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以脱脂奶、稀奶油和脱盐乳清粉为原料配制的牛乳蛋白乳化液来模仿婴儿配方食品,研究了在140℃时乳化液热稳定性与pH值的关系以及三聚磷酸钠对乳化液热稳定性的影响,乳化液的热变性时间(HCT)受pH值变化影响显著,添加三聚磷酸钠可以显著提高乳化液的热稳定性。  相似文献   

利用粒径分析法对影响乳清蛋白热稳定性的几个主要因素进行了研究.温度是影响乳清蛋白热稳定性的重要因素,75℃是控制的一个关键点,加热时间越长,溶液pH越低,乳清蛋白热稳定性越差,5%的碳酸钙浓度对提高乳清蛋白热稳定性效果最佳.  相似文献   

本研究为分析饲料原料对酶热稳定性能的影响,采用实验室评价方法研究了饲料原料与固态木聚糖酶混合前后的热稳定性能差异。结果表明:95℃环境下木聚糖酶A、B酶活损失率均在30%以上,固态原料对木聚糖酶的热稳定性能没有显著影响,液态原料对木聚糖酶在高温、湿热环境下的热稳定性能均有明显改善,可使酶活损失率降低到10%左右。  相似文献   

乳糖、水和维生素等物质是牛乳中最主要成分,正常情况下乳成分含量相对稳定,脂肪含量波动较大,乳糖的含量则很少有变化。产生原因与胎次、品种和季节等因素相关。乳的热稳定性受诸多因素的影响,如牛的品种、饲料和泌乳期等,而这些内在或外在因素最终影响乳成分和理化性质,从而影响乳热稳定性。乳成分中对乳热稳定性起主要作用的有非蛋白氮、乳蛋白和乳糖等。论文重点论述了乳成分对乳热稳定性影响的研究现状。  相似文献   

本应用是在DHA和ARA油剂和粉剂基础上,研究了第三种剂型——乳化液。在DHA和ARA乳化液制备过程中,第一步是进行乳化液的制备,依次为界面膜壁材溶解→剪切乳化DHA和ARA→均质→制备好的乳化液。然后将第一步制备的乳化液加入婴幼儿配方奶粉配料系统,依次为乳化液→配料→剪切→包埋→均质→浓缩→喷雾干燥→配方奶粉。通过两步即可实现配方奶粉的生产,其意义在于改善婴幼儿配方奶粉中经常出现的"鱼腥味"问题。该方法研发的生产设备简单,适于配方奶粉生产型企业大规模、连续化生产,利于推广应用。  相似文献   

美国研究表明VD3强化奶酪可使用奶蛋白乳化液作为VD3传递体系VD是一种重要的维生素,人体能够通过晒太阳或者进食VD强化食品合成。美国犹他州立大学学者进行了一项实验(2012年9月份发表于Joumal of Dairy Science):希望能通过奶蛋白乳化剂将VD3融入一种水包油乳化液中,从而增加其在切达奶酪中的保留量,使每份量的强化水平达到280IU。4份水包油VD乳化液分别通过酪蛋白酸钠、酪蛋白酸钙、脱脂奶粉(NDM)、乳清蛋白制作。这些乳化液先用于强化牛奶,随后计算模型奶酪制作体系中奶酪凝乳中的VD3保留量,实验用一种非乳化的VD3油作为VD乳化液强化牛奶的对照。结果表明:乳化的VD3未乳化的VD3在凝乳中的保留量要显著升高,但不同乳化剂制作的乳化液用于实验后其VD3的  相似文献   

牛乳的热稳定性是评定乳制品生产工艺合理性和生产质量的重要指标,主要影响因素来自乳成分的改变,如pH、无机盐、乳蛋白及其多态性、非蛋白氮、乳脂、乳糖和体细胞等.本文详细概述了影响牛乳热稳定性的相关因素以及作用机理,以期为乳制品加工中有效控制影响牛乳热稳定性的因素,提高生产效率提供依据和参考.  相似文献   

