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复方噻胺酮对犬麻醉效果的实验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、试验方法60只犬,多为实验用杂种犬,另一部分是需要麻醉的门诊病例。分为3个剂量组:①5.0 mg/kg组:公犬11只,母犬17只,6月龄以上;②7.5 mg/kg组:公犬10只,母犬6只,其中1月龄小犬6只(4♂,2♀);6月龄  相似文献   

点电极法评价噻胺酮麻醉对犬心功能影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验借助于生理多导仪,应用点电极法描记心阻抗微分图,同步应用常规方法描记心电图和心音图,获取了8条犬在噻胺麻醉状态下的六项心功能指标:心率、心室最大射血速度,左室射血时间,心搏出量、心输出量和心脏指数。  相似文献   

猪胚胎移植在猪的繁殖育种工作中有着重要的意义和作用。由于母猪子宫颈和子宫角的解剖结构原因,目前通常是采用手术的方法,从供体猪采集胚胎,再通过手术方法将胚胎移殖给受体猪。手术时需要对猪进行全身麻醉,而良好的麻醉是手术成功的保证,因此,猪的全身麻醉药的选择和运用显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

氯胺酮和安定复合麻醉,实验犬脑电图波幅显著升高,节律显著变慢,临床上出现肌肉松弛,痛觉和意识消失,为外科手术的适宜时期。  相似文献   

复方噻胺酮和复方苯E唑用于马鹿锯茸的麻醉与催醒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

噻胺酮是一种以氯胺酮和二甲苯胺噻嗪为主的新型复合麻醉剂,除对犬、猫有良好的制动和麻醉作用外,对小型猪的麻醉效果也甚为理想,本实验采用动物给药前后自  相似文献   

氯胺酮静松灵复合麻醉对犬脑电图影响的研究王洪斌,王云鹤,王统石,刘云(东北农业大学动物医学系,哈尔滨150030)氯胺酮和静松灵都是兽医临床中常用麻醉药物,因为该两种药物成本低,使用方便,既可肌肉注射,又能肌肉和皮下用药,而且适于多种动物的化学保定、...  相似文献   

实验测定了健康犬的脑电图,其特征为高频低幅快节律,频率范围为17-30HZ,波幅为5-50μV,两侧对称,偶尔伴发少量低频低幅慢活动。  相似文献   



To determine whether dogs with spontaneously-occurring diabetes mellitus demonstrate serological reactivity to proinsulin.

Sample population

Serum samples were collected from 15 newly-diagnosed diabetic, 15 insulin-treated diabetic and 15 non-diabetic control dogs.


Canine proinsulin was cloned into a prokaryotic expression vector to generate recombinant poly-histidine-tagged protein in Escherichia coli. A Western blotting assay was developed for detection of proinsulin autoantibodies in canine sera.


Reactivity to canine proinsulin was detected in 3 of 15 control dogs, 8 of 15 newly-diagnosed diabetic dogs and 6 of 15 insulin-treated diabetic patients. Of these reactors, only 1 control dog, 1 newly-diagnosed diabetic dog and 3 insulin-treated diabetic dogs recognised porcine insulin by ELISA, suggesting that the remaining proinsulin reactors might have been recognising proinsulin-specific epitopes.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

This study suggests that proinsulin autoantibodies are present in a proportion of diabetic dogs. Further work is required to refine the assay and clarify the significance of these autoantibodies.  相似文献   

The use of dogs as animal model for human atopic dermatitis (AD) is well known. Striking similarities in the pathogenesis of AD have been demonstrated. Similar alteration of host defense peptides (HDP) have been identified in both species. However, the ultrastructural/molecular alterations associated with HDPs secretion in AD have not been elucidated. We were able to use a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the secretion of HDP in canine skin. The contemporary use of indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA and scanning immune-electron microscopy gave fundamental insights in the pathomechanism of HDP alteration in AD. An increased intracellular expression and a reduced secretion of HDPs is present in atopic skin. An increased presence of HDPs was seen on the surface of atopic skin. These results suggested a defective secretion and an increased adhesion of HDPs to atopic corneocytes might be the reason of the reduced killing activity of HDPs in AD.  相似文献   

