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Variation in recruitment and growth of age‐0 yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), was modelled across a range of nine eastern South Dakota glacial lakes to: (i) estimate factors influencing recruitment and growth dynamics during early ontogeny; and (ii) determine the relative importance of biotic versus abiotic processes in regulating recruitment and growth dynamics. Results provide a framework for future investigations and suggest that abiotic factors were more important in regulating recruitment of age‐0 yellow perch, whereas biotic factors were more important in regulating growth. Recruitment was positively related to springtime water levels and temperature and negatively related to spawning stock biomass and springtime wind conditions. By contrast, growth was negatively related to abundance of conspecifics and potential competitors (i.e. bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) and positively related to abundance of potential predators [i.e. walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill) and northern pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus].  相似文献   

郑卫卫  徐锡文  陈松林  俄泽琛  刘英杰 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019109-019109
为了阐明大菱鲆丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases,MAPKKs或MKKs)基因家族在生物和非生物应激响应中的作用,本实验首先通过生物信息学方法对大菱鲆MKK基因家族进行了全基因组水平的鉴定,利用多个应激相关转录组数据集分析了大菱鲆MKK家族成员在不同组织及不同生物和非生物应激下的表达模式。结果显示,本研究在大菱鲆全基因组水平上共鉴定出9个MKK基因家族成员,它们不均匀地分布在7条染色体上,并分别对其编码蛋白的理化性质、蛋白二级结构和亚细胞定位进行了预测。基于系统发育分析,将SmMKKs划分为5个亚家族。内含-外显子结构、保守基序和多重序列比对分析结果不仅为大菱鲆MKK亚家族分类提供了证据,而且表明SmMKKs在进化上高度保守。SmMKKs在不同组织及不同生物和非生物应激下的基因表达模式分析表明,SmMKKs具有明显的组织特异性表达。另外,结果显示,粘孢子虫和肿大细胞病毒感染后,SmMKK6a呈极显著差异表达;热应激处理后,SmMKK6a呈极显著差异表达;高盐或低盐胁迫后,SmMKK4a、SmMKK4b、SmMKK6a...  相似文献   

鲈与中国对虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995、1996年进行鲈与中国对虾混养试验,利用鲈摄食病虾及小型糠虾类,阻断病毒传播,推迟了对虾发病,试验池产量,效益成活率均高于对照池。  相似文献   

高天翔  张浩博  王晓艳  陈治 《水产学报》2024,28(3):039311-1-039311-10

为探讨环境DNA (environmental DNA, eDNA)技术用于中国团扇鳐监测方面的可行性,同时开展基于eDNA技术的舟山近海中国团扇鳐定性与定量分析。本实验将中国团扇鳐与其同属汤氏团扇鳐COI基因片段序列进行比较分析,使用Primer Express 3.0软件设计中国团扇鳐特异性引物与TaqMan探针。在舟山朱家尖近海设计了A、B、C共3个定置网调查站位,定期收集中国团扇鳐样品。于2017年12月19日、2018年4月13日和2018年7月14日分别采集水样(站位A、B1、B2、C1、C2、D),开展eDNA微滴式数字PCR(droplet digital PCR, ddPCR)检测,并将检测结果与水温和采样点进行差异显著性分析。结果显示,不同站位、不同时间的中国团扇鳐eDNA浓度不同,水样采集点对中国团扇鳐eDNA浓度的影响极显著,不同采样点eDNA在不同季节存在极显著差异。研究表明,eDNA检测技术灵敏度高,水温、底质和水深对中国团扇鳐的分布皆有影响。研究结果为其他海域的中国团扇鳐eDNA追踪监测奠定了基础。


综述了大型丝状藻类与生物和非生物环境因子之间的关系,以及因其引发的环境问题的防治措施,并提出了应开展大型丝状藻类池塘生态学的研究,探讨其生态和生物防治措施,以期达到改善生态环境、甚至变害为利的目的  相似文献   

Abstract— Simple morphological characteristics and fish assemblage data were collected in representative numbers from 12 inland waterways in the northeastern lowlands of Germany between 1992 and 1995. Fish abundance data were pooled and classified into three main groups: perch Perca fluviatilis (L.), roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and other species. Spearman rank correlations between fish abundance and type of embankment revealed that perch showed a statistically significant numerical dominance in waterways consisting predominately of an artificial shoreline, suggesting that perch may be used as an indicator of the structural degradation of watercourses.  相似文献   

黄河口及其邻近水域鱼类生物完整性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2013—2014年在黄河口及其邻近海域进行的鱼类资源底拖网调查数据,并结合20世纪80年代和90年代的历史资料,依照黄河口水域鱼类区域组成特征,从鱼类种类组成、繁殖共位体、鱼类耐受性和营养结构等方面提出了12个评价指标,初步构建了黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性指数评价指标体系,并制定了评价标准,根据不同年代数据之间的差距分3个层次赋值打分,研究了黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性及其年代际变化。结果表明,20世纪80年代初期黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性表现为"极好"水平;90年代处于"差"水平;2013年处于"极差"的水平。与20世纪80年代初期相比,黄河口及其邻近水域的鱼类生物完整性呈下降趋势,人为因素对生态环境干扰较大,过度捕捞等造成黄河口水域鱼类种类减少甚至消失,黄河口水域生态健康状况下降。  相似文献   

