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目前景区村庄正在热火朝天的建设中,但却存在不少建设问题,尤其是乡村生态环境日益严峻。为了改善当前状况,提出景区村庄的旅游环境承载力这一概念。通过环境承载力对景区村庄所造成的影响,根据科学性等原则,结合高频度法和专家打分法获得景区村庄旅游环境承载力相关的关键因子,并为之建立合理的研究体系,为景区村庄的发展提供一定的理论建设与指导依据。  相似文献   

城乡绿化一体化对于改善城市生态环境、美化生活空间,增进人民身心健康具有十分重要的意义。通过分析浏阳市绿化现状及存在的问题,就如何发挥自身优势,突出地方特色,努力开创城乡园林绿化工作新局面,提出了浏阳城乡一体化绿化建设的实施对策。  相似文献   

村庄园林绿化养护工作对村庄园林绿化水平有至关重要的影响,是提高村庄园林绿化质量与其效益发挥的关键。在经济社会高速发展背景下,农村人民生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化,国家对新农村建设事业的发展也越来越重视。村庄绿化成为整治村庄环境,改善人们生活品质的重要途径。只有充分重视村庄园林绿化养护工作,采取有效的管理方法,才能进一步提高村庄园林绿化水平,改善农村人们生活条件,更好地推动新农村的建设与发展。研究村庄园林绿化质量及其效益发挥的重要方法,整治农村环境,改善人们的生活品质。在分析村庄园林绿化养护重要性的基础上,探讨村庄园林绿化养护管理方法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济社会的不断发展,农村经济也进入了发展的快车道,农村生产生活的基础设施逐步得到改善,衣食住行、休闲娱乐、生态环境等方面的要求也越来越高。迫切需要优美的村庄环境,加强村庄绿化现已成为体现"三农"发展的一个重要方面。为了进一步推进农村村庄绿化工作,结合实践,分析了当前村庄绿化环境现状及存在的主要问题,并提出相应的对策,为社会主义新农村建设中的村庄绿化提供参考。  相似文献   

在我国新农村建设过程中,乡村绿化建设是一个非常重要的组成部分,可以有效改善农村生态环境、美化乡村容貌且提升村民生活品质。为了更好地促使城乡一体化快速发展、改善农村居民的生活环境和城乡各种公共服务的均等化,中央还设立了有关乡村绿化建设专项资金。随着乡村绿化建设工程的不断推进,我国各大乡村绿化面积持续不断扩大,有效美化了乡村面貌。本文就乡村绿化建设过程中存在的问题和对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王伟  郭恺 《现代园艺》2012,(18):174
随着城乡二元体制向城乡一体化转变的进一步深入,民居"生存"环境有了翻天覆地的变化。城市和农村作为不同的社会组织构成形式,其自身民居"生存"环境需要不同文化背景的支撑,当支撑组织形式的社会文化发生变化时,其民居的"生存"环境也应随之发生变化。在城乡体制变化过程中,应积极研究民居环境演变的方向与意义,重视对民居环境的传承与保护,做到趋利避害。  相似文献   

随着我国国际地位的大力提高,国民经济的不断发展,建设新农村逐步被社会所关注,对于新农村建设中的重点则是村庄的绿化,主要包括整体农村环境绿化、农村家庭中院落的绿化以及农民作物种植的绿化等多个方面。新农村建设中村庄绿化有助于改善农村的整体生活环境,对农村农作物的推广,农村的可持续发展十分有利。本文主要围绕以村庄绿化来剖析其功能定位和设计原则,从而更好的促进农村环境健康发展。  相似文献   

汪勇翔 《现代园艺》2021,(6):159-161
绿道在我国城乡可持续发展建设中的作用正日益体现。以实践项目为例,介绍绿道在"优化城市交通""提高公共绿地生态效益""助力城市更新""加速城乡一体化发展"时的突出作用。并以实践为基础,梳理设计难点要点及应对方案。以期对未来城乡绿道建设提供有利的思路与借鉴。  相似文献   

