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我国海水蟹类养殖现状与发展目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾总结了我国海水蟹类养殖产业发展现状,包括:青蟹工厂化育苗和梭子蟹土池仿生态育苗技术,苗种运输方法和中间培育技术,微卫星分析技术、SSR技术等生物技术在海水蟹类良种选育上的应用,以多品种生态养殖为主的海水蟹类养殖模式等;探讨了影响产业可持续发展主要问题,提出了产业发展的目标.  相似文献   

封阿龙 《科学养鱼》2004,(10):29-29
我站采用海捕天然怀卵蟹在宁波鄞州区瞻岐镇利用河蟹土池育苗设施开展了三疣梭子蟹土池人工繁育试验,并取得了较好的经济和社会效益。现将三疣梭子蟹土池育苗技术总结如下,供参考。 一、池塘条件 利用河蟹土池育苗池,面积450米2/只、水深1.2~1.5  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹二龄早熟和晚熟品系选育进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、背景 中华绒螯蟹(以下简称河蟹)是我国最重要养殖蟹类,近年来成蟹养殖总产量近80万吨.我国河蟹养殖区域主要集中在辽河、黄河和长江流域,分别养殖辽河、黄河和长江种群河蟹,其中长江流域的河蟹养殖产量通常占全国的85%左右(刘青等,2015).多年养殖实践表明,长江种群河蟹养殖性能较好、商品蟹规格大和品质好,因此长江水系河蟹是我国最主要的养殖群体(李晨虹等,2002;赵恒亮等,2016).但是由于多年来,部分河蟹育苗和养殖单位采用小规格亲本进行人工育苗、近亲繁殖和不同水系间的盲目引种等原因,长江水系河蟹种质退化严重,商品蟹规格变小和品质下降(Sui et al,2009;王武等,2013).  相似文献   

周宸 《福建水产》1995,(1):60-65
海水养殖蟹类是重要的海产资源和名贵海珍品,其肉质鲜美,营养丰富,经济价值高。目前国内外主要养殖的海水蟹类有锯缘青蟹(Suylla serrata)、蓝蟹(Callinectes sapidus)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和远海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus)等。在我国蟹类人工养殖已有一百多年历史,近几年随着水产养殖业的发展,蟹类养殖正在沿海兴起和发展,养殖面积不断增加。据不完全统计,目前福建省蟹类养殖面积超过1万亩,而蟹与其它品种混养面积更多,蟹  相似文献   

正三疣梭子蟹是我国东南沿海地区主要海水蟹类养殖品种,近些年随着三疣梭子蟹人工土池育苗技术的突破以及用人工繁育苗种养殖的成功,养殖规模得到快速发展,但总体的养殖模式和技术还相对落后,从蟹苗到成蟹养殖成活率只有5%~10%,平均亩产不到40千克。调查发现,三疣梭子蟹成活率低下的因素除了苗种质量、饲料投喂、病  相似文献   

<正>拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain),俗称青蟹,属梭子蟹科,青蟹属,是一种广温广盐性的较大型的海产蟹类,具有较高的经济价值,是我国东南沿海青蟹养殖的主要品种。关于蟹类养殖技术已有大量报道,并提供了一些可借鉴的研究成果。王万东~([1])研究了池塘建造、幼苗饲养、日常管理等方面的养殖技术要求;韩耀龙~([2])探索了"鱼、虾、蟹"混养,并在养殖后期加入细基江篱的半封闭式养殖模式;黄  相似文献   

为了提高海水养殖池塘的综合效益,2004-2005年,笔者在南通盐润水产有限公司选择了200亩池塘进行综合养殖试验,养殖方式为河蟹育苗-梭子蟹育苗-虾蟹鱼混养,即2~5月中旬进行河蟹土池育苗,5月下旬~6月底进行梭子蟹育苗,7~12月进行脊尾白虾、梭子蟹、虾虎鱼混养。通过试验比较,这种养殖方式比常规的脊尾白虾、梭子蟹混养效益亩均净增收1200元,平均亩产二期梭子蟹扣蟹45000只,河蟹大眼幼体2.5千克,梭子蟹成蟹45千克,脊尾白虾75千克,虾虎鱼15千克,亩均产值9500元,利润为4200元。现将试验操作技术报告如下:  相似文献   

