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Agroforestry systems can play a major role in the sequestration of carbon (C) because of their higher input of organic material to the soil. The importance of organic carbon to the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of soil quality is well recognized. However, total organic carbon measurements might not be sensitive indicators of changes in soil quality. Adoption of procedures that can extract the more labile fraction preferentially might be a more useful approach for the characterization of soil organic carbon resulting from different soils. This study aimed to evaluate organic carbon (C) fractions distribution in different soil layers up to 50 cm depth in two soil orders under cacao (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry systems (AFS) in Bahia, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from four depth classes (0–5, 5–10, 10–30 and 30–50 cm) under two cacao agroforestry systems (30-year-old stands of cacao with Erythrina glauca, as shade trees) in Latosol and Cambisol, in Bahia, Brazil. The determination of oxidizable carbon by a modified Walkley–Black method was done to obtain four C fractions with different labile forms of C (fraction 1: labile fraction; fraction 2: moderate labile fraction; fraction 3: low labile fraction and fraction 4: recalcitrant fraction). Overall, at two cacao AFS, the C fractions generally declined with increase in soil depth. The C fractions 1 and 2 were 50% higher on upper layers (0–5 and 5–10 cm). More than 50% of organic C was found in more labile fraction (fraction 1) in all depths for both soils. High value of C fraction 1 (more labile C)-to-total organic C ratio was obtained (around 54–59%, on Latosol and Cambisol, respectively), indicating large input of organic matter in these soils.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems deposit great amounts of plant residues on soil and this leads to high levels of soil organic matter content and has increased soil biodiversity and improved its conservation. This study compares the distribution of meso and macrofaunal communities in soil and litter under cacao agroforestry systems and in a natural forest in the southern Bahia state of Brazil. Soil and litter samples were obtained in September 2003, February 2004, and August 2004 in five cacao agroforestry systems. The systems evaluated included: cacao renewed under Erythrina sp. (Erythrina poeppigiana) (CRE); cacao renewed under natural forest (Cabruca, CRF); an old cacao system under Erythrina sp. (OCE); an old cacao system under a natural forest system (Cabruca, OCF) and a cacao germplasm collection area (CGC). As a reference soil and litter under a natural forest (NF) was included. Organisms were collected over a 15-day period with a Berlese–Tullgren apparatus. The density and richness of total fauna varied distinctly according to sites, sampling time and material sampled (soil and litter). 16,409 of fauna were recovered from soil and litter samples and the density of total fauna was 2,094 individuals m−2 in the litter and 641 individuals m−2 in the soil. The richness was 11.8 in the litter and 7.5 in the soil. The cacao agroforestry systems adopted for growing cacao in the southern Bahia region of Brazil have beneficial effects on the soil and litter faunal communities, and such systems of cacao cultivation could be considered as a conservation system for soil fauna. The development of a litter layer resulted in higher abundance and diversity of soil fauna.  相似文献   

Large amounts of plant litter deposited in cacao agroforestry systems play a key role in nutrient cycling. Organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and microbial biomass were investigated in cacao agroforestry systems on Latosols and Cambisols in Bahia, Brazil. The objective of this study was to characterize the microbial C and N, mineralizable N and organic P in two soil orders under three types of cacao agroforestry systems and an adjacent natural forest in Bahia, Brazil and also to evaluate the relationship between P fractions, microbial biomass and mineralized N with other soil attributes. Overall, the average stocks of organic C, total N and total organic P across all systems for 0?C50?cm soil depth were 89,072, 8,838 and 790?kg?ha?1, respectively. At this soil depth the average stock of labile organic P was 55.5?kg?ha?1. For 0?C10?cm soil depth, there were large amounts of microbial biomass C (mean of 286?kg?ha?1), microbial biomass N (mean of 168?kg?ha?1) and mineralizable N (mean of 79?kg?ha?1). Organic P (total and labile) was negatively related to organic C, reflecting that the dynamics of organic P in these cacao agroforestry systems are not directly associated with organic C dynamics in soils, in contrast to the dynamics of N. Furthermore, the amounts of soil microbial biomass, mineralizable N, and organic P could be relevant for cacao nutrition, considering the low amount of N and P exported in cacao seeds.  相似文献   

