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垦啤麦6号是红兴隆科研所选育的高产、优质啤麦新品种。其产量比对照品种垦啤麦3号增产16.24%,两年区试和生试18个试验点均增产,表现高产稳产。其品质经连云港全国麦芽检测中心两年化验酿造品质优于垦啤麦3号。2004年月1月通过黑龙 相似文献
华大麦8号是湖北省2009年8月审定命名的高蛋白优质饲用大麦新品种(审定编号:鄂审麦2009007),两年区域试验平均产量390.35 kg/667 m^2,比湖北对照品种鄂大麦9号增产8.01%,籽粒蛋白质含量15.8%,主要品质指标超过国家优质饲用大麦标准,且表现为早熟、多抗。本文报道了该品种的选育经过、特征特性及其栽培要点,讨论了该品种的应用前景。 相似文献
啤酒大麦新品种驻大麦5号高产高效特点和优质高产栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
驻大麦5号系河南省驻马店市农科所选育的晚播早熟、增产潜力大、有突破性的高产优质啤酒大麦新品种.该品种具备旗叶上举,通风透光性好,分蘖成穗率高,穗层整齐,穗下节与芒较长,茎秆柔韧,根系发达,灌浆速度快,成熟落黄好,产量三因素协调,抗倒伏,抗逆抗病性强等高产高效特点.通过多年多点试验,开展了播期播量、施肥技术、防冶病虫害技术以及土壤气候条件应变技术研究,结合大面积生产示范利用结果,并将其研究结果初步组装成操作性较强的高产高效栽培技术. 相似文献
针对于凉山州饲料大麦20多年来没有更换新的品种,混杂退化极为严重,为了提高大麦产量和品质,为发展畜牧业提供优质的饲料;同时随着烤烟面积的不断发展,对前作要求更加早熟,为烤烟生产留有充足的季节。我们根据凉山州饲料大麦生态区的自然条件特点,用(盐源大麦×马龙紫芒麦)×川农90-18杂交培育出了大麦新品种西大麦2号。该品种产量9 000 kg/hm2以上,比对照川农90-18早熟3 d,抗叶锈和条纹病能力较强,蛋白质含量14.1%,比对照低11.9%;淀粉含量52.5%,比对照低0.19%;水分含量10.2%,比对照低1.92%。,综合农艺性状优于川农90-18。 相似文献
The cultivar and environmental variation of beta -amylase activity was studied using two barley cultivars with contrasting growth properties. There was a significant difference in beta -amylase activity between the two cultivars used, 92-11 being significantly higher than Xiumai 3. A significant variation in beta -amylase activity was detected between grains at different positions within a spike. The two cultivars showed the same pattern, with top grains showing the highest and bottom ones the lowest activities. The relative difference within a spike varied between the cultivars, with 92-11 being larger than Xiumai 3. Both seeding rate and timing of N application dramatically affected the beta -amylase activity. With N application at the booting stage, beta -amylase activity increased, mainly due to the significantly increased beta-amylase activity in the topmost grains. The bottom grains showed a lower response to timing of N application. The variation in protein content and grain weight between cultivars and among the various treatments was also examined. The possible influence of these factors on beta -amylase activity are discussed. 相似文献
稻田春玉米氮、磷、钾配方施肥数学模型的初步研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
采用氮、磷、钾三因素旋转组合设计,通过计算机模拟寻优,建立了稻田春玉米--杂交晚稻种植制度中玉米产量--施肥量,玉米生产利润--施肥量数学模型:分析了氮(X1)、磷(X2)、钾(X3)的主效应及交互效应与产量的关系,它们对产量的影响为氮>钾>磷.筛选出玉米产量≥8250kg/hm2的最优方案为:N394.96~401.25kg/hm2、P2O5116.99~121.8kg/hm2、K2O 232.29~237.06kg/hm2,其比例为N∶P2O5K2O=3.4∶1∶2.并筛选出玉米利润≥6800元/hm2的最优方案为:N380.60~385.55kg/hm2,P2O5104.73~108.03kg/hm2、K2O222.20~225.12kg/hm2.其比例为N∶P2O5K2O=3.6∶1∶2.1。 相似文献
To provide food and nutrition security for a growing world population, continued improvements in the yield and nutritional quality of agricultural crops will be required. Wheat is an important source of calories, protein and micronutrients and is thus a priority to breed for improvements in these traits. The GRAIN PROTEIN CONTENT-B1 (GPC-B1) gene is a positive regulator of nutrient translocation which increases protein, iron and zinc concentration in the wheat grain. In the ten years since it was cloned, the impacts of GPC-B1 allelic variation on quality and yield traits have been extensively analyzed in diverse genetic backgrounds in field studies spanning forty environments and seven countries. In this review, we compile data from twenty-five studies to summarize the impact of GPC-B1 allelic variation on fifty different traits. Taken together, the results demonstrate that the functional copy of the GPC-B1 gene is associated with consistent positive effects on grain protein, Fe and Zn content with only marginally negative impacts on yield. We conclude that the GPC-B1 gene has the potential to increase nutritional and end use quality in a wide range of modern cultivars and environments and discuss the possibilities for its application in wheat breeding. 相似文献