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Field experiments were conducted to characterize the demography of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi in a conventionally managed 2‐year (maize/soya bean) rotation, and in 3‐year (maize/soya bean/triticale + red clover) and 4‐year (maize/soya bean/triticale + lucerne/lucerne) rotations managed with 72% and 79% lower herbicide inputs respectively. Rates of weed seedling recruitment, seedling survival and adult plant fecundity were determined for populations in each phase of each rotation and used to calculate annual rates of weed population change, Δ. In both years of the study, Δ for A. theophrasti populations declined or remained stable in all three rotation systems. Despite greater rates of seedling survival and fecundity in maize and soya bean in the 3‐ and 4‐year rotations, increases in Δ for A. theophrasti populations were prevented in these systems because of low fecundity in triticale and low seedling survival and fecundity in lucerne. For Setaria faberi populations, Δ remained stable in the 2‐year rotation, increased in the 3‐year rotation in both years, and increased in the 4‐year rotation in 1 year. The results of this study indicate that when herbicide use is reduced, rotations that include triticale and lucerne can facilitate the suppression of A. theophrasti. Rotations that include lucerne can contribute to restraining S. faberi population growth, given adequate levels of seedling mortality in this crop.  相似文献   

Weed seeds in and on the soil are the primary cause of weed infestations in arable fields. Previous studies have documented reductions in weed seedbanks due to cropping system diversification through extended rotation sequences, but the impacts of different rotation systems on additions to and losses from weed seedbanks remain poorly understood. We conducted an experiment in Iowa, USA, to determine the fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in 2‐, 3‐ and 4‐year crop rotation systems when seed additions to the soil seedbank were restricted to a single pulse at the initiation of the study. Over the course of the experiment, seedlings were removed as they emerged and prevented from producing new seeds. After 41 months, seed population densities dropped >85% for S. faberi and >65% for A. theophrasti, but differences between rotation systems in the magnitude of seedbank reductions were not detected. Most of the reductions in seedbank densities took place from autumn through early spring in the first 5 months following seed deposition, before seedling emergence occurred, suggesting that seed predation and/or seed decay was important. For S. faberi, total cumulative seedling emergence and total seed mortality did not differ between rotation systems. In contrast, for A. theophrasti, seedling emergence was 71% lower and seed mortality was 83% greater in the 3‐ and 4‐year rotation systems than in the 2‐year system. Results of this study indicate that for certain weed species, such as A. theophrasti, crop rotation systems can strongly affect life‐history processes associated with soil seedbanks.  相似文献   

为揭示农田恶性杂草苘麻种子的休眠萌发机制, 探寻基于休眠调控的绿色防控途径, 采用60℃温水浸种30 min+30℃恒温培养的方法测定了不同种群苘麻 Abutilon theophrasti 种子的萌发率?萌发势与萌发指数?结果表明, 供试的18个种群中, 种群XJ01?JL04和JL01的萌发率分别为89.95%?89.18%和87.77%, 显著高于其他种群; 而种群HB01的萌发率最低, 仅为41.50%?测定了萌发差异较大的种群JL01和HB01种子的萌发关键期指标, 发现JL01种群在温水浸种后培养2 h的吸胀数量?10 h破皮数量和20 h露白数量, 显著高于HB01种群, 其种子数量分别是HB01种群的1.37?1.76和2.96倍?通过进一步比较8个种群种子的萌发吸胀?破皮与露白数量指标, 证实苘麻不同种群种子存在显著休眠萌发差异, 其原因可能是由于母体生活环境不同所致?  相似文献   

The source of the velvetleaf spreading its distribution rapidly and causing serious problems in forage fields all over Japan since the mid 1980s was thought to be a new accidental introduction of seeds from velvetleaf mingled in some imported grains from the USA and Australia. However, velvetleaf used to be cultivated as a fiber crop until the 1880s. We examined the intraspecies variations, such as morphological characteristics and growth habits, using accessions previously collected and obtained from imported grains. Using principal component analysis (PCA), the accessions were classified into crop type and weed type. The crop type capsule was mostly an ivory color, and the weed type was mostly an ebony color. The crop type showed characteristics of a fiber crop, such as an erect form, uniform flowering and a low seed dormancy rate. Conversely, the imported grains were classified into the weed type which showed a strong weedy nature, such as branched form, long flowering period, high reproductive ability and a high dormancy rate. These results suggest that the new introduction is different from the indigenous fiber crop, and may possibly be the source of the present invasive velvetleaf because of its strong weedy nature. However, further studies comparing the new introduction directly with the present velvetleaf are necessary.  相似文献   

