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2008年5月,湖南省湘南地区某年出栏生猪2万头左右的规模化养猪场发生较为严重的母猪死亡及繁殖障碍、仔猪发病率和死亡率均较高的猪传染病,经发病情况调查、临床症状、病理变化、实验室诊断,确定为猪圆环病毒2型、副猪嗜血杆菌混合感染.  相似文献   

1999年来 ,广饶县部分仔猪和育肥猪发生类似猪瘟症状的传染病。经流行病学调查 ,临床检查和病理剖检以及实验室检验 ,确诊为弓形虫病。流行情况1 999年广饶县首次在莲花村某猪场发现并确诊为猪弓形虫病以来 ,近两年很多猪场相继发病。2 0 0 1年 9月 ,莲花村猪场和码头一村另一猪场共482头猪中 ,发病 380头 ,发病率 79% ,死亡率 3% ,发病基本上以 2 0~ 40kg的仔猪为主 ,。成年猪基本上未见发病。在新发病猪中刚引进和阉割后的猪较多。据笔者调查 ,该病呈地方流行 ,无明显季节性 ,发病猪均注射过猪瘟疫苗。临床症状病初多数病例高温稽留 ( …  相似文献   

在猪群没有暴发疾病时,应定期对猪群的整体、健康状况和生产能力作出评估。暴发疾病后,要对病猪群进行流行病学调查,确定是否为传染病、中毒病或代谢病等群发病。对病猪进行个体检查,以确定病情和疾病的种类;对死亡的猪进行尸体剖检,根据情况,选择实验室诊断。  相似文献   

正猪圆环病是由猪圆环病病毒引起的一种传染病,本病一旦发生,死亡率10%~30%不等,较严重的猪场在暴发本病时死淘率高达40%,给养猪业造成严重的经济损失,现已被世界各国公认为是继猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)之后新发现的引起猪免疫障碍的重要传染病,严重威胁养猪业的发展。2015年4月,天水市秦安县兴国镇某养猪场发生了一起猪圆环病,经过采取项目组提供的"A+B"猪圆环病  相似文献   

在猪群没有暴发疾病时,应定期对猪群的整体、健康状况和生产能力作出评估.暴发疾病后,要对病猪群进行流行病学调查,确定是否为传染病、中毒病或代谢病等群发病.对病猪进行个体检查,以确定病情和疾病的种类;对死亡的猪进行尸体剖检,根据情况,选择实验室诊断.  相似文献   

<正>2016年3月初,辖区内某养猪场的猪群发生了一种以体温升高、厌食、昏睡、气喘,大猪汗毛孔出血,仔猪全身肌肉颤抖为特征的传染病。经临床调查、病尸剖检和实验室检验,确定为猪附红细胞体病和伪狂犬病混合感染所致。发病率80%,仔猪发病死亡率25%,大、中猪仅个别死亡。通过采取综合治疗措施,控制了病情,报告于下:1发病情况该养猪场饲养猪310头,其中基本母猪28头,后备母  相似文献   

<正>猪气喘病又称支原体肺炎,是由肺炎支原体引起的猪的一种慢性、消耗性呼吸道传染病。天水市武山县鸳鸯镇某猪场发生了一起猪气喘病继发感染猪副伤寒的病例,经综合治疗,已治愈,现将诊治情况介绍如下。1临床症状发病初期,病猪精神和食欲正常,咳嗽、流清鼻液,随着病情发展,咳嗽次数增多,病猪气喘,呼吸困难,呈明显的腹式呼吸,同时体温降低,精神不振,腹泄,部分病猪在病程后期皮肤出现弥漫性湿疹,特别在  相似文献   

猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒引起的猪的一种高度传染性和致死性的传染病。其特征为高热稽留、小血管壁变性引起的广泛性出血、梗塞和坏死等病变。1调查情况1.1调查时间调查2009年至2011年3年间猪瘟的发生和流行情况及临床疑似病例。  相似文献   

本文主要根据巫山县1973年畜禽疫病普查和1981年开始的农业自然资源调查材料,分析山区地貌、气候、居住及交通条件等对猪传染病约分布、危害情况、发病季节及流行过程的表现形式的影响和作用,探讨山区猪传染病发病的地域性差异以及发生、流行和终止的一般规律。为制定合理的经济的有效的防制措施,提供流行病学方面的调查研宄资料.  相似文献   

