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Humic acids (HAs) play an important role in the global nitrogen cycle by influencing the distribution, bioavailability, and ultimate fate of organic nitrogen. Ammonium oxidation by autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) is a key process in ecosystems and is limited, in part, by the availability of NH4+. We evaluated the impact of HAs on soil AOB in microcosms by applying urea (1.0%, equal to 10 mg urea/g soil) with 0.1% bHA (biodegraded lignite humic acids, equal to 1 mg/g soil), 0.1% cHA (crude lignite humic acids) or no amendment. AOB population size, ammonium and nitrate concentrations were monitored for 12 weeks after urea and HA application. AOB densities (quantified by real-time PCR targeting the amoA) in the Urea treatments increased about ten-fold (the final abundance: 5.02 × 107 copies (g of dry soil)−1) after one week of incubation and decreased to the initial density after 12 weeks incubation; the population size of total bacteria (quantified by real-time PCR with a universal bacterial probe) decreased from 1.12 × 1010 to 2.59 × 109 copies (g of dry soil)−1 at week one and fluctuated back to the initial copy number at week 12. In the Urea + bHA and Urea + cHA treatments, the AOB densities were 4 and 6 times higher, respectively, than the initial density of approximately 5.07 × 106 copies (g of dry soil)−1 at week 1 and did not change much up to week 4; the total bacteria density changed little over time. The AOB and total bacteria density of the controls changed little during the 12 weeks of incubation. The microbial community composition of the Urea treatment, based on T-RFLP using CCA (canonical correspondence analysis) and pCCA (partial CCA) analysis, was clearly different from those of other treatments, and suggested that lignite HAs buffered the change in diversity and quantity of total bacteria caused by the application of urea to the soil. We hypothesize that HAs can inhibit the change in microbial community composition and numbers, as well as AOB population size by reducing the hydrolysis rate from urea to ammonium in soils amended with urea.  相似文献   

Biology and Fertility of Soils - Recent evidence from several environments suggest that besides autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are also able to...  相似文献   

Biochar amendments have frequently been reported to alter microbial communities and biogeochemical processes in soils. However, the impact of biochar application on bacterial (AOB) and archaeal ammonia oxidizers (AOA) remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the responses of AOB and AOA to the application of biochar derived from cotton stalk at rates of 5, 10, and 20 % by weight to a coastal alkaline soil during a 12-week incubation. The results showed that the amoA gene of AOB consistently outnumbered that of AOA, whereas only the AOA amoA gene copy number was significantly correlated with the potential ammonia oxidation (PAO) rate (P?<?0.01). The significant decrease of PAO rates in biochar treatments occurred after incubation for 4–6 weeks, which were distinctly longer than that in the control (2 weeks). The PAO rates were significantly different among treatments during the first 4 weeks of incubation (P?<?0.05), with the highest usually in the 10 % treatment. Biochar application significantly increased the abundance of both nitrifiers in the 4 weeks of incubation (P?<?0.05). Biochar amendment also decreased AOA diversity, but increased AOB diversity, which resulted in different community structures of both nitrifiers (P?<?0.01), as shown by the differences between the 5 % biochar and the control treatments. We conclude that biochar application generally enhanced the abundance and altered the composition of ammonia oxidizers; the rate of biochar application also affected the rate and dynamics of nitrification, and the risk for increasing the alkalinity and N leaching of the studied soil was lower with a lower application rate.  相似文献   


Microbial nitrification and denitrification are responsible for the majority of soil nitrous (N2O) emissions. In this study, N2O emissions were measured and the abundance of ammonium oxidizers and denitrifiers were quantified in purple soil in a long-term fertilization experiment to explore their relationships. The average N2O fluxes and abundance of the amoAgene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria during the observed dry season were highest when treated with mixed nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (NPK) and a single N treatment (N) using NH4HCO3as the sole N source; lower values were obtained using organic manure with pig slurry and added NPK at a ratio of 40%:60% (OMNPK),organic manure with pig slurry (OM) and returning crop straw residue plus synthetic NH4HCO3fertilizer at a ratio of 15%:85% (SRNPK). The lowest N2O fluxes were observed in the treatment that used crop straw residue(SR) and in the control with no fertilizer (CK). Soil NH4+provides the substrate for nitrification generating N2O as a byproduct. The N2O flux was significantly correlated with the abundance of the amoA gene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (r = 0.984, p < 0.001), which was the main driver of nitrification. During the wet season, soil nitrate (NO3?) and soil organic matter (SOC) were found positively correlated with N2O emissions (r = 0.774, p = 0.041 and r = 0.827, p = 0.015, respectively). The nirS gene showed a similar trend with N2O fluxes. These results show the relationship between the abundance of soil microbes and N2O emissions and suggest that N2O emissions during the dry season were due to nitrification, whereas in wet season, denitrification might dominate N2O emission.  相似文献   

