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小列当为检疫性寄生杂草,原产欧洲和中东地区,已在世界各地造成了严重的经济损失,本文阐述了其分类学历史、形态特征、生物学特性、地理分布、传播途径、传播历史及危害性,描述了小列当与其近似种在形态特征上的区别及其防治方法,为小列当的检疫鉴定和综合防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中间寄主对甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂寄生行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
麦蛾卵和米蛾卵作繁蜂寄主对甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G和F两个品系的寄生行为是有影响的。尽管两种卵均可作为甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂繁蜂寄主 ,但用米蛾卵繁殖甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂比用麦蛾卵繁蜂更好。甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G和F品系在米蛾卵上的总寄生卵量分别为 75.90粒和 67.00粒 ,明显高于在麦蛾卵上的总寄生卵量。用麦蛾卵和米蛾卵作繁蜂寄主 ,将甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G和F品系各 20头进行5d的逐日寄生试验 ,结果表明 :每日平均的寄生卵量、子代羽化率、子代发育历期以及子代性比均随寄生日期的推延而降低。  相似文献   

Parasitic weeds of the genera Striga and Orobanche spp. cause severe yield losses in agriculture, especially in developing countries and the Mediterranean. Seeds of these weeds germinate by a chemical signal exuded by the roots of host plants. The radicle thus produced attaches to the root of the host plant, which can then supply nutrients to the parasite. There is an urgent need to control these weeds to ensure better agricultural production. The naturally occurring chemical signals are strigolactones (SLs), e.g. strigol and orobanchol. One option to control these weeds involves the use of SLs as suicidal germination agents, where germination takes place in the absence of a host. Owing to the lack of nutrients, the germinated seeds will die. The structure of natural SLs is too complex to allow multigram synthesis. Therefore, SL analogues are developed for this purpose. Examples are GR24 and Nijmegen‐1. In this paper, the SL analogues Nijmegen‐1 and Nijmegen‐1 Me were applied in the field as suicidal germination agents. Both SL analogues were formulated using an appropriate EC‐approved emulsifier (polyoxyethylene sorbitol hexaoleate) and applied to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) fields infested by Orobanche ramosa L. (hemp broomrape), following a strict protocol. Four out of 12 trials showed a reduction in broomrape of ≥95%, two trials were negative, two showed a moderate result, one was unclear and in three cases there was no Orobanche problem in the year of the trials. The trial plots were ca 2000 m2; half of that area was treated with stimulant emulsion, the other half was not treated. The optimal amount of stimulant was 6.25 g ha?1. A preconditioning prior to the treatment was a prerequisite for a successful trial. In conclusion, the suicidal germination approach to reducing O. ramosa in tobacco fields using formulated SL analogues was successful. Two other options for weed control are discussed: deactivation of stimulants prior to action and biocontrol by Fusarium oxysporum. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The parasitic weed genus Striga causes huge losses to crop production in sub-Saharan Africa, estimated to be in excess of $7 billion per year. There is a paucity of reliable distribution data for Striga; however, such data are urgently needed to understand current drivers, better target control efforts, as well as to predict future risks. To address this, we developed a methodology to enable rapid, large-scale monitoring of Striga populations. We used this approach to uncover the factors that currently drive the abundance and distribution of Striga asiatica in Madagascar. Two long-distance transects were established across the middle-west region of Madagascar in which S. asiatica abundance in fields adjacent to the road was estimated. Management, crop structure and soil data were also collected. Analysis of the data suggests that crop variety, companion crop and previous crop were correlated with Striga density. A positive relationship between within-field Striga density and the density of the nearest neighbouring fields indicates that spatial configuration and connectivity of suitable habitats is also important in determining Striga spread. Our results demonstrate that we are able to capture distribution and management data for Striga density at a landscape scale and use this to understand the ecological and agronomic drivers of abundance. The importance of crop varieties and cropping patterns is significant, as these are key socio-economic elements of Malagasy cropping practices. Therefore, they have the potential to be promoted as readily available control options, rather than novel technologies requiring introduction.  相似文献   