为掌握猪圆环病毒2型(porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)在湖北省武汉市大型规模化养猪场的流行率,并探索该病的传播风险因素,从而为科学防控该病毒提供依据,2020年4—6月采取二阶段随机抽样方法,采集猪口腔液样品进行PCV2核酸检测。第一阶段,对武汉市所有大型规模化猪场,采用估计流行率的样本量计算方式,确定抽样场数后随机抽取猪场;第二阶段,在猪场内采取发现疫病的样本量计算方式,以栏舍为单位,计算需要随机抽取的栏舍数量。同时以调查问卷方式,对场点感染PCV2有关的风险因素进行调查。结果显示:共采集22个大型规模化猪场的330份猪口腔液样本进行检测,其中8个场的55份样本检出PCV2核酸阳性,场群表观流行率为36.4%,真实流行率为38.0%(95%CI,17.5%~58.5%),阳性场点分布在5个区(全部共6个区);净道、污道不分开是场内PCV2感染的主要风险因素。结果表明,武汉市大型规模猪场的PCV2场群流行率较高,分布范围较广,各场需加强生物安全管理,以控制PCV2的流行与传播。  相似文献   

自2018年8月受到非洲猪瘟疫情影响,生猪养殖产业受到巨大打击,直接促进家禽养殖产业的发展。随国家对畜禽养殖结构的调整力度不断加大,规模化鸡养殖场的建设数量不断增加。依托规模化鸡养殖产业,带来更多经济收入的同时,也面临较高的疫情防范风险。初春季节外界温度忽高忽低,昼夜温差较大,该时期的鸡身体免疫功能出现下降的现象,造成各种传染性疾病频发。因此做好春季传染性疾病的防治工作,成为需要重点攻克的难题。该文主要结合地区的鸡养殖现状,探讨春季鸡疾病的发生情况,并提出相应的养殖管理措施,更好地控制春季传染性疾病的发生蔓延。  相似文献   

重庆市规模猪场猪病流行状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年5月以来,重庆市部分区县发生不明原因的猪病疫情,发病猪场生猪发病率在25%~100%,病死率20%~30%。为调查市内生猪疫病流行状况,重庆市动物疫病预防控制中心对37个发病猪场采样进行疫病集中监测。结果发现,PCV-2、HP-PRRSV、App和TOX的样品阳性率最高,分别为83.61%、52.46%、31.89%和18.89%。猪场的混合感染现象非常严重,两种或两种以上病原体混合感染的猪场有35个,占检测猪场数的94.59%;以PCV-2+App,PCV-2+HP-PRRSV,PCV-2+TOX混合感染的猪场最多,分别占检测猪场的56.75%、51.35%和48.65%。  相似文献   

吕莫然  刘爵 《猪业科学》2020,37(4):134-136
现今养猪业需要规模化和现代化的生物安全系统作保障,建立健全的生物安全体系可有效预防猪群一系列传染病的发生,这对猪群的健康有重要影响。在猪场各种传染病肆虐的环境下,如何在实际生产中完善生物安全体系的建设,是当前养猪生产面临的重要问题。文章针对目前猪群中流行疾病在临床实践调查中优化病原体检测的方法,对生物安全实施的内部对象建立完善生物安全体系做出相关建议指导。  相似文献   

我国养猪业一直面临对抗多种传染病的压力,自2018年我国发生非洲猪瘟以来,国内多地先后出现疫情,导致生猪存栏量明显下降,严重影响了人民生活,对生猪产业造成了巨大的经济损失,目前亟待恢复正常的生猪生产经营秩序。在进行防控非洲猪瘟的同时,也不能忽视其他猪场常见传染病的防控,为此文章对恢复养猪生产过程中,猪场常见传染病的防控提出了一些建议,以便供养殖户和管理者参考。  相似文献   

Diseases are often thought to result from a single cause. Although this is sometimes the case, e.g. with a highly virulent infection such as Classical Swine Fever (CSF), more often clinical disease in swine herds results from multiple predisposing factors. This is especially true in modern intensive pig husbandry, in which the role of highly infectious diseases is limited to (nonetheless devastating) outbreaks. More important nowadays are diseases, although associated with an agent, without a clear pathogenesis. The emphasis in disease control thus far has been on treatment, eradication and prevention. This has been achieved by focusing attention on husbandry factors, such as climate, housing, hygiene, management, and nutrition. Although this approach has been successful for a number of diseases, several health problems are persistent. There are strong indications that in the latter, intrinsic animal factors are important. Successful handling of these problems requires knowledge of the (patho)physiology of the pig. In this article, several characteristics of pig physiology associated with the occurrence of disease are described. It appears that the modern (fattening) pig is exceptional among other animal species in that its cardiovascular system is mismatched to its body weight. It is argued that this particular disposition causes relatively minor disturbances to have major consequences in the pig. This concept of pig physiology is central to the understanding of the hitherto poorly understood pathogenesis of several diseases, such as oedema disease.  相似文献   

