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Abstract – Environmental factors act in a hierarchical manner at multiple spatial scales to influence the organisation of ecological assemblages; however, the relative influence of the different scale‐related factor groups is poorly known. We evaluated the importance of catchment‐scale and site‐scale environmental variables, as well as the spatial context of the sampling sites, in shaping stream fish assemblages in an agriculture‐dominated landscape in Hungary. Beside the variables describing spatial context (principal coordinates of a truncated distance matrix among sites), altogether 60 environmental variables were used to predict variability using a variance‐partitioning procedure in redundancy analysis. Presence–absence‐ and relative abundance‐based data were examined at two assemblage levels (entire assemblage and native assemblage) at 54 stream sites. Incorporation of spatial variables increased largely the total explained variability in case of relative abundance, but not for presence–absence data. Of the environmentally explained variance, catchment‐scale variables (e.g., land cover types, patch density) were relatively more influential for the native assemblage‐level analyses, than for analyses at the entire assemblage level, where site‐scale variables (e.g., altitude, depth) proved to be more influential. In addition, pure catchment‐ and pure site‐scale variables have the primary role in determining fish assemblage patterns, whereas the influence of shared variance and that of site‐scale riparian variables proved to be less important. Our findings demonstrate the importance of incorporating the spatial context of the sampling sites in predicting fish assemblage patterns and the effects of channelisation (dikes) in shaping assemblage–environment relationships in this human‐influenced landscape.  相似文献   

  • 1. Despite a growing number of river restoration projects in Central Europe targeting hydromorphological improvements, it is still uncommon to evaluate the effects of restoration. Hydromorphological diversity in straightened, single‐channel sections was compared with restored or naturally developed multiple‐channel sections in German mountain rivers to identify parameters suitable for judging conservation value or restoration success.
  • 2. Seven multiple‐channel sections were compared with nearby straightened single‐channel sections. Six hydromorphological parameters at macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐scales were recorded with transect point protocols, including aquatic, terrestrial and transient areas and width of channel features (main and secondary channels, sidearms, standing water bodies, bars, banks, floodplains and embankments). Depth, velocity and substrate type were measured at 400 points per river section. With these data 12 metrics were calculated, to provide comparison between the sections.
  • 3. All macro‐ and meso‐scale parameters were well differentiated between single‐channel and multiple‐channel sections: mean channel width and shoreline length increased by factors of 2.1 and 2.4, respectively; the average number of channel feature types increased from two to 10 per section.
  • 4. Micro‐scale parameters, such as velocity and depth variance, were significantly different between single‐channel sections and most multiple‐channel sections. Substrate composition was more diverse in the restored sections; the share of the major substrate was on average reduced from 75% to 62%. The Spatial Diversity Index described differences in substrate patterns best. The individual parameters correlated only within scales, but rarely between them.
  • 5. Rapid assessment of restoration success or judgement of conservation value is made possible by combining simple macro‐ and meso‐scale parameters, e.g. increase of overall width or of transient areas, and presence of bars and islands. Increase in aquatic area and diversity of habitats are the most appropriate micro‐scale parameters required to evaluate habitat suitability for aquatic organisms. For depth and velocity data, variance should be analysed.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ecosystem size/trophic structure hypothesis predicts that the shape of body size distributions will change with ecosystem size because of increases in the relative importance of large, predatory, species. I test the hypothesis by examining the statistical moments, as measures of shape, of species body size distributions of North American freshwater fish assemblages in lakes. Species lists, coupled with dietary and body size information, are used to document the patterns. Body size distributions in small lakes are unimodal and right‐skewed, but distributions become more symmetrical and bimodal in large ecosystems. In small lakes, body sizes are generally small and fish trophic levels low, but size and trophic level increase up to lake volumes of about 0.001 km3, and change little in larger lakes. Adding trophic level to the analysis greatly improves the variance explained by the body size–lake size relation. The conclusions of Griffiths (2012, Global Ecology & Biogeography 21: 383‐392), that postglacial recolonisation and evolutionary change are important determinants of body size distributions at regional and larger scales, are combined with those of this study. Mean body size in local assemblages of lake‐dwelling species is larger than in regional and continental ones. Overall, body size distributions are affected by processes operating at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, with the type, size and duration of the ecosystem probably playing a central role by influencing the proportions of vagile and predatory species, the species which dominate the large size mode.  相似文献   

