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The projected future climate will affect the global agricultural production negatively, however, to keep abreast of the expected increase in global population, the agricultural production must increase. Therefore, to safeguard the future crop yield and quality, the adaptive potential of crops to environmental change needs to be explored in order to select the most productive genotypes. Presently, it is unknown whether cereal crops like spring barley can adapt to climate stressors over relatively few generations. To evaluate if strong selection pressures could change the performance of barley to environmental stress, we conducted a selection experiment over five plant generations (G0–G4) in three scenarios, where atmospheric [CO2] and temperature were increased as single factors and in combination. The treatments represented the expected environmental characteristics in Northern Europe around year 2075 [700 ppm CO2, 22/17 °C (day/night)] as well as a control mimicking present day conditions (390 ppm CO2, 19/12 °C). Two different barley accessions, a modern cultivar and an old landrace, were evaluated in terms of yield and biomass production. In all treatments representing future environmental scenarios, the G4-generation of selected plants did not improve its reproductive output compared to the G0-generation, as G4 produced less seeds and had a lower yield than unselected plants. These results indicate that barley might not respond positively to rapid and strong selection by elevated [CO2] and temperature, contrary to previous results from oilseed rape. The two barley accessions analyzed presented almost the same response pattern in a given treatment, though the modern cultivar had the highest yield in the climate scenarios, while the landrace was superior in yield under present day climate conditions.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of peat moss‐shrimp wastes compost on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown on a limed loamy sand soil. A control, four rates of compost applied alone and in combination with three rates of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) chemical fertilizer were evaluated. Applications of compost to limed soil substantially enhanced the growth of barley over the control. When considering all treatments, the main effect of compost rates on straw yield, numbers of tillers, plant height, and number of ears was more important than that of fertilizer. A significant interaction on barley growth parameter values was obtained with compost and fertilizer rates. A combination of moderate application of compost and fertilizer gave in some instances, more yield than compost or fertilizer applied alone. Nutrient content of barley increased with rate of compost applied to soil over the control. A significant relationship was found between soil organic carbon (C) and straw yield, number of tillers, plant height and number of ears whereas grain yield was correlated with soil total N. Results from this study indicate that peat moss‐shrimp wastes compost could represent a potential means of renovating low fertility sand soils.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch Übertragung von klonierten Fremdgenen läßt sich die genetische Variabilität der Kulturpflanzen wesentlich erweitern. Insbesondere die Übertragung monogen bedingter Resistenzeigenschaften gelingt bei einer zunehmenden Zahl von Kulturpflanzen. Für die ökonomisch wichtige Zuckerrübe ist ein etabliertes Gentransferverfahren bisher nicht verfügbar. Während Einschleusung, Integration und Expression von Fremdgenen in Zuckerrübenzellen und -gewebe mit einer Vielzahl von Gentransfermethoden erreicht werden können, ist die Regeneration transgener Zuckerrübenzellen zu transgenen Pflanzen bisher nur in wenigen Laboratorien gelungen. Die experimentellen Details wurden bisher nicht publiziert. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt Verfahren, die sich für einen Gentransfer bei der Zuckerrübe eignen sollten. Expression und meiotische Stabilität der transferierten Gene werden behandelt sowie Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Gentransfers bei der Zuckerrübe kurz diskutiert.
Chances and approaches for gene transfer in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Summary The genetic variability of cultivated plants can be extensively increased by the transfer of cloned genes. Especially the transfer of monogeneously coded resistancies is established for an increasing number of cultivated plants. A routine gene transfer method is not available for the economicly important sugar beet. Though transfer, integration and expression of foreign genes in cells and tissues of sugar beet can be achieved by a number of gene transfer methods, only a few laboratories succeeded in the regeneration of transgenic cells of sugar beet to transgenic plants. The experimental details have not been published until now. This paper deals with methods which could be useful for gene transfer in sugar beet. Expression and meiotic stability of transferred genes are described and the aims of gene transfer in sugar beet are shortly discussed.

(Beta vulgaris L.)
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Nickel (Ni) is an essential element for plants. Abundant information exists on Ni toxicity in soil–plant system but not much is available on its critical level of deficiency (CLD) in soils and plants. Five chemical extractants were evaluated to find a suitable extractant for Ni in Inceptisol. Twenty-one soils having low to high levels of Ni were used to grow barley (Hordeum vulgare L). The amount of Ni extracted was correlated with Ni concentration and uptake by barley. The diethylene triamine penta acetic acid-calcium chloride (0.005 M DTPA-CaC12) was identified as the most promising soil extractant for Ni. The CLD of Ni for 0.005 M DTPA-CaC12 in soil was 0.22 mg kg?1 whereas in barley plant it was 2.14 mg kg?1. Application of 7.5 mg kg?1 Ni in soil caused a significant increase in Ni concentration in the shoot of barley in all the soils irrespective of the initial Ni status.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Unter den geprüften Saatgersten (Hordeum vulgare L.) wurden sechs Muster mit Resistenz gegenRhopalosiphum padi (L.) — Resistenz-Indices 4,45 bis 10,10 — und sieben Muster mit Resistenz gegenMacrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.) — Resistenz-Indices 3,20 bis 8,00 — gefunden. MitHordeum turkestanicum Nevski undH. bogdani Wilenski — Resistenz-Indices gegenR. padi 8,45 bzw. 4,96, gegenM. avenae 8,09 bzw. 3,47 — konnten zwei Arten mit Resistenzeigenschaften gegen beide Aphidenarten gefunden werden.
Resistance in the Gatersleben barley and wheat collection. 28. Reaction of barleys to cereal aphidsRhopalosiphum padi (L.) andMacrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.)
Summary Among the tested barleys (Hordeum vulgare L.) six of the accessions showed resistance toRhopalosiphum padi (L.) — resistance-indices from 4.45 to 10.0-and seven toMacrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.)—resistance-indices from 3.20 to 8.00. The speciesHordeum turkestanicum Nevski andH. bogdani Wilenski-resistance-indices toR. padi 8.45 and 4.96, respectively—and toM. avenae 8.09 and 3.47, respectively—showed resistance characters to both of the aphids.

. 28. Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) Macrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.)
(Hordeum vulgare L.) Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) — 4,45 10,10; Macrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.) — 3,20 8,00. Hordeum turkestanicum Nevski H. bogdani Wilenski ( R. padi 8,45 4,96, M. avenae 8,09 3,47) .

In 1948, a model trial to study soil formation was arranged at Halle/Saale by K. Schmalfuß. Loess with very low content of soil organic matter was used as substrate. The aim was to investigate the soil formation processes influenced by the P and N mineral fertilization. After 30 years, crop yields reached a characteristic, approximately constant level corresponding to the different fertilization treatments and cultivated plants. Recent comparisons of the highest N with the no-N fertilizer treatment show that the mean shoot dry weight per year has a 2.5-fold higher but the Corg content in the topsoil only a 1.2-fold higher value. An accumulation of alkaline-soluble organic soil substances and a decrease of hot water soluble carbon compounds were observed in the highest fertilizer treatment as well as in the treatments without N or P fertilization. Carbon compounds were apparently enriched in the inert carbon pool of the topsoil. During soil formation, the cation exchange capacity and the content of easily soluble P compounds increased, lime content decreased and the C/N ratio became narrower. The results suggest that these parameters are continuing to change and the steady state of the level of organic soil substances and of the transformation processes between C pools in the topsoil has not yet been reached.  相似文献   

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