1990年以来,安达及周围地区十几个市县的奶牛常不同程度的发生低磷酸盐血症。为查找病因、探讨发生机理、确定诊断方法及防治措施,我们从1994年开始,连续三年对安达地区养牛户奶牛的低磷酸盐血症进行流行病学调查、临床检查,并测定了病牛和假定健康牛的血清无机磷、钙、镁、碱性磷酸酶、羟膊氨酸及饲料和土壤磷含量。结果表明安达地区土壤含磷量低,导致植物性饲料的磷含量不足,是奶牛发生低磷酸盐血症的主要原因。流行情况和降雨量有关。临床多数表现为骨软症型,少数表现为血红蛋白尿型和混合型。饲料补磷和土壤增施磷肥为主要防治措施  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if the activity of paraoxonase (PON1), an antioxidant enzyme that works as a negative acute phase reactant, is a better predictor for the clinical recovery of leishmaniotic dogs receiving standard treatments compared with inflammatory markers such as C reactive protein (CRP) and electrophoretic fractions. For this purpose we tested 20 healthy dogs (controls) and 39 leishmaniotic dogs classified as sick (group A, n = 23) or severely sick (group B, n = 16) and tested at admission and after 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days.At admission, CRP and electrophoresis were altered in both groups, while PON1 activity was abnormal only in group B. There were no differences related to the outcome (mortality, complications or time of recovery). PON1 activity normalized in about 2 weeks in dogs that had abnormal values at admission and a final positive outcome; CRP normalized in 4–6 weeks and electrophoretic fractions were still altered after 6 weeks. The results show that, at admission, inflammatory markers did not predict the outcome of leishmaniasis. PON1 activity decreased only in some dogs with systemic inflammation but not in those with mild leishmaniasis: when decreased, PON1 normalized earlier than other markers in dogs that responded to treatment. This finding most likely depends on the rapid decrease in oxidative phenomena. PON1 activity should therefore be tested on admission: if low values are recorded, severe inflammation may be suspected and PON1 measurement may be repeated during treatment to early identify responsive dogs.  相似文献   

注射黄芪多糖雏鸡28日龄后,中枢、外周淋巴器官和主要实持性器官含硒谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Se-GSHPx)活性比健康对照雏鸡显著升高(P<0.05,P<0.01),1日龄雏鸡注射香菇多糖后Se-GSHPx活性呈现间断性跳跃式升高(P<0.05,P<0.01),两者比较香菇多糖应用初期生物效应优于黄芪多糖,而黄芪多糖应用后期生物效应则优于香菇多糖  相似文献   

用富含A蛋白的金黄色葡萄球菌国际标准株(cowanl),分别标记16株淡水鱼类致病菌高兔血清,制备SPA诊断液,建立了检测这16株致病菌的SPA-CoA。将待检病料经分离培养16~18h进行检测,3min内可判定结果,比玻片凝集试验的敏感性高25~50倍。经交叉和重复性试验表明,其特异性强、重复性好、操作简便,快速,无需特殊仪器。适用于基层鱼场对淡水鱼类主要病原菌的快速鉴定和流行病调查。并将16株致病菌用11种药物作药敏试验,为防治上述致病菌引起的鱼病提供依据  相似文献   

A 3-year-old healthy dog was presented for abdominal surgery following ingestion of razor blades. An electrocardiogram revealed a regular sinus bradycardia with normal P waves at a heart rate of 45 bpm. In addition, low-amplitude positive deflections (p′ waves) were visualized at a regular interval and rapid rate of 250 bpm, dissociated from the normal sinus P waves. A tentative diagnosis of atrial dissociation was proposed. Administration of lidocaine abolished the p′ waves. This case describes atrial dissociation observed following premedication that was successfully terminated using lidocaine in a healthy dog.  相似文献   

cDNAs encoding four different canine immunoglobulin G (caIgG) γ chains were identified in this study. One of these IgG γ chain cDNAs, (caIgG-A), represents 92.5% of the IgG γ chain cDNAs in a dog spleen cell cDNA library; a second partial IgG γ chain cDNA (caIgG-B) was also identified in the library. The other two IgG γ chain cDNAs (caIgG-C and caIgG-D) were RT-PCR amplified from canine lymphoma samples. Comparison of the four different canine IgG γ chain cDNAs showed homologies from 83.6 to 89.2% and from 73.1 to 81.8% at nucleotide and amino acid sequence levels, respectively. Despite the high similarity in CH1, CH2 and CH3 domains among the different caIgG γ chains, the hinge regions were distinct, sharing only 19.0–35.2% homology at the amino acid level. No multiple duplication of the hinge region, as reported for human IgG1 and IgG3, was detected in any of the canine IgG γ chains. The numbers of cysteines in the putative hinge regions were found to be 3, 2, 7 and 3 for the four canine IgG heavy γ chains (A, B, C and D), respectively. Specific primers were designed based on caIgG γ chain hinge region DNA sequences and were used in RT-PCR for measuring different caIgG γ chain mRNA levels in canine PBMC samples.  相似文献   

Calretinin is a calcium-binding protein expressed abundantly in the central and peripheral neural tissues. It has been demonstrated to be a valuable marker in human testicular neoplasia. The immunohistochemical expression of calretinin has been studied in 102 samples of normal (n=25) and three different neoplastic canine testicular tumours (n=77). In normal canine testis, calretinin expression was restricted to Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis. In tumour tissues, calretinin expression was detected in all tumours investigated (interstitial cell tumours, seminoma, and Sertoli cell tumours), with a cytoplasmic and nuclear pattern of cellular distribution. The present work reports, for the first time, calretinin immunohistochemical expression in normal and neoplastic canine testis.  相似文献   

氯胺酮对犬脑电图影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以10mg/kg体重的氯胺酮行肌肉注射,实验狗的脑电图5分钟时,波幅显著升高,10分钟时极显著升高,然后逐渐降低,60分钟内差异仍显著,犬脑电图特征为同步性高频高幅快节律,临床上出现显著的镇痛作用,然后逐渐恢复正常,但与其它麻醉药的不同之处是频率有出理显著。  相似文献   

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