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Antithrombin III activity in horses with large colon torsion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A chromogenic peptide substrate assay was used to determine serially plasma antithrombin III (AT III) activity in 4 groups of horses. Group I consisted of healthy, mature horses in which AT III activity was determined twice daily for 7 consecutive days. Groups 2 and 3 contained healthy horses in which AT III activity was monitored for 7 days after controlled, but varying, conditions of general anesthesia and surgery (median celiotomy). Group 4 was made up of patients with a presurgical diagnosis of colonic torsion. In healthy awake horses (group I), there was no difference in AT III values over time. Postoperative AT III activity in the halothane-anesthetized horses (group 2) and in the sham-operated horses (group 3) was not significantly (P = 0.05) different from base-line values at any time. A significant decrease (P = 0.05) in AT III activity was observed on postoperative days 1 through 3 in the group of horses with large colon torsion, but returned to preoperative values by day 4 after surgery in the horses that survived. In those horses that did not survive, AT III activity remained below base-line values for the duration of observation. Seemingly, plasma AT III activity in horses was not significantly affected by halothane anesthesia or surgery. Serial evaluation of AT III activity may be useful for predicting survival in horses with large colon torsion.  相似文献   

Two synthetic substrate assays (fluorometric and chromogenic) were used to measure antithrombin-III (AT-III) activity (residual thrombin activity) in non-medicated and heparin (sodium) treated horses. In 18 non-medicated horses the fluorometric substrate assay (FSA) values were similar to previous reports but they reflected inconsistent trends and larger deviations in the heparin-treated groups (Group 2: 40 and 100 U/kg IV, n=6; Group 3: 240 U/kg IV, n=5; Group 4: 80 U/kg IV followed by 160 U/kg SC, n=8) when compared to the chromogenic substrate assay (CSA) values. The CSA values for the 18 non-medicated horses indicated a higher AT-III activity (lower residual thrombin activity) than the FSA. AT-III activity was quantified in 18 non-medicated horses (29 mg/dl) and compared well with values for humans (30 mg/dl) and dogs (40 mg/dl). Plasma heparin concentrations, determined by the FSA, correlated well with the therapeutic range (1.5 fold to 2.5 fold prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) normal value) and values reported for humans. The effect of heparin therapy on AT-III activity in four treatment regimens was evaluated. AT-III activity was not significantly affected (with one exception) by a single dose of intravenous (IV) heparin (40 and 100 U/kg) nor by repeated subcutaneous (SC) injections of heparin (240 U/kg). A transient increase in residual thrombin activity was measured 12 h after an intravenous (80 U/kg) injection of heparin. Large doses of heparin (80 U/kg IV followed by 160 U/kg SC) given every 12 h produced a progressive prolongation of the APTT. In this group the APTT remained prolonged 48 h after the last treatment.  相似文献   

