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Dative, or nonoxidative, ligand coordination is common in transition metal complexes; however, this bonding motif is rare in compounds of main group elements in the formal oxidation state of zero. Here, we report that the potassium graphite reduction of the neutral hypervalent silicon-carbene complex L:SiCl4 {where L: is:C[N(2,6-Pri2-C6H3)CH]2 and Pri is isopropyl} produces L:(Cl)Si-Si(Cl):L, a carbene-stabilized bis-silylene, and L:Si=Si:L, a carbene-stabilized diatomic silicon molecule with the Si atoms in the formal oxidation state of zero. The Si-Si bond distance of 2.2294 +/- 0.0011 (standard deviation) angstroms in L:Si=Si:L is consistent with a Si=Si double bond. Complementary computational studies confirm the nature of the bonding in L:(Cl)Si-Si(Cl):L and L:Si=Si:L.  相似文献   

West R  Fink MJ  Michl J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,214(4527):1343-1344
Irradiation of 2,2-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)hexamethyltrisilane in hydrocarbon solution produces tetramesityldisilene, which can be isolated as a yellow-orange solid stable to room temperature and above in the absence of air. Like the olefins of carbon chemistry, tetramesityldisilene undergoes addition reactions across the silicon-silicon double bond.  相似文献   

Although in principle transition metals can form bonds with six shared electron pairs, only quadruply bonded compounds can be isolated as stable species at room temperature. Here we show that the reduction of {Cr(mu-Cl)Ar'}2 [where Ar' indicates C6H3-2,6(C6H3-2,6-Pri2)2 and Pr indicates isopropyl] with a slight excess of potassium graphite has produced a stable compound with fivefold chromium-chromium (Cr-Cr) bonding. The very air- and moisture-sensitive dark red crystals of Ar'CrCrAr' were isolated with greater than 40% yield. X-ray diffraction revealed a Cr-Cr bond length of 1.8351(4) angstroms (where the number in parentheses indicates the standard deviation) and a planar transbent core geometry. These data, the structure's temperature-independent paramagnetism, and computational studies support the sharing of five electron pairs in five bonding molecular orbitals between two 3d5 chromium(I) ions.  相似文献   

The reaction of 2,2,3,3-tetrabromo-1,1,4,4-tetrakis[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]-1,4-diisopropyltetrasilane with four equivalents of potassium graphite (KC8) in tetrahydrofuran produces 1,1,4,4-tetrakis[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]-1,4-diisopropyl-2-tetrasilyne, a stable compound with a silicon-silicon triple bond, which can be isolated as emerald green crystals stable up to 100 degrees C in the absence of air. The SiSi triple-bond length (and its estimated standard deviation) is 2.0622(9) angstroms, which shows half the magnitude of the bond shortening of alkynes compared with that of alkenes. Unlike alkynes, the substituents at the SiSi group are not arranged in a linear fashion, but are trans-bent with a bond angle of 137.44(4) degrees.  相似文献   

A visual pigment with two physiologically active stable states   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Red illumination of a Balanus amphitrite photoreceptor that has been adapted to blue light leads to prolonged depolarization in the late receptor potential. This depolarization can be switched off by further exposure to a blue stimulus. The early receptor potential in this cell is purely depolarizing or largely hyperpolarizing; the former is true if the cell has been adapted to red light, and the latter, if blue light has been used. The color-adaptation "memories" for both early and late receptor potentials appear to be permanent. The existence of two stable states for the early receptor potential directly implies a pigment with two stable states, and these apparently contribute antagonistically to the late receptor potential.  相似文献   

双专业复合型人才培养模式重构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析目前复合型人才培养模式存在问题的基础上,从学生知识转换规律、专业知识复合内涵与途径出发,认为双专业复合型人才培养模式是大学的一种人才培养体系,提出坚持面上要稳和点上要活的原则,确定不同的专业教学要求,教学内容选择整合、独立、前沿等三方面,探讨了重构双专业复合型人才培养模式的途径。  相似文献   

Unlike mercury, which has an extensive +1 oxidation state chemistry, zinc usually adopts the +2 oxidation state. Decamethyldizincocene, Zn2(eta5-C5Me5)2, an organometallic compound of Zn(I) formally derived from the dimetallic [Zn-Zn]2+ unit, has been isolated from the low-temperature (-10 degrees C) reaction of Zn(C5Me5)2 and Zn(C2H5)2 in diethyl ether. X-ray studies show that it contains two eclipsed Zn(eta5-C5Me5) fragments with a Zn-Zn distance (+/- standard deviation) of 2.305(+/-3) angstroms, indicative of a metal-metal bonding interaction.  相似文献   

