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In view of their potential benefits, reduced or no tillage (NT) systems are being advocated worldwide. Concerns about impairment of some soil conditions, however, cast doubt on their unqualified acceptance. We evaluated the effects of 6 years of tillage and residue management on bulk density, penetration resistance, aggregation and infiltration rate of a Black Chernozem at Innisfail (loam, 65 g kg−1 organic matter, Udic Boroll) and a Gray Luvisol at Rimbey (loam, 31 g kg−1 organic matter, Boralf) cropped to monoculture spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in a cool temperate climate in Alberta, Canada. Tillage systems were no tillage and tillage with rototilling (T), and two residue levels were straw removed (−S) and straw retained (+S). Bulk density (BD) of the 0–7.5 and 7.5–15 cm depths was significantly greater under NT (1.13–1.58 Mg m−3) than under T (0.99–1.41 Mg m−3) in both soils, irrespective of residue management. In both soils, penetration resistance (PR) was greater under NT than under T to 15 cm depth. Residue retention significantly reduced PR of the 0–10 cm soil in NT, but not in T. In the 0–5 cm depth of the Black Chernozem, the >2 mm fraction of dry aggregates was highest under NT + S (72%), and lowest under T − S (50%). The wind-erodible fraction (dry aggregates <1 mm size) was smallest (18%) under NT + S and largest (39%) under T − S. Soil aggregation benefited more from NT than from residue retention. Proportion of wind-erodible aggregates was generally greater in the Gray Luvisol than in the Black Chernozem. In the Black Chernozem, steady-state infiltration rate (IR) was significantly lower (33%) under NT than under T. Residue retention improved IR in both NT and T. In the Gray Luvisol, IR was not significantly affected by tillage and residue management. Despite firmer soil, NT and residue retention are recommended to improve aggregation in the cool temperate region of Western Canada.  相似文献   

The type of conservation-tillage management employed could impact surface-soil properties, which could subsequently affect relationships between soil and water quality, as well as with soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. We determined soil bulk density, organic C and N fractions, plant-available N, and extractable P on Typic Kanhapludults throughout a 7-year period, in which four long-term (>10 years), no-tillage (NT) water catchments (1.3–2.7 ha each) were divided into two treatments: (1) continuation of NT and (2) paraplowing (PP) in autumn (a form of non-inversion deep ripping) with NT planting. Both summer [cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)] and winter [wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.)] crops were NT planted throughout the study under each management system. Soil bulk density was reduced with PP compared with NT by as much as 0.15 Mg m−3, but the extent of reduction was inversely related to the time lag between PP operation and sampling event. Soil organic C became significantly enriched with time during this study under NT (0.49 Mg C ha−1 year−1), but not under PP, in which poultry litter was applied equivalent to 5.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 to all water catchments. Soil maintained a highly stratified depth distribution of organic C and N fractions and extractable P under both NT and PP. Inability to perform the PP operation in the last year of this study resulted in rapid convergence of soil bulk density between tillage systems, suggesting that PP had <1-year effectiveness on soil loosening. The high energy cost of PP (ca. 30 kW shank−1) and the lack of sustained improvement in surface-soil properties put into question the value of PP for improving upon long-term NT management in sandy loam and sandy clay loam Ultisols of the Southern Piedmont USA, unless large effects on crop yield, water quality, or other ecosystem processes warrant its use.  相似文献   