Clinical relevance of monocyte procoagulant activity in horses with colic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endotoxin-activated monocytes express a thromboplastin-like procoagulant activity on the cell surface that may serve as a focal point for formation of microvascular thrombi. Because coagulopathy is a common sequela to endotoxemia in the equine species, we investigated the ability of monocytes, isolated from horses with colic, to express procoagulant activity. On the day of admission, and on the third and fifth day of hospitalization, monocytes were isolated from 30 adult horses with colic. A coagulation profile, including prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, and plasma fibrinogen and serum fibrin degradation products concentrations, was determined at each sample collection. The concentration of endotoxin in the plasma was quantitated at the time of admission. Ten clinically normal adult horses served as controls. The procoagulant activity of monocytes isolated from horses with colic was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that of the monocytes isolated from clinically normal horses. On the first and third day of hospitalization, the mean prothrombin time was significantly (P less than 0.05) longer in horses with colic, compared with clinically normal horses, and was the most common abnormality in the coagulation profile on the day of admission (25/30; 83%). Mean fibrin degradation products concentration was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in horses with colic on the day of admission and was the second most common abnormality in the coagulation profile on day 1 (23/30; 77%). In horses with colic, the mean prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin times were significantly (P less than 0.05) longer in horses that did not survive, compared with horses that survived.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the outcome of surgical treatment of acute abdominal crises in miniature breed horses. DESIGN: Retrospective case series of miniature horses presented to the University Veterinary Centre, Camden with an acute abdominal crisis. METHODS: Hospital records of all miniature horses that underwent ventral midline laparotomy for acute abdominal crisis between 1997 and 2001 were reviewed. The signalment, history, clinical signs, results of ancillary diagnostic procedures, location and type of intestinal lesion, treatment and outcome were retrieved from each case record. Long-term survival was determined by telephone interview of owners. RESULTS: Eleven miniature horses including five females and six males underwent ventral midline laparotomies for acute abdominal crisis during the study period. Ages ranged between 1 month and 19 years. Surgical findings included faecalith obstruction (seven horses), enterolith (one horse), strangulating lipoma of the descending colon (one horse), jejunal infarction (one horse), and caecal infarction (one horse). Long-term survival rate (minimum 12 months post surgery) was 55%. Six of eight horses with simple intraluminal obstructions survived, while the three horses with gastrointestinal lesions associated with vascular compromise were euthanased either at surgery (caecal infarction), or postoperatively, due to complications (strangulating lipoma of the descending colon, jejunal infarction). Postoperative complications in this study included impaction of the descending colon (two horses), diarrhoea (two horses), peritonitis (one horse), hyperlipaemia (two horses), incisional infection (two horses) and abdominal adhesions (one horse). Hyperlipidaemia was present in five of seven horses in which serum triglycerides were measured at presentation. CONCLUSIONS: Simple intraluminal obstructions of the large intestine were frequently encountered during exploratory laparotomy in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal crises, and their surgical treatment was associated with a good prognosis. In contrast, this study suggested that abdominal pain associated with vascular compromise of gastrointestinal tissues in miniature horses was associated with a poorer prognosis, consistent with reports in other horse breeds. Possible contributing factors to faecalith formation, including poor quality roughage, dental disease, and inadequate water consumption, should be recognised and avoided in miniature horses. Serum triglyceride concentrations should be measured in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal pain. If elevated, nutritional supplementation should be provided.  相似文献   

Many factors have been identified as risk factors for colic in horses in several epidemiological studies. The aim of our paper was to review the results of 12 epidemiological studies, in order to assess the impact of each risk factor for colic. According to the literature, the factors that increase the risk of colic are feeding practices (type and quality of food, type and changes of feeding), the intrinsic factors of horses (sex, age and breed), management (type and changes of housing and activity), medical history (a previous colic, administration of a medical treatment) and parasite control (the presence of worms and type of deworming program). Several individual factors were incriminated as risk factors by all the studies. Nevertheless, the different studies did not always agree on the role of other risk factors. The conclusions were tightly related to several criteria in the selection of the study population, like the type of the epidemiological study, the number and the origin of horses included and the location of the study.  相似文献   

A prospective survey of horses with colic referred to the Large Animal Hospital at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen, Denmark, was undertaken between August 1994 and December 1997. The interrelationships between 17 clinical variables were analysed using factor analysis. Factor analysis uncovers the structure of the variability in data and therefore detects multicollinearity. A total of 528 horses were admitted in the study period. Of these, 16 were excluded from the analysis as a result of miscellaneous conditions. Only 205 horses had observations for all 17 variables. Because no major change occurred in the main diagnostic categories, this population was considered as a representative subset. Factor analysis confirmed the clinical impression of correlation between variables, but the multicollinearity turned out not to be strong. Four factors were extracted, and these accounted for 51% of the total variance. The retained factors were interpreted by integrating previously reported clinical research. The first factor, which was interpreted as endotoxaemia, had high loadings on capillary refill time, mucous-membrane colour, degree of pain, heart rate, packed-cell volume and abdominal sounds. In the second factor, cecal decompression, admission month and gastric reflux had the predominant influence, and this factor was explained as cecal tympany. The third factor was simply interpreted as age because it had high loadings on gender, age and temperature. In the fourth factor, the interpretation was not straightforward, although breed had the greatest influence in the formation of this factor. Subsequently, the extracted factors were used in a logistic-regression analysis to determine their association with outcome (survival/death). The two factors interpreted as endotoxaemia and age were related to the outcome.  相似文献   