长期施肥对酸性土壤氨氧化微生物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】 长期施肥显著影响着酸性土壤的pH,研究由此引起的土壤中氨氧化古菌 (ammonia-oxidizing archaea,AOA) 和氨氧化细菌 (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB) 的变化,为土壤培肥提供理论依据。 【方法】 供试土壤为27年长期定位施肥试验的红壤,供试作物为玉米。选择不施肥对照 (CK)、氮肥120 kg/(hm2·a)(N)、氮磷钾肥 (NPK) 和猪粪2000 kg/(hm2·a)(OM) 4个处理采集土壤样品,测定了土壤基本理化性状;利用qPCR、PCR-DGGE方法,分析土壤AOA和AOB群落丰度与组成。 【结果】 1) 长期定位施肥导致土壤pH值发生显著变化,N处理的土壤pH值最低,仅为4.03,其次是NPK和CK处理的土壤,OM处理土壤pH值最高,接近中性达6.40。2) 与CK相比,长期施肥提高了土壤有机质、全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮含量。3)OM处理显著提高了土壤NH3浓度,而其它处理对NH3浓度无显著影响。4) 施肥显著增加了土壤AOA的丰度,OM处理提升幅度最大;AOA丰度与土壤有机质碳、全氮呈极显著正相关 (P < 0.01),与铵态氮、土壤NH 3浓度呈显著正相关 (P < 0.05),与土壤pH、硝态氮关系不显著 ( P > 0.05);施肥改变了AOA的群落结构,CK、N、NPK处理的群落结构差异不显著,OM处理与另外三个处理差别较大。主要AOA类群是Group 1.1b,少数属于Group 1.1a-associated。RDA分析表明,土壤pH值、有机质、总氮、铵态氮、土壤中NH 3浓度是导致AOA群落变化的主要环境因子。5) 仅OM处理对AOB丰度和群落产生了显著影响,主要类群是Nitrosospira Cluster 3,少数属于Nitrosospira Cluster 9。AOB丰度与土壤NH3浓度呈极显著正相关 (P < 0.01),与有机质碳、全氮呈显著正相关关系 ( P < 0.05),与土壤pH、铵态氮、硝态氮关系均不显著 ( P > 0.05)。 【结论】 长期施用不同肥料对酸性土壤的理化性质影响差异大,AOA和AOB的丰度和群落结构也发生了明显变化,尤其是施加有机肥之后。来自不同处理的大部分AOA属于Group 1.1b类群,少数属于Group 1.1a-associated类群。仅在OM处理中检测到AOB类群,大部分属于Nitrosospira Cluster 3,少数属于Nitrosospira Cluster 9。   相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2010,46(3):193-200
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) co-exist in soil, but their relative distribution may vary depending on the environmental conditions. Effects of changes in soil organic matter and nutrient content on the AOB and AOA are poorly understood. Our aim was to compare effects of long-term soil organic matter depletion and amendments with labile (straw) and more recalcitrant (peat) organic matter, with and without easily plant-available nitrogen, on the activities, abundances and community structures of AOB and AOA. Soil was sampled from a long-term field site in Sweden that was established in 1956. The potential ammonia oxidation rates, the AOB and AOA amoA gene abundances and the community structures of both groups based on T-RFLP of amoA genes were determined. Straw amendment during 50 years had not altered any of the measured soil parameters, while the addition of peat resulted in a significant increase of soil organic carbon as well as a decrease in pH. Nitrogen fertilization alone resulted in a small decrease in soil pH, organic carbon and total nitrogen, but an increase in primary production. Type and amount of organic matter had an impact on the AOB and AOA community structures and the AOA abundance. Our findings confirmed that AOA are abundant in soil, but showed that under certain conditions the AOB dominate, suggesting niche differentiation between the two groups at the field site. The large differences in potential rates between treatments correlated to the AOA community size, indicating that they were functionally more important in the nitrification process than the AOB. The AOA abundance was positively related to addition of labile organic carbon, which supports the idea that AOA could have alternative growth strategies using organic carbon. The AOB community size varied little in contrast to that of the AOA. This indicates that the bacterial ammonia oxidizers as a group have a greater ecophysiological diversity and potentially cover a broader range of habitats.  相似文献   

