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Herbage intake and utilisation were measured in 12 Simmental and 12 Angus suckler cows with Angus sired calves grazing one subalpine (1000 m o.d. (ordinance datium)) and two alpine pastures (first and secondary growth; 2000 m). Calving periods were late autumn and late winter for both breeds. Herbage dry matter intake of cows and calves, determined with slow-release alkane capsules, increased from subalpine to alpine pastures from 11.9 to 15.8 and 1.1 to 3.5 kg/day, respectively. Nitrogen (N) intake was highest on regrowth pasture. Simmental cows consumed more herbage than Angus cows, even when corrected for metabolic body weight. Their calves did not differ in herbage consumption although crossbred calves had significantly higher daily gains (+16%) than Angus calves. Dam breed effects on N and phosphorous (P) excretion and N utilisation were small when corrected for differences in intake (higher in the Simmental groups). Compared to winter-calving, autumn-calving resulted in cows gaining weight but also resulted in lower daily gains of the calves despite higher herbage intake. This increased N and P losses per unit of weight gain even when calculated for cows and calves together. Accordingly, late-winter calving is advantageous for this type of alpine grazing system.  相似文献   

The performance of female calves in creep feeding under different strategies of supplementation and milk production, intake, and digestibility of grazing Nellore and crossbred cows (Nellore?×?Holstein) during the dry-rainy transition season were assessed. Forty-four female beef suckling calves, with initial age between 90 and 150?days and average initial body weight of 117.7?±?4.3?kg, and their respective dams (24 Nellore and 20 crossbred) with average initial body weight of 417.5?±?8.3?kg, were used. The experimental treatments consisted of: control group-mineral mixture only; strategy 1-supplementation from 112?days prior to weaning (0.375?kg/animal/day); strategy 2-supplementation from 112?days prior to weaning, in increasing amounts of 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, and 0.60?kg/animal/day through the four experimental periods, respectively; and strategy 3-supplementation from 56?days prior to weaning (0.750?kg/animal/day). Calves from strategy 1 had greater (P??0.05) for nutrient digestibility among genetic types. It can be concluded that strategies of supplementation that present an equitable distribution of supplement provides greater weight gain in suckling female beef calves. Crossbred cows produce more milk and present greater DMI than Nellore cows. There are no differences in the nutrient digestibility between Nellore and Nellore × Holstein crossbred cows.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Commonly used dosage protocols for antimicrobial agents may alter the rate of gastric emptying. HYPOTHESIS: Parenteral administration of erythromycin increases and gentamicin decreases the rate of abomasal emptying. ANIMALS: Five male Holstein-Friesian calves (8-15 days of age). METHODS: Calves received each of the following 4 IM treatments in random order: control, 2 mL of 0.9% NaCl; erythromycin, 8.8 mg/kg; low-dose gentamicin, 4.4 mg/kg; high-dose gentamicin, 6.6 mg/kg. Abomasal emptying rate was assessed by acetaminophen and glucose absorption. Calves were fed 2 L of cow's milk containing acetaminophen (50 mg/kg body weight) 30 minutes after each treatment was administered, and jugular venous blood samples were obtained periodically after suckling. The maximum observed plasma acetaminophen concentration (actual C(max)) and time of actual C(max) (actual T(max)) were determined, and pharmacokinetic modeling was used to calculate model C(max) and model T(max). RESULTS: Erythromycin increased abomasal emptying rate, as indicated by a shorter time to actual T(max) and model T(max) (P < .05). Abomasal emptying rate after injection of low-dose gentamicin was similar to that of control. Administration of high-dose gentamicin resulted in a longer time to actual T(max) (P= .021) but did not change model T(max) (P= .62). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: IM injection of erythromycin increased abomasal emptying rate in dairy calves, whereas low-dose and high-dose gentamicin did not alter the rate of abomasal emptying as measured by acetaminophen kinetics and glucose absorption. The clinical relevance of these findings remains to be determined.  相似文献   