园林下乡是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是缩小城乡差别实现城乡一体化,改善农居环境和建设美丽乡村,实施乡村振兴的重要举措。目前,园林景观建设还主要停留在市县一级,乡村景观的建设显得非常迫切。笔者从事园林景观教育、设计和施工多年,加上个人爱好,经常奔走于乡村,对乡村园林景观有强烈的爱好,有些自己的思考和见解。  相似文献   

李小兵 《花卉》2015,(13):31-32
"三化一片林"绿色家园建设是一项富民工程,通过建设绿色家园,实现绿化村庄及路渠,缩短城乡差距,提高资源利用率,从而建设出人与自然和谐共生的社会主义新农村.为更好地促进"三化一片林"绿色家园建设工程的深化开展,本文以"三化一片林"绿色家园建设的整体构思作为切入点,分析制约"三化一片林"绿色家园建设工程深化开展的主要问题,并针对问题,提出相应的完善建议,希望能为相关人士提供些参考作用.  相似文献   

“三农”的长期落后已成为制约我国社会整体经济发展的重要因素,农民整体素质的提高是推动农村经济发展的主力军,培养新型农民是加快社会主义新农村和促进现代农业发展的关键所在。文章主要分析培养新型农民的重要性和紧迫性,就影响“三农”发展的因素和存在的问题做深入的剖析,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

In a two years lasting trial the N-release of organic N-fertilizers should be analysed under covered fallow plots during the vegetation period. The following fertilizers were proved: cattle manure from two locations, “Vinasse” (product resulting from the converting of sugar-beet molasses), “Haarmehlpellets” (pellets of grounded pig bristles), “Rizinusschrot” (grist of the seed of Ricinius communis), “Rapsschrot” (coarse colza meal), “Phytopearls” (residue of maize converting), “Maltaflor” (malt germs and “Vinasse”), “Agrobiosol” (biomass from Penicillium) and “Horndünger” (horn parings in different fractions). In comparison with these organic fertilizers the mineral N-fertilizer calcium-ammonium-nitrate was used. With the exception of the control all variants got an annual N-fertilization of 90?kg?N/ha. The N-mineralisation of the soil caused by the organic substance, which was in the soil before the trial started, amounted to 84?kg?N/ha in the first and to 59?kg?N/ha in the second year of experience. In both years the N-mineralisation was higher in the second half of the vegetation period (July–November) than in the first half (March–July). In the first year the amount of N-release was clearly less than the given quantity of the N-fertilizer with the exception of “Agrobiosol”. Especially the two manure-variants showed N-immobilisation. “Agrobiosol” showed the highest N-release of the tested organic N-fertilizers. In the second year the N-release both of the two manure-variants and of “Rapsschrot”, “Phytoperls”, “Maltaflor”, “Agrobiosol” and “Horndünger” increased clearly. It was between 51 and 101% of the N-quantity given in the second year. N-release was particularly high by “Agrobiosol”, “Horndünger” and “Rapsschrot”. This increase could be traced to the mineralisation of the remained organic substance given in the first year. The variants “Haarmehlpellets” and “Rizinusschrot” had the same N-release as in the first year. The application of “Vinasse” showed a clear decrease. When “Rapsschrot”, “Phytoperls”, “Maltaflor”, “Agrobiosol”, “Horndünger” or manure are given for many years, one can consequently count on an increase of the annual N-mineralisation. Considering the results of both years of the trial the organic fertilizers “Agrobiosol”, “Horndünger” and “Maltaflor” can be classified as quickly effectiveN-fertilizers, “Haarmehlpellets”, “Rizinusschrot” and “Phytopearls” as moderately effective and “Rapsschrot” and “Vinasse” as slowly effective ones.  相似文献   