Brazil accounts for about 20% of the world production of cocoa, and about 95% of cocoa produced in Brazil is from the southeastern part of Bahia State. Traditionally, cacao is grown in monoculture (though under the shade of various other species). But various crop combinations involving cacao have recently been undertaken by the farmers with encouragement from Brazilian government.As a part of the crop diversification programme in the traditional cacao growing areas and their surroundings, extensive areas are being planted to other plantation crops, mainly clove and rubber and, to some extent, coconut too. Crop combinations have been adopted in some of these new plantings and cacao is an important component of most of such combinations. Whereas several other crops are combined with clove trees, cacao is usually the only species grown with mature rubber trees. Young rubber trees are, however, interplanted with a number of other species. Productive coconut areas are found mostly in sandy soils along the coast so that there is little intercropping. However, scattered farms are found where coconuts are underplanted with guarana, black pepper, cacao, cashew, etc. as done commonly in other parts of Northeast Brazil.  相似文献   

The fungi have wide distribution in ecosystems and can be found colonizing various substrates,where they act as efficient decomposers,participating in cycling of nutrients.The present study aimed to assess the diversity,richness and composition of filamentous fungi in leaf litter and aerial litter in a semi-deciduous forest in the Chapada Diamantina,Bahia,Brazil.Samples of leaf litter and aerial litter were collected monthly from October/2009 to September/2010 in eight installments in the studied area.Those samples were washed,placed in moist chambers and incubated.47 taxa were identified,37 in leaf litter and 35 in aerial litter,with 25 species common to both.A similarity of 69 % according to Sorensen index.The similarity was considered low when the sample points were compared to the same litter.Most fungi showed sporadic intervals.  相似文献   

Terrestrial herbs are important ecological components in tropical agroforests, but little is known about how they are affected by agricultural management. In cacao agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, we studied the change in herb species richness, cover, and biomass over 3?years in 86 subplots subjected to high and low weeding frequency as well as fertilized and non-fertilized treatments. We recorded 111 species with rapid changes in species composition between the 3?years. Species richness increased sharply in the 2nd year, presumably as a result of changes in the management with the experimental regimes, and decreased in the 3rd, probably due to competitive exclusion. Species richness, cover, and biomass were all significantly higher in the infrequently weeded plots than in the frequently weeded ones, but there were only slight responses to the fertilization treatment. An indicator species analysis recovered 45 species that were typical for a given year and a further eight that were typical for certain treatments, but these species showed no clear patterns relative to their ecology or biogeography. We conclude that the herb assemblages in cacao agroforests are quite resilient against weeding, but that the cover of species shifts rapidly in response to management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the intercropping of rattan, an important non-timber forest product, in coffee and cacao agroforests in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The viability of producing seedlings from seeds and vegetative cuttings with the large-diameter rattan, Calamus zollingeri Beccari, and initial seedling survival, growth and response to light and soil drainage were investigated in village nurseries and perennial farms. Over 96% of seeds and 61% of vegetative cuttings were raised to transplanting size (25 cm with two to three leaves) over 20 months. One hundred C. zollingeri seedlings produced from cuttings were transplanted into each of three coffee or cacao farms and one primary forest site and exhibited an overall survival rate of 96%, 12.7 cm of height growth and the production of 0.8 new leaves per plant after eight months. No significant differences were observed between the four sites with respect to seedling survival, growth, or leaf production and no significant differences were found between seedling survival, growth or leaf production and light intensity (based on multiple PAR measurements). However, poorly drained sites exhibited significantly reduced C. zollingeri seedling survival and growth. The cultivation of C. zollingeri rattan in coffee and cacao agroforests represents a potential means of intensifying and diversifying perennial cash crop farming systems.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding how soil fertility changes due to environmental conditions and stand-age-dependent for-est attributes is important for local-scale forest restoration.We evaluated the effects of stand-age-dependent forest attributes (plant community composition and litter stock)on soil and technosol fertility across two second-growth Atlantic forests (SGF) after the deposition of mining tail-ings in Mariana,southeastern Brazil.We hypothesized that technosol fertility in the SGF tailings is positively affected by plant community composition variability,stand age,and litter stock.We used total exchangeable bases and organic matter as fertility indicators for technosol and soil,and spe-cies composition and litter stock as stand-age-dependent forest attributes.Our results showed significant differences in the stand-age-dependent forest attributes and soil chemi-cal properties between the two forest patches (SGF tailing and SGF non-tailing) evaluated.Thus,there was a marked gradient of litter storage and fertility between soil and tech-nosol that can be important forest recovery indicators for the affected plant communities.Furthermore,according to the tested models,we corroborated the hypothesis that techno-sol fertility is positively affected by stand age,plant com-munity composition variability,and litter stock,which may contribute considerably to forest recovery on tailings.Our results demonstrate that the fertility predictors analyzed to explain the forest recovery on tailings can also be considered as ecological indicators for assessing forest restoration in areas impacted by mining tailings in Mariana.  相似文献   