McDonald  & Riha 《Weed Research》1999,39(5):355-369
A complex set of interactions among crops, weeds and their environment determines the impact of weed interference on crop productivity. These interactions can be simulated with dynamic crop:weed competition models, such as ALMANAC. In this study, ALMANAC was modified to simulate maize: Abutilon theophrasti competition. In the modified ALMANAC model, daily increases in leaf area index (LAI), height and rooting depth are attenuated on the basis of accumulated above-ground biomass and by environmental stress. Also, a simple, flexible method is adopted to partition radiation in a mixed canopy. A maize: A. theophrasti competition study conducted near Aurora, NY, in which a range of weed densities (0–16 plants m−2) were established in a maize crop, was used to evaluate the model. The modified ALMANAC proved to be a useful tool for segregating the maize response to competition in 1991 (simulated loss of 35% at the highest weed density) from those in 1992–94 (simulated losses not greater than 16%). Based on these findings, the modified ALMANAC model is judged to be capable of distinguishing between environmental conditions that facilitate large yield losses and those that allow maize to outcompete A. theophrasti .  相似文献   

Combining empirical research with simulation modelling may improve our understanding of the dynamics of crop:weed competition and for testing hypotheses on the importance of specific traits for enhancing crop performance in mixtures. Two field experiments were conducted to quantify and compare estimates of traits important for radiation interception and utilization in four maize hybrids and Abutilon theophrasti grown in monoculture. Early leaf area growth rate did not vary among maize hybrids within a year, but varied among years. The response of CO2 assimilation rate to absorbed radiation and leaf nitrogen content did not differ among hybrids. Abutilon theophrasti and two old maize hybrids partitioned more new biomass to stem relative to reproductive organs than newer hybrids. Old hybrids had greater specific leaf area during the period of most rapid growth, grew taller, and leaf area was distributed higher in their canopy. Extinction coefficients for diffuse radiation did not differ among hybrids or between years. Results suggest that these four maize hybrids may differ in their ability to intercept incident radiation, which may influence their ability to compete for light.  相似文献   

为明确引起我国山西晋中地区苘麻叶片表现皱缩和花叶症状的病原物及其基因组分子特征, 本研究利用双生病毒简并引物扩增获得病毒基因组部分序列,经测序、比对后设计特异性引物扩增病毒基因组序列, 进而通过生物信息学方法构建系统发育树并进行序列分析。结果表明:引起苘麻叶片皱缩、花叶的病原物为番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV), 将该分离物命名为TYLCV-Abu, GenBank登录号为OP293347, 但未扩增到β卫星。该病毒DNA-A基因组全长为2 782 bp, 含有6个开放阅读框。TYLCV-Abu分离物与TYLCV茄子分离物KSQ1-3(GenBank登录号KC428753)的核苷酸序列一致性最高, 为98.99%, 其中C4和V2编码的蛋白变异较大。重组结果分析显示,分离物TYLCV-Abu是由TYLCV-F(GenBank登录号KY971326)和TYLCV-KSQ1-3重组得到, 重组区域为其基因组2 617-2 782 nt区域。这是首次从苘麻样品中扩增到TYLCV全基因组序列并进行分析。  相似文献   

随着大豆种植面积逐年增加, 黑龙江省大豆田苘麻的危害也显著加重。掌握苘麻在大豆田中的发生规律, 抓住防除苘麻的关键时期, 可以更好地制定科学有效的综合防除策略。本研究通过田间调查及数据统计分析初步分析了苘麻的田间发生动态。结果表明, 拔除处理的苘麻种群数量达79.0株/m2, 显著高于不拔除处理的苘麻累计出苗数18株/m2, 且不拔除处理苘麻累计出苗数比其最高值33.8株/m2减少了46.75%。5月下旬到9月初苘麻的株高及鲜重变化曲线呈S形, 即表现“慢-快-慢”的基本规律。大豆播种后10~20 d为苘麻出苗高峰期, 6月中旬到7月中旬为苘麻快速生长期, 7月下旬苘麻进入开花结实期, 8月中旬苘麻种子逐渐成熟, 9月初苘麻种子大部分成熟。单株苘麻的生物量和结籽量随着出苗时间的推迟而降低。5月下旬到7月上旬出苗的苘麻均能开花结实完成整个生长繁殖过程, 且出苗越早的苘麻开花期越长, 苘麻蒴果的平均直径更大, 单蒴果平均种子数更多, 结实能力更强。7月中旬以后出苗的苘麻不能开花无生殖生长。  相似文献   