Colic in horses very often induces changes in the coagulation system causing the development of disseminated intravascular clotting. It is promoted by blood concentration and an increase in exposition of coagulation activators with a simultaneous decrease in coagulation inhibitors activity, mainly antithrombin III. Progressing blood platelets aggregation supports production of microthromboses and plugging capillary vessels. The progression of this processes causes complications in basic disease and becomes the reason for therapeutic failure. Determination of coagulation system indexes such as the number of platelets, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, concentration of fibrinogen and fibrinogen degradation products, and D-dimmer and antithrombin III contents enables diagnosis and facilitates appropriate therapy of colic in horses.  相似文献   

Salmonella shed by horses with colic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salmonella was isolated from 13 of 100 colicky horses admitted to a referral hospital. Seven horses were shedding the microorganism at or soon after hospital admission. A unique serotype was introduced into the hospital by a horse not shedding Salmonella at admission. It was concluded that 8 horses were infected before admission. Whether the remaining 5 horses were infected before or after admission could not be determined. Salmonella senftenberg was the most commonly isolated serotype from colicky horses and from horses with salmonellosis that were not colicky on hospital admission during the survey period. This organism was rarely isolated at the hospital before initiation of this survey.  相似文献   

Shoulder lameness in horses: an analysis of 58 suspected cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of a detailed investigation of 58 horses with suspected shoulder lameness are described. Lameness was found to originate distal to the shoulder region in 22 horses. No diagnosis was reached in five horses. Genuine shoulder problems occurred in 29 horses. The clinical signs of shoulder lameness are described and contrasted with lower limb lameness. The limitations of currently available diagnostic techniques are discussed. Problems identified in the shoulder region included osteochondritis dissecans, subchondral bone cysts, arthrosis, fracture, luxation, septic arthritis and soft tissue damage. Some of the differences between osteochondritis dissecans and subchondral bone cysts are described and it is suggested that these are two separate conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine signalment, clinical findings, results of diagnostic testing, outcome, and postmortem findings in horses with West Nile virus (WNV) encephalomyelitis. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 46 horses with WNV encephalomyelitis. PROCEDURE: Clinical data were extracted from medical records of affected horses. RESULTS: On the basis of clinical signs and results of serologic testing, WNV encephalomyelitis was diagnosed in 46 of 56 horses with CNS signs. Significantly more males than females were affected. Increased rectal temperature, weakness or ataxia, and muscle fasciculations were the most common clinical signs. Paresis was more common than ataxia, although both could be asymmetrical and multifocal. Supportive treatment included anti-inflammatory medications, fluids, antimicrobials, and slinging of recumbent horses. Results of the IgM capture ELISA and the plaque reduction neutralization test provided a diagnosis in 43 horses, and only results of the plaque reduction neutralization test were positive in 3 horses. Mortality rate was 30%, and 71% of recumbent horses were euthanatized. One horse that had received 2 vaccinations for WNV developed the disease and was euthanatized. Follow-up communications with 19 owners revealed that most horses had residual deficits at 1 month after release from the hospital; abnormalities were resolved in all but 2 horses by 12 months after release. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our findings were similar to those of previous WNV outbreaks in horses but provided additional clinical details from monitored hospitalized horses. Diagnostic testing is essential to diagnosis, treatment is supportive, and recovery rate of discharged ambulatory horses is < 100%.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether specific feeding practices were associated with development of colic in horses. DESIGN: Prospective matched case-control study. ANIMALS: 364 horses examined by veterinarians in private practice in Texas because of colic (cases; n = 182) or any other reason (controls; 182). PROCEDURE: Participating veterinarians were sent forms at the beginning of the study to collect information on signalment, feeding management practices, farm management practices, and preventive medical treatments. Case and control horses were compared by use of conditional logistic regression to identify factors associated with colic. RESULTS: Risk factors for colic were a recent change in batch of hay, decreased exposure to pasture, a recent change in type of grain or concentrate fed, feeding > 2.7 kg (6 lb) of oats/d, feeding hay from round bales, and Thoroughbred breed. Recent anthelmintic administration decreased the risk of colic. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that certain changes in diet (eg, change in batch of hay, change in type of grain or concentrate, feeding hay from round bales) and management (eg, decreased availability of pasture) increase the risk of colic in horses.  相似文献   