前期研究表明新城疫病毒(NDV)HN蛋白为病毒热稳定性的主要影响因子.为了进一步研究HN蛋白的热稳定性以及影响其热稳定性的结构特征,研究利用杆状病毒表达了NDV TS09-C耐热株的HN蛋白的胞外区,将两个拷贝的TS09-C株HN胞外区基因分别插入到载体pFastBac-dual的PH启动子和p10启动子下游,在HN蛋...  相似文献   

对羊奶的热稳定性、酒精稳定性、凝乳特性及羊奶制品(羊奶粉、羊奶酸奶)稳定性的影响因素进行综述.研究表明:温度、pH值、离子浓度等对羊奶的稳定性都有显著的影响.温度在120~140℃范围内时,随着加热温度的升高,羊奶的热稳定性明显降低;30~80℃范围内,酒精稳定性随温度的升高而降低.pH6.7时,羊乳的热稳定性最好,pH6.4~7.2时,随pH值升高,羊乳的酒精稳定性增强.无机盐离子Ca2+对羊奶热稳定性和酒精稳定性的影响作用相似,稳定性均随Ca2+浓度的增大而降低.对于羊奶制品,降低水分活度可以提高其贮藏稳定性,乳清蛋白和酪蛋白含量的增加会降低酸奶贮藏期间的滴定酸度、黏度及持水性.另外,发酵酸奶所用稳定剂的不同、贮藏温度的不同也会影响制品的稳定性.  相似文献   

乳化液泵站主要为煤矿井下提供动力源,采用变频调速技术,提高系统的功率因数,减少了电动机的无功功率损耗。实现了自动恒压供液,使能耗降低30%以上,同时自动测试系统工作情况,自动声光报警,提高了乳化液泵站的使用寿命、提高了生产效率、降低了设备运行噪音及能耗。  相似文献   

1. A previous study has shown that emulsions of monocaprin in citrate lactate buffer at pH 4·1-4·3 are highly active in killing Campylobacter in water, where they reduce viable bacterial counts by more than 6 log(10) colony forming units (cfu) in 1 min at a concentration of 1·25 mM (0·03%). 2. The present study was carried out to evaluate whether monocaprin emulsions could be used to kill Campylobacter on raw poultry. 3. It was shown that immersion of naturally contaminated chicken legs in 20 mM (0·5%) monocaprin emulsion at pH 4·1 for 1 min at 20°C reduced the number of Campylobacter by 2·0 to 2·7 log(10) cfu. Pre-chill dipping of whole carcases into 20 mM monocaprin emulsion in the slaughterhouse also caused a significant reduction in Campylobacter contamination. 4. Immersion in monocaprin emulsions at pH 4·1 was also assessed as a means to reduce the number of psychrotrophic spoilage bacteria. There were lower psychrotrophic bacteria counts on treated chicken parts than on untreated controls after storage at 3°C for up to 14 d. 5. Immersion in emulsions of monocaprin, which is a natural lipid classified as GRAS, may be a feasible method to reduce the number of Campylobacter and spoilage bacteria on raw poultry. This method could reduce the risk of human exposure to Campylobacter, and at the same time increase the shelf-life of poultry products.  相似文献   

应用二环己基羰二亚胺活化海藻酸钠,然后与纤维素酶相联接.修饰后纤维素酶的性质发生了变化.其中,最适温度、最适pH均发生了变化;对pH、热稳定性有了较大程度的增强;对某些抑制剂(Hg~(2 )、Cu~(2 )、Ag~ 、Ca~(2 ))有较强的抵抗能力.  相似文献   