苘麻Abutilon theophrasti Medikus具有生长旺盛、结籽量大和适应性强等特点,已成为多种农田中的恶性杂草,研究环境条件对苘麻萌发的影响对进一步探究其生物学特性与综合防治技术具有重要意义。通过室内试验研究温度、光照、酸碱度、水分胁迫、盐胁迫与苘麻种子萌发及埋土深度与其出苗的关系。结果表明,在10~35℃下苘麻种子均可萌发,20~30℃为其最适萌发温度范围;种子萌发对光照不敏感;适应pH范围广,在pH 4~9条件下种子发芽率均在70%以上;水势在-0.2~0 MPa范围内种子发芽率最高,当水势小于-0.7 MPa时,种子萌发受到完全抑制;有较强的耐盐性,NaCl浓度为160 mmol/L时发芽率超过40%;种子对播种深度适应性较强,覆盖不超过8 cm的土层均可出苗。  相似文献   

McDonald  & Riha 《Weed Research》1999,39(5):371-381
The practical application of single-season economic thresholds for post-emergence weed control decisions has been frustrated by the impact of growing season, climate and edaphic factors on crop:weed interactions. Competition in a mixed plant community is a dynamic process that is contingent upon species-specific growth characteristics and their expression based on environmental conditions. To address these issues, a modified version of the ALMANAC competition model was parameterized and run to simulate maize: Abutilon theophrasti competition with 30 years (1966–95) of historical climate data for a site in New York State. Simulations indicate that, when weeds do not emerge before maize, maize will only suffer substantial yield reductions from A. theophrasti competition in two out of every 10 years at this site. It is also evident that economic thresholds based solely on the level of weed infestation are inherently flawed. Long-term simulation results suggest that estimates of early season water stress could be used as an independent tool for rationalizing post-emergence control decisions. Shifting the focus from quantifying the infestation intensity of the weed population to assessing the competitive status of the maize crop indirectly with climate information may alleviate many of the problems commonly associated with threshold management strategies.  相似文献   

Selection of crop genotypes that are more competitive with weeds for light interception may improve crop yield stability in the presence of weeds. The effects of interference on ecophysiological characteristics of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. and three morphologically diverse grain sorghum hybrids was evaluated to determine the relative tolerance and suppressive ability of the three hybrids and specific traits that may contribute to those differences. A tall hybrid was more tolerant to A. theophrasti interference than two medium stature hybrids. Early leaf area growth of two medium-stature sorghum hybrids was reduced by A. theophrasti interference, whereas early growth of a tall hybrid was unaffected. The height of A. theophrasti was greater than two moderate-stature hybrids but lower than the tall hybrid. Greatest leaf area density (LD) of the tall sorghum hybrid was above that of A. theophrasti , whereas greatest LD of medium-stature hybrids was below that of the weed. In monoculture, the partitioning of new biomass to various plant organs was similar among sorghum hybrids, whereas the tall sorghum hybrid partitioned less biomass to leaves and more to stems than medium hybrids in mixture. The results indicate that the three hybrids differ in their susceptibility to A. theophrasti competition. Crop traits that may contribute to greater crop competitiveness include greater maximum height and its growth rate and greater height of maximum leaf area distribution.  相似文献   

通过室内培养皿法,研究了银胶菊花水浸提液及其乙酸乙酯相、正丁醇相、剩余水相不同极性组分对苘麻和稗种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。定性测定结果表明,在50 g/L浓度处理下,水浸提液完全抑制苘麻和稗种子萌发,对苘麻和稗根长、芽长、鲜重抑制率分别为82.6%、89.1%、84.3%和91.7%、55.8%、39.1%;正丁醇相抑制苘麻种子萌发和幼苗生长最强,乙酸乙酯相抑制稗种子萌发和幼苗生长最强。定量测定结果表明,在1 g/L浓度处理下,乙酸乙酯相生物活性最高,苘麻和稗种子萌发率分别为13.3%和33.3%,对苘麻和稗根长、芽长、鲜重的抑制率分别为63.1%、80.0%、58.3%和51.3%、26.7%、23.3%。  相似文献   

采用整株生物测定法研究了藜、铁苋菜和苘麻对草甘膦的耐受性,药后14 d测定结果表明,草甘膦对上述3种杂草的ED50分别为215.27、954.34、1 522.54 g a.i./hm~2。通过比较杂草植株地上部莽草酸积累量的变化发现,草甘膦1 230 g a.i./hm~2处理后,藜、铁苋菜和苘麻莽草酸积累量最大值分别为1 400.65、1247.19、581.28μg/g,莽草酸积累量越少的杂草对草甘膦耐受性也越强。药后5 d,对杂草不同部位莽草酸积累量的比较显示,3种杂草顶部叶片莽草酸积累量明显大于根部,敏感种和耐受种相比,顶部叶片莽草酸积累量的差异更为明显,该部位可以准确地评价杂草对草甘膦的耐受程度。  相似文献   