The soil tillage system affects incorporation of crop residues and may influence organic matter dynamics. A study was carried out in five 15–20 year old tillage experiments on soils with a clay content ranging from 72 to 521 g kg−1. The main objective was to quantify the influence of tillage depth on total content of soil organic carbon and its distribution by depth. Some soil physical properties were also determined. The experiments were part of a series of field experiments all over Sweden with the objective of producing a basis to advise farmers on optimal depths and methods of primary tillage under various conditions. Before the experimental period, all sites had been mouldboard ploughed annually for many years to a depth of 23–25 cm. Treatments included primary tillage to 24–29 cm depth by mouldboard plough (deep tillage) and to 12–15 cm by field cultivator or mouldboard plough (shallow tillage). Dry bulk density, degree of compactness and penetration resistance profiles clearly reflected the depth of primary tillage and substantially increased below that depth. Compared to deep tillage, shallow tillage increased the concentration of organic carbon in the surface layer but decreased it in deeper layers. Total quantity of soil organic carbon and carbon–nitrogen ratio were unaffected by the tillage depth. Thus, a reduction of the tillage depth from about 25 cm to half of that depth would appear to have no significant effect on the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Soil puddling in advance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) transplanting disperses surface aggregates and generates compaction at depth. As a management scheme for rice, puddling is typically considered advantageous for maximizing resource availability and yield. However, some experimental findings suggest a conflict between edaphic conditions created by this establishment technique and the performance of subsequent non-rice crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). At a site in the mid-hills region of Nepal on a silt loam soil with vertic characteristics, we compared the impact of six rice tillage (surface tillage—T1, shank subsoiler—T2, shank subsoiler + moldboard plough—T3) and establishment (soil puddling + transplanting—TPR, direct seeding—DSR) combinations on soil physical properties over two cycles of the rice–wheat rotation. For the rice season, 0–20 cm saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) in the DSR plots was 2.6 and 4.3 times higher than their TPR counterparts in the first (Y1) and second (Y2) years, respectively (TPR-Y1 = 93 mm day−1, DSR-Y1 = 241 mm day−1, TPR-Y2 = 133 mm day−1, DSR-Y2 = 582 mm day−1), whereas tillage method did not significantly influence Ksat in this soil layer. The impact of rice establishment method was reflected in higher TPR bulk densities in the 5–10 (DSR = 1.19 g cm−3, TPR = 1.24 g cm−3) and 10–15 cm (DSR = 1.24 g cm−3, TPR = 1.29 g cm−3) depth increments in the wet season. Although none of the treatments significantly influenced the position or thickness of the plough sole, penetration resistance profiles suggest that vertical fractures with reduced soil strength were created within the pan region by deep tillage (T2 and T3), although these features were not associated with higher hydraulic conductivities from 20 to 50 cm. As the soils dried at the end of the rice season, crack propagation in the deep tilled plots (T2 and T3) was more pervasive. During the wheat season, comparable bulk density profiles and soil moisture retention characteristics across the treatments suggest that many of the edaphic changes induced by contrasting rice tillage and establishment practices did not persist in the self-mulching, vertic soils at our site. Conversely, significant increases in Ksat among the DSR plots from Y1 to Y2 (Y1 = 241 mm day−1, Y2 = 582 mm day−1) imply a temporal element to soil structural regeneration with adoption of direct seeding.  相似文献   

Conservation management systems such as no tillage may enhance sequestration of soil C. The soil properties that contribute to soil C storage under such systems are still largely unknown, especially in subtropical agroecosystems. We investigated the influence of tillage [mouldboard plough (MP) and no tillage (NT)] on soil organic C, microbial biomass and activity, structural stability and mycorrhizal status of a field cultivated with maize (Zea mays L.) or bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on a Vertisol in Northern Tamaulipas, Mexico. Crop type, tillage system and soil depth had a significant effect on soil organic C, aggregate stability and bulk density. Soil organic C, microbial biomass C and N and dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities were greater with NT than with MP, particularly under bean cultivation. In the 0–5 cm layer, microbial biomass C and N were, on average, about 87 and 51% greater in the soils cultivated with bean and maize, respectively, under NT than under MP. Higher levels of mycorrhizal propagules, glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) and stable aggregates were produced under NT than under MP in both crops. The no-tillage system can be considered an effective management practice for carrying out sustainable agriculture under subtropical conditions, due to its improvement of soil physical and biochemical quality and soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Plant growth is directly affected by soil water, soil aeration, and soil resistance to root penetration. The least limiting water range (LLWR) is defined as the range in soil water content within which limitations to plant growth associated with water potential, aeration and soil resistance to root penetration are minimal. The LLWR has not been evaluated in tropical soils. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the LLWR in a Brazilian clay Oxisol (Typic Hapludox) cropped with maize (Zea mays L. cv. Cargil 701) under no-tillage and conventional tillage. Ninety-six undisturbed soil samples were obtained from maize rows and between rows and used to determine the water retention curve, the soil resistance curve and bulk density. The results demonstrated that LLWR was higher in conventional tillage than in no-tillage and was negatively correlated with bulk density for values above 1.02 g cm−3. The range of LLWR variation was 0–0.1184 cm3 cm−3 in both systems, with mean values of 0.0785 cm3 cm−3 for no-tillage and 0.0964 cm3 cm−3 for conventional tillage. Soil resistance to root penetration determined the lower limit of LLWR in 89% of the samples in no-tillage and in 46% of the samples in conventional tillage. Additional evaluations of LLWR are needed under different texture and management conditions in tropical soils.  相似文献   