Solarization makes a great impact on the abundance of ammonia oxidizers and nitrifying activity in soil. To elucidate fluctuations in the abundance of ammonia oxidizers and nitrification in solarized soil, copy numbers of amoA gene of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA), viable number of ammonia oxidizers and inorganic nitrogen contents were investigated in greenhouse experiments. The copy number of amoA gene and the viable number of ammonia oxidizers were determined by the quantitative polymerase chain reaction and most probable number methods, respectively. Abundance of AOB based on the estimation of amoA gene copy numbers and viable counts of ammonia oxidizers was decreased by the solarization treatment and increased during the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation period following the solarization. Effect of solarization on the copy number of amoA gene of AOA was less evident than that on AOB. The proportion of nitrate in inorganic nitrogen contents was declined by the solarization and increased during the tomato cultivation period following the solarization. Positive correlations were found between the proportion of nitrate in inorganic nitrogen content and the copy number of bacterial or archaeal amoA gene or the viable number of ammonia oxidizers; the copy number of bacterial amoA gene showed a strong correlation with the viable number of ammonia oxidizers. The present study revealed influences of solarization on the fluctuation in the abundance of ammonia oxidizers and dynamics of inorganic nitrogen contents in soil and the results indicate that the determination of amoA gene of AOB is possibly a quick and useful diagnostic technique for evaluating suppression and restoration of nitrification following solarization.  相似文献   

Gu  Yan  Mi  Wenhai  Xie  Yinan  Ma  Qingxu  Wu  Lianghuan  Hu  Zhaoping  Dai  Feng 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(2):872-882

Yellow clay paddy soil (Oxisols) is a low-yield soil with low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in southern China. The nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin (2-chloro-6- (tricholoromethyl)-pyridine, CP) has been applied to improve NUE and reduce environmental pollution in paddy soil. However, the effects of nitrapyrin combined with nitrogen fertilizers on ammonia oxidizers in yellow clay paddy soil have not been examined.

Materials and methods

A randomized complete block design was set with three treatments: (1) without nitrogen fertilizer (CK), (2) common prilled urea (PU), and (3) prilled urea with nitrapyrin (NPU). Soil samples were collected from three treatments where CK, PU, and NPU had been repeatedly applied over 5 years. Soil samples were analyzed by quantitative PCR and 454 high-throughput pyrosequencing of the amoA gene to investigate the influence of nitrapyrin combined with nitrogen on the abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizers in yellow clay paddy soil.

Results and discussion

The potential nitrification rate (PNR) of the soil was significantly correlated with the abundances of both ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). Application of urea significantly stimulated AOA and AOB growth, whereas nitrapyrin exhibited inhibitory effects on AOA. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the most dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of AOA and AOB were affiliated with the Nitrosotalea cluster and Nitrosospira cluster 12, respectively. AOA and AOB community structures were not altered by urea and nitrapyrin application.


Nitrogen fertilization stimulated nitrification and increased the population sizes of AOA and AOB. Nitrapyrin affected the abundance, but not community structure of ammonia oxidizers in yellow clay soil. Our results suggested that nitrapyrin improving NUE and inhibiting PNR was attributable to the inhibition of AOA growth.




Soil microbial communities can be strongly influenced by agricultural practices, but little is known about bacterial community successions as land use changes. The objective of this study was to determine microbial community shifts following major land use changes in order to improve our understanding of land use impacts on microbial community composition and functions.

Materials and methods

Four agricultural land use patterns were selected for the study, including old rice paddy fields (ORP), Magnolia nursery planting (MNP), short-term vegetable (STV), and long-term vegetable (LTV) cultivation. All four systems are located in the same region with same soil parent material (alluvium), and the MNP, STV, and LTV systems had been converted from ORP for 10, 3, and 30 years, respectively. Soil bacteria and ammonia oxidizer community compositions were analyzed by 454 pyrosequencing and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, respectively. Quantitative PCR was used to determine 16S rRNA and amoA gene copy numbers.