An energy and protein intake test was applied to 341 female nursed calves under production conditions. Their daily intakes of skim milk enriched with milk substitute, fodder concentrates, and hay were recorded and their daily energy and protein intakes calculated. Their feed consumption was characterised by cumulative nutrient intake curves, depending on the time of foremilk feeding (K-I-period). Energy and protein intake figures were related to the findings obtained from daily health control, with the view to defining the effects of pneumonia or diarrhoea on feed intake. Both diseases were found to cause significant reduction in nutrient intake, depending on the given type of disease and severity, with their negative impact having been most markedly shown in the context of dry feed intake. The delay caused to the development of dry feed consumption by diseases of the respiratory and digestive tracts was many times longer than the time of the clinical course. The above observations provided some cues for conclusions regarding the approach to be taken by the veterinarian to diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation of affected calves. Certain concepts were derived from the findings as to how to feed calves to forestall developmental disorders.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare restricted suckling of tropical cows by their own or another cow's calf with artificial rearing of the calves and no suckling. In Exp. 1, cows were mechanically milked twice daily, after which for 15 min they were either suckled by their own calf (Treatment O) or multiple-suckled by other cows' calves (Treatment M) or unsuckled, with the calves reared artificially (Treatment A). Machine milk yield was similar for the three treatments, but in the two suckling treatments the additional milk consumed by the calf increased (P = 0.02) total production (2,682, 2,634, and 2,336 kg/lactation for Treatments O, M, and A, respectively). Machine milk fat concentration was reduced (P = 0.05) by suckling (2.90, 3.07, and 3.20% for Treatments 0, M, and A, respectively), but the milk sampled just before suckling (to represent that taken by the calves) had a high fat concentration (mean 7.9%). Machine milk somatic cell count was also reduced (P = 0.05) by suckling, from 106,000/mL (Treatment A) to 85,000/mL (Treatment M) and 95,000 (Treatment O). Cows suckling their own calf lost more weight and body condition than cows whose calves were reared artificially, with multiple-suckled calves intermediate. Cows suckling their own calf had postpartum interval to first estrus increased (P = 0.01) by 31 d and conception rates to first service of 44% compared to 77% for the other two treatments (P = 0.01). The growth of the suckled calves was compared with that of the artificially reared calves, which were given recommended milk allowances. The artificially reared calves consumed more milk and concentrates, which were available ad libitum to all calves, and gained (P = 0.03) 0.07 kg/d more weight than suckled calves. A second experiment determined that suckling once daily did not reduce reproductive performance compared to artificial rearing. We conclude that suckling cows twice daily increases total milk production but reduces body weight in early lactation. Cows suckling their own calves have reduced reproductive performance compared to those suckling other calves or reared artificially.  相似文献   

An experiment using 40 Angus or Brahman X Angus preconditioned feeder calves was conducted to evaluate the influence of shipping on cellular immune reactivity. Steers were allotted on the basis of weight and breed to a control or shipped group. Shipped steers were trucked 700 km to a feedlot; control steers remained at the ranch of origin. Total and differential leukocyte counts, phytohemagglutinin skin-test responses, lymphocyte blastogenic responses, monocyte phagocytic function, packed cell volumes and concentrations of plasma cortisol were determined before, immediately after and 1 wk after shipment. At unloading, total leukocytes were increased (P less than .05) in shipped Angus steers. Shipped steers also had higher (P less than .01) numbers of neutrophils. Skin-test responses to phytohemagglutinin were higher (P less than .05) in Angus than in Brahman X Angus steers, but shipping did not influence the reaction. Lymphocyte blastogenic responses were lower (P less than .05) in shipped steers; however, cortisol levels in plasma were not elevated (P greater than .10) in shipped calves. Monocyte phagocytosis and packed cell volume were not influenced by shipping. These data suggest that shipped steers have suppressed lymphocyte blastogenic responses.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of tropically adapted sire breeds on preweaning growth performance of F1 calves and on reproductive performance of their Angus dams. Angus (A) cows were bred in two consecutive years (1992 and 1993) by AI using semen from Brahman (B; Bos indicus; n = 10), Senepol (S; Bos taurus; n = 10), and Tuli (T; Sanga; n = 9) bulls. A total of 82 B x A, 85 S x A, and 91 T x A calves were born. The statistical model included the fixed effects of year, sire breed, calf sex, sire breed x calf sex, and cow parity and the random effect of sire within sire breed. Birth weight, weaning weight, 205-d adjusted weaning weight, ADG from birth to weaning, and hip height at weaning were greater (P < .001) for B x A calves than for S x A or T x A calves. Greater differences were detected between sexes for B x A than for S x A and T x A (for all traits sire breed x calf sex, P < .05). Sire breed affected (P < .01) the percentage of unassisted calvings (B x A, 87%; S x A, 98%; and T x A, 100%) and tended (P < .10) to affect the percentage of calves that survived until weaning (B x A, 90%; S x A, 94%; and T x A, 98%). Sire breed of calf did not affect (P > .10) length of gestation, and sire breed did not affect the interval from calving to first observed estrus or pregnancy in Angus dams. These results demonstrate that preweaning growth performance of B x A calves was greater than that of either S x A or T x A calves. However, use of Brahman sires on Angus dams led to calving problems and tended to reduce the percentage of calves that survived until weaning. Thus, heavier weaning weights of B x A calves would be an advantage for cow-calf producers marketing calves, but heavier birth weights and calving difficulty attributed to Brahman sires would be a disadvantage.  相似文献   

