosperm nuclei or 80 embryo cells. Selfed V. narbonensis embryo-sacs reached this stage at the 4th day after pollination. Given that at these stages the embryo has less than 200 cells it was concluded that an in-ovule embryo culture technique should be developed to obtain hybrid plants.  相似文献   

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) commonly affects soybean production worldwide, and the SC18 strain has been widespread in China. This study aimed to characterize and map the SC18 resistance genes present in soybean cultivars ‘Kefeng No. 1’ and ‘Qihuang 22’. Inheritance analysis revealed that two independent single dominant genes in Kefeng No. 1 and Qihuang 22 confer resistance to SC18. Using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and bulked segregant analysis, the Kefeng No. 1 and Qihuang 22 resistance genes were located on soybean chromosomes 2 and 13, respectively. We further screened two populations of recombinant inbred lines with 32 SSR markers in the target region, where the resistance gene in Kefeng No. 1 was fine mapped to an 80‐kb region containing six putative genes. Sequence and expression analyses of these genes revealed that SMV resistance in Kefeng No. 1 was probably attributable to three of the candidate genes (i.e. Glyma.02G127800, Glyma.02G128200 and Glyma.02G128300). Collectively, the results of this study will greatly facilitate the cloning of SC18 resistance genes and marker‐assisted breeding of SMV‐resistant soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

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