Results and discussion

The results showed that when land use was changed from rice paddy to upland systems, the relative abundance of Chloroflexi increased whereas Acidobacteria decreased significantly. While LTV induced significant shifts of bacterial composition, MNP had the highest relative abundance of genera GP1, GP2, and GP3, which were mainly related to the development of soil acidity. The community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) but not ammonia-oxidizing archaea was strongly impacted by the agricultural land use patterns, with LTV inducing the growth of a single super predominant AOB group. The land use changes also induced significant shifts in the abundance of 16S rRNA and bacterial amoA genes, but no significant differences in the abundance of archaea amoA was detected among the four land use patterns. Soil total phosphorous, available phosphorous, NO3 ?, and soil organic carbon contents and pH were the main determinants in driving the composition of both bacteria and AOB communities.


These results clearly show the significant impact of land use change on soil microbial community composition and abundance and this will have major implications on the microbial ecology and nutrient cycling in these systems, some of which is unknown. Further research should be directed to studying the impacts of these microbial community shifts on nutrient dynamics in these agroecosystems so that improved nutrient management systems can be developed.  相似文献   



The nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazol-phosphate (DMPP) and the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) can mitigate N losses through reducing nitrification and ammonia volatilization, respectively. However, the impact of repeated applications of these inhibitors on nitrogen cycling microorganisms is not well documented. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the abundance and community structure of the functional microorganisms involved in nitrification and denitrification in Australian pasture soils after repeated applications of DMPP and nBTPT.

Materials and methods

Soil was collected in autumn and spring, 2014 from two pasture sites where control, urea, urea ammonium nitrate, and urea-coated inhibitors had been repeatedly applied over 2 year. Soil samples were analyzed to determine the potential nitrification rates (PNRs), the abundances of amoA, narG, nirK and bacterial 16S rRNA genes, and the community structure of ammonia oxidizers.

Results and discussion

Two years of urea application resulted in a significantly lower soil pH at Terang and a significant decrease in total bacterial 16S rRNA gene abundance at Glenormiston and led to significantly higher PNRs and abundances of ammonia oxidizers compared to the control. Amendment with either DMPP or nBTPT significantly decreased PNRs and the abundance of amoA and narG genes. However, there was no fertilizer- or inhibitor-induced change in the community structure of ammonia oxidizers.


These results suggest that there were inhibitory effects of DMPP and nBTPT on the functional groups mediating nitrification and denitrification, while no significant impact on the community structure of ammonia oxidizers was observed. The application of nitrification or urease inhibitor appears to be an effective approach targeting specific microbial groups with minimal effects on soil pH and the total bacterial abundance.

The effect of the combined application of urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia volatilization and the abundance of nitrifier and denitrifier communities is largely unknown. Here, in a mesocosm experiment, ammonia volatilization was monitored in an agricultural soil treated with urea and either or both of the urease inhibitor N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and the nitrification inhibitor 3,4‐dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), with 50% and 80% water‐filled pore space (WFPS). The effect of the treatments on the abundance of bacteria and archaea was estimated by quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of their respective 16S rRNA gene, that of nitrifiers using amoA genes, and that of denitrifiers by qPCR of the norB and nosZI denitrification genes. After application of urea, N losses due to NH3 volatilization accounted for 23.0% and 9.2% at 50% and 80% WFPS, respectively. NBPT reduced NH3 volatilization to 2.0% and 2.4%, whereas DMPP increased N losses by up to 36.8% and 26.0% at 50% and 80% WFPS, respectively. The combined application of NBPT and DMPP also increased NH3 emissions, albeit to a lesser extent than DMPP alone. As compared with unfertilized control soil, both at 50% and 80% WFPS, NBPT strongly affected the abundance of bacteria and archaea, but not that of nitrifiers, and decreased that of denitrifiers at 80% WFPS. Regardless of moisture conditions, treatment with DMPP increased the abundance of denitrifiers. DMPP, both in single and in combined application with NBPT, increased the abundance of nitrification and denitrification genes.  相似文献   

脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂对稻田氨挥发的影响   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
采用密闭室间歇通气法和15N标记技术研究了尿素施入稻田后氨挥发损失特征以及脲酶抑制剂(N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺,NBPT)和硝化抑制剂(3, 4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐,DMPP)对稻田氨挥发损失的影响。结果表明,稻田施用尿素后第4天氨挥发速率达到峰值,氨挥发损失主要发生在施肥后21天内。与单施尿素处理相比,添加NBPT处理的氨挥发速率峰值降低27.04%,累积氨挥发损失量降低21.65%;NBPT与DMPP配施时,氨挥发速率峰值降低12.95%,累积氨挥发损失量降低13.58%;而添加DMPP时,氨挥发速率峰值增加23.61%,累积氨挥发损失量与单施尿素的差异不显著。相关性分析表明,地表水中铵态氮浓度和pH值与氨挥发速率均达极显著正相关,说明二者是影响氨挥发速率的主要因素,而气温、 地温和水温与氨挥发速率的相关性不显著。与单施尿素相比,添加脲酶抑制剂可显著增加稻谷产量。脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂配合施用可更有效地提高氮肥的回收率。综合降低氨挥发、 提高水稻产量及地上部氮肥回收率的效果,添加脲酶抑制剂以及脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂配施的两个处理效果较为理想,硝化抑制剂不宜单独添加。  相似文献   

The population abundance of free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes was investigated in a long-term rotation/tillage/stubble management experiment at Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The treatments were a combination of two crop rotations: wheat (Triticum aestivum)–wheat and wheat–lupin (Lupinus angustifolius); two tillage systems: conventional cultivation (CC) and direct drill (DD); and two stubble management practices: stubble retention (SR) and stubble burnt (SB). Plots of one of the wheat–wheat treatments received urea at 100 kg N ha−1 during the cropping season. Soil samples from 0–5 and 5–10 cm depths were collected in September (maximum tillering), October (flowering) and December (after harvest), 2001, to analyse nematode abundance. Soil collected in September was also analysed for concentrations of total and labile C, and pH levels.Three nematode trophic groups, namely bacteria-feeders (primarily Rhabditidae), omnivores (primarily Dorylaimidae excluding plant-parasites and predators) and plant-parasites (Pratylenchus spp. and Paratylenchus spp.) were recorded in each soil sample. Of them, bacteria-feeders (53–99%, population range 933–2750 kg−1 soil) dominated in all soil samples. There was no difference in nematode abundance and community composition between the 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm layers of soil. The mean population of free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes varied significantly between the treatments in all sampling months. In most cases, total free-living nematode densities (Rhabditidae and Dorylaimidae) were significantly (P < 0.001) greater in wheat–lupin rotation than the wheat–wheat rotation irrespective of tillage and stubble management practices. In contrast, a greater population of plant-parasitic nematodes was recorded from plots with wheat–wheat than the wheat–lupin rotation. For treatments with wheat–wheat, total plant-parasitic nematode (Pratylenchus spp. and Paratylenchus spp.) densities were greater in plots without N-fertiliser (295–741 kg−1 soil) than the plots with N-fertiliser (14–158 kg−1 soil).Tillage practices had significant (P < 0.05) effects mostly on the population densities of plant-parasitic nematodes while stubble management had significant effects (P < 0.05) on free-living nematodes. However, interaction effects of tillage and stubble were significant (P < 0.01) for the population densities of free-living nematodes only. Population of Rhabditidae was significantly higher in conventional cultivated plots (7244 kg−1 soil) than the direct drilled (3981 kg−1 soil) plots under stubble retention. In contrast, plots with direct drill and stubble burnt had significantly higher populations of Dorylaimidae than the conventional cultivation with similar stubble management practice. No correlations between abundance of free-living nematodes, and concentration of total C and labile C in soil were observed in this study. These results showed that stubble retention contributed for enormous population density of free-living (beneficial) nematodes while conventional cultivation, irrespective of stubble management, contributed for suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Ammonia oxidation is a critical step in the soil nitrogen (N) cycle and can be affected by the application of mineral fertilizers or organic manure. However, little is known about the rhizosphere effect on the function and structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial (AOB) and archaeal (AOA) communities, the most important organisms responsible for ammonia oxidation in agricultural ecosystems. Here, the potential nitrification activity (PNA), population size and composition of AOB and AOA communities in both the rhizosphere and bulk soil from a long-term (31-year) fertilizer field experiment conducted during two seasons (wheat and maize) were investigated using the shaken slurry method, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. N fertilization greatly enhanced PNA and AOB abundance, while manure application increased AOA abundance. The community structure of AOB exhibited more obvious shifts than that of AOA after long-term fertilization, resulting in more abundant AOB phylotypes similar to Nitrosospira clusters 3 and 4 in the N-fertilized treatments. Moreover, PNA was closely correlated with the abundance and community structure of AOB rather than that of AOA among soils during both seasons, indicating that AOB play an active role in ammonia oxidation. Conversely, the PNA and population sizes of AOB and AOA were typically higher in the rhizosphere than the bulk soil, implying a significant rhizosphere effect on ammonia oxidation. Cluster and redundancy analyses further showed that this rhizosphere effect played a more important role in shaping AOA community structure than long-term fertilization. Overall, the results indicate that AOB rather than AOA functionally dominate ammonia oxidation in the calcareous fluvo-aquic soil, and that rhizosphere effect and fertilization regime play different roles in the activity and community structures of AOB and AOA.  相似文献   

