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为了解斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)全基因组中完整型微卫星的分布特征,本研究使用生物信息学软件MISA对其全基因组微卫星进行了搜索并分析。结果显示,在斑点叉尾鮰29条染色体中,筛选到完整型微卫星共510 256个,总长度达11 036 941 bp。其中,微卫星数量最多的是2号染色体(25 284个),其次分别是3号、1号和5号染色体,29号染色体的微卫星数量最少,只有11 591个。每条染色体长度与位于其上的微卫星的数量均显著相关(SPSS, r=0.98, P<0.01)。27号染色体的微卫星相对丰度最大(785.03个/Mb),11号染色体的微卫星相对丰度最小(615.89个/Mb)。6种重复拷贝类型的微卫星中,单碱基的数量最多,占总数的45.31%,随后依次是二碱基(38.53%)、三碱基(8.73%)、四碱基(6.93%)、五碱基(0.46%)和六碱基(0.04%)。斑点叉尾鮰全基因组微卫星中,前10种优势重复拷贝类别为A、AC、AG、AT、AAT、AAAT、C、AAC、AAAC和AAG,表现出明显的A、T碱基优势。本研究结果可为进一步研究斑点叉尾鮰全基因组特征提供参考,并为今后进行斑点叉尾鮰分子标记辅助育种及遗传信息评估等工作提供基础资料。  相似文献   

我们于1989年开始进行斑点叉尾鮰的人工繁殖试验研究,现将试验情况报告如下。  相似文献   

通过人工控制手段,促使红色斑点叉尾鮰与黑色斑点叉尾鮰自行配对、产卵、收集受精卵集中孵化,获得浅黑色的鱼苗;要获得稳定的红鮰鱼苗,必须采取红色斑点叉尾鮰自交的方法。  相似文献   

江林源 《水利渔业》2006,26(3):48-49
从池塘养殖的成鱼中选择亲鱼,培育至3龄以上,自然受精、人工孵化。4月上旬获第1批受精卵,经4d室内孵化。出苗36万尾,培育至7~8cm 32.4万尾,成活率达90%。比湖北地区产苗时间提前1个多月。  相似文献   

阐述了斑点叉尾的人工繁殖技术,其中包括亲鱼池的条件、亲鱼的选择与培育、亲鱼的产卵以及鱼卵的孵化。  相似文献   

2000年3月30日,将美国密西西比品系原种斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctalus)亲鱼,自湖北荆州张家山渔场运往辽宁铁岭三家子渔场.起运亲鱼698尾共1 087kg,经20 h到达目的地,成活率97.9%.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鲴(Ictalurus punctatus),原产于美国东南和中南诸州,是美国的主要淡水养殖品种之一,其年产量占美国淡水养殖总产量的一半以上.斑占又尾鮰在美国除了供作食用之外,部分也作为娱乐性游钓鱼之用.1984年该品种首批引入我国湖北省水产科学研究所,  相似文献   

刘玉林  王敏  王卫民 《水利渔业》2006,26(6):84-85,96
综述了斑点叉尾鮰病毒病的流行情况、临床症状,论述了影响疾病爆发的因子、诊断、治疗、控制和预防措施。  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鲴Ictalurus punctatus和云斑鮰Ictalurus nebulosus都是1984年从美国引进的,前者又称沟鲶,英文名是Channel catfish,后者又称褐首鲶,英文名是brown bullheact这二种鱼是北美重要的商品性养殖鱼类,我国目前正在推广养殖。由于它们的繁殖习性与青、草、鲢、鳙等鲤科鱼类不同,因此,人工繁殖的技术设备也有其自己的特点。本文着重介绍孵化槽、环道和产卵桶三种设备。  相似文献   