试验采用浊度法来鉴别原料乳、巴氏乳及UHT乳。螯合盐对不同热处理的牛乳处理后显示出不同的浊度,根据这一特性筛选出可以较好区分原料乳、巴氏乳及UHT乳的螯合盐,该检测方法的原理为螯合盐主要通过螯合了牛乳中的钙、对酪蛋白胶粒进行了分散,并形成了一种新的螯合盐和钙的复合物,改变了酪蛋白的特性。结果显示柠檬酸盐(柠檬酸三钠、柠檬酸铵)和磷酸盐(六偏磷酸钠、多聚磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠)可以很好将牛乳中的酪蛋白胶粒进行分散,分散后的胶体溶液呈现出可以定量测量的浊度,但柠檬酸三钠对原料乳、巴氏乳和UHT乳分散后浊度的区分最为明显,D600 nm值在0~0.15之间为原料乳,0.20~0.50之间为巴氏乳,0.60~1.00之间为UHT乳。浊度法可以快速的鉴别原料乳、巴氏乳和UHT乳,且操作简便,检测速度快,费用低。  相似文献   

为优化短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA胶悬剂配方,获得性状稳定可长期贮存的菌剂,同时对其作为益生菌进行益生特性评价,本试验研究了不同稳定剂、pH、NaCl及防腐剂浓度对短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA发酵液保存特性的影响,并对其产芽孢率、耐热性、抗生素敏感性、人工胃肠液耐受性、胆盐耐受性等生物学特性进行评估。结果显示,添加4% NaCl、0.1‰柠檬酸钙、0.1‰双乙酸钠、0.1‰山梨酸钾、2.0‰黄原胶,调节pH为7,可作为短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA胶悬剂保存的参考条件。短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA能够抑制沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌3种动物肠道病原菌的生长,具有产孢率高、耐热、耐酸、耐胆盐的特点,可与链霉素、氨苄西林同时使用,益生效果良好。因此,短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA可作为益生菌菌株应用于畜牧生产。  相似文献   

The composition of colloidal suspension agent of Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPA was optimized to obtain the stable long-term storage agent,at the same time,the evaluation of this strain as a probiotic strain was conducted in this paper. The effects of different stabilizers,pH,NaCl and preservative concentrations on the preservation characteristics of this strain were studied. And spore yield,heat resistance,antibiotic sensitivity,artificial gastrointestinal tolerance,bile salt tolerance and other biological characteristics of Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPA as a probiotic strain were evaluated. The results showed that the colloidal suspension agent of Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPA was composed of 4% NaCl,0.1‰ calcium citrate,0.1‰ sodium diacetate,0.1‰ potassium sorbate and 2.0‰ xanthan gum with pH 7.Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPA could inhibit the growth of Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It had good tolerance to artificial gastric and intestinal juice, 0.3% pig bile salt, high spore production rate and strong heat resistance,and it could be used in conjunction with streptomycin and ampicillin. Therefore,Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPA could be used as a probiotic strain in livestock production.  相似文献   

The alkalinizing effect of citrate, acetate, propionate, gluconate, L and DL-lactate were compared in healthy neonatal calves. The calves were infused for a 3.5 hour period with 150 mmol/L solutions of the sodium salts of the various bases. Blood pH, base excess, and metabolite concentrations were measured and the responses compared with sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride infusion. D-gluconate and D-lactate had poor alkalinizing abilities and accumulated in blood during infusion suggesting that they are poorly metabolized by the calf. Acetate, L-lactate and propionate had alkalinizing effects similar to bicarbonate, although those of acetate had a slightly better alkalinizing effect than L-lactate. Acetate was more effectively metabolized because blood acetate concentrations were lower than L-lactate concentrations. There was a tendency for a small improvement in metabolism of acetate and lactate with age. Sodium citrate infusion produced signs of hypocalcemia, presumably because it removed ionized calcium from the circulation. D-gluconate, D-lactate and citrate are unsuitable for use as alkalinizing agents in intravenous fluids. Propionate, acetate and L-lactate are all good alkalinizing agents in healthy calves but will not be as effective in situations where tissue metabolism is impaired.  相似文献   