目前梭子蟹的苗种来源主要还依赖于海捕天然幼蟹或利用对虾育苗设施繁育的蟹苗,其数量有限,且养殖成活率又低,在一定程度上制约着梭子蟹养殖业的健康发展。2005年我站承担了“三疣梭子蟹土池育苗高产技术研究”项目,在自然条件下,开展了三疣梭子蟹土池人工育苗技术的研究,现将试验情况总结如下:一、试验地点利用我站在宁波奉化湖头渡村的河蟹土池育苗基地,水源为象山港自然海水。二、池塘条件池塘规格20米×20米,各池设有独立的进排水设施,边坡比1∶3。三、试验用怀卵蟹来源怀卵蟹主要来源于本省舟山沈家门海捕天然怀卵蟹,规格一般为0.5千克…  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹[Scylla serrat(Forska°l)]和三疣梭子蟹[Portunus(P)trituberculatus]是广泛分布于印度洋——太平洋的热带、亚热带海域,属梭子蟹科的大型种,也是我国名贵的经济蟹类。迄今,在国内有关蟹类幼体食性研究的报道较少,为此,笔者选用常用的饵料,进行幼体饵料效果的试验,为两蟹幼体培养和人工育苗及增、养殖提供参考和依据。1 材料和方法 笔者分别于1991年和1994年在宁德市横屿育苗基地、飞鸾工贸公司育苗场等单位,  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹与三疣梭子蟹幼体饵料的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今,在国内有关蟹类幼体食性研究的报道较少,为此,笔者在生产性试验的同时,选用常用的饵料,进行幼体饵料效果的试验,以探讨和比较不同种类的饵料效果,为两种蟹幼体培养和人工育苗及增、养殖提供参考。 饵料试验:笔者分别在1991年和1994年在罗源湾育苗基地、宁德市横屿育苗基地及飞鸾工贸公司育苗场,在进行批量生产的同时进行试验。 青蟹幼体和梭子蟹幼体各取自同一抱孵蟹孵化的同一批幼体(锯缘青蟹的亲蟹来源于本地和泉州鲤成区,三疣梭子蟹亲蟹来自东山县马銮湾)文中Z_1、Z_2、  相似文献   

To address the preference of mud crab farmers for larger size Scylla serrata juveniles (5.0–10 g body weight or BW; 3.0–5.0 cm internal carapace width or ICW), a study was conducted to compare the growth and survival of crab juveniles (2.0–5.0 g BW; 1.0–3.0 cm ICW) produced a month after stocking of megalopae in net cages when reared further in net cages installed in earthen ponds or when stocked directly in earthen ponds. In a 3 × 2 factorial experiment, three stocking densities (1, 3 and 5 ind m−2), two types of rearing units (net cages or earthen pond) were used. Megalopae were grown to juvenile stage for 30 days in net cages set inside a 4000 m2 brackishwater pond and fed brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei). Crab juveniles were then transferred to either net cages (mesh size of 1.0 mm) or earthen ponds at three stocking densities. After 1 month, no interaction between stocking density and rearing unit was detected so data were pooled for each stocking density and rearing unit. There were no significant differences in the growth or survival rate of crab juveniles across stocking density treatments. Regardless of stocking density, survival in net cages was higher (77.11±6.62%) than in ponds (40.41±3.59%). Growth, however, was significantly higher for crab juveniles reared in earthen ponds. The range of mean BW of 10.5–16.0 g and an ICW of 3.78–4.33 cm obtained are within the size range preferred by mud crab operators for stocking grow‐out ponds.  相似文献   

蟹类精子计数对其冷冻保存及种群生殖能力的探究有重要意义。为了提高计数蟹类精子数量的速度,建立了分光光度法测定蟹类精子密度的方法。比较了两种蟹类在不同波长(380nm、520nm、760nm)下吸光度(A)与精子密度(C)的关系。结果表明,在520nm波段下三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)精子密度和吸光度之间也存在线性回归关系,其回归方程是:A=0.058×C(R2=0.9928);中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)精子吸光度与精子密度呈线性回归关系,其回归方程是:A=0.061×C(R2=0.9892)。统计检验表明,使用该方法测定蟹类精子数目,是一种快速而准确的方法,可以加速蟹类精子计数速度。  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab is a unique aquatic product in China. As a highly nutritious, delicious, and intriguing food, it is deeply loved by consumers. Through field visits and household interviews in Chongming District of Shanghai and Suzhou of Jiangsu Province, the author collected relevant materials and made a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the development and application of crab culture in the development of Chinese mitten crab industry in Shanghai by using SWOT model. The results show that the development and application of crab culture in the development of Chinese mitten crab industry in Shanghai can adopt growth‐oriented, transformation and upgrading, diversification and defensive development strategies. It is expected to promote the sustainable development of Chinese mitten crab industry in Shanghai through the development and application of crab culture.  相似文献   

Normally Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis were cultured for 2 years, 1 year is cultured from crab larvae to seeds or button sized crab in ponds, tanks or rice fields, the another year is cultured from seeds to market size in ponds, reservoirs or other waters. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of stocking density (0, 3.75, 15, 30 and 60 inds. per m2, respectively) of Chinese mitten crab larvae on rice and crab seed yields in rice-crab culture systems using land-based enclosures (4 m × 7 m, with three replicates for each stocking density) at the Panjin Guanghe Fisheries Co. Ltd, in the Liaohe Delta, China. Zoobenthos biomass, production of crab and rice paddy, and economical profit among the treatments were determined. The experiment showed that zoobenthos biomass in rice-crab culture systems was relatively variant and not significantly correlated to these stocking density. The biomass of aquatic plant declined significantly with increasing stocking density. Specific growth rates (SGR) and survival rates of the crab were significantly higher at the lower stocking density (< 0.05); in addition, the ratio of precocious crab and total crab significantly increased with the stocking density increasing (< 0.05); There were not significant effect of presence of crab on yields of rice straw and rice paddy (> 0.05). Net crab yield and net profit were the highest at the 15 treatment (< 0.05), however, the net profits among 3.75, 15 and 30 treatments did not show significant difference (> 0.05) economically. Based on the observations above, a stocking density of 3.75 to 30 inds. per m2 was considered reasonable in rice-crab culture system.  相似文献   