Damage caused by Orobanchaceae root parasitic weeds is a substantial agricultural problem for global food security. Many studies have been conducted to establish practical methods of control, but efforts are still required for successful management. Seed germination of root parasitic weeds requires host-derived germination stimulants including strigolactones (SLs). Studies on SLs have revealed that a butenolide ring is the essential moiety for SL activity as a germination stimulant. Interestingly, recent studies have revealed that butenolide hormones regulate the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and mediate communication in actinomycete bacteria. Because of the structural similarity between SLs and the bacterial butenolides, we evaluated the germination stimulatory activity of butenolides isolated from Streptomyces albus J1074 on root parasitic weeds. These butenolides were found to specifically induce seed germination of Orobanche minor. Our findings contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms of germination stimulant perception and to the development of a method for their biological control.  相似文献   

A field survey of the Orobanchaceae family members and their hosts in Jordan was carried out from 2003 to 2007. The intensity of parasite infection on different hosts and the severity of the infestation were evaluated. The results showed the presence of seven species of Orobanche and three species of Cistanche . The Orobanche species were found parasitizing 86 plant species belonging to 24 botanical families. Most of the species attacked by Orobanche were from the Compositae (20 species), Solanaceae (11 species), Leguminosae (nine species), Umbelliferae (seven species), Cruciferae (seven species), Cucurbitaceae (four species), Labiatae (four species), and Rosaceae (four species) families. Other families were represented by one-to-three species. Cistanche attacked 20 species of forage wild shrubs, fruit trees, and forest trees of seven families, mostly belonging to the Chenopodiaceae (seven species) and Leguminosae (three species) families. Previously unreported hosts for both genera include: Amygdalus communis , Olea europaea , and Quercus coccifera , which were parasitized by Orobanche palaestina ; A. communis , O. europaea , Prunus armeniaca , and Prunus persica , which were parasitzed by Orobanche cernua ; O. europaea and A. communis , which were parasitzed by Orobanche schultzii ; Haloxylon persicum , which was parasitzed by Cistanche lutea ; Punica granatum , Alhagi maurorum , Casuarina equisetifolia , Centaurea postii , and Prosopis farcta , which were parasitzed by Cistanche tubulosa ; and Achillea spp., Anabasis syriaca , H. persicum , Haloxylon salicornicum, Suaeda spp., and Zilla spinosa , which were parasitzed by Cistanche salsa . Certain Orobanche species were completely destructive to the cultivated crops. The results indicated the high potential of both parasitic genera to spread and to attack new hosts, while the threat they impose to agriculture in Jordan will probably result from poor management and deficiences in farmers' training.  相似文献   


Many biologists perceive organisms as constantly evolving and therefore consider the host plant ranges of biological control agents as labile. Host plant ranges are thus likely to undergo adaptive change should environmental conditions change, for example following successful biological control. As a consequence, the introduction of biological control agents against weeds is considered by many to be an inherently unsafe practice with non‐target plants at risk of attack. However, despite the introduction of over 600 insect species from one geographic region to another for biological weed control during this century, there are relatively few documented cases of changes in host plant range. Purported instances are discussed in relation to behavioural and genetic concepts. It is concluded that apparent additions to the host range can, in all of the cases examined, be explained in terms of established behavioural concepts of pre‐adaptation, threshold change resulting from host deprivation, and effects of experience (learning). The inappropriateness of the often‐used term host shift’ to describe these cases is demonstrated, and it is concluded that evidence from biological weed control contradicts some aspects of ecological and evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

Rhamphicarpa fistulosa is a facultative hemi‐parasitic plant of the Orobanchaceae family, adapted to wet soils. Apart from tropical Australia, it is only found in sub‐Saharan Africa, where it is considered a minor weed in cereal crops such as rice. Due to this status, the species has received only sporadic attention. Recent field observations and encounters with rice farmers in several African countries showed that R. fistulosa is, however, a more serious and increasing production constraint than previously thought. Results from a systematic literature review and a global herbarium study support this. The species has a broad distribution over Africa (at least 35 countries from Madagascar to Senegal and from Sudan to South Africa) and a wide range in altitude (0–2150 m a.s.l.) and environment (waterlogged swamps to moist free‐draining uplands). Rhamphicarpa fistulosa is relatively independent and persistent because of the presumably wide host range, the facultative nature of its parasitism and its prolific seed (estimated 100 000 seeds m?2 under moderate infestation levels). Finally, R. fistulosa causes severe yield losses (average 60%) and high regional annual economic losses (estimated US $175 million), while effective control options are scant and awareness of the species among important R&D stakeholders is almost absent. An integrated approach is advocated to assist the rice sector to reduce current R. fistulosa‐inflicted losses and to prevent further spread of the species into new areas.  相似文献   