Li  Jie  Shi  Yuanliang  Luo  Jiafa  Li  Yan  Wang  Lingli  Lindsey  Stuart 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(3):1250-1259

Nitrification and denitrification in the N cycle are affected by various ammonia oxidizers and denitrifying microbes in intensive vegetable cultivation soils, but our current understanding of the effect these microbes have on N2O emissions is limited. The nitrification inhibitor, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), acts by slowing nitrification and is used to improve fertilizer use efficiency and reduce N losses from agricultural systems; however, its effects on nitrifier and denitrifier activities in intensive vegetable cultivation soils are unknown.

Materials and methods

In this study, we measured the impacts of DMPP on N2O emissions, ammonia oxidizers, and denitrifying microbes in two intensive vegetable cultivation soils: one that had been cultivated for a short term (1 year) and one that had been cultivated over a longer term (29 years). The quantitative PCR technique was used in this study. Three treatments, including control (no fertilizer), urea alone, and urea with DMPP, were included for each soil. The application rates of urea and DMPP were 1800 kg ha?1 and 0.5% of the urea-N application rate.

Results and discussion

The application of N significantly increased N2O emissions in both soils. The abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) increased significantly with high rate of N fertilizer application in both soils. Conversely, there was no change in the growth rate of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in response to the applied urea despite the presence of larger numbers of AOA in these soils. This suggests AOB may play a greater role than AOA in the nitrification process, and N2O emission in intensive vegetable cultivation soils. The application of DMPP significantly reduced soil NO3?-N content and N2O emission, and delayed ammonia oxidation. It greatly reduced AOB abundance, but not AOA abundance. Moreover, the presence of DMPP was correlated with a significant decrease in the abundance of nitrite reductase (nirS and nirK) genes.


Long-term intensive vegetable cultivation with heavy N fertilization altered AOB and nirS abundance. In vegetable cultivation soils with high N levels, DMPP can be effective in mitigating N2O emissions by directly inhibiting both ammonia oxidizing and denitrifying microbes.


长期施用含氯化肥对棕壤硝化作用及氨氧化微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】氨氧化微生物是氨氧化过程的主要驱动者,氨氧化过程作为硝化作用的限速步骤对氮循环具有重要作用。本研究以沈阳农业大学棕壤含氯化肥长期定位试验的土壤为研究对象,探讨了连续34年施用高氯和低氯化肥对棕壤硝化作用及氨氧化微生物的影响。【方法】该长期试验在等量氮、磷、钾条件下,设置高氯和低氯处理,共8个处理:T1(不施肥);T2(单施尿素);T3(尿素+氯化钾);T4(尿素+过磷酸钙);T5(尿素+过磷酸钙+氯化钾);T6(尿素+磷酸一铵+氯化钾);T7(尿素+氯磷铵+氯化钾);T8(硝酸磷肥+过磷酸钙+氯化钾),T7为高氯处理。采集0—20cm土壤样品,利用荧光定量PCR技术测定氨氧化细菌(AOB)和古菌(AOA)丰度,并结合土壤硝化潜势和基本化学性质,分析长期施用含氯化肥对棕壤硝化作用及氨氧化微生物丰度的影响及影响氨氧化微生物丰度的主要环境因素。【结果】长期施肥降低了土壤pH值,高氯处理降低得最多,显著低于其他处理;高氯处理的土壤硝化潜势也显著低于其他处理,且除高氯处理外,配施磷肥的处理土壤硝化潜势显著高于不施磷处理。各处理土壤中AOA丰度均显著高于AOB,高氯处理土壤中AOA、AOB丰度均显著低于其他处理,土壤硝化潜势与AOA和AOB均呈显著正相关关系。【结论】连续施用高氯化肥34年显著降低了棕壤AOA和AOB丰度,抑制了硝化潜势。该结果可为通过含氯化肥的合理施用来调节土壤AOA和AOB,进而调控土壤氮素循环提供参考。  相似文献   



Methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) biologically consume and consequently affect the concentration of atmospheric methane (CH4), the second most prominent greenhouse gas, and therefore play critical roles in the mitigation of global warming effect. Long-term fertilization often affects the methanotrophic community and CH4 oxidation in various soils. Here, the immediate effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) amendments on the CH4 oxidation activity and methanotrophic community structure were evaluated.