利用显微介导远缘杂交技术将河蟹总DNA直接导入镜鲤受精卵内,再利用AFLP分子标记技术检测显微介导河蟹基因镜鲤的外源DNA。在30对AFLP引物中,有3对引物扩增出供体基因片段,即在显微介导河蟹基因镜鲤中均有和河蟹基因相同而对照镜鲤没有的条带。对6尾阳性显微介导河蟹基因镜鲤的扩增产物进行回收、克隆和测序验证。结果表明:阳性显微介导河蟹基因在镜鲤中均含有供体基因目的片段。本研究在分子和基因水平上验证了河蟹总DNA可通过显微介导方式整合到镜鲤基因组中,为显微介导外源总DNA转化技术的应用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

池塘养殖的河蟹体色往往不如湖泊围网养殖的河蟹。河蟹体色取决于甲壳中虾青素浓度。河蟹自身不能合成虾青素,必须从饲料或饵料中获取。因此河蟹体色差的主要原因是不能从外界获得足够的虾青素。虾青素具有抗氧化作用。环境胁迫导致的氧化应激也会消耗虾青素。低溶氧、高pH、水温、氨氮、重金属胁迫均可引起河蟹氧化应激。因此,改善池塘河蟹体色不仅要增加青虾素的供应,还要加强养殖管理,降低环境因子的胁迫。  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponensis) and red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) are important culture species in China and have world‐wide introduced distributions. The trophic role of these three decapods has not been compared within a system although they consume plants, animals, and detritus and often co‐occur in freshwater ponds. A combination of stable isotope measurements and gut content analysis was used to determine the main food sources and trophic niche of three benthic decapods, in commercial crab ponds around Lake Gucheng, China. Observation of the gut contents reflected a variety of prey items ingested by three decapods. Macrophytes made up the highest contribution to the volume of their gut contents, followed by forage fish, corn and mollusks. Stable isotope analysis supported a stronger relationship between crayfish and vegetable matter than with animal matter, while both crab and shrimp were the opposite. An isotopic mixing model indicated that about 60% of crab and shrimp production originated from animal matter, while only 40% of crayfish production was ascribed to consumption of animal matter. Although results from the mixing model corroborate the gut content findings in most cases, stable isotope results showed that three decapods obtained more energy for growth from animal matter than what would be estimated if gut analysis was used alone. Estimates of niche overlap indices indicated a high degree of dietary overlap among the three decapods examined, suggesting that shrimp and crayfish density should be controlled if considering economic benefits of pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

李思发 《水产学报》2002,26(6):493-497
用包括Z2和Opp17两个10碱基随机引物在内的10个引物,对来自荷兰斯科克莱(Skodely)、美国加州圣何塞(San Jose)的中华绒螯蟹群体与中国长江水系中华绒螯蟹群体进行RAPD遗传比较分析。结果发现:(1)中华绒螯蟹群体特有的Z2引物扩增的700bp标记带(Z2^700bp),在荷兰与美国2个中华绒螯蟹群体中同时出现,而不出现日本绒螯蟹南流江种群中特有的880bp标记带(Z2^880bp),表明欧洲、美国中华绒螯蟹与中国中华绒螯蟹为同种Eriocheir sinensis,而非日本绒螯蟹Eriocheir japonicus;(2)Opp17引物扩增的947bp片段在中国长江、荷兰及美国3个中华绒螯蟹群体内的出现频率均达100%。结合Z2引物扩增结果,欧洲与美国中华绒螯蟹群体极可能是从中国长江水系中华绒螯蟹引入繁衍的。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹种质研究进展   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
总结我国在中华绒螯蟹形态学、养殖性能、细胞遗传学、生化遗传学及分子遗传学方面的种质研究的主要成果 ,归纳中华绒螯蟹不同种群在形态、细胞、生化、分子等层次上的遗传差异。在形态学研究方面 ,运用形态多元分析 ,建立不同种群绒螯蟹从幼蟹到成蟹的量化判别函数 ;在生化遗传和分子遗传研究方面 ,找到中华绒螯蟹区别于其他绒螯蟹的生化遗传标记和分子遗传标记 ,以及中华绒螯蟹不同种群由南到北的分子遗传渐变标记 ;在养殖性能方面 ,阐明中华绒螯蟹不同种群在幼蟹和成蟹阶段的养殖性能 (包括蜕壳、生长、性腺发育、性成熟及生殖洄游等 )差异和特点  相似文献   

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