Summary Three cultivars of maize (TMV-1, Katumani and Staha) were grown in the absence and presence of the root hemiparasite Striga asiatica in the field in eastern Tanzania. Infested Katumani and TMV-1 plants yielded 22% and 25% less grain than uninfested plants; however, the grain yield of Staha was similar in both infested and uninfested plants. Measurements of gas exchange and the quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPSII) revealed that photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were lower in infested plants of TMV-1 and Katumani than in control plants, but were not as severely affected in S. asiatica -infested plants of the cultivar Staha. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements, particularly the F v/ F m ratio, showed that S. asiatica predisposed TMV-1 to greater photoinhibition than control plants after exposure to irradiances of 2000 µmol quanta m−2 s−1 in the field during the day. The lowering of the F v/ F m ratio resulted from a decrease in F m rather than in F o. In contrast to TMV-1, infested Staha plants were not more photoinhibited than control plants by mid-afternoon. We suggest that the ability of Staha to yield well in the presence of S. asiatica may result, in part, from the ability of this cultivar to maintain high rates of photosynthesis in the field, thus limiting the extent of photoinhibition.  相似文献   

本文综述了暗翅足距小蠹(Xylosandrus crassiusculus(Motschulsky))的研究概况,并首次记述了其可危害桑(Morus alba L.),明确了该虫为小蠹亚科(Scolytinae)江西省新纪录种。文中重点介绍了该虫的分类地位,形态特征,地理分布,寄主植物,危害特点和生物学习性,并在文章讨论部分提出了相应的防治策略。  相似文献   

植物寄生线虫效应子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
植物寄生线虫是一类专性活体营养寄生物,在植物根部维管束细胞附近诱导形成取食位点,与植物形成稳定的寄生关系,严重影响植物的生长发育,最终导致植物大幅度减产,甚至绝收。为长期、有效地防控植物寄生线虫,对线虫寄生、致病机制及其与植物的相互作用模式进行研究显得尤为重要。效应子在线虫整个寄生阶段中起着关键作用。近些年,线虫效应子的鉴定、功能、线虫效应子与植物相互作用模式等方面的研究取得了重要进展。本文主要针对病原物与寄主植物的相互作用模型、植物寄生线虫效应子鉴定、功能及线虫效应子与寄主植物的相互作用等方面的研究进展进行简单概述。  相似文献   

The host ranges ofCercospora piaropi andAcremonium zonatum, fungi native to Mexico and pathogens of waterhyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes), were evaluated using 31 plant species (some with several cultivars tested) representing 22 families of economic and ecological importance. The results showed that only waterlettuce(Pistia stratiotes), another abundant weed in Mexico, was infected byC. piaropi. The use of those pathogens in the biological control of waterhyacinth would not be expected to affect plants of economic and ecological importance in Mexico.  相似文献   

Solanum elaeagnifolium (silverleaf nightshade) is a problematic weed that is common in Jordan and difficult to control. The weed exhibits distinct morphological variations in growth habit, leaf shape, leaf margins, flower colour and presence or absence of spines between individuals among and within populations suggesting genetic differences. Genetic variations among 61 samples of S. elaeagnifolium collected from heavily infested sites in the central Jordan Valley were investigated using six simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and eight amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations. Results showed that 111 out of 675 AFLP bands were polymorphic generating polymorphism information content (PIC) of 38.0%, while 23 SSR polymorphic alleles were detected generating a PIC of 30.8%. Phylogenetic analysis using RaxML software identified four major clades with a clear clustering of the samples with their collection sites. Genetic analysis using both techniques revealed high level of genetic diversity among S. elaeagnifolium samples collected from a small geographical area indicating that a range of genetic diversity may be detected in weed populations across the country that may complicate its management.  相似文献   

Kava is a perennial pepper plant from the Oceanic region, which is commonly used as a drink by natives and for pharmacological purposes. Results of this study concluded that Kava has allelopathic potential and suppressed germination and growth of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L), barnyardgrass ( E. crus-galli Beauv var. formosensis Ohwi.), and duck-tongue weed ( M. vaginalis Presl var. plantaginea Solms-Laub.) Moreover, Kava inhibited emergence of weeds in paddy soils. The inhibition of Kava became stronger as the applied concentration increased. In a greenhouse experiment, Kava had the greatest inhibition on emergence and weed growth in paddy soils when a dose of 1 ton ha−1 of Kava was divided and applied at 3, 16, and 23 days after watering. Inhibition by Kava varied among weed species. Results from this study suggest that Kava might be useful for weed control in rice or reduce dependence on herbicide.  相似文献   