In a large herd of pigs whose piglets suffered from diarrheas coprological examination revealed the great incidence of Isospora suis coccidia in piglets. The first oocysts were found out in seven-day piglets; the highest incidence was observed in twelve-day piglets (65.9%); the time of oocyst elimination (patency) was five to six days. The oocysts appeared in the excrements of piglets two to three days after the diarrhea onset. Individual examinations of piglets demonstrated the correlation between the intensity of clinical signs and the numbers of eliminated oocysts. No oocysts of I. suis were found either in sow excrements or gilt excrements. The I. suis oocysts were diagnosed in the excrements of piglets from first-farrowing sows and in the excrements of piglets from the sows, in the litters of which I. suis had already been demonstrated. Evaluating the therapeutic and preventive effects of the anticoccidic drug amprolium no significant difference was recorded in the I. suis incidence between the medicated group and the control group.  相似文献   

Eighteen multiparous Zebu cows in their third lactation and their calves were randomly allocated to three suckling periods, up to 3, 4 or 5 months of age of the calf. The cows were individually fed natural hay, cottonseed cake and molasses. At 2 months of age, all calves were separated from their mothers, and were offered cottonseed cake mixed with molasses and Mucuna hay individually. The calves stimulated milk ejection by suckling 30 seconds and suckled the residual milk for 45 minutes after milking. The dry matter intake of cows (3.68, 3.29 and 3.31% of body weight) and calves (2.88, 2.80 and 2.55% of body weight) for suckling up 3, 4 and 5 months of age, respectively, was not significantly affected by treatment and neither was the growth rate of the calves (178, 157 and 149 g/d for 3, 4 or 5 months suckling period, respectively). Cows suckling their calves up to 5 months had significantly higher milk yield and higher amount of saleable milk (1.97, 2.93 and 3.69 kg/cow/d for 3, 4 and 5 months suckling period, respectively). The fat content of the milk decreased with increasing length of the suckling period while the protein content was not affected. In conclusion, a suckling period of 5 months resulted in higher total milk production and higher amount of saleable milk but did not seem to have any effect on calf growth when the calves were supplemented.  相似文献   