鲈生物学及池塘养殖技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
庄虔增 《齐鲁渔业》1996,13(2):8-11
报道了鲈繁殖、食性、摄食、生长等习笥及鲈池塘养殖技术,在山东越冬的3种方式、鲈的主要病害及防治。  相似文献   

Abstract – Common carp Cyprinus carpio is a widespread invasive species that, in high abundance, can impose numerous deleterious effects in aquatic ecosystems. Common carp increase turbidity and nutrient availability while reducing invertebrate prey resources and aquatic macrophytes, transforming shallow lakes from the clear‐ to turbid‐water state. However, potential effects of common carp on native fish communities have received limited attention. We evaluated the relationships among relative abundances of nine native fishes and common carp for 81 lakes in eastern South Dakota and their associated physicochemical characteristics. Inverse threshold relationships among relative abundances of native fishes and common carp were identified for black bullhead Ameiurus melas, black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus, bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, white bass Morone chrysops and northern pike Esox lucius, while marginally significant relationships were detected for largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and smallmouth bass M. dolomieu. Lakes where common carp relative abundance exceeded 0.6 fish per net night had low abundance of native fishes, whereas lower abundance of common carp resulted in variable abundance of native fishes. Lakes with abundance of common carp surpassing 0.6 fish per net night were also characterised by larger surface areas and watersheds and impaired water quality (higher dissolved solids and chlorophyll a concentrations and lower secchi depth). Our results are consistent with the biotic‐abiotic constraining hypothesis that proposes biotic factors can regulate fish populations regardless of abiotic conditions. Thus, common carp abundance may need to be reduced and sustained below ecological thresholds to improve water quality and increase abundance of native fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract Abundance, sex ratio and size structure of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., populations were studied in two forest lakes. The influence of maternal size on the amount and quality of eggs and larvae was investigated, and the effect of the spawning stock’s length structure on population egg and fry production was evaluated. The importance of large females was essential for the reproduction of perch. Large perch spawned more and bigger eggs that had higher hatching percentage resulting in considerably higher fry production. Larvae of large females were heavier and survived longer with bare yolk sac reserves. The relation between egg dry weight and female length differed between the study lakes suggesting varying maternal influence in different environments. Decrease in the share of large individuals in a perch population can substantially reduce the amount and quality of larvae produced. The results can be applied to improve the sustainability of perch fisheries.  相似文献   

Conservation of native species is challenged by the introduction of non‐native pathogens and diseases into aquatic and terrestrial environments worldwide. In the Yellowstone Lake basin, Yellowstone National Park, the invasive parasite causing salmonid whirling disease Myxobolus cerebralis (Hofer) has been identified as one factor contributing to population declines of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri (Jordan & Gilbert). In 2002 and 2003, we examined relationships between the stream environment and severity of M. cerebralis infection in native trout. Coefficients of variation of environmental features were calculated to examine variability. Ten years later, we reassessed infection levels at 22 tributaries broadly across the system. Results of principal component analysis (PCA) of physical features (2003) were negatively correlated with infection severity, mostly in lower jaw cartilage of cutthroat trout, and PCA of chemical features (and temperature) correlated with infection severity in cranial cartilage. Pelican Creek, where M. cerebralis prevalence and severity was high 2002–2003, remained high in 2012. We did not find evidence that the parasite had dispersed further within the system. Variable environmental features (physiological stress) across short spatiotemporal scales within a stream or season may possibly predispose salmonids to infection in the wild and facilitate parasite establishment.  相似文献   

新疆盐湖与卤虫分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本论述了新疆盐湖分布及形成特点,同时还论述了新疆盐湖卤虫分布及开发利用前景。  相似文献   

提高鲈鱼苗池塘培育成活率试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘锡胤  李龙 《齐鲁渔业》1998,15(4):23-25
捕捞天然鲈鱼进入养殖的哲养阶段死亡率较高,如何提高暂养成活率?在5.1亩池塘内进行了试验。主要措施:施鸡粪,磷肥,尿素肥水,调节水质和透明度,选用软质尼龙材料捕苗,装苗,带水妥苗,放养鲈鱼规格整齐,及时调整投饵量,结果:经62天培育,成活率达71.4%,亩纯利33725元,试验认为,放养密度以2万尾/亩为宜。  相似文献   