Soil nitrogen (N) is considered an important driver of crop‐weed interactions, yet the mechanisms involved have been only partially explored, especially with respect to early‐season growth, when competitive hierarchies are formed. This study characterises the effects of different N levels on biomass accumulation and plant morphology for maize (Zea mays), and four important weed species (Amaranthus retroflexus, Abutilon theophrasti, Setaria faberi, and Chenopodium album). Under glasshouse conditions, plants were grown in separate pots and irrigated with nutrient solution at four N concentrations (0.2, 0.5, 2, 5 μm L−1) until 57 days after emergence. Except for S. faberi, which was unresponsive to N, the relative biomass growth rates (RGR) of maize and the broad‐leaved weeds were positively and similarly affected by increasing nitrogen. At all N levels, maize had a height advantage by virtue of its larger seed size, which conferred early growth benefits independent of RGR. At low N, biomass growth was instrumental to S. faberi’s improved competitive position, whereas height development per unit biomass improved the competitive position of A. theophrasti, C. album and A. retroflexus. The approach presented could be applied to other crop‐weed systems to evaluate environmental impacts on competitive outcomes.  相似文献   

Setaria faberi and Digitaria ciliaris are summer annual grass weeds that constitute an orchard weed community in Japan. Species dominance in the weed community shifts from S. faberi to D. ciliaris with an emergence delay. The change in species dominance is assumed to be a clue to how weeds dominate or coexist in shaping the community. Population dynamics and seasonal variations in emergence and competitive ability were studied from this viewpoint. Field monitoring and pot experiments exhibited that the emergence period of the two species overlapped extensively from April to June. The emergence of S. faberi began 2 weeks earlier than that of D. ciliaris in April and declined in June as a result of the induction of secondary dormancy. The plant density of D. ciliaris was high during the whole period. The great mortality of the species was replenished with its great natality. The replacement series experiments revealed that S. faberi that had been planted in April was a better competitor than D. ciliaris, but it lost its competitive superiority in the June plantings, when D. ciliaris became a superior competitor to S. faberi. The level of seed output was greater for D. ciliaris, even when it was an inferior competitor. Therefore, the shift in species dominance appeared to be attributed to a change in competitive superiority between the two species. The early emergence of S. faberi and the high plant density of D. ciliaris might accelerate competitive exclusion. The two species coexist when they are equivalent in competitiveness.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferases (GSTs) catalysing the conjugation of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, the chloro-s-triazine herbicide atrazine, the chloroacetanilide herbicides metolachlor and alachlor and the diphenyl ether herbicide fluorodifen have been identified in suspension-cultured cells derived from the grass weed giant foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.). In contrast to suspension-cultured cells of maize, where atrazine-conjugating GSTs are lost during de-differentiation, the GSTs active toward this herbicide in S. faberi plants were also expressed in cultures, suggesting that these isoenzymes are subject to different regulation in the crop and weed. As a result, glutathione conjugation was the major route of atrazine metabolism in S. faberi cultures. Activities of these GSTs were maximal three days after sub-culturing when the cells were dividing most actively, when they were determined to be in the order CDNB>alachlor>metolachlor= fluorodifen>atrazine. This indicated that GSTs which are enhanced during cell division can metabolise herbicides. On the basis of activity per mg protein, GST activities in the cultures were between 20 and 60-fold higher than those determined in the foliage of S. faberi seedlings. The GSTs with activity towards CDNB were resolved into three peaks following anion-exchange chromatography at pH 7·8 using Q-Sepharose. Peak 1 GSTs were not retained, while peak 2 and peak 3 were sequentially resolved with an increasing concentration of salt. Peak 1 GSTs showed activity toward metolachlor and atrazine but showed little activity toward fluorodifen. Peak 2 and peak 3 GSTs were active toward atrazine and metolachlor, with peak 3 being particularly associated with activity toward fluorodifen. The GSTs in these peaks were then further purified using S-hexyl-glutathione-agarose affinity chromatography. In each case, the affinity-bound fraction of the GSTs consisted of 28 kDa and 26 kDa polypeptides, suggesting that the GST isoenzymes in S. faberi cultures are composed of related subunits. Our results demonstrate that the GST isoenzymes involved in herbicide metabolism in suspension cultures of a grass weed show a similar level of complexity to that determined in maize cell cultures. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

The probability of seed consumption by surface-dwelling predators depends on the duration of seed exposure on the soil surface. We investigated seed burial using painted ceramic beads as surrogate seeds. Fifty beads of three size classes each were applied to small arenas within crop fields and their fates were followed from August to October. New sets of beads were applied as soon as most beads had disappeared from the soil surface. Bead availability on the soil surface declined immediately after placement, and then declined steadily over time, with increased loss during rain and management practices. Smaller beads were incorporated into the soil/litter matrix more easily than larger beads. Bead burial differed considerably among crop environments, with more burial in forage crops (red clover, lucerne) than in row crops (soyabean, maize). The fact that seed availability differed among crop environments suggests that it can be manipulated to maximise predation risk.  相似文献   

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