以自制Mascarpone干酪和市售Cheddar干酪为原料制备再制干酪,研究4 种常见乳化盐(焦磷酸钠、六偏磷酸钠、多聚磷酸钠和柠檬酸钠)对再制干酪功能特性的影响,并进行乳化盐的复配优化。结果表明:4 种乳化盐的乳化能力大小为焦磷酸钠>柠檬酸钠>多聚磷酸钠>六偏磷酸钠;根据单因素试验结果,采用响应面法,选择焦磷酸钠、柠檬酸钠和多聚磷酸钠进行乳化盐复配优化,得出乳化盐的最佳配方为多聚磷酸钠添加量0.70%、柠檬酸钠1.50%、焦磷酸钠0.40%。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blood collection tubes containing 3.2% (0.109 M) sodium citrate, instead of 3.8% (0.129 M) sodium citrate, have recently become available in the United States. These tubes are visually indistinguishable from the traditional 3.8% sodium citrate tubes, except for wording on the label. Consequently, samples for hemostatic evaluation are frequently collected in tubes containing the lower concentration of sodium citrate. HYPOTHESIS: Results of hemostasis assays are different in samples collected in 3.2% versus 3.8% sodium citrate. ANIMALS: Twenty healthy dogs. METHODS: This study aimed at determining whether results of standard coagulation tests, von Willebrand factor concentration (vWF:Ag), and platelet function with the platelet function analyzer PFA-100a were affected by the different concentrations of sodium citrate. Blood samples were collected in tubes containing either 3.2% or 3.8% sodium citrate concentrations and processed routinely for coagulation assays (one-stage prothrombin time [OSPT], activated partial thromboplastin time [aPTT], fibrinogen concentration, and platelet count), vWF:Ag, and platelet function assays with a PFA-100. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between samples collected in 3.2% versus those collected in 3.8% sodium citrate for OSPT, aPTT, fibrinogen concentration, platelet count, or vWF:Ag. The closure times with collagen/adenosine diphosphate were significantly shorter (66 +/- 8.1 versus 74.8 +/- 9.7 seconds; P < .0001) with the 3.2% than with 3.8% sodium citrate concentration, and the hematocrit was significantly higher (47.9 +/- 5.6 versus 46.0 +/- 4.7 seconds; P = .03) in samples collected in 3.2% than in those collected in 3.8% sodium citrate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: There is no clinically relevant effect of collection of blood into 3.2% or 3.8% sodium citrate.  相似文献   

The most commonly used poultry marinades include salt and sodium tripolyphosphate, which have been shown to increase meat yield and water-holding capacity, as well as improve color and texture. Recently, several poultry further-processing facilities have begun using more acidic (pH ˜4) type marinades such as sodium lactate, sodium citrate, and sodium diacetate (alone or in combination) to combat the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in further-processed meat loaves. Because the acidic marinades currently used in turkey further-processing have a low pH (˜4) compared with the previously used salt and sodium tripolyphosphate (˜pH 9), these marinades may cause meat quality problems. This review paper will discuss aspects of poultry food safety and meat quality and how acidic marinades can be used to improve safety, specifically by controlling L. monocytogenes growth, and how they affect quality of the meat products. Current industry practices will be discussed and reviewed.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of prerigor injection of several glycolytic inhibitors on pH, color, tenderness, and related traits of low-value beef cuts. The semimembranosus, triceps brachii, and supraspinatus muscles from each of 10 steer carcasses were removed 1 h postmortem. Control samples remained in the carcass at 2 degrees C for 24 h. Prerigor muscles were injected and tumbled with 10% (by weight) of one of four solutions: sodium citrate (NaC; 200 mM), sodium fluoride (NaF; 200 mM), sodium acetate (NaA; 200 mM), and calcium chloride (CaCl2; 300 mM). All muscles treated with NaC and NaF showed the highest pH and glycogen content (P < 0.05), indicating that glycolysis was inhibited. Injection of NaC in semimembranosus and supraspinatus produced the tenderest meat (P < 0.05), showing a greater increase in tenderization at 3 d than at 7 d postmortem. Treatment did not affect color or oxidation-reduction potential, but all treated muscles tended to be more oxidative (higher oxidation-reduction potential). Sodium citrate was identified as a potential compound to enhance tenderness of prerigor muscle without altering color. Further studies are required to investigate its effect on palatability traits and to provide a basis for commercial application of the process.  相似文献   

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