邓秀新 《果树学报》2021,(1):121-127
改革开放40余年来,我国水果产业取得了令人瞩目的成就.通过分析我国水果产业供需矛盾和国际贸易形势的变化以及在产业发展过程中涌现出的典型案例,介绍了我国水果产业6种发展类型;总结了产业发展的"一二三"原则,即发现"唯一"的资源要素,在宏观布局中考虑适宜发展和适度发展"二个适",坚持技术、经济、环保"三可行",实现自然优势...  相似文献   



Cultural landscapes provide essential ecosystem services to local communities, especially in poor rural settings. However, potentially negative impacts of ecosystems—or disservices—remain inadequately understood. Similarly, how benefit–cost outcomes differ within communities is unclear, but potentially important for cultural landscape management.


Here we investigated whether distinct forest ecosystem service–disservice outcomes emerge within local communities. We aimed to characterize groups of community members according to service–disservice outcomes, and assessed their attitudes towards the forest.


We interviewed 150 rural households in southwestern Ethiopia about locally relevant ecosystem services (provisioning services) and disservices (wildlife impacts). Households were grouped based on their ecosystem service–disservice profiles through hierarchical clustering. We used linear models to assess differences between groups in geographic and socioeconomic characteristics, as well as attitudes toward the forest.


We identified three groups with distinct ecosystem service–disservice profiles. Half of the households fell into a “lose–lose” profile (low benefits, high costs), while fewer had “lose–escape” (low benefits, low costs) and “win–lose” (high benefits, high costs) profiles. Location relative to forest and altitude explained differences between the “lose–escape” profile and other households. Socioeconomic factors were also important. “Win–lose” households appeared to be wealthier and had better forest use rights compared to “lose–lose” households. Attitudes towards the forest did not differ between profiles.


Our study demonstrates the importance of disaggregating both ecosystem services and disservices, instead of assuming that communities receive benefits and costs homogenously. To manage cultural landscapes sustainably, such heterogeneity must be acknowledged and better understood.

王远 《中国食用菌》2020,(3):247-249
乡村振兴战略的实施为乡村旅游的发展创造了重要机遇,许多地区的食用菌栽培户开始向乡村旅游从业者转型,面对此情况的出现,为了有效推动食用菌栽培户向乡村旅游从业者平稳转型,各地方政府应当改善乡村旅游发展环境,重视发挥乡村社区的作用,优化基础设施,加强栽培户教育培训;食用菌栽培户自身应当树立服务至上的观念、法治观念以及终身学习观念;旅游开发商应当转变观念,更新经营思想,拓宽与社区的合作渠道。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of a positive relation between green spaces in people's living environment and self-reported indicators of physical and mental health. However, to this moment health anxiety has not been contextualized in the light of the restorative and anxiolytic experiences of urban nature nor has it been studied in reference to the awareness of nature experiences. We aimed to determine whether “awareness of nature experiences” was a significant modifier of the beneficial effects of interaction of older citizens with urban green spaces. This construct represents the purposeful and conscious interaction with nature, a specific behaviour pre-formed as a cognitive representation of the “self” in a natural context, providing an internal replica of the previously experienced external natural world which guides people when they choose to visit an urban park. A cross-sectional interview study was conducted amongst 97 elderly visitors of “Tzar Simeon Garden” Park in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. After controlling for “awareness of nature experiences”, hierarchical multiple regression model accounted for 94% of the variance in health anxiety. The independent variables “appreciation of bird songs”, “appreciation of vegetation”, “weekly visits to the park” and “years of visiting the park” remained significant, but their power decreased, and “age” became non-significant predictor. The overall predictive capacity of the model rose significantly after “awareness of nature experiences” was added. In conclusion, health anxiety among Bulgarian elderly adults is somewhat higher than in other similar populations but still does not exceed acceptable levels. The actual interaction and experiences of the park were predictors of health anxiety independent from confounding factors. Their power, however, was to some extent dependent on individual “awareness of nature experiences”, which had unique contribution to the model.  相似文献   