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate low-quality diets for growout of pond-raised channel catfish. Five practical diets containing various levels of protein (10-28%) of varying quality (with or without animal protein and/or soybean meal), and with or without certain nutrient supplements (vitamin, minerals, lysine, or fat) were fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusstocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 17,290 fish/ha. The diets were as follows: (1) 28% protein, nutritionally complete control; (2) 28% protein without supplemental vitamins, minerals, or fat; (3) 18% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein; (4) 10% protein without animal protein, soybean meal, or supplemental vitamins and minerals; and (5) 10% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein or soybean meal. Each diet was fed once daily to apparent satiation to fish in five replicate ponds for a single growing season. Fish fed diets containing 18% or 28% protein without supplements had similar diet consumption rates and weight gain as those fed the 28% control diet, but the fish fed the control diet converted diet more efficiently. Fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements consumed less diet, converted diet less efficiently, and gained less weight than fish fed diets containing higher levels of protein. The addition of supplements to the 10% protein diet increased weight gain and processing yield as compared to fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements. Body fattiness increased, fillet protein decreased, and carcass, fillet and nugget yields decreased as dietary protein decreased. The data show that pond-raised channel catfish can be grown effectively on a diet containing 18% protein that is of relatively low quality, but fattiness is increased and processing yield is decreased. However, because of the negative aspects of this diet, we would not recommend it for general use in commercial catfish culture. It could be used where fattiness and processing yield are not of consequence, such as recreational ponds. For that matter, the 10% diet without supplements could be used as well in these situations if maximum growth is not desired.  相似文献   


The passive sock grading method used by commercial channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, farmers to grade and reduce the number of under-sized fish delivered to processing plants was assessed on an experimental scale. The assessment was conducted at the Aquaculture Research Station at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff in 0.1-ha earthen ponds. A rectangular holding sock was fabricated with dimensions of 0.9 m in width, 2.4 m in length, and 1.2 m in depth. The mesh size of the sock was 4.4 cm and the mesh material was nylon netting, 0.64 cm in diameter. Seventeen groups of channel catfish, were graded, with group weights ranging from approximately 115 to 370 kilograms. Fish were held in the sock for approximately three hours (±0.27 hours). The water temperature during the trials ranged from 7.3°C to 28.7°C. The percent removal of fish less than 0.45 kg during the three-hour holding period ranged from 27.6% to 73.3%. Overall, sock grading efficiency increased with increasing water temperature and at water temperatures above 15°C a greater percentage of fish less than 0.45 kg were not retained in the socks.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine if channel catfish could be cultured at an increased density in the Partitioned Aquaculture System (PAS) without significantly affecting performance. Channel catfish fingerlings (36.53±6.76 g; mean ±SD) were initially stocked into six 9.15 m3 sections at 3,461±317 fish per section, twice the designed carrying capacity, and fed twice daily to satiation. After 75 days, the density of three units was reduced by approximately 50% and all six units were fed for another 97 days. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in mean growth rate, feed conversion ratio, or production between fish grown at the low- and high-density treatments. Also, length variation (CV) and condition factors (K) were similar (P > 0.05) between fish grown at the low and high-density. Increasing density by twice the designed carrying capacity did not affect performance of channel catfish in the PAS.  相似文献   

利用m tDNA控制区序列对1984、1997年引进的斑点叉尾鮰群体遗传多态性进行了分析。通过PCR产物测序法,测定了40尾斑点叉尾鮰线粒体DNA的一段包括部分Cytb基因、tRNAThr、tRNAPro、D-loop控制区和部分tRNAThe长度为1256 bp的核苷酸序列,经过比对分析得到7个序列单元型。7个单元型中共有13个碱基转换位点,全部发生在控制区,其序列相似度平均为99.58%。群体总的序列单元型多态性比例为17.5%,其中1997年群体的单元型多态性比例为35%,是1984年群体单元型多态性比例(15.0%)的2倍多。初步表明1984年引进的群体遗传多样性较低。  相似文献   


Cuphea meal is a new, alternative feedstuff that has potential as a sustainable, economical replacement for wheat, rice, and corn ingredients in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, diets. Channel catfish fingerlings were fed a control diet containing wheat or two experimental diets containing 7.5% cuphea meal, or 12.5% cuphea meal for eight weeks to determine if cuphea meal could replace wheat products in catfish diets. Mean (±SE) weight gains were 317.8 ± 28.8 g, 407.0 ± 36.9 g, and 372.8 ± 29.8 g for fish fed the control diet, the 7.5% cuphea meal diet, and the 15% cuphea meal diet, respectively, and there were no significant differences (P < 0.05) among treatments. Mean (±SE) whole-body protein of fish fed the cuphea diets (13.3 ± 0.66 and 14.5 ± 0.21%) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of fish fed the wheat diet (12.7 ± 0.44%). Cuphea meal enhanced body composition of juvenile channel catfish without affecting growth or survival. Therefore, cuphea meal is a promising candidate for replacement of wheat bran at the levels tested.  相似文献   