Studies assessing the effects of different tillage and N fertilizer management practices on distributions and amounts of various C and N pools in soil can provide information about the influence of such management on the quality of organic matter in agricultural soils. To assess the influence of management on soil quality, we characterized the organic matter by measurements of total N, organic C, microbial biomass N and active N in the 0–20cm profiles of soil from long-term field experiments containing plots under treatments of plow or no tillage and 0, 135, or 270kgNha–1 fertilizer. Previous work had established that on the basis of the crop growth requirement of maize, these application rates of fertilizer N provide amounts of N that are deficient, sufficient, and excessive, respectively. The studies reported provide evidence that the sufficient amount of fertilizer N stimulated formation of the biologically active pools of N (biomass N and active N) in soils under no tillage treatments, but the excessive amount of fertilizer N tended to suppress these pools. The results demonstrated that these influences of excessive N fertilization were not reflected in distributions of total N or total organic C in soil profiles but became evident with the measurements of biologically active N. This suggests that such measurements can provide information related to the influence of different management practices on soil quality. Received: 30 November 1995  相似文献   

We have studied the impact on arthropod populations of conventional tillage and no-tillage systems in maize. Two different corn–weed control programs were assayed: NT, direct drilling of seed genetically modified to tolerate herbicide plus a combination of two pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides; CT, conventional drilling with an isogenic corn variety plus a pre-emergence herbicide. Management system affected the soil arthropod community, based on major groups. Lower number of arthropods occurred in CT than in NT. Spider and hymenopteran parasitoids, especially those belonging to the families Lycosidae and Diapriidae were the groups that were most clearly affected. The natural field environment seems to favour the presence of Diapriidae. Spiders, in addition to being abundant, behaved in a similar way during both years of each treatment and might therefore be considered as reliable indicator families of the effects of different soil managements on the arthropod population in corn crops. Management system implies alterations on abundance of arthropods populations and natural enemies present in the crop.  相似文献   

Soil tillage may increase vulnerability to water erosion, whereas no tillage and other conservation cultivation techniques are viewed as strategies to control soil erosion. The objective of this research was to quantify runoff and soil losses by water erosion under different soil tillage systems at the Santa Catarina Highlands, southern Brazil. A field study was carried out using a rotating-boom rainfall simulator with 64 mm h−1 rainfall intensity on a Typic Hapludox, between April 2003 and May 2004. Five rainfall tests were applied along successive cropstages. Surface cover was none (fallow) or soybean (Glycine max, L.). Five treatments were investigated, replicated twice. These treatments were conventional tillage on bare soil (BS) as a control treatment and the following treatments under soybean: conventional tillage (CT), no tillage over burnt crop residues on never before cultivated land (NT-B), no tillage over desiccated crop residues, also on never before cultivated land (NT-D) and traditional no tillage over desiccated crop residues on a soil tilled 4 years before this experiment (NT-PT). Water losses by surface runoff seemed to be more influenced by vegetative crop stadium than by tillage system and consequently a wide range of variation in surface runoff was found, following successive cropstages. The most efficient tillage system in reducing surface runoff and soil losses was no tillage, particularly the NT-PT treatment. Sediment losses were more influenced by tillage system than water losses. In the NT-B, NT-D and NT-PT treatments the rate of sediment losses along the crop vegetative cycle showed a tendency to increase from the first to the second cropstages and later to decrease from the third cropstage onwards. In the conventionally tilled treatment (CT) soil losses were greater than in any of the no tillage treatments (NT-D, NT-B and NT-PT) during the initial growth periods, but at the end of the vegetative period differences in sediment rates between tilled and non-tilled treatments tended to be smaller. In the BS control treatment, soil losses progressively increased following the vegetative growth season of soybean.  相似文献   