Compared with small rivers and streams, the study of fish communities in large rivers remains challenging as spatial and temporal data variability can be greatly influenced by sampling strategy and operator choice. In an attempt to limit this variability, a new sampling protocol for fish communities in medium‐ to large‐sized rivers was developed, based on point sampling by electric fishing and using standardised procedures and effort. Here, change in data quality (assemblage abundance, richness, structure and biotic index) with increasing sampling effort (from 1 to 100 sampling points) was evaluated. A total of 75 sampling points are proposed as the standard number of samples per site. Broadly, the results show that the application of 75 sampling points provides a reproducible representation of fish community structure in medium and large rivers, with little additional information provided by further sampling except under certain conditions, when 100 points are recommended to maintain data quality.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of local and spatial factors in the structuring of aquatic communities is a goal in ecology. The hierarchical structure of stream systems provides opportunities to test the hypothesis that fish assemblages that are more isolated in headwaters are structured by local and/or regional variables. Fishes and abiotic data were collected in 18 stream reaches from two hydrographic basins in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. The variance of species composition was partitioned into fractions explained by environmental and spatial factors. The pure environmental fraction explained ≈17% of variance and was represented by regional, habitat availability/heterogeneity and perturbation gradient. The pure spatial fraction explained ≈15% of the individual fraction. Environmental data revealed a species sorting process, and the spatial effect might be a result of different dispersal routes that fish performed during the formation of the hydrographic basins, actual land use and water resources management. The importance of maintaining connectivity in these systems was emphasised because it cannot be guaranteed that the dispersion ability of species is still occurring under current land use change.  相似文献   

  • 1. To conserve biodiversity in a human‐dominated landscape, a science‐based inventory and monitoring plan is needed that quantifies existing resources, isolates drivers that maintain natural communities, determines harmful stressors, and links ecological drivers and human stressors. A tactical approach is proposed for conservation planning using freshwater fish at the Cape Cod National Seashore.
  • 2. Freshwater fish are well studied and occur across environmental gradients. The lentic systems at the national park are relatively pristine yet are enveloped by a region of high population density. Using fish community data, three steps were taken for tracking anthropogenic impacts in a human dominated landscape. First, fish and potential drivers were sampled intensively along a gradient to determine which fish metrics reflect natural communities and which abiotic and biotic factors structure them. Second, emerging and existing regional human threats were identified. Third, these human threats were linked to the potential drivers that maintain natural communities to identify the most informative metrics to monitor and track change.
  • 3. Fish communities, water quality, habitat, and food resources were sampled concurrently in 18 ponds in 1999 and 2000. Three common fish species explained 98% of variation in numbers across systems. Based on ecological relationships, pH, depth, vegetation, prey, and community complexity were determined to maintain biodiversity of freshwater fish communities.
  • 4. The primary human threats here included: development‐related, land‐use changes; non‐point source pollution; eutrophication from septic systems; and introduced species that are a byproduct of high human visitation. These are common threats in many rapidly urbanized areas and are likely to have relevance to many sites.
  • 5. To track the impact of emerging threats to freshwater ponds related to increased human population, monitoring changes in water quality, vegetated habitat, fish diversity, and trophic interactions are recommended.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rapid development of small‐scale freshwater aquaculture in the Mymensingh district of north‐central Bangladesh has been linked to a ‘blue revolution’. Mymensingh is ranked first among districts of pond fish production in Bangladesh. Aquaculture in Mymensingh plays an important role in the local economy, contributing to food production, livelihood opportunities, income generation, poverty alleviation and social transformation. However, a number of challenges, particularly social, economic and environmental issues, will need to be overcome to translate its benefits effectively. We propose a conceptual framework for greening the blue revolution of aquaculture, which links social, economic and ecological aspects for promoting the importance of socio‐ecological, ecological‐economic and socio‐economic interactions. We conclude that active community participation, institutional collaboration and policy support are needed for greening the blue revolution of aquaculture in Mymensingh.  相似文献   

