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透脓散出自《外科正宗》,是治疮疡成脓不易破溃的补虚透脓之剂。笔者在十多年的临床诊疗中,加减应用透脓散治疗多种疾病,取得了很好的效果,现将典型病例简介如下,以示同道。  相似文献   

接诊一例异物感染性脓肿的怀孕奶牛,诊断后对创伤进行彻底清创处理,使用青霉素、安痛定肌肉注射+透脓散联合托里消毒散组成中药方剂,用水煎服+生理盐水、甲硝唑清洗创口+蒲公英与皂刺调酒外敷取得较好的治疗效果,现将治疗体会作一总结。  相似文献   

本文对新疆伊犁昭苏县某马场的2例马腺疫进行病案分析,采用临床检查和实验室诊断技术对其进行确诊,应用中药透脓散和西药抗生素相结合方式治疗患马,治疗效果显著。本研究结果为今后马腺疫临床诊断和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

马属动物副鼻窦蓄脓症是临床常见外科疾病之一,治疗方法繁多。从我们长期临床使用中药知柏汤治疗的病例来看,有的疗效甚佳;也有的完全无效。又见外地报导,其疗效也有显著差异。如有资料报道“用中药治疗上颌窦蓄脓症效果确实,方法简单、价格便宜”。但也有资料报道“用中药治疗  相似文献   

近几年,笔者用灵龙散治疗脓肿破溃、久不收口的病畜14例,效果较常规疗法好。 (一)方剂天灵盖(煅)60克、地龙泥30克(大家畜量),为末喂服,有软坚散结、敛疮生肌、清热解毒之效。凡外伤或内热引起之肿胀,须辨其阴阳和成脓与否,肿硬不热、根平而散漫者多属  相似文献   

笔者在兽因临床工作中,自行研制成中药“皮毒神效散”,用于治疗家畜各种外伤和皮肤肌肉组织的化脓、溃疡、中毒、疮疖等疾病(通称伤疡病)。多年实践表明,应用该散治疗以上疾病,效果甚佳。  相似文献   

多年来,本人在深圳赛马会、深圳世界之窗等地采用郁金散加减配合中药穴位贴敷治疗马湿热泄泻18例,取得了较好的效果,报告如下。1发病原因本病多发于夏秋时节,此时暑湿当令,因马匹使役过重,风吹雨淋,烈日下长途运输,体弱倦怠,饮水不洁,啃食异物等而感受湿热之邪。因脾恶湿而  相似文献   

多年来,中药“郁金散”作为治疗马胃肠炎的常用方剂,广泛应用于兽医临床。在实践中我们观察到,“郁金散”不仅有治疗马胃肠炎的效果,而且有一定的镇静和缓泻作用。几年来我们用“郁金散”治疗马胃肠炎多例,均获得了良好疗效。  相似文献   

据安图县畜牧兽医站张兴涛同志报道,中药白龙散对防治仔猪白痢病有较好的效果,张兴涛用白龙散试验防治仔猪白痢病,治疗973头,其中治愈仔猪955头,治愈率为98.1%。予防仔猪598头,全无发病。收到  相似文献   

中药珍硃散是黑龙江省,杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县一心公社兽医院几年来的经验验方。曾应用该散治疗外伤患畜82例(猪2,马21,牛7,骡2)收到满意的效果。现将32例中四例治疗效果情况,简要介绍于下,以供参考。病例一:一九六三年三月四日民主大队第四小队,红色七岁(马善)马一匹,由于使役不当被鞍子擦伤  相似文献   

为评价复方中药软膏剂中不同浓度的透皮剂药物氮酮对马属动物的透皮效果,首先利用中药复方水提醇沉浓缩液制备中药软膏剂,然后在软膏剂中分别加入2%、4%、5.5%、7%的透皮剂药物氮酮,以软膏剂中的淫羊藿苷成分作为标记物,利用酶标仪法测定经智能药物透皮仪处理后的马皮肤透过液中的标记物含量。结果表明,在中药软膏剂中加入5.5%的氮酮作为促渗剂,所获得的药物渗透效果最佳。该研究为马属动物中药软膏剂中透皮剂药物的选择提供了理论依据,也为复方中药透皮给药系统的研究提供了更为安全、有效、稳定的给药途径。  相似文献   

Two horses were admitted for evaluation of mandibular swelling (horse 1) or maxillary distortion (horse 2). Both horses had radiographic evidence of tumors of dental origin that had the appearance of a compound odontoma. Extensive surgical resection was performed for treatment. Horse 1 was treated with 1-stage surgical resection, but an iatrogenic fracture occurred during surgery, which was managed successfully with a type I external fixator and extraoral alimentation. Horse 2 was treated in multiple stages to remove all portions of the tumor. To manage an extensive orosinal fistula, a custom-designed dental bridge was constructed to occlude the fistula. For both horses, the histopathologic diagnosis was compound odontoma. Compound odontomas are benign, locally expansive tumors of dental origin. Compound odontomas can be treated successfully; however, multiple surgeries may be necessary.  相似文献   