Long‐term conservation tillage can modify vertical distribution of nutrients in soil profiles and alter nutrient availability and yields of crops. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 14 yr of conventional (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) on soil macronutrient availability (0–5, 5–15, 15–30 cm) and uptake by Italian ryegrass and maize in a forage rotation under a temperate–humid climate (NW Spain). Soil contents of total C, plant available Ca, Mg, Na, K and P and their uptake by plants were evaluated over 2 yr. The three‐way ANOVA showed that tillage and its interactions with soil depth and sampling date have little influence on soil C and macronutrients contents (<13% of variance explained). In the topsoil layer, all studied variables (except K) increased in RT compared with CT, but they remained unchanged (C, Ca and Na) or decreased (Mg, K and P) in deeper layers. Crop yields were greater with RT than CT during the year with soil‐water‐deficit periods, while limited tillage effect was found in the other year. Whereas no differences were obtained for maize, nutrient concentration (Mg, Na, K and P) in ryegrass increased under RT. Conservation tillage improved surface soil fertility, maize yield and ryegrass nutrient content.  相似文献   

Inverse linear relationships between soil strength and yield in Coastal Plain soils that have subsurface genetic hard layers have previously been developed for corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under management systems that include annual or biannual non-inversion deep tillage. In a field study in the southeastern Coastal Plains of the USA, we tested this relationship for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown in wide (0.96 m) rows, hypothesizing that root growth and lint yield of cotton would increase with a decrease in soil strength associated with annual deep tillage or cover crop. Root growth and yield were evaluated for treatment combinations of surface tillage or none, deep tillage or none, and rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop or none. Root growth increased (r2=0.66–0.68) as mean or maximum soil strength decreased. Cotton lint yield was not significantly affected by the treatments. Lack of yield response to tillage treatment may have been the result of management practices that employed a small (3 m wide) disk in surface-tilled plots and maintained traffic lanes, both of which help prevent re-compaction. These results indicate that less than annual frequency of subsoiling might be a viable production practice for cotton grown in traditionally wide (0.96 m) rows on a Coastal Plain soil (fine loamy Acrisol–Typic Kandiudult). Thus, annual subsoiling, a practice commonly recommended and used, need not be a blanket recommendation for cotton grown on Coastal Plain soils.  相似文献   

In Nigeria, information is lacking regarding the most suitable tillage method in extensive yam production. Hence, five tillage methods were compared at two sites in 2008–2010 with reference to their effects on soil physical and chemical properties, leaf nutrient concentrations, growth and tuber yield of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) on Alfisols at Owo (site A) and Akure (site B), south-west Nigeria. The tillage methods were: zero tillage (ZT), manual ridging (MR), manual mounding (MM), ploughing + harrowing (P + H) and ploughing + harrowing + ridging (P + H + R). P + H + R had lower soil bulk density than other tillage methods and resulted in higher leaf N, P, K, Ca and Mg and yam tuber yield. In ZT, bulk density, soil moisture content, soil organic C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg were significantly higher and temperature lower than other tillage methods. Results of multiple regressions revealed that bulk density significantly influenced the yield of yam rather than soil chemical properties. Compared with MR, MM, P + H and ZT, and averaged across years, P + H + R increased yam tuber yield by 12.3, 12.8, 34.9 and 50.7%, respectively, in site A and 12.9, 13.5, 25.2 and 44.5%, respectively, in site B. P + H + R was found to be most advantageous and is therefore recommended for yam cultivation.  相似文献   