Populus shenzhou, a chimera, is divided into three types: A, B, and C. Among them, Type B is the chimera of Type A and Type C. Type B of P. shenzhou, as a progenitive material was cut and differentiated stably into Type A, Type B, and Type C, at an average differentiation rate of approximately 79.6%, 18.3%, and 2.2%, respectively. The studies on SSR identification of P. shenzhou showed that all tissues, including the bud, leafstalk, leaf nervation, phloem, and xylem, were a chimera. There were two kinds of color roots of the three types. The rufous roots were identified as Type A tissue and the yellow roots as Type C tissue by the SSR molecular markers.  相似文献   

Plant height is an important agronomic trait, which is governed by multiple genes with major or minor effects. Of numerous QTLs for plant height reported in soybean, most are in large genomic regions, which results in a still unknown molecular mechanism for plant height. Increasing the density of molecular markers in genetic maps will significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of QTL mapping. This study constructed a high-density genetic map using 4 011 recombination bin markers developed from whole genome re-sequencing of 241 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and their bi-parents, Zhonghuang 13 (ZH) and Zhongpin 03-5373 (ZP). The total genetic distance of this bin map was 3 139.15 cM, with an average interval of 0.78 cM between adjacent bin markers. Comparative genomic analysis indicated that this genetic map showed a high collinearity with the soybean reference genome. Based on this bin map, nine QTLs for plant height were detected across six environments, including three novel loci (qPH-b_11, qPH-b_17 and qPH-b_18). Of them, two environmentally stable QTLs qPH-b_13 and qPH-b_19-1 played a major role in plant height, which explained 10.56–32.7% of the phenotypic variance. They were fine-mapped to 440.12 and 237.06 kb region, covering 54 and 28 annotated genes, respectively. Via the function of homologous genes in Arabidopsis and expression analysis, two genes of them were preferentially predicted as candidate genes for further study.  相似文献   

两种钙化合物在猪粪-稻草堆肥中除臭及保氮效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了降低猪粪堆肥过程中氮素的损失和臭味的产生量,采用室内模拟试验,研究了猪粪-稻草堆肥过程中添加不同剂量过磷酸钙或氯化钙对堆肥除臭和保氮效果的影响.结果表明适量的过磷酸钙、氯化钙等化学调理剂有利于除臭保氮,而添加10%氯化钙处理5和添加15%氯化钙处理6的除臭保氮效果明显高于其他处理.与对照(CK)相比,处理5和处理6均提前3 d消除臭味,NH3的累积挥发量分别低了62.42%和65.45%,氮素损失率分别降低了51.57%和50.44%,且在整个堆肥过程中处理5和处理6几乎没有产生H2S.氮素的损失以NH3-N形式损失为主.  相似文献   

添加双低油菜菜籽粕对猪的饲养效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
每天投料相同前提下,在日粮中添加20%双低油菜菜籽粕代替10%小麦 10%豆粕饲养猪30 d,结果表明:(1)提高猪日增重20.2%;(2)提高饲料饲用效果;(3)提高经济效益48.9%;(4)可实现双低油菜菜籽粕作猪饲料综合利用,从而促进养猪业的发展,增加农业收入.  相似文献   

"Bubbia" perrieri, a primitive angiosperm collected once in 1909 in northwestern Madagascar, differs from all other members of its genus and family (Winteraceae) in its bicarpellate, unilocular ovary. Moreover, its inflorescences are terminal, and its development is partially sympodial. It therefore represents the survivor of a previously undetected evolutionary line that should be accorded at least subfamilial status. If so, Winteraceae might, more likely than previously, be considered as allied to Canellaceae, a group of primitive angiosperms that has an ovary of "Bubbia" perrieri type and is specialized in some other respects.  相似文献   

作者于1983年7月在山西省太谷县发现一毛足雕翅摇蚊Glytotenbipes barbipes(Staeger)种群。由于其染色体数目特异(2n=4),本文对其成虫、蛹及幼虫的分类学特征做了较详细的描述。该物种的雄性成虫的特征与Townes(1945)所描述的以及Pinder(1978)的捡索表中所描述的G. barbipes的雄性成虫特征完全符合,故定名为G. barbipes,但是太谷的G. barbipes与欧洲、北美及苏联的G. barbipes相比,染色体数目不同,必然存在某种生殖隔离。因此,太谷的G. barbipes很可能是G. barbipes的一个亲缘种。  相似文献   

构造了一类能用3 个处理器并行实现的含2 个离步点的多步混合方法, 重点讨论了这类方法的稳定性、相容性及收敛性。参5  相似文献   

麦套棉移栽结合小麦灌浆水肥促双优双高研究初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在麦棉套作田,小麦灌浆期浇水和追肥结合棉花移栽的最佳时期,有利于实现小麦和棉花的双高产、双优质。试验结果表明,不同的灌水、追肥、棉花移栽时期对小麦和棉花的产量和品质均有影响,在4月28日-5月4日范围内最有利实现小麦和棉花的高产、优质。  相似文献   