Thirty years and 23 yr of life history data from a Hereford herd in Arizona and an Angus herd in Wyoming, respectively, were analyzed. Longevity averaged 4.21 +/- .06 for years from first calving to disposal (FST), 7.40 +/- .06 for years from birth to disposal (AGE) and 3.46 +/- .06 for lifetime number of calves weaned (NUM) in Herefords and 4.49 +/- .13 (FST), 6.68 +/- .12 (AGE) and 3.66 +/- .11 (NUM) in Angus. In the Hereford herd, heritability estimates for traits measuring longevity, estimated from daughter-dam regression and paternal half-sib analyses, ranged from .16 to .26. In the Angus herd, heritability estimates from daughter-dam regression ranged from .03 to .05. In the Hereford herd, genetic correlations of birth weight and weaning weight with longevity, from daughter-dam regression, were negative and generally of low magnitude, whereas genetic correlations between weaning condition score and longevity were positive and moderate. Analogous estimates from paternal half-sib analyses all were positive and moderate to high. Phenotypic correlations between early life traits and longevity traits in Herefords all were near zero. In the Angus herd, curves for age-specific survivorship and age-specific survival rate varied markedly among sires. This study suggested the existence of moderate genetic variation for longevity traits in beef cattle. None of the traits expressed early in life that were examined would, however, be reliable predictors of genetic or phenotypic merit for longevity.  相似文献   

The immunisation of young milk-fed calves with two doses of the commercially available Dictyocaulus viviparus irradiated larval vaccine, Dictol, was studied. In the first experiment, vaccination of groups of pail-milk-fed calves at 3 and 7 weeks of age resulted in 96.7% reduction of lungworm burdens upon challenge when compared with non-vaccinated controls. Contemporaneous vaccination of calves aged 8 and 12 weeks resulted in a reduction in lungworm burden of 98.9% compared with controls of the same age. The clinical reaction upon challenge of both age groups was minimal compared with their respective controls.In the second experiment a group of six suckling calves were vaccinated with Dictol at 3 and 7 weeks of age and then challenged with infective larvae of D. viviparus together with non-vaccinated controls. At subsequent post-mortem examination the mean lungworm burdens of the vaccinates was 87% less than that of the controls. Some clinical reaction evidence by increased respiratory rates and bodyweight loss occurred in the vaccinates but this was not as severe as in the controls. At necropsy a concurrent pneumonia due to Mycoplasma spp. was present and it is suggested that this contributed to the poorer protection obtained compared with the pail-milk-fed calves of the fist experiment.In the third experiment a group of suckling calves were again vaccinated at 3 and 7 weeks of age and then exposed to a natural challenge together with parasite-naive controls. Although the level of challenge was relatively low, immunisation was apparently high successful as lungworms were completely absent in the vaccinates when examined at necropsy.In all three experiments numerous pulmonary lymphoid nodules, which are a useful guide to the immune status of calves, were present in the vaccinates and absent or scarce in the controls. It is concluded that the cumulative evidence from the three experiments suggest that immunisation against infections of D. viviparus of young milk-fed calves in the field may be a practical proposition.  相似文献   

Fatty acid‐binding protein (FABP) has high affinity for long‐chain fatty acids and appears to participate in the metabolism and intracellular transport of lipids. Liver‐ and intestinal‐type FABP (L‐FABP and I‐FABP, respectively) are expressed in the small intestine. However, in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, expression and localization of FABPs are unknown. In this study, we investigated the expression of I‐FABP and L‐FABP in the gastrointestinal tract of cattle. I‐ and L‐FABP had higher messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression levels in the duodenum and jejunum relatively to other gastrointestinal regions in both calves and cows. Furthermore, L‐FABP mRNA and protein expression were high in the colon. Both these protein types were confirmed to be in the cytosol of jejunal epithelial cells, where they were found in the villi rather than in the crypts. We concluded that duodenal and jejunal FABPs might be involved in the metabolism of fatty acids mainly in epithelial cells in cattle.  相似文献   

