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布鲁菌病是一种危害严重的人兽共患病,威胁着畜牧业的发展和人类的公共卫生安全。作为布鲁菌病的病原,布鲁菌能够耐受宿主体内的各种杀菌机制并持续的生存。细菌的sRNA在基因组中被转录,但绝大多数sRNA并不编码蛋白质。sRNA通过碱基配对与mRNA结合,影响mRNA的稳定性或翻译,从而调控细菌代谢、群体感应、环境应激及细菌毒力基因表达等生物过程。通过sRNA调控毒力相关基因表达,使布鲁菌可以耐受多种胞内应激环境。目前为止,仅有少数布鲁菌sRNA的功能得到了较全面的研究,论文对这些sRNA的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

布鲁菌外膜蛋白及毒力因子研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布鲁菌细胞膜的基本结构包括脂多糖和外膜蛋白,与细菌的毒力及免疫原性相关。文章描述了布鲁菌外膜蛋白分子结构的最新进展。该菌的外膜蛋白由第一组、第二组和第三组外膜蛋白构成。第一组外膜蛋白对维持布鲁菌外膜蛋白的结构起重要作用;第二组包括36 ku~38 ku外膜蛋白,为膜孔蛋白,由Omp2a和Omp2b基因编码,其中38 ku蛋白基因可能是一个与毒力相关的基因;第三组外膜蛋白包括31 ku和25 ku两个相关的蛋白,具有重要的免疫功能。31 ku蛋白属膜孔蛋白,25 ku蛋白还与毒力有关。文章也介绍了布鲁菌毒力因子研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

布鲁菌是一种缺乏典型毒力因子的胞内寄生菌,可以抵御宿主细胞内酸性、缺氧、强氧化性以及营养匮乏等多种不利环境,是形成布鲁菌致病力的重要原因。布鲁菌的二元调控系统可以对这些环境信号进行感应、传递并做出相应的适应。论文对布鲁菌二元调控系统的研究现状及二元调控系统在布鲁菌病防控中的应用进行了系统的介绍。  相似文献   

布鲁菌是布鲁菌病的病原体,在世界范围内给养殖业带来巨大损失.自噬是细胞的一种代谢方式,细胞在自噬相关基因的调控下清除细胞内病原微生物和吞噬降解受损、衰老细胞器及大分子物质,以维持机体内环境平衡.布鲁菌入侵细胞后,能够诱发细胞自噬,而这一复杂的过程需要很多细胞因子的参与,探究布鲁菌引发的细胞自噬已成为揭示布鲁菌致病机制的...  相似文献   

主要分析了布鲁菌病的病原、易感动物、传播途径等,同时提出了具体可行的防控措施,以期为临床有效防控布鲁菌病提供参考。  相似文献   

主要分析了布鲁菌病的病原、易感动物、传播途径等,同时提出了具体可行的防控措施,以期为临床有效防控布鲁菌病提供参考。  相似文献   

本文就牛布鲁菌病的发病病因、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、临床诊断及防治措施等进行简要概述。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病是由布鲁菌引起的危害严重的人畜共患病,主要危害人类和家畜的生殖系统,人与人之间几乎不传染。对布鲁菌病的流行概况进行了分析阐述,并提出了相应的防控措施,对保障畜牧业可持续发展和公共卫生安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病血清学诊断抗原研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布鲁菌病的临床特征复杂而多变,病原的流行特点和免疫原性存在较大的差异,给人类及动物布鲁菌病诊断带了诸多的困难。目前常用的血清学诊断抗原如菌悬液,脂多糖等特异性差,敏感性低,制备涉及活菌的培养,不能广泛的应用,从而使患者和患畜得不到有效的治疗和预防。随着分子生物学技术的发展,基因重组蛋白可代替传统的抗原,为布鲁菌病的诊断带来了新的契机,文章从以上方面对可用于布鲁菌病诊断的抗原做了综述。  相似文献   