温度和光周期对苦瓜性别表现的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苦瓜苗期所处的环境条件会影响其性别表现,株洲长白和英引苦瓜品种的光周期反应表现为短日效应,即短日使植株的发育提早,并促进雌性发育,长日的效果恰好相反。苦瓜苗期短日处理时期以出苗至6片真叶(苗龄20天)为宜。低温可以增强短日效应,高温则使苦瓜的生殖生长推迟,并削弱短日效应,短日低温是苦瓜苗期最适宜的环境条件。  相似文献   

There were 6 treatments in each of 2 series covering the range from 1–6 fruit trusses per plant. The terminal growing-points were removed 2 leaves above the last inflorescence of each treatment in the “limited-stem” series, and 2 leaves above inflorescence 6 with inflorescences removed as necessary in the “full-stem” series.The yield of trusses 2–5 in the “full-stem” and of truss 2 in the “limited-stem” series was reduced by the presence of subsequent trusses. Similar trends were apparent with trusses 3–5 of the “limited-stem” series. It was suggested that the reduction in yield was due to competition between trusses for assimilates resulting in smaller and/or fewer fruit per truss.Data is presented to suggest that the net assimilation rate in the tomato plant can be reduced due to lack of fruit load and that fruit yield can be limited simultaneously by lack of both source and sink strength.  相似文献   

Fertilizer nitrogen was applied to pot-grown trees during the year of initial scion growth either as “spring N”, “summer N” or “autumn N”, while other trees were left untreated—“minus N”. Tree performance was followed until fruit set the following summer.

At regular intervals whole trees were sampled, divided into as many as seven different parts, which were separately weighed, dried and analysed for total nitrogen. Specimens were also taken for histological examination of flower bud development.

The large amount of fertilizer given as “spring N” resulted in extensive root damage from which the trees did not recover fully; nevertheless they produced large, vigorous scions. After “spring N” and “summer N” at lower dosages the total N content of all parts increased substantially and rapidly. “Autumn N” was absorbed more slowly and remained largely in the roots during the winter, when a considerable amount of root growth took place.

Flowers were initiated in late July or early August on all trees except those given “spring N”, on which flower primordia were not initiated until September. The development of flower buds was accelerated during September on “summer N” trees compared with those left untreated. From the end of November until the end of March no further differentiation took place on “minus N” or “spring N” trees, but it continued on the other treatments, especially following “autumn N”.

“Summer N” and “autumn N” trees were 4–5 days in advance of the others in flowering. “Summer N” trees had large flowers and large green primary leaves, whereas those on “autumn N” trees were smaller and the leaves were initially pale, though turning dark green during blossoming.

When the blossoms were self-pollinated under controlled conditions virtually no fruit was set on “minus N” and “spring N” trees, but “summer N” gave an appreciable set and “autumn N” a heavy set. Only the “summer N” and ”autumn N” flowers had ovules that remained viable six days after anthesis, which was the minimum period found necessary for the pollen tubes to effect fertilization.

It is suggested that fertilizer nitrogen stimulates the synthesis of a kinin-like factor in the roots and that the difference in response to applications at different times of year depends upon the stage of development of the flower buds when this factor reaches them.  相似文献   

陈婷 《中国食用菌》2020,(1):211-213
基于食用菌视角,运用理论和实证相结合的方法,对我国乡村旅游地流动空间进行研究,实证研究结果表明,变量区位条件、旅游业发展水平、政策支持、信息技术能力、交通基础设施建设、创新能力、生态环境的回归系数均为正,且均在10%水平上显著,说明其对乡村旅游地流动空间有显著的促进作用。在选取的众多自变量中,经济水平的回归结果不显著,这可能是由于乡村旅游地流动空间与经济发展之间存在着一定的替代效应。旅游业发展水平的回归系数最大,说明其对乡村旅游地流动空间的所产生的影响最大,在经济发展实践中应对其给予重点关注。  相似文献   

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