Anaesthetic records of horses with colic anaesthetised between June 1987 and May 1989 were reviewed. pH and blood gas analyses were performed during 157 operations from which the horses were allowed to recover. A PaO2 of 8.0 kPa or less was measured during anaesthesia in seven of these horses. The horses were of different breeds, ages and sexes. Anaesthesia was induced with xylazine, guaifenesin and ketamine in four horses and with xylazine, guaifenesin and thiobarbiturate in three horses. Anaesthesia was maintained with inhalation anaesthetic agent and oxygen: isoflurane in five horses, halothane in one horse, and initially halothane but later isoflurane in one horse. Systolic arterial pressures during anaesthesia ranged from 80 to 150 mmHg, diastolic arterial pressures were between 60 and 128 mmHg, and heart rates were between 28 and 44 beats /min. Controlled ventilation was initiated at the start of anaesthesia. PaCO2 exceeded 6.7 kPa in three horses but was subsequently decreased by adjustment of the ventilator. PaO2 of 8.0 kPa or less was measured during early anaesthesia, with one exception, and persisted for the duration of anaesthesia. The horses' inspired air was supplemented with oxygen during recovery from anaesthesia, at which time measurement of blood gases in three horses revealed no increase in PaO2. Recovery from anaesthesia was uneventful. The surgical problems involved primarily the large intestine in five horses and the small intestine in two horses. Six horses were discharged from the hospital alive; one horse was reanaesthetised later the same day and destroyed without regaining consciousness. We concluded that none of the objective values recorded during the pre-anaesthetic evaluation could have been used to predict the complication of intraoperative hypoxaemia. We observed that once hypoxaemia developed it persisted for the duration of anaesthesia and even into the recovery period when the horses were in lateral recumbency and regaining consciousness. We assume that the altered metabolism from anaesthetic agents and hypothermia combined with adequate peripheral perfusion contributed to the lack of adverse consequences in six of the horses. The contribution of hypoxaemia to the deteriorating condition of the seventh horse is speculative.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A retrospective review of the medical records of 41 horses requiring abdominal surgery for sand colic. RESULTS: The diagnosis of sand colic was made when sand was found to be the cause of impaction of the gastrointestinal tract during surgical exploration. The most common clinical signs at presentation were abdominal pain, abdominal distension and diarrhoea. A statistically significant association was found between the respiratory rate on arrival and short-term survival. Sand impaction at multiple locations was detected in one-third of the horses. Concurrent pathology was detected in half of the horses. Four horses were euthanased during surgery; of those that recovered from surgery, 35/37 (95%) were discharged from hospital. Short- and long-term complications were similar to those previously reported. Long-term (1 year) survival of the horses discharged was 100%. CONCLUSION: The good prognosis for horses undergoing surgery for the treatment of sand impaction supports early surgical intervention in cases where large amounts of sand are suspected.  相似文献   

Three horses with colic, clinical evidence of endotoxaemia and high serum activities of creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase were examined postmortem. The horses were diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis, pyloric ulceration and stenosis with colonic sand impaction, and colonic obstruction due to faecaliths. There was no gross or histological evidence of muscle trauma. Their semimembranosus muscles had scattered acute to subacute segmental necrosis of the myofibres, suggestive of endotoxin-induced muscle injury.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed of horses that developed colic during endurance racing, and subsequently required surgery. Fifteen horses met the inclusion criteria, of which 13 (87%) had small intestinal volvulus. Nine of the 15 horses (60%) had a small intestinal resection and anastomosis performed. Post operative ileus, particularly in those horses that had a resection performed, was a common complication. Eleven of the 15 (73%) survived, and 4 (27%) have since raced.  相似文献   