There has so far been limited investigation into gender in relation to innovation in fisheries. Therefore, this study investigates how gender relations shape the capacity and motivation of different individuals in fishing communities to innovate. We compare six fishing communities in Cambodia, the Philippines and the Solomon Islands. Our findings suggest that gendered negotiations mediate the capacity to innovate but that wider structural constraints are important constraints for both men and women. Our findings show that men's and women's capacity to innovate is strongly mediated by the behaviour of their marriage partner. Consequently, we argue that gender research from a social relational perspective has an important contribution to make in understanding poor fishing communities where new ways of doing things or new technologies are being promoted.  相似文献   

Reef fish assessments were undertaken in 17 Pacific islands to describe the status of finfish resources in 63 villages where fishing is mainly artisanal. Surveys were performed by recording the number and size of edible fish species and benthic composition. Fishing impact was described through six proxies representing level of catch, alternative incomes, degree of commercial catch and country economic development derived from a simultaneous socioeconomic assessment. The relative importance of broadly defined habitat (geographical location, island and reef type, substrate composition) and fishing impact in controlling the distribution of fish trophic groups, families and species was measured through multivariate analysis. The extreme faunistic diversity was shown by the large variation in fish density (difference of up to an order of magnitude) and fish biomass (displaying a 20‐fold difference across the region). Herbivores were dominant in the eastern part of the region, at what we classified as complex islands and at islands with small lagoon and at coastal reefs, while carnivores were dominant at oceanic islands and atolls and at outer reefs. Specific habitat associations were shown for Scaridae, Acanthuridae, Siganidae, Balistidae, Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae. Relative importance and size decrease of several fish families (Mullidae, Scaridae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae) were related to high fishing impact. Acanthuridae and Lethrinidae appeared to have a role as opportunistic groups in impacted sites. The relative impact from fishing and habitat on fishes accounted for, respectively, 20 and 30% of variance, demonstrating the effect of human impacts even at such large scale and taking into account only limited fishing impact variables.  相似文献   

The effects of biotic (density‐dependent) and environmental (flow and temperature) factors on the apparent survival, mean length and size variation of a low‐density brown trout population in the juvenile stage, that is, from their first summer (0+) to the end of the second year (1+), were determined. Apparent survival was negatively related to the age class density during the three periods (first summer, first winter and second summer). A significant interaction between the mean flow and 0+ density highlighted a gradient towards strong density dependence acting on fish loss (i.e., mortality or migration) with decreasing summer flow. Conversely, no density dependence was reported at higher mean flows. The mean length was determined by density‐dependent and density‐independent (temperature and flow) factors throughout the study period. The negative relationship between fish length and intracohort density was highly significant during the three periods. The yearling (1+) density was negatively related to 0+ fish length measured after the first summer, suggesting intercohort effects. A positive effect of temperature on fish length was observed. Mean length after the summer seasons (0+ and 1+ fish) was also positively related to mean flow. Fish size variation around the mean measured with the coefficient of variation (CV) increased with increasing 0+ densities, both at the end of the first summer and the first winter. Results suggested that density‐dependent and density‐independent factors acted jointly on apparent survival and growth with a predominance of biotic processes. We discussed the potential implications of density‐dependent regulations on growth and survival for population resilience after catastrophic events.  相似文献   

Montaña CG, Winemiller KO. Local‐scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 216–227. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We examined the taxonomic and morphological diversity of cichlid fish assemblages in a floodplain river in Venezuela during the dry season at two spatial scales: macrohabitats (lagoons, main channels and creeks) and mesohabitats (leaf litter, sand banks, rocky shoals and woody debris). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling did not reveal differences for species assemblages among macro and mesohabitats. The first two axes from canonical correspondence analysis based on 19 species and six physical variables modelled >61% of the taxonomic variation in assemblages from rock shoals and woody debris, and 55% of variation in assemblages from sand banks and leaf litter. Principal components analysis based on 22 morphological variables yielded two dominant axes that explained >86% of variation in the cichlid assemblages. Morphological diversity was analysed to test the idea that assemblage structure is nonrandom, with structurally complex habitats supporting more species with more functional morphological diversity than simple habitats. Average and standard deviation (SD) of the morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages among mesohabitats tended to decrease or be constant as the number of species increased. Regressions of the average nearest neighbour distance (NND) and SD of NND with species richness resulted in low and negative slopes of species assemblages among mesohabitats. These relationships suggest that when more species are added to a habitat patch, assemblage morphospace remains approximately constant, species average similarity increases and species dispersion in morphological space becomes more uniform. Results support that cichlids partition habitat at the local scale but not at the macrohabitat scale.  相似文献   