猪链球菌7型的分离鉴定及药敏试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
某猪群暴发类似猪链球菌病,为确诊和防制该病,通过将病料接种到血液营养琼脂培养基和TSA培养基分离细菌,对分离菌株进行生化鉴定和PCR鉴定,并接种小白鼠进行动物试验和药敏试验。结果表明,分离的细菌为猪链球菌7型,对小白鼠具有致病性,且对恩诺沙星和头孢唑啉高度敏感。该结果对临床防制猪链球菌病具有参考意义。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是一种急性传染病,不仅发病率较高,死亡率也高,已被列为法定报告动物疾病,是我国重点防控的动物疫病之一。非洲猪瘟的危害性较强,一旦出现会大面积扩散,病情控制的难度较大,会带来难以估量的损失。在养猪中,做好非洲猪瘟的预防工作,充分认识非洲猪瘟的危害性,保障养殖业的发展和消费者的健康。  相似文献   

BackgroundClassical swine fever (CSF) is a severe infectious disease of pigs that causes significant economic losses to the swine industry.ObjectivesThis study developed a solid-phase blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (spbELISA) method for the specific detection of antibodies against the CSF virus (CSFV) in porcine serum samples.MethodsA spbELISA method was developed based on the recombinant E2 expressed in Escherichia coli. The specificity of this established spbELISA method was evaluated using reference serum samples positive for antibodies against other common infectious diseases. The stability and sensitivity were evaluated using an accelerated thermostability test.ResultsThe spbELISA successfully detected the antibody levels in swine vaccinated with the C-strain of CSFV. In addition, the detection ability of spbELISA for CSFV antibodies was compared with that of other commercial ELISA kits and validated using an indirect immunofluorescence assay. The results suggested that the spbELISA provides an alternative, stable, and rapid serological detection method suitable for the large-scale screening of CSFV serum antibodies.ConclusionsThe spbELISA has practical applications in assessing the vaccination status of large pig herds.  相似文献   

African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex infectious swine diseases and the greatest concern to the pig industry owing to its high mortality and no effective vaccines available to prevent the disease. Since the first outbreak of ASF in pig farms, ASF has been identified in 14 pig farms in four cities/counties in South Korea. The outbreak was resolved in a short period because of the immediate control measures and cooperative efforts. This paper reviews the ASF outbreak and the experience of successfully stopping ASF in pig farms in South Korea through active responses to prevent the spread of ASF. In addition, suitable changes to build a sustainable pig production system and collaborative efforts to overcome the dangerous animal disease, such as ASF, are discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic pleuritis (CP) in Danish pigs for slaughter is by far the most frequent finding at the routine post-mortem meat inspection. An initial investigation published in 1990 demonstrated infectious and management-related risk factors. Serological testing for additional infectious agents, as well as the need to consider the effect of disease clustering at the herd level, required a re-analysis of the data.

Our re-analysis used a representative sample of 4800 pigs originating from 623 Danish herds. Each pig was examined for the presence of CP and progressive atrophic rhinitis (PAR). The gender of the pig, the weight of the carcass, and the herd of origin were also recorded. Individual blood samples were examined for seropositivity for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (AP) serotypes 2, 6, 7, 12, Haemophilus parasuis, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (MYC) and swine influenza (SI). Herd-level information retrieved through a questionnaire included health status, production type, herd size (i.e. pigs per year) and vaccination procedures.

Associations between CP and infectious, individual and herd-related factors were investigated by logistic regression with random effects. Among pigs from herds with conventional health status, seropositivity for AP serotypes 2 and 6, and MYC had odds ratios (ORs) of CP of 9.0, 1.6 and 1.8, respectively. Neither seropositivity for AP serotype 7 nor SI were associated with CP by themselves, but interacted: OR of CP of 5.3 (1.8) when present at the same time among pigs exhibiting (not exhibiting) PAR. An association of PAR with CP was found, and PAR interacted with AP serotype 7: OR=10.0 (4.3) when both factors were present among pigs exposed (non-exposed) to SI. The OR (0.97) for an increase of carcass weight by 1 kg was negligible.

In pigs from specific pathogen-free (SPF) herds, seropositivity for MYC and herd size were associated with CP. Moreover, for a herd size of 1000 pigs, CP was associated with exposure to MYC by an OR of 3.3 (decreasing to 1.9 when the herd size was increased by 1000). Farrow-to-finish as opposed to finishing herd had an OR of CP of 3.2.

In conventional herds, seropositivity for AP serotype 2 and MYC were associated with 51% and 29% of the occurrence of CP. In SPF herds, farrow-to-finish as opposed to finishing herds was associated with 47% of the occurrence of CP. Seropositivity for MYC was associated with 33% (39%) of the occurrence of CP in herds with a size > (≤) 1500 pigs.  相似文献   

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