布鲁菌引起的布鲁菌病在我国被列为二类动物疫病之首。虽然宿主本身具有复杂的免疫机制,用以抵御病原体,并保持宿主抗性和布鲁菌毒力之间的平衡,但布鲁菌作为一种成功的细胞内病原体,已经进化出多种策略来逃避免疫应答并在宿主内建立持续感染和繁殖。论文将从布鲁菌的毒力因子、布鲁菌在先天性免疫和适应性免疫系统中隐身策略,以及布鲁菌调控并抑制细胞凋亡、布鲁菌微小RNA(mircoRNA)在宿主免疫应答中的研究进展等方面进行综述,为了解布鲁菌病发病机理、开发新型疫苗和治疗布鲁菌病提供参考。  相似文献   

试验旨在探究ClpS基因在布鲁氏菌中的作用,分析比较ClpS基因突变对布鲁氏菌毒力的影响。利用同源重组技术,构建布鲁氏菌ClpS基因突变株,通过检测细菌生长曲线、细菌LPS合成能力及其在巨噬细胞内的存活能力和小鼠模型中的毒力,比较亲本株2308和突变株ΔClpS两者之间的差异。结果显示,在相同的培养条件下,亲本株2308和突变株ΔClpS的细菌浓度无明显差异,且两者提取的LPS银染结果基本一致,表明ClpS基因突变不影响布鲁氏菌生长速度,不影响细菌LPS合成;在细胞感染模型中,突变株ΔClpS在感染后72 h的胞内存活能力极显著低于亲本株2308(P<0.01);小鼠感染试验显示,在感染后1周,亲本株2308感染组和突变株ΔClpS感染组小鼠脾脏重量及细菌含量无显著差异,但在感染后4周,突变株ΔClpS感染组的小鼠脾脏细菌含量为103.93 CFU/g脾脏,显著低于亲本株2308(106.68 CFU/g脾脏,P<0.01),且突变株ΔClpS感染组的小鼠脾脏肿胀程度极显著低于亲本株2308(P<0.01)。综上所述,布鲁氏菌ClpS基因突变不影响细菌生长速度及细菌LPS合成能力,但ClpS基因突变可降低布鲁氏菌在小鼠脾脏内的定殖能力。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the role of ClpS gene,and to analyse the impact of ClpS mutation on the virulence of Brucella.A ClpS gene mutant strain,named ΔClpS was constructed by homologous recombination technology.The bacterial growth kinetics,the LPS synthesis ability and the survival ability of bacterial within macrophages as well as the virulence in mouse model were measured.In addition,the difference between parent strain 2308 and the mutant strain ΔClpS were compared.The results showed that under the same culture conditions,no difference in bacterial concentration was observed between 2308 and ΔClpS strains.The silver staining examination showed that the expression level of LPS extracted from two strains were similar,indicating ClpS gene mutation did not alter the growth rate and LPS synthesis ability of Brucella. In the cell infection assay,the survival ability of ΔClpS strain in cells was extremely significantly lower than that of 2308 strain at 72 h after infection (P<0.01).The results of mouse infection experiment showed that in the first week after infection,no significant difference in spleen weight and bacterial concentration between 2308 and ΔClpS strains infected mice was observed.However,at 4 weeks after infection,the bacterial concentration in spleen of ΔClpS infected mice was 103.93 CFU/g spleen,which was significantly lower than that of 2308 strain (106.68 CFU/g spleen,P<0.01).The spleen weight of ΔClpS infected mice was also remarkably lower than that of 2308 strain (P<0.01).In summary,the results suggested that the ClpS gene of Brucella did not play a role in Brucella growth rate and ability of LPS synthesis,whereas ClpS gene mutation decreased the ability of Brucella colonization in mouse spleen.  相似文献   

The genome of Brucella melitensis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The genome of Brucella melitensis strain 16M was sequenced and contained 3,294,931 bp distributed over two circular chromosomes. Chromosome I was composed of 2,117,144 bp and chromosome II has 1,177,787 bp. A total of 3198 ORFs were predicted. The origins of replication of the chromosomes are similar to each other and to those of other -proteobacteria. Housekeeping genes such as those that encode for DNA replication, protein synthesis, core metabolism, and cell-wall biosynthesis were found on both chromosomes. Genes encoding adhesins, invasins, and hemolysins were also identified.  相似文献   