构造了一类能用3个处理器并行实现的含2个离步点的多步混合方法,重点讨论了这类方法的稳定性、相容性及收敛性。  相似文献   

准两优1202双季稻免耕抛秧连片示范总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双季免耕连片种植示范准两优1202情况表明:该组合田间表现分蘖力强,前中期株型松紧适中,成熟前一周株型转松散,剑叶稍大,茎秆粗壮,根系发达,结实率高,对纹枯病、稻瘟病抗性较好。其生育特性、丰产性、适应性表现都很适应双季免耕栽培,可在双季稻地区大面积推广。  相似文献   

为降低暗管工程施工成本,在实验室利用模拟实验装置研究了PVC双壁波纹排水暗管的滤水结构。试验表明在粉砂、粉质壤土等弱透水性介质中,PVC双壁波纹排水暗管的开空率达到1.6%就可满足农田地下排水要求,砂砾滤料的铺设厚度不应于4.5cm,生产实际中砂砾滤料的铺设厚度宜取9~12cm。  相似文献   

【目的】研究阿维菌素、哒螨灵以及2种杀螨剂与有机硅混配后对胡瓜钝绥螨的安全性。【方法】胡瓜钝绥螨A.cucumeris是一种优良天敌,其属于植绥螨科(Phytoseiid)、钝绥螨属(Amblyseius)。采用叶碟法,用阿维菌素、哒螨灵、阿维菌素+有机硅、哒螨灵+有机硅处理胡瓜钝绥螨,分别测定其室内毒力。【结果】24 h阿维菌素和哒螨灵测得胡瓜钝绥螨的LC50分别为31.96、39.43 mg/L,安全系数分别为0.665 8,安全性一般;0.197 2,安全性低;毒性选择指数分别是12.152 1、10.295 0,均为中度正向选择性;阿维菌素+有机硅测得LC50为18.82 mg/L,该药剂对胡瓜钝绥螨的安全系数由0.665 8下降至0.560 1,毒性选择指数由12.152 1上升至22.141 2。哒螨灵+有机硅测得LC50为40.15 mg/L,该药剂对胡瓜钝绥螨的安全系数由0.197 2上升至0.286 8,毒性选择指数由10.295 0下降至8.524 4。48 h阿维菌素和哒螨灵测得胡瓜钝绥螨的LC50分别为16.47、17.45 mg/L,安全系数分别为0.343 1,安全性低;0.085 8,安全性低;毒性选择指数分别是10.104 3、中度正向选择性;7.968 0,正向选择性;阿维菌素+有机硅测得LC50为9.08 mg/L,该药剂对胡瓜钝绥螨的安全系数由0.343 1下降至0.270 2,毒性选择指数由10.104 3上升至11.947 4;有机硅的使用提高了阿维菌素对土耳其斯坦叶螨的触杀作用,但对胡瓜钝绥螨的毒性较低。哒螨灵+有机硅测得LC50为16.54 mg/L,该药剂对胡瓜钝绥螨的安全系数由0.085 8上升至0.118 1,毒性选择指数由7.968 0下降至7.450 5;有机硅的使用并没有提高哒螨灵对土耳其斯坦叶螨的触杀作用,反而提高了对胡瓜钝绥螨的毒力。【结论】在使用杀螨剂对土耳其斯坦叶螨进行防治的过程中,阿维菌素或阿维菌素+有机硅对胡瓜钝绥螨更为安全。  相似文献   

实验通过定时定点采样,对同种规格莱茵种群和长江种群的子一代中华绒螯蟹性腺发育及相关生物学指数变化进行了比较研究.结果表明: 1) 子一代莱茵蟹和长江蟹养殖群体在同样的养殖条件下性腺指数(GSI)变化规律几乎一致, 只是在11月份以前子一代莱茵蟹雌体的GSI略高于长江蟹,莱茵蟹性腺发育时间比长江蟹早;2) 无论子一代莱茵蟹还是长江蟹,其性腺快速发育期间, 雌体肝胰腺中的干物质含量显著下降(P<0.05) , 雄体肝胰腺中的干物质含量变化不显著(P>0.05);3 )两种群中华绒螯蟹雌体性腺发育过程中卵巢指数和干重显著上升,肝胰腺指数和干重显著下降,它们之间具有显著的相关性(R2=0.95);雄蟹性腺发育过程中精巢指数和干重显著上升,但是肝胰腺指数和干重几乎不变;4)在性腺快速发育之前, 生殖蜕壳以后(9.8-9.28)阶段,无论子一代莱茵蟹还是长江蟹,肝胰腺指数,出肉率都显著上升,说明此阶段是河蟹育肥的关键阶段.  相似文献   

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