Materials and methods

Paddy soil samples were collected from the Taoyuan Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in central Hunan Province of China. A laboratory-based incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the immediate effects of N, P, and K amendments on the methanotrophs in soil. The CH4 oxidation rates and methanotrophic activities were determined by measuring the dynamic changes of CH4 concentration in the incubation system. The methanotrophic abundance and community changes in all of the seven treatments with and without nutrients addition were studied using real-time PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, respectively.

Results and discussion

All of the N, P, and K treatments significantly decreased the CH4 oxidation activities. Compared with the control, the P and K amendments significantly increased the methanotrophic population size, but the N treatments have no effect on the methanotrophic abundance. A negative correlation was found between methanotrophic activity and methanotrophic abundance. We suggested that methanotrophic activity may not be inferred through the pmoA gene copies, especially in the short-term simulation experiments. Investigation of the methanotrophic population size and diversity is not enough to evaluate the soil CH4 sink accurately.


We concluded that the additions of N, P, and K reduce the activity but enhance the abundance of methanotrophs in a Chinese paddy soil through a short-term incubation experiment. Additionally, we found that the CH4 oxidation activity could be completely inhibited by Cl? toxicity. Our results implied that caution should be exercised in the types and amounts of fertilizers, especially KCl in agricultural systems to control the instantaneous increase in CH4 emission from the field.  相似文献   

长期施肥对棕壤氨氧化细菌和古菌丰度的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】氨氧化是氮转化过程的限速步骤,其由氨氧化微生物所驱动。本研究旨在探明 37 年玉米–大豆轮作施肥条件下影响棕壤氨氧化微生物丰度的主要影响因子及变化规律。【方法】以沈阳农业大学棕壤肥料长期定位试验耕层土壤 (0—20 cm) 为材料,选取其中 9 个施肥处理进行取样分析:不施肥 (CK)、低量氮肥 (N1)、高量氮肥 (N2)、氮磷肥 (N1P)、氮磷钾肥 (N1PK)、高量有机肥 (M2)、高量有机肥 + 低量氮肥 (M2N1)、高量有机肥 + 氮磷肥 (M2N1P)、高量有机肥 + 氮磷钾肥 (M2N1PK)。采用实时荧光定量 PCR 技术测定其氨氧化微生物丰度,通过对土壤基本化学性质和氨氧化微生物丰度的冗余分析找出影响氨氧化微生物丰度的主要因素。【结果】施用有机肥处理的土壤 pH、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、速效磷、铵态氮、硝态氮含量明显高于不施肥和单施化肥处理。各施肥处理土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、速效磷的含量总体呈现有机肥处理 > 化肥处理 > CK;与不施肥处理 (CK) 相比,单施化肥处理显著降低了土壤 pH 值,施用有机肥处理显著提高了土壤 pH 值,其中 N2 处理的土壤 pH 最低,M2 处理的土壤 pH 最高。不同施肥处理氨氧化细菌 (AOB) 的丰度为 0.94 × 106~5.77 × 106 copies/g 干土,氨氧化古菌 (AOA) 的丰度为 3.56 × 106~1.22 × 107 copies/g 干土;施用有机肥处理 AOB 和 AOA 丰度显著高于不施肥和单施化肥处理,其中 M2 处理的 AOB 和 AOA 丰度最高,单施氮肥处理的 AOB 和 AOA 丰度最低。冗余分析 (RDA) 表明,影响棕壤 AOB 和 AOA 丰度的主要环境因子有土壤 pH、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾,且与 AOB 和 AOA 丰度呈正相关关系。【结论】长期轮作施肥显著改变了棕壤的化学性质,从而对氨氧化微生物的丰度产生了显著影响。长期施用有机肥显著提高了土壤养分含量及 AOB 和 AOA 的丰度,对维持土壤氨氧化微生物的数量起到十分重要的作用;同时试验结果也为今后通过改变土壤 pH、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾等性质对 AOB 和 AOA 进行调节提供了依据。  相似文献   

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