Data from 403 Polled Hereford-sired calves from Angus, Brahman, and reciprocal-cross cows were used to evaluate the effects of preweaning forage environment on postweaning performance. Calves were spring-born in 1991 to 1994 and managed on either endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+) or common bermudagrass (BG) during the preweaning phase. After weaning, calves were shipped to the Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK and stratified to one of two winter stocker treatments by breed and preweaning forage; stocker treatments were winter wheat pasture (WW) or native range plus supplemental CP (NR). Each stocker treatment was terminated in March, calves grazed cool-season grasses, and calves were then moved to a feedlot phase in June. In the feedlot phase, calves were fed to approximately 10 mm fat over the 12th rib and averaged approximately 115 d on feed. When finished, calves were weighed and shipped to Amarillo, TX for slaughter. Averaged over calf breed group, calves from E+ gained faster during the stocker phase (P<.10), had lighter starting and finished weights on feed (P< .01), lighter carcass weights (P<.01), and smaller longissimus muscle areas (P<.05) than calves from BG. Calves from E+ were similar to calves from BG in feedlot ADG, percentage kidney, heart, and pelvic fat, fat thickness over 12th rib, yield grade, marbling score, and dressing percentage. Maternal heterosis was larger in calves from E+ for starting weight on feed (P<.01), finished weight (P<.10), and carcass weight (P<.16). These data suggest that few carryover effects from tall fescue preweaning environments exist, other than lighter, but acceptable, weights through slaughter. These data further suggest that the tolerance to E+ in calves from reciprocal-cross cows, expressed in weaning weights, moderated postweaning weight differences between E+ and BG compared to similar comparisons in calves from purebred cows.  相似文献   

Interactions of the regression of preweaning ADG on dam milk yield and quality with breed group and forage environment were evaluated in a two-phase study. Phase I consisted of milk yield and quality and calf gain records from 1989 to 1991 for purebred Angus (n = 64) and Brahman (n = 62) cows mated to sires of both breeds. Phase II consisted of milk yield and quality and calf gain records from 1991 to 1997 for Angus (n = 94), Brahman (n = 85), Angus x Brahman (n = 86) and Brahman x Angus (n = 93) mated to Polled Hereford sires. In Phase I, forage environments included common bermudagrass and endophyte-infected tall fescue. In Phase II, forage environments included common bermudagrass and endophyte-infected tall fescue (1991 to 1995) and a rotational system of both forages (1995 to 1997) in which each forage was grazed during its appropriate growing season, usually June through October for bermudagrass and November through May for tall fescue. Milk yield was estimated monthly six times during lactation from spring through fall and converted to a 24-h basis. Milk fat, milk protein, and somatic cell count were analyzed by a commercial laboratory. In Phase I, the relation of preweaning ADG to milk yield, milk fat yield, and protein yield was greater (P < 0.05) in Brahman cows on bermudagrass than Angus on bermudagrass. The regression of preweaning ADG on milk yield in Phase I was greater (P < 0.05) for cows on tall fescue than cows which grazed bermudagrass. In Phase II, the relation of preweaning ADG to milk yield, milk fat yield, and milk protein yield was greater or tended to be greater (P < 0.01, P < 0.11, P < 0.01, respectively) in purebred cows compared to reciprocal-cross cows. The regression of preweaning ADG on milk yield and milk protein yield was greater (P < 0.05) on tall fescue than bermudagrass in Phase II. These results suggest that the influence of milk yield and quality on calf growth may differ among breed types and production system, and the efficacy of genetic improvements in milk traits may depend on the breed type and forage environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if a 2-step method of preventing suckling and cow-calf separation reduces the stress reaction in foster cows compared with a simultaneous separation method. Seven Swedish Holstein and 5 Swedish Red dairy cows were used as foster cows, each having a group of 4 calves. The foster cow-calf group was formed when calves were 1 wk old, and the calves were prevented from suckling at 10 wk of age. In 6 of the cow-calf groups, calves were prevented from suckling by simultaneous separation from the cow (control). In the other 6 groups, calves were fitted with a nose-flap, which prevented them from suckling while they were kept together with the cow for another 2 wk before they were separated (2-step). The behavior of the foster cows was observed at 4 observation periods, 0 to 2, 8.5 to 9.5, 24 to 26, and 72 to 74 h after the calves were prevented from suckling (2-step), after separation (2-step), and after calves were prevented from suckling by simultaneous separation (control). For both treatments, saliva cortisol was sampled once daily for 5 d at wk 10. This was repeated at wk 12 for the 2-step treatment. Heart rate was measured with the behavioral observations. Control foster cows vocalized more (P < 0.001) and walked more (P = 0.005) than the 2-step foster cows after prevention of suckling and after separation from the calves. When control cows were separated from their calves, they more frequently (P < 0.001) held their head out of the pen than was the case with 2-step cows when separated 2 wk after prevention of suckling. The variation in heart rate was larger in the control group compared with 2-step cows at 0 to 2 h after separation/prevention of suckling (P = 0.002). No effect of treatment was found on cortisol concentration. Our conclusion is that separating the 2 events "prevention of suckling" and "separation" reduces the stress experienced by the foster cow at weaning.  相似文献   