A study of 15 American miniature horses (AMH) that underwent surgical treatment for colic was performed. Information obtained from the medical records included signalment, clinical signs, type and location of gastrointestinal lesion, and postoperative complications. All 15 AMH had intraluminal obstructions, attributable to feed impactions (11 horses), enteroliths (2), and sand (2). The most common location of obstruction was the small colon, which was involved in 9 of the 15 cases. All 15 AMH survived and were discharged from the hospital. Six of the 15 AMH underwent subsequent surgical treatment for abdominal disorders. Elapsed time between the first and second operations ranged from 1 month to 5 years. Intestinal adhesions were observed in all AMH that were surgically treated twice. Thus, despite the fact that most of the AMH had a simple intraluminal obstruction, 40% (n = 6) developed adhesions that required or complicated a second surgery. Of the 15 AMH, 87% (n = 13) survived at least 12 months after the initial exploratory celiotomy. These findings suggest that most surgical abdominal conditions in AMH can be corrected; however, precautions should be taken to avoid or minimize adhesion formation.  相似文献   

Over a 24-month period, serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity was determined in 289 horses with colic attributable to gastrointestinal tract disease. Serum TNF activity was quantitated by use of a modified in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay, using WEHI 164 clone-13 murine fibrosarcoma cells. Causes for colic, determined by clinical and laboratory evaluation, exploratory celiotomy, or necropsy included: gastrointestinal tract rupture (GTR); ileal impaction; small intestinal strangulating obstruction (SIO); proximal enteritis (PE); transient small intestinal distention; large-colon displacement; large-colon volvulus; large-colon impaction; colitis; small-colon obstruction; peritonitis; and unknown. Each diagnosis was placed into 1 of 3 lesion categories: inflammatory disorders (GTR, PE, colitis, peritonitis); strangulating intestinal obstruction (SIO, large-colon volvulus); and nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction (ileal impaction, transient small intestinal distension, large-colon displacement, large-colon impaction, small-colon obstruction, unknown). The prevalence of high serum TNF activity and/or mortality were evaluated. Differences were tested at significance level of P less than 0.05. Approximately 20% of the 289 horses has serum TNF activity greater than that found in clinically normal horses (greater than 2.5 U/ml). Twenty-three horses (8%) had marked increase in serum TNF activity (greater than or equal to 10 U/ml) which was more prevalent among horses with SIO and PE than in horses of other diagnostic groups, except those with GTR. Mortality and marked increase in serum TNF activity were greater in horses with intestinal inflammatory disorders or strangulating intestinal obstruction than in horses with nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Deal impaction is prevalent in the south-eastern USA, where feeding of Coastal Bermuda hay has been implicated as a risk factor. Alternatively, infection with the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata has been identified as a risk factor for ileal impaction in the UK. We hypothesised that feeding Coastal Bermuda hay and failure to administer routinely an anthelmintic with efficacy against tapeworms would place horses at risk of developing ileal impaction in the USA. Seventy-eight horses, with surgically confirmed ileal impaction and 100 horses admitted for colic that did not have an ileal impaction, were selected retrospectively for logistic regression analysis. Using odds ratios (OR) as an index of risk, feeding Coastal Bermuda hay (OR = 2.9) and failure to administer a pyrantel salt within 3 months of admission (OR = 3.1) placed horses at risk of development of ileal impaction. This study confirms the belief that feeding Coastal Bermuda hay places horses at risk of ileal impaction, although the quality of the hay may also play a role. Periodic administration of anthelmintics with efficacy against tapeworms should be considered to reduce risk of ileal impaction.  相似文献   

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