Conventional (CT) and no‐tillage (NT) effects on soil physical properties and bromide (Br) movement were studied at two locations in North Carolina. The soils were a Norfolk sandy loam (fine‐loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleudult) at a North American eastern Coastal Plain location and a Pacolet sandy clay loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult) at a Piedmont location. Bulk density (Db), macroporosity (Mp), and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were measured in the plant row (R) and trafficked (T) or untrafficked (N) interrow positions. Simulated rain was applied at two intensities to 1?m2 plots after KBr was surface applied. The first simulated rain (30 min) consisted of a low (1.27 cm h?1) or a high (5.08 cm h?1) intensity applied 24 h after Br application. One week later, the high rainfall rate was repeated on all plots. Soil samples for Br determinations were taken 2 days after each rain simulation event to a depth of 40 cm and at the end of the growing season to 120 cm. Soil physical properties were affected by both tillage and position. Bulk density was greater for NT than for CT and in the T compared with R and N row positions. Mp was significantly greater in NT than CT at Coastal Plain location, but the results were opposite at the Piedmont location. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was highly variable ranging from 0.36 cm h?1 to 14.4 cm h?1 at the Coastal Plain location and from 0.06 cm h?1 to 7.12 cm h?1 at the Piedmont location. Saturated hydraulic conductivity at T position was about 100% lower than Ks at N and R positions, but the effect of tillage system was not significant on Ks. The surface 10 cm of soil contained the greatest Br concentration for both tillage systems. For the first and second sampling dates, greater Br movement occurred under NT vs. CT. However, no significant differences were observed in Br movement in the end of season sampling. Because of the coarser soil texture, greater Ks and Mp at the Coastal Plain location, Br moved, to a greater depth at this site than at the Piedmont site.  相似文献   

Soil compaction has been recognised as the greatest problem in terms of damage to Australia’s soil resource. Compaction by tractor and harvester tyres, related to trafficking of wet soil, is one source of the problem. In this paper an array of soil properties was measured before and immediately after the application of a known compaction force to a wet Vertisol. A local grain harvester was used on soil that was just trafficable; a common scenario at harvest. The primary aim was to determine the changes in various soil properties in order to provide a “benchmark” against which the effectiveness of future remedial treatments could be evaluated. A secondary aim was a comparison of the measurements’ efficiency to assess a soil’s structural degradation status. Also assessed was the subsequent effect of the applied compaction on wheat growth and yield in the following cropping season. Nine of the soil properties measured gave statistically significant differences as a result of the soil compaction. Differences were mostly restricted to the top 0.2 m of the soil. The greatest measured depth of effect was decreased soil porosity to 0.4 m measured from intact soil clods. There was 72% emergence of the wheat crop planted into the compact soil and 93% in the uncompact soil. Wheat yield, however, was not affected by the compaction. This may demonstrate that wheat, growing on a full profile of stored soil water as did the current crop, may be little affected by compaction. Also, wheat may have potential to facilitate rapid repair of the damage in a Vertisol such as the current soil by drying the topsoil between rainfall events so increasing shrinking and swelling cycles. If this is true, then sowing a suitable crop species in a Vertisol may be a better option than tillage for repairing compaction damage by agricultural traffic.  相似文献   

为了明确耕作方式对东北薄层黑土坡耕地土壤物理性状以及玉米根系垂直分布的影响,该研究以东北薄层黑土坡耕地土壤为研究对象,设置免耕和翻耕2种耕作方式,研究耕作方式对不同坡位土壤水稳性团聚体粒径分布与稳定性、土壤容重、土壤孔隙度、土壤贯入阻力以及玉米根系在垂直方向主要分布深度的影响,并进一步探究各指标间的相互关系.结果表明,...  相似文献   