Abstract Fish‐aggregating devices are floating objects used worldwide to improve pelagic fishery yield. Fish‐aggregating devices use the natural attraction exerted by floating objects on juveniles and adults of both pelagic and demersal fish. In this study, it was hypothesised that fish change their degree and type of interaction with moored floating objects depending on size. This is because fishes in early life stage remain close to floating objects, using them as a shelter, but as they grow they move further away from floating objects spending their time swimming to seek food. To test this hypothesis, the spatial distribution and habitat use of five Mediterranean fish species were quantified. The results enabled the hypothesis to be accepted for all species, except Balistes carolinensis Gmelin. For this species, a shelter from predator model was applicable, but for the other species, the generalised meeting point model was more adaptable.  相似文献   

  1. Removal of instream woody habitat (IWH) is one factor attributed to declines in fish populations worldwide. Restoration of IWH to help fish populations recover is now common; however, quantitative predictions about the outcomes of these interventions is rare. As such, quantitative links between IWH and fish abundance is of interest to managers to inform conservation and restoration activities.
  2. Links between instream habitat attributes, especially IWH, and selected fish species of recreational, cultural, and ecological significance were explored at 335 sites spanning eight streams across south‐eastern Australia. Data were collected on fish abundance and length, IWH density and a range of other habitat attributes at a scale that incorporated at least one of each of the major mesohabitat types (functional river elements). The data were analysed using Bayesian hierarchical generalized linear mixed models to examine fish habitat associations and used to make quantitative predictions of responses to future restoration.
  3. Strong positive relationships were found between fish abundance and IWH density and the strength of this relationship varied between species and waterways. Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii), a species commonly targeted by IWH interventions, displayed the strongest association with IWH density. River blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) also showed a significant relationship with IWH, but this effect was waterway specific. Fish length was only related to IWH for river blackfish. These results may reflect differences in the life histories of these two species. We suggest that differences in habitat association through ontogeny may be more relevant at smaller spatial scales.
  4. The results generated in this study can be used to guide waterway restoration and develop quantitative predictions about how fish might respond to IWH interventions across south‐eastern Australia. This approach provides a powerful quantitative framework within which to explore management options and objectives, and to test our predicted responses to habitat restoration.

  • 1. This paper reports on an extension to the use of Fluvial Audit survey to include a subjective and adaptive multi‐criteria assessment (MCA) process that integrates scientific literature and observational data to develop three reach‐scale indices of: (a) channel modification; (b) channel function (sediment store or source); and (c) naturalness. These indices are nested within an overall conceptual model of channel evolution and used to underpin catchment scale river restoration.
  • 2. The approach is described and applied to a small groundwater dominated river in the UK. The results show that over 48% of the total main river was in a degraded state relative to a conceptual model of a natural reference state. Only 23% of the river was in a near‐natural state.
  • 3. MCA classifications were translated into a set of management actions necessary to return each reach to a near‐natural condition. These are described.
  • 4. The method offers a transparent decision support for stakeholders that can incorporate differing scientific evidence. The use of MCA enables flexibility in terms of the relative importance of scores and weights placed upon factors in the final classification. This makes the approach amenable to stakeholder and public consultation.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Horppila J, Olin M, Vinni M, Estlander S, Nurminen L, Rask M, Ruuhijärvi J, Lehtonen H. Perch production in forest lakes: the contribution of abiotic and biotic factors.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 257–266. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – The biomass, growth and production of perch (Perca fluviatilis (L.)) in five humic forest lakes in southern Finland were estimated and the abiotic and biotic factors contributing to the between‐lake differences were explored. The average perch biomass in the study lakes varied from 13.1 to 45.6 kg·ha?1 and annual production from 6.0 to 16.5 kg·ha?1. The highest biomass and production were found in Lake Majajärvi with highest water colour and nutrient concentration. Variability in fish density rather than in individual growth rate seemed to be the main factor behind the between‐lake differences in perch production. No dependence of perch production on water transparency was found, because transparency had a stronger effect on individual growth than on fish density. The length increment of perch in their second year increased significantly with water transparency but at older ages no such dependence was found. At age of 4 years, the growth rate of perch decreased with perch density, indicating intraspecific competition for benthic food resources. At age of 7 years, the growth rate increased with increasing roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) abundance, suggesting that roach served as a resource for piscivorous perch. The effects of predatory top‐down control on perch populations were probably obscured due to the variable size and water quality of the study lakes.  相似文献   