The natural enemy hypothesis predicts a positive correlation between plant species diversity and natural enemy control. This study aimed to evaluate the role of traditional cacao agroforests, known as “cabrucas,” on the conservation of the predatory beetle community compared to that of monodominant rubber agroforests. Predatory beetles were sampled in three habitats in Southeastern Bahia, Brazil: cabrucas and rubber agroforests and native Atlantic forests. In each habitat, 18 10 m2 plots were established, in which canopy cover was measured and beetles were sampled with a modified Malaise/window trap. Land use intensification did not affect the composition of predatory beetles, with the presence of widely distributed species that are also capable of colonizing simpler environments such as the rubber agroforest. Canopy cover had a positive effect on generalist predator diversity and we observed a reduction in the abundance and species richness of generalist predators with increasing habitat homogenization. Despite the simplified structure of the habitat, the remaining tree diversity and canopy cover in cabrucas supported a community of generalist predators similar to the one found in the native forest. Species diversity of bark beetle predators was higher in cabrucas, which may be due to the high diversity of bark beetles and the favorable abiotic conditions, whereas the low abundance of prey in the native forest and severe abiotic conditions in the rubber agroforest probably determined the lower diversity of generalist predators in these habitats. Cabrucas play an important role in the conservation, supporting a community of predatory beetles more similar to the one found in native forest and that is more effective at controlling populations of herbivores than in homogeneous rubber agroforests.  相似文献   

We compared N fluxes in a 150-year-old Fagus sylvatica coppice and five adjacent 25-year-old plantations of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Quercus petraea, Pinus laricio and Pseudotsuga menziesii. We measured net N mineralization fluxes in the upper mineral horizon (A1, 0–5 cm) for 4 weeks and gross N mineralization fluxes for two days. Gross rates were measured during the 48-h period after addition of 15NH4 and 15NO3. Mineralization was measured by the 15NH4 dilution technique and gross nitrification by 15NO3 production from the addition of 15NH4, and by 15NO3 dilution. Net and gross N mineralization was lower in the soil of the old coppice, than in the plantations, both on a soil weight and organic nitrogen basis. Gross nitrification was also very low. Gross nitrification measured by NO3 dilution was slightly higher than measured by 15NO3 production from the addition of 15NH4. In the plantations, gross and net mineralization and nitrification from pool dilution were lowest in the spruce stand and highest in the beech and Corsican pine stands. We concluded that: (1) the low net mineralization in the soil of the old coppice was related to low gross rate of mineralization rather than to the concurrent effect of microbial immobilisation of mineral N; (2) the absence of nitrate in the old coppice was not related to the low rate of mineralization nor to the absence of nitrifyers, but most probably to the inhibition of nitrifyers in the moder humus; (3) substituting the old coppice by young stands favours nitrifyer communities; and (4) heterotrophic nitrifyers may bypass the ammonification step in these acid soils, but further research is needed to check this process and to characterize the microbial communities.  相似文献   

Timber forests contribute to the sustainable development of the biomes in tropical regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological and chemical properties of the soil as a consequence of the cover with native and non-native species in the Acaraúbasin, a transition area from the coast to the Brazilian semi-arid region.Areas planted with four native species(Anadenanthera colubrina, Astronium fraxinifolium, Handroanthus impetiginosus, Colubrina glandulosa) and three exotic species(Acacia mangium, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus urophylla) plus a non-forested agricultural area were evaluated for organic carbon contents, and microbial and chemical soil properties. The levels of soil organic carbon were highest in A. colubrina and C. equisetifolia plantations. Low basal soil respiration was observed but the microbial biomass was particularly low in the non-forestedarea. In the C. equisetifolia, E. urophylla, and H.impetiginosus plantations, elevated soil metabolic quotients were found. The A. colubrina and H. impetiginosus plantations had the highest levels of easily extracted-glomalin related soil protein. Tree species affect concentrations of essential nutrients and the biological quality of the soil in different ways. They can also improve the biological and chemical properties of the soil in the coastal plains of tropical regions.  相似文献   