We analysed spatial and temporal patterns of condition factor (CF) of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) between 1986 and 2000 in different areas of the Baltic proper. Results showed a moderate increase in CF between 1986 and 1989. Afterwards, an abrupt decrease in CF, between 22% and 29%, occurred in all the areas of the Baltic proper. However, from 1998 and onwards, CF increased compared to the previous years. Weight-at-age and CF of Baltic herring showed a similar pattern in the same period. Several factors affecting variability of sprat CF were evaluated. Data showed that sprat CF was density-dependent and possibly related to the pelagic fish abundance and individual food intake. Temperature did not influence sprat CF while salinity seemed to affect variability of sprat CF in the northern Baltic proper. Changes in salinity levels may shape pelagic fish growth rates both indirectly changing the zooplankton community structure and abundance and/or directly via fish physiology and metabolisms.  相似文献   

Esselman PC, Allan JD. Relative influences of catchment‐ and reach‐scale abiotic factors on freshwater fish communities in rivers of northeastern Mesoamerica. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 439–454. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – While the abiotic factors important to freshwater fish assemblages at a reach scale are well understood, studies of larger scale constraints have yielded variable conclusions, spurring a need for further studies in new biogeographic contexts. This study investigated the importance of catchment‐ and reach‐scale abiotic factors to variation in freshwater fish assemblages in rivers of northeastern Mesoamerica. Abiotic variables and fish data from 72 sampling sites on main stem rivers of Belize were used with partial constrained ordination to determine the proportion of spatially structured and unstructured variation in fish presence and absence, relative abundance, and community metrics explained by catchment‐ and reach‐scale environmental factors. Results showed that, combined, catchment and reach variables explained a large portion of the total variation in the fish assemblage data (54–75%), and that catchment environment explained a greater portion of variation (42–63%) than reach environment (34–50%). Variables representing landscape position (local elevation, watershed area) and their reach‐level correlates (channel width, depth variation, and substrate) correlated strongly to the fish assemblage data. Our results suggest that landscape‐scale factors have a stronger relative influence on assemblages than environmental conditions at the reach scale within our study area. These results contrast with past findings that showed greater local scale influence in landscapes with low anthropogenic disturbance levels. Our findings suggest that biodiversity conservation efforts should consider assemblage variation across a longitudinal gradient, and that a multi‐catchment region is a biologically relevant scale for fish conservation planning and coordination in northeastern Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

A ten-week feeding trial was carried out to evaluate animal proteins, either alone or in combination (1:1:1), on the growth performances and economic benefit of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus. Four iso-proteinous (40%) diets were prepared, using fishmeal, protein concentrate, and meat and bone meal as major protein source in diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively, while diet 4 consisted of an equal proportion (1:1:1) of the above protein sources. Triplicate groups of fish (0.53 ± 0.02 g) were randomly stocked in 12 earthen ponds at a stocking density of 40,000 ha?1. Fish fed diet 4 had significantly (P < 0.05) higher percent weight gain and SGR % per day?1 compared to the fish fed diets 1, 2, or 3. Significantly higher apparent protein efficiency ratio (1.25) and lower apparent feed conversion ratio (2.00) were also observed in fish fed diet 4. Total yield (1,123 kg ha?1) and net profit (Tk. 116,569 ha?1) were also higher in fish fed diet 4. It can be concluded that the combination of fishmeal, protein concentrate, and meat and bone meal is more effective for climbing perch than any of the three protein sources alone.  相似文献   

基于河流生态系统相关理论模型以及鱼类适应与河流生态系统结构和功能的对应关系,提出了河流生态系统的四个属性:一般格局、空间连续性、空间异质性和时间过程,并选取33个候选指标用于构建鱼类生物完整性评价体系。结果表明,以期望值10代表各江段的最佳情况,赤水河各江段(赤水河镇、赤水市和合江县江段)的生态完整性相对较好,平均得分为7.16。赤水河各江段的生态完整性在时空上均无显著性差异。诊断分析显示,赤水河镇江段的时间过程受到一定的干扰;赤水市江段的空间异质性受到一定的干扰;而合江江段的一般格局和空间异质性均受到一定的干扰。建议加强赤水河流域的生态保护,并根据不同江段生态完整性的退化原因制定相应的管理和保护措施。  相似文献   

Abstract  Biological indicators for Mediterranean rivers are poorly developed. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Index of Biotic Integrity approach (IBI) with fish assemblages in the Guadiana catchment, a typical Mediterranean watershed in Southern Portugal. Reference sites were selected from a set of 95 sites, using a multivariate approach. Fifty-five candidate metrics were screened for range, responsiveness, precision and redundancy. Final metrics included: proportion of native fish, number of intolerant and intermediate species, number of invertivore native fish, number of phyto-lithophilic and polyphilic species, and catches of exotics. The IBI scores correlated with composite gradients of human impact and differed significantly between reference and non-reference sites. Application of the IBI to an independent validation set with 123 sites produced results congruent with the development set and repeatable assessments at 22 sites showed concordance in IBI scoring. This application highlights the effectiveness of the IBI approach even with fish assemblages of limited diversity and ecological specialisation as in Mediterranean streams.  相似文献   

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