Tiludronate is a compound in the bisphosphonate class of drugs. The main pharmacologic action of bisphosphonates is to inhibit bone resorption; they cause osteoclast apoptosis and disrupt intercellular trafficking of pro-inflammatory mediators. Bisphosphonates are used to treat humans with diseases such as osteoporosis and Paget's disease. Recently tiludronate has been studied as a treatment for bone resorptive diseases in horses. Tildren, an injectable form of tiludronate made for the horse, has been licensed to treat navicular disease and distal tarsal osteoarthritis in Europe. Some clinical studies have been completed to assess the efficacy of tiludronate in the horse. Many of the studies are reviewed here, and their standards of research are evaluated individually. Tiludronate may be beneficial in managing lameness isolated to the navicular bone and distal tarsal osteoarthritis by decreasing bone resorption and inflammation.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,马业已从传统马业转变成集赛马、休闲骑乘、马术等于一体的第三产业.发达国家已基本完成马产业的转型,我国还处于转型初期.马匹质量差、育种水平低、资金不足、关注度不够成为阻碍我国马业发展的主要因素.充分利用我国马业优势,积极借鉴发达国家经验,发展具有中国特色的马产业,是我国马业由传统马业转变成现代马业的重中之重.  相似文献   

在欧洲马品种中,黑色素皮质激素受体1(melanocortin receptor 1,MC1R)基因第248位碱基有C/T多态性,纯合的T248位点决定欧洲马的栗毛色。针对MC1R基因的248位点设计了2对特异性引物,采用等位基因特异性PCR技术,研究3个中国马品种MC1R基因型与栗色毛之间的关系。经扩增获得两种DNA片段,克隆测序后证明,扩增片段确为MC1R基因,两种DNA片段序列在基因的248位点的确呈现C/T多态性,但检测126份贵州矮马、西南马和新疆伊犁马血液样本,全部为杂合基因型(Ee),其中包括栗毛、黑毛、骝毛3种单毛色及3种复毛色。这些研究结果提示,MC1R基因中248位点的多态性与国内3个马品种的栗色毛之间没有直接的相关性。  相似文献   

中国马业正处在由传统向现代转型的初级阶段,科学的饲料配方对现代马业发展具有重要意义。作者通过对马每日的营养需求和饲料配方模型要素的分析和研究,构建了基于目标规划的马饲料配方模型。该配方模型对马需要的各项营养物质,包括干物质、消化能、粗蛋白质、钙、磷等进行优化,保证马每日对营养物质的数量、质量及其相互比例的需要,同时兼顾饲料成本;作者以速度赛用马和休闲骑乘马两种类型马为例说明基于不同饲养标准的马饲料配方的设计过程,进一步验证了该饲料配方模型的有效性。本研究对马饲料配方模型的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is a disorder of cardiac rhythmicity, and its importance in the horse depends on the underlying cause and the function of the horse. Before the decision is taken to start treatment, it has first to be ascertained whether treatment is worthwhile and whether the horse is an appropriate candidate for treatment. This article gives a short overview of current opinion on the cause and treatment of atrial fibrillation in the horse. The most used treatment at the moment, oral chinidine sulphate, is discussed. The hemodynamic consequences of atrial fibrillation and the response of a patient to treatment with chinidine sulphate are also discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese horse industry is in the early stage of transition from traditional horse industry to modern horse industry. Scientific feed formula is of great practical significance to the development of modern horse industry. In this paper, the horse feed formula model based on the goal programming was constructed by analyzing and researching the horse's daily nutrition demand and the component elements of feed formula model. The formula optimized the horse's various nutrients, including dry matter, digestible energy, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus, ensured that the number of nutrients, quality and the proportion of their daily needs, and took into account the cost of feed also. Two different types of horses, race horse and riding horse were used to describe the design process for horse feed formulations based on different feed standards, and the effectiveness of the feed formula model was verified at the same time. The study would provide some reference value for the study of horse feed formula model.  相似文献   

细菌感染是引起奶牛子宫内膜炎发生的主要病因,兽医临床多采用抗菌药物疗法对其进行治疗。但该治疗方法易造成耐药菌株的产生和兽药残留等问题,因此,研制高效、低毒、低残留的中草药制剂将为治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎提供新的治疗手段。设计了8种单提复配中草药配方、6种共煎中草药配方以及12种中西药复合配方,通过药物敏感性试验,分别测定了上述配方对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和链球菌3种奶牛子宫内膜炎主要致病菌的抑菌活性,从中优选出了最佳配方7A(中西药复合配方)。该配方对3种致病菌均有良好的抑制效果,有望作为治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的药物应用于兽医临床。  相似文献   

The possible spread by horse faeces of plants that may become weeds in sensitive areas was investigated. It was found that the period 24-48 hours after ingestion of seeds included in rations was the retention time for seeds passing through the digestive system of the horse. The ability of seeds to germinate was not influenced by exposure to digestive fluids or sea-water. A feeding regime of compound feeds is suggested.  相似文献   

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