Metacommunity theory is a new approach for explaining how local and regional processes contribute to community organisation and integrative studies are needed to fully characterise the processes underlying its structure and function. We analysed, through variation partitioning and distance decay relationships, how metacommunities of fish in pools of intermittent rivers are structured by environmental, species interaction and spatial factors. The results indicate that both species sorting and dispersal limitation (spatial factors) were important in shaping fish metacommunities. Species sorting was the most influential driver within fish metacommunities, but predation was much less relevant and did not show any pure effect in metacommunity structure. However, environmental factors were determinant among metacommunity patches.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used a longline tethering method to examine the relationship between prey refugia, prey body morphology and the location and magnitude of predation mortality within an individual lake and among three lakes that differed in coarse woody habitat (CWH) and aquatic macrophyte abundances. Predation events were lowest in the macrophyte and/or CWH refuges, peaked at or just beyond the refuge edge and declined in pelagic portions of the lakes. Predation risk at the refuge edge and just beyond was positively correlated with the abundance of littoral refuge. In contrast, predation events within the refuge and in the pelagic zone were negatively correlated with littoral refuge abundance. Deep-bodied and spiny prey morphologies were less vulnerable to predation than fusiform prey lacking fin spines. The structural complexity of littoral zones and prey fish body morphology may influence the outcome of predator–prey interactions and ultimately determine fish species assemblages in lakes.  相似文献   

Nasmith LE, Tonn WM, Paszkowski CA, Scrimgeour GJ. Effects of stocked trout on native fish communities in boreal foothills lakes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 279–289. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Ecological effects of stocking nonnative trout into lakes are receiving increased attention, especially in alpine environments. We assessed effects of stocked trout on native forage fishes in the boreal foothills of Alberta (Canada) by comparing fish density, population size structure and spatial and temporal activities in stocked and unstocked lakes over 3 years (2005–2007). The numerically dominant dace (primarily Phoxinus spp.) were larger in stocked lakes, consistent with size‐limited predation. Dace were also more crepuscular and concentrated on the lake‐bottom in stocked lakes, compared to more daytime activity in the water column in unstocked lakes. There were, however, no demonstrable effects of trout on the abundance of forage fish. The lack of major population‐level impacts of stocked trout suggests that current stocking practices, characteristics of boreal foothill lakes (e.g. thermal structure, abundant invertebrates, dense macrophytes) and/or behavioural adjustments of forage fish contribute to healthy native fish populations in our stocked lakes.  相似文献   

Although several studies have focused on how well anglers identify species using replicas and pictures, there has been no study assessing the confidence that can be placed in angler's ability to identify recreationally important fish. Understanding factors associated with low self‐confidence will be useful in tailoring education programmes to improve self‐confidence in identifying common species. The purposes of this assessment were to quantify the confidence of recreational anglers to identify 13 commonly encountered warm water fish species and to relate self‐confidence to species availability and angler experience. Significant variation was observed in anglers self‐confidence among species and levels of self‐declared skill, with greater confidence associated with greater skill and with greater exposure. This study of angler self‐confidence strongly highlights the need for educational programmes that target lower skilled anglers and the importance of teaching all anglers about less common species, regardless of skill level.  相似文献   

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