The concentration of CLA in adipose tissue can be increased in ruminants by feeding pasture and extruded soybeans. The objective of this study was to evaluate maternal supplementation of raw (RS) or extruded (ES) soybeans on the concentrations of CLA in milk fat of cows and s.c. adipose tissue of suckling calves. Thirty-two spring-calving cows (BW 624 +/- 76 kg; BCS 3.5 +/- 0.4; mean +/- SD) and calves (BW 127 +/- 15 kg) were separated into 2 groups. Cows were distributed to have 8 calves of each sex in both groups. When animals were turned out to pasture, dams received 2 kg/d of either RS or ES. Dietary treatments had no effect on average milk intake (P = 0.22) and pasture forage intake (P = 0.13) for calves over the course of the grazing season. As a result, no effect of treatments was observed on ADG (P = 0.26). At weaning, milk fat content of CLA reached 15.4 and 24.2 mg/g of total fatty acids for cows fed RS and ES, respectively (P = 0.02). The CLA concentrations in adipose tissue were 16.9 and 25.0 mg/g of total fatty acids for calves suckling dams fed RS and ES, respectively (P < 0.001). Overall, results demonstrated supplementing grazing cows with ES increased CLA content in milk and adipose tissue of suckling calves.  相似文献   

To determine the maternal and reproductive performance of F1 cows in the subtropics, 42 Brahman x Angus, 34 Senepol x Angus, and 50 Tuli x Angus cows were bred to Angus bulls to calve first and subsequently bred to Charolais bulls to calve as 3- to 8-yr-olds. Age at first calving did not differ among crossbred cows. Angus-sired calf birth weights were heavier (P < 0.01) from Senepol x Angus than either Brahman x Angus or Tuli x Angus cows. Weaning weights of Angus-sired calves were heavier (P < 0.01) from Brahman x Angus (213.5 kg) than either Senepol x Angus (194.9 kg) or Tuli x Angus (191.5 kg) cows. As 3- to 8-yr-old cows, calf birth weights were heavier (P < 0.05) from Senepol x Angus compared with Brahman x Angus but not Tuli x Angus cows. Weaning weights of Charolais-sired calves were heaviest (P < 0.05) from Brahman x Angus cows (268.9 kg), lightest from Tuli x Angus cows (233.4 kg), and intermediate from Senepol x Angus cows (245.0 kg). Calf crop born and calf crop weaned were lowest (P < 0.05) for Senepol x Angus cows (76.9 and 70.2%) and did not differ between Brahman x Angus (89.0 and 86.1%) and Tuli x Angus (94.7 and 86.5%) cows. Tuli x Angus cows tended (P < 0.10) to have a lower percentage of unassisted births and lower (P < 0.10) calf survival to weaning than Brahman x Angus cows but not Senepol x Angus cows. As 3- to 8-yr-olds, weaning weight per cow exposed was greatest (P < 0.05) for Brahman x Angus (234.2 kg), least (P < 0.05) for Senepol x Angus (173.0 kg), and intermediate (P < 0.05) for Tuli x Angus (209.1 kg) cows. Also as 3- to 8-yr-olds, efficiency (205-d calf weight per 100 kg of cow exposed) was similar for Brahman x Angus (42.2) and Tuli x Angus cows (40.7), and both were greater (P < 0.01) than for Senepol x Angus cows (33.8). These data indicate that, in the subtropics, maternal and reproductive performance of Tuli x Angus cows, but not Senepol x Angus cows, was comparable to Brahman x Angus cows, except for lower calf survivability and weaning weight.  相似文献   

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