In Central Cameroon cocoa is mainly produced by household farming systems based on complex associations between cocoa and companion trees. Setup either on native/remnant forest or savannah, these agroforestry systems (AFS) are managed according their geographical position and local pedoclimatic conditions. In this paper, we investigated the effects of local management strategies on carbon (C) storage of live trees in three different cocoa production zones of Central Cameroon. In the 58 fields studied, 8,996 cocoa trees and 1,258 companions were surveyed. Tree sampling was non-destructive and to estimate C storage we used allometric models for above- and belowground biomasses. We measured abundance, height, diameter at breast height and determined species of companion trees. We distinguished between four cocoa plantation age categories (immature, young, mature and senescent) and three preceding systems (forest, forest gallery and savannah). We surveyed farmers’ use of each associated tree, allocated it to a functional category and asked if it had been introduced or conserved. Total C content of live trees was on average close to 70 t ha?1. We found that it mostly relied on associated trees—cocoa trees contribution being ac. 2–12 % of live trees total C. The level of contribution to C storage of companions from different use categories differed between sites—trees producing food had contributed most in Bokito and Obala while trees used for shading or fertility contributed most in Ngomedzap. Dynamics of C storage in live trees was found to be independent from cocoa trees growth and age. When aging, AFS continuously lost companion trees and especially conserved ones putatively because of farmers’ selective logging. Yet, AFS apparently maintained equivalent C storage abilities with time. Hence, even if cocoa do not contribute significantly to C storage in our study, the systems into which they are included are able to significantly store C and may also contribute to other ecological services such as conservation.  相似文献   

The incidence of aluminium-accumulating species was investigated in two forest communities in the cerrado region of central Brazil. One of the forests was on a strongly acid dystrophic latosol with 85% Al saturation, and the other on a mesotrophic but slightly acidic soil with 4% Al saturation. Among the 39 species encountered on the dystrophic soil, seven were Al accumulators accounting for 17.3% of the total importance value of the community. On the other hand, only three out of 39 species on the mesotrophic soil were Al accumulators accounting for 11.7% of the total importance value. Only two Al-accumulating species occur on mesotrophic as well as dystrophic soils. Most of the Al-accumulating species encountered on the dystrophic soil generally occur only on dystrophic acid soils.  相似文献   

The distribution and composition of the tree component inside cocoa agroforests plays an important role in the economic and ecological services offered by these plantations. The presence of these plant components appears to be influenced by several factors controlling the introduction and management of associated plants inside cocoa agroforests. To date, few studies have tried to evaluate the horizontal and vertical distribution of plants inside cocoa plantations in Cameroon. This study determines the structure of cocoa plantations in Southern Cameroon. Field data were collected in 60 cocoa plantations belonging to 12 villages located along a contiguous gradient of market access, population density and resource use intensity in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon. This study area comprises (i) the sub-region of Yaoundé, (ii) the sub-region of Mbalmayo, and (iii) the sub-region of Ebolowa. Market access, population density and resource use intensity all decreased from the first to the third sub-region. For cocoa and associated plants, we quantified (1) the density (2) the individual number, the species composition and the group uses of plants (edible, timber, medicinal, etc…) distribution across strata, and (3) the basal area in the 60 cocoa plantations located in the three main sub-regions. Results are presented for each sub-region and the whole study area. The paper develops cocoa agroforest typologies and discusses possible implications of cocoa agroforest structure diversity in the achievement of economic and ecological services.  相似文献   

Information concerning the classification of soils and their properties under cacao agroforestry systems of the Atlantic rain forest biome region in the Southeast of Bahia, Brazil is largely unknown. Soil and climatic conditions in this region are favorable for high soil carbon storage. This study is aimed to classify soils under cacao agroforestry and further, to quantify carbon stocks in these soil profiles. Soil classification was performed, and the amount of C stored was estimated, based on the thickness of the soil horizons, their bulk density, and total organic carbon stored. In the sites studied under cacao, four general classes of soils were identified: Ultisols, Oxisols, Alfisols, and Inceptisols. Carbon stocks in these soil profiles showed wide variation, ranging from 719.24 to 2089.93 Mg ha?1. Carbon stocks in soil surface and subsurface layers in different agroforestry systems with cacao (cacao cabruca, cacao?×?rubber tree, and cacao?×?erythrina) were comparable; however, total storage of organic C in these soils was higher than expected, compared to values reported for the International Soil Reference and Information Center (ISRIC), based on the FAO-UNESCO database, and were also higher than estimated regional soil data.  相似文献   

张霞  张媛 《森林工程》2001,17(3):20-21
本从土壤压实、水土流失及沙漠化等5个方面简要论述了森林作业对林地土壤的不利影响。 指出采取适当的森林作业方式和合理的森林作业技术是减轻其对林地不利影响的必要手段。  相似文献   