Detailed information on the profile distributions of agronomically important soil properties in the planting season can be used as criteria to select the best soil tillage practices. Soil cores (0–60 cm) were collected in May, 2012 (before soybean planting), from soil transects on a 30‐yr tillage experiment, including no‐tillage (NT), ridge tillage (RT) and mouldboard plough (MP) on a Brookston clay loam soil (mesic Typic Argiaquoll). Soil cores were taken every 19 cm across three corn rows and these were used to investigate the lateral and vertical profile characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil volumetric water content (SWC), bulk density (BD), and penetration resistance (PR). Compared to NT and MP, the RT system resulted in greater spatial heterogeneity of soil properties across the transect. Average SOC concentrations in the top 10 cm layer were significantly greater in RT than in NT and MP (= 0.05). NT soil contained between 0.8 and 2.5% (vol/vol) more water in the top 0–30 cm than RT and MP, respectively. MP soil had lower PR and BD in the plough layer compared to NT and RT soils, with both soil properties increasing sharply with depth in MP. The RT had lower PR relative to NT in the upper 35 cm of soil on the crop rows. Overall, RT was a superior conservation tillage option than NT in this clay loam soil; however, MP had the most favourable soil conditions in upper soil layers for early crop development across all treatments.  相似文献   

F. PEREGRINA 《土壤圈》2016,26(4):499-509
In semiarid regions of the Mediterranean basin, a rainfall event can induce a respiratory pulse that releases a large amount of soil carbon dioxide(CO_2) into the atmosphere; this pulse can significantly contribute to the annual ecosystem carbon(C) balance.The impacts of conventional tillage and two different cover crops, resident vegetation and Bromus catharticus L., on soil CO_2 efflux were evaluated in a Vitis vinifera L. vineyard in La Rioja, Spain. Soil CO_2 efflux, gravimetric water content, and temperature were monitored at a depth of 0–5 cm after rainfall precipitation events approximately every 10 d in the period from May 17 to July 27, 2012,during which the cover crops had withered. Additionally, on June 10, 2012, soil organic C, microbial biomass C, and β-glucosidase activity were determined at soil depths of 0–2.5, 2.5–5, 5–15, and 15–25 cm. The results show that pulses of soil CO_2 were related to the increase in soil water content following precipitation events. Compared to the conventional tillage treatment, both cover crop treatments had higher soil CO_2 efflux after precipitation events. Both cover crop treatments had higher soil organic C, microbial biomass C, and β-glucosidase activity at the soil surface(0–2.5 cm) than the conventional tillage treatment. Each pulse of CO_2 was related to the surface soil properties. Thus, this study suggests that the enhancement of soil organic C and microbiological properties at the soil surface under cover crops may increase soil CO_2 efflux relative to conventional tillage immediately after precipitation events during the dry season.  相似文献   

Sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate (metam sodium) and 1,3 dichloropropene are widely used in potato production for the control of soil-borne pathogens, weeds, and plant parasitic nematodes that reduce crop yield and quality. Soil fumigation with metam sodium has been shown in microcosm studies to significantly reduce soil microbial populations and important soil processes such as C and N mineralization. However, few published data report the impact of metam sodium on microbial populations and activities in potato production systems under field conditions. Fall-planted white mustard (Brassica hirta) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) cover crops may serve as an alternative to soil fumigation. The effect of metam sodium and cover crops was determined on soil microbial populations, soil-borne pathogens (Verticillium dahliae, Pythium spp., and Fusarium spp.), free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes, and C and N mineralization potentials under potato production on five soil types in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington. Microbial biomass C was 8–23% greater in cover crop treatments compared to those fumigated with metam sodium among the soil types tested. Replacing fumigation with cover crops did not significantly affect C or N mineralization potentials. Cumulative N mineralized over a 49-day laboratory incubation averaged 18 mg NO3-N kg−1 soil across all soil types and treatments. There was a general trend for N mineralized from fumigated treatments to be lower than cover-cropped treatments. Soil fungal populations and free-living nematode levels were significantly lowered in fumigated field trials compared to cover-cropped treatments. Fumigation among the five soil types significantly reduced Pythium spp. by 97%, Fusarium spp. by 84%, and V. dahliae by 56% compared to the mustard cover crop treatment. The percentage of bacteria and fungi surviving fumigation was greater for fine- than coarse-textured soils, suggesting physical protection of organisms within the soil matrix or a reduced penetration and distribution of the fumigants. This suggests the potential need for a higher rate of fumigant to be used in fine-textured soils to obtain comparable reductions in soil-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

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