通过在人工培养箱内模拟环境条件,探讨了不同光照和温度对白花鬼针草和金盏银盘种子萌发的影响,结果表明:光照和温度不是白花鬼针草种子萌发的必要条件,白花鬼针草种子萌发的温度适应范围比金盏银盘宽,在15'12/10oc、20℃/15℃、25℃/20℃、30℃/25oC、35℃/30℃、40℃/35℃下均能萌发,在15%/10气、20%/15℃、25%/20℃、30~E/25℃时萌发率均达94%左右,金盏银盘种子在40%/35℃时不能萌发;温度影响白花鬼针草和金盏银盘种子萌发高峰的出现时间及峰值大小,而光照不影响。  相似文献   

小麦禾谷孢囊线虫寄生范围的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经测试表明,禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)对长江中游地区栽种的小麦、裸大麦、米大麦、家燕麦、野燕麦、黑麦草、鹅冠草、苇状羊茅、球茎草芦和鸭茅均能侵染,这些植物是该线虫的良好寄主,但感染率差异不显著。该线虫能侵染玉米,但很难完成生活史,不侵染供试的红三叶草和紫苜蓿2种非禾本科牧草。在不同的寄主根内,线虫发育速度有差异,单位重量根内虫口数亦有异,黑麦草内最多,鲜根有线虫4.45条/g,鸭茅最少为1.26条/g。  相似文献   

The germinable soil seedbank was determined at two sites in central Queensland on four separate occasions between February 1995 and October 1996. These sites were infested with parthenium weed ( Parthenium hysterophorus L.), a serious invasive exotic weed. During this period, the seedbank varied between 3282 and 5094 seeds m−2 at the Clermont site, and between 20 599 and 44 639 seeds m−2 at the Moolayember Creek site. Parthenium hysterophorus exhibited a very abundant and persistent seedbank, accounting for 47–73% of the seedbank at Clermont and 65–87% of the seedbank at Moolayember Creek. The species richness and species diversity of the seedbank, and the seed abundance of many species, was lower at Moolayember Creek during spring (the time of year when the most dense infestations of the weed originate). Parthenium hysterophorus seedlings also emerged more rapidly from the soil samples than did those of all other species. Hence, it seems that various aspects of the weed's seed ecology, including abundance and the persistence of its seedbank and the rapid emergence of its seedlings, are major factors contributing to its aggressiveness in semiarid rangeland communities in central Queensland. The domination by P . hysterophorus of the seedbanks of these sites suggests that the weed is having a substantial negative impact on the ecology of these plant communities. The diversity of these seedbanks was found to be lower in comparison with that observed in other grassland communities that were not dominated by an invasive weed species. Hence, the prolonged presence of P . hysterophorus may have substantially reduced the diversity of these seedbanks, thereby reducing the ability of some of the native species to regenerate in the future.  相似文献   

In 1998, rhus (Rhus javanica L.) yellows (RhY), caused by phytoplasma, was found in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. In vector transmission tests, Hishimonus sellatus acquired RhY phytoplasma from diseased R. javanica and transmitted it to healthy R. javanica. Twenty-two species of herbaceous plants in 10 families were infected with RhY phytoplasma by H. sellatus. The host range and main symptoms on test plants of RhY phytoplasma differed from those of Macrosteles striifrons-transmitted phytoplasmas, which belong to the same 16Sr I group phytoplasma. Received 6 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 14 May 2000  相似文献   

Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is grown in more than 30 countries for fibre, seed and flowers, and acreage of cultivation is increasing globally. Hemp has long been promoted as a crop that competes well with weeds and requires little intervention to prevent yield losses. We conducted a literature review and found little peer‐reviewed research to support this claim. We identified only three articles that specifically addressed weed management under field conditions and none provided information on hemp yield losses from weeds. These findings highlight a clear need for research‐based information on interactions between weeds and hemp to address potential yield losses under various production conditions and provide a research‐based framework for weed management in industrial hemp.  相似文献   

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