Regulation of Brucella virulence by the two-component system BvrR/BvrS   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Brucella BvrR/BvrS two-component regulatory system is highly similar to the regulatory and sensory proteins of Sinorhizobium and Agrobacterium necessary for endosymbiosis and pathogenicity in plants, and very similar to a putative system present in the animal pathogen Bartonella. Mutations in the bvrR or bvrS genes hamper the penetration of B. abortus in non-phagocytic cells and impairs intracellular trafficking and virulence. In contrast to virulent Brucella, BvrR/BvrS mutants do not recruit small GTPases of the Rho subfamily required for actin polymerization and penetration to cells. Dysfunction of the BvrR/BvrS system alters the outer membrane permeability, the expression of several group 3 outer membrane proteins and the pattern of lipid A acylation. Constructs of virulent B. abortus chimeras containing heterologous LPS from the bvrS mutant demonstrated an altered permeability to cationic peptides similar to that of the BvrR/BvrS mutants. We hypothesize that the Brucella BvrR/BvrS is a system devoted to the homeostasis of the outer membrane and, therefore in the interface for cell invasion and mounting the required structures for intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

流产布鲁氏菌疫苗候选株RB6生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发布鲁氏菌病新型标记疫苗,本研究对流产布鲁氏菌基因缺失株RB6的培养特性、染色特性、凝集特性、稳定性及小鼠体内毒力和免疫保护力进行了系统鉴定,旨在阐明该菌株具备的生物学特性。通过对亲本菌株和RB6的比较,发现固体培养基上RB6菌株单菌落可被结晶紫染成紫色,RB6菌株液体培养物可与0.1%吖啶黄染料以及抗布鲁氏菌粗糙型抗体发生凝集反应,证明该菌株为粗糙型。将RB6菌株在体外连续传代培养20次和牛体内连续5次继代,检测结果证明其表型未发生变化,说明该菌株遗传稳定性良好。通过小鼠体内试验发现该菌株毒力显著降低,并对流产布鲁氏菌强毒菌株2308攻毒的免疫保护力与现有疫苗A19接近。本研究结果表明,流产布鲁氏菌基因缺失株RB6为粗糙型菌株,毒力较低、安全性高、遗传性状稳定,并具有良好的免疫保护效力,有望开发成为动物布鲁氏菌病粗糙型标记疫苗。  相似文献   

The proteomes of selected Brucella spp. have been extensively analyzed by utilizing current proteomic technology involving 2-DE and MALDI-MS. In Brucella melitensis, more than 500 proteins were identified. The rapid and large-scale identification of proteins in this organism was accomplished by using the annotated B. melitensis genome which is now available in the GenBank. Coupled with new and powerful tools for data analysis, differentially expressed proteins were identified and categorized into several classes. A global overview of protein expression patterns emerged, thereby facilitating the simultaneous analysis of different metabolic pathways in B. melitensis. Such a global characterization would not have been possible by using time consuming and traditional biochemical approaches. The era of post-genomic technology offers new and exciting opportunities to understand the complete biology of different Brucella species.  相似文献   

Amin, J.D. and Wilsmore, A.J., 1997. The effects of crude placental extract and erythritol on growth of Chlamydia psittaci (ovis) in McCoy cells. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (6), 431-435  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌致病及免疫机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌属的细菌引起的人畜共患传染病 ,目前布鲁氏菌属的细菌主要有七个种。随着分子生物学技术的发展 ,对布鲁氏菌的致病机制在分子水平上有了更进一步的理解 :布鲁氏菌自身一些与致病有关的基因使得布鲁氏菌逃避了巨噬细胞的杀伤作用 ,在巨噬细胞内存活和定居。在布鲁氏菌病免疫过程中 ,先天性免疫应答主要通过补体、巨噬细胞、天然杀伤细胞来参与 ,获得性免疫应答中 ,CD4 、CD8 、rδT细胞起很重要的作用。文章围绕这些与致病、免疫有关的基因及参与免疫反应细胞的研究进展进行了探讨 ,可为今后进行布鲁氏菌病预防及开发新型基因工程苗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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