Mountain closure, considered an effective and economic measure for natural restoration of degraded forest ecosystems, has been widely carried out in the karst region of southwest China. The aim of this study was to evaluate microbial aspects of soil quality after mountain closure by analyzing soil microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, and relationships with basic chemical properties in Guizhou Province, a karst region of the upper Yangtze River. Soil quality was considered poor from the low levels of microbial biomass carbon (MBC), nitrogen (MBN), and microbial quotient (MBC/total C and MBN/total N), but high metabolic quotient (qCO2). Soil pH, showing marked variation from 4.1 to 7.9 in this karst region, was proved to significantly affect soil microbial biomass and activity. Soil microbial biomass, microbial quotient, and soil basal respiration declined significantly with decreasing soil pH, while qCO2 showed an apparently increasing, but not statistically significant, trend. The changes in microbial biomass and activity following the change in soil pH could possibly be because of a change in soil microbial composition, and more detailed research is necessary. Compared with soil pH, soil organic matter content was another, more important, factor that directly restricted microbial growth because of the serious loss as a result of disturbance. As a practical application based on microbial aspects, introduction of some N-fixing tree species may be an active and effective measure to improve soil fertility and thus to accelerate restoration of the forest ecosystem in the karst region.  相似文献   

Plant and bird diversity in the Indonesian jungle rubber agroforestry system was compared to that in primary forest and rubber plantations by integrating new and existing data from a lowland rain forest area in Sumatra. Jungle rubber gardens are low-input rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) agroforests that structurally resemble secondary forest and in which wild species are tolerated by the farmer. As primary forests have almost completely disappeared from the lowlands of the Sumatra peneplain, our aim was to assess the contribution of jungle rubber as a land use type to the conservation of plant and bird species, especially those that are associated with the forest interior of primary and old secondary forest. Species-accumulation curves were compiled for terrestrial and epiphytic pteridophytes, trees and birds, and for subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds. Comparing jungle rubber and primary forest, groups differed in relative species richness patterns. Species richness in jungle rubber was slightly higher (terrestrial pteridophytes), similar (birds) or lower (epiphytic pteridophytes, trees, vascular plants as a whole) than in primary forest. For subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds, species richness in jungle rubber was lower than in primary forest. For all groups, species richness in jungle rubber was generally higher than in rubber plantations. Although species conservation in jungle rubber is limited by management practices and by a slash-and-burn cycle for replanting of about 40 years, this forest-like land use does support species diversity in an impoverished landscape increasingly dominated by monoculture plantations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting nutrient for forest development. In this study, using a natural pH gradient, N and carbon (C) mineralization was investigated and the effects of soil pH as well as the total C and N contents and the soil C/N ratio were evaluated in forest soils after mountain closure in a karst region. The N availability was poor based on the low N mineralization potential (N 0) and the low active fraction of soil total N (N 0/total N), while high microbial decomposition activity was indicated by a high mineralization rate constant (k N). N 0 was positively correlated with soil pH as well as the total C and N contents. Additionally, multiple regression analysis revealed that total CN (the product of the soil total C and total N contents) and the C/N ratio had more significant effects on N 0 than soil pH. In contrast, the mineralization rate constants k N and k C were positively affected by soil pH. The results indicated that N availability was regulated by soil organic matter (SOM), while microbial activity was restricted by soil pH. Also, the lack of nitrification and the high C 0/N 0 ratio observed at soil pH <5.5 may be a strong indicator of alterations to the microbial composition prompted by severe soil acidification. Further research is required to determine the changes in soil microbial composition with the drop in soil pH and their effects on SOM decomposition and nutrient availabilities.  相似文献   

Fungi of the Cryphonectriaceae family are globally known to be tree pathogens. In Brazil, several species of Chrysoporthe have been found causing stem and branch cankers in Pleroma (= Tibouchina) spp. Recently, Chrysoporthe puriensis was described as a new species causing stem and branch cankers in Pleroma granulosum, Pleroma candolleanum, and Pleroma heteromallum, all native species of the Melastomataceae family. During an investigation to collect isolates of the Cryphonectriaceae family in an important Brazilian biome, the Atlantic Forest, in Serra do Mar, structures typical of Chrysoporthe species were found in a different host, Pleroma mutabile. Fruiting bodies present in the bark of these trees were collected and isolated. The isolates were submitted on morphological characterization and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin gene regions using Maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and Maximum parsimony methods. The isolates collected, for this study, were identified as C. puriensis. Pathogenicity tests on seedlings of Pleroma species and Eucalyptus clones revealed C. puriensis can infect and cause canker in these plant species as mortality. The results demonstrate the importance of delimiting the C. puriensis collection range to track its dissemination in other hosts. No host specificity was observed in the inoculation tests, suggesting this is an important finding, the pathogen causes diseases and mortality in several plants of the Atlantic Forest. Additionally, the pathogen can affect others hosts, such as Eucalyptus clones in commercial plantations.  相似文献   

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