以斑点叉尾(鱼回)幼鱼为试验对象,研究不同水平外源核苷酸对其生长和肠道发育的影响.在基础饲料中分别添加0.0%(对照组)、0.02%、0.05%和0.1%的外源核苷酸.结果表明,在斑点叉尾(鱼回)幼鱼日粮中添加外源核苷酸,促生长作用不显著(P>0.05),但可显著促进肠道组织的发育(P<0.05).  相似文献   


Animal protein, generally fish meal, has traditionally been used in the diet of channel catfish. However, our previous research indicates that animal protein is not needed for growing stocker-size catfish to food fish when the fish are stocked at densities typical of those used in commercial catfish culture. Whether this holds when fish are stocked at high densities is not known; thus, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the effect of feeding diets with and without fish meal to channel catfish stocked in earthen ponds at different densities. Two 32% protein-practical diets containing 0% or 6% menhaden fish meal were compared for pond-raised channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, stocked at densities of 14,820, 29,640, or 44,460 fish/ha. Fingerling channel catfish with average initial weight of 48 g/fish were stocked into 30 0.04-ha ponds. Five ponds were randomly allotted for each fish meal level?×?stocking density combination. Fish were fed once daily to satiation for two growing seasons. There was a significant interaction between stocking density and fish meal for net production; net production increased in fish fed a diet containing fish meal compared with those fed an all-plant diet at the highest stocking density, but not at the two lower stocking densities. Net production of fish fed diets with and without fish meal increased as stocking density increased. Viewing the main effect means, weight gain decreased and feed conversion ratio increased for fish stocked at the two highest densities, and survival was significantly lower at the highest stocking density. Visceral fat decreased in fish at the two highest stocking densities. Body composition data were largely unaffected by experimental treatment except for a reduction in percentage filet fat in fish at the highest stocking density, and fish that were fed diets containing fish meal had a lower percentage fillet protein and a higher percentage fillet fat. It appears that at stocking densities two to three times higher than generally used, animal protein (fish meal) may be beneficial in the diet of channel catfish. In regard to stocking densities, high stocking results in higher overall production, but the average fish size decreased as stocking density increased.  相似文献   

Bolbophorus damnificus (Digenea: Bolbophoridae) causes significant economic losses in catfish aquaculture in the southeastern USA. To determine mortality trends associated with B. damnificus exposure, three separate disease challenges were conducted. The first challenge exposed channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, fingerlings (7–13 cm) to approximately 285 B. damnificus cercariae/L, while the second exposed fish to approximately 215 cercaria/L. Fish were monitored for morbidity and mortality for 28 d. In both studies, mortality first occurred 8 d postchallenge (PC) and peaked at 9 and 10 d PC, respectively. Mortality had subsided by 14 d PC, with only sporadic mortality occurring >15 d PC. Dead and moribund fish presented with lesions consistent with B. damnificus infection. A third challenge was performed to record histological changes associated with parasite development from initial exposure up to the cessation of mortality. Catfish (2–5 cm) were exposed as described above to a range covering 0, 35, 70, 100, 150, 175, and 215 cercariae/L. Each day, two fish were sampled from each treatment. Mortality trends were consistent with previous challenges. The mortality window coincided with parasite encapsulation, neovascularization, and development of the host‐derived cyst, suggesting that morbidity and mortality are linked to host pathophysiological changes in response to metacercariae encapsulation.  相似文献   

在面积为6667m2 的池塘混养、鲂鱼种,搭配鲢、鳙及银鲫。、鲂及银鲫投喂配合颗粒饲料,鲢、鳙不投饵。设置2台3kW增氧机,饲养209d,结果共产鱼6960kg,团头鲂6889 6kg,异育银鲫345kg,鲢、鳙共2137 4kg,平均产量为2 45kg m2,平均成本为11 45元 m2,平均利润为6 48元 m2,投入产出比为1∶1 56。  相似文献   

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