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磷石膏专用复混肥缓解红壤花生连作障碍效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
红壤长期连作花生产生严重连作障碍,影响花生生产。本试验研究磷化工废弃物在缓解花生连作障碍上的效果,采用磷石膏与化学氮肥、化学磷肥、化学钾肥不同比例制成磷石膏专用复混肥,施用于中科院江西红壤生态试验站花生连作田块,考察对红壤养分及花生生理性状及产量的影响。结果表明: 施用含磷石膏专用复混肥比使用常规复合肥处理增产3.5-45.1%,土壤中的全氮、速效氮、和速效钾含量升高,植株全N、P、K含量均有提高,施用磷石膏专用肥可以有效缓解红壤地区花生连作障碍。  相似文献   

A five-year continuous monocropping of cucumber in a greenhouse receiving 50% NPK and 100% NPK was conducted to explore if reducing chemical fertilizer use can mitigate obstacles in intensive monocropping, and the microbial mechanism of the process. Significant decreases in living seedling rates and total yields with time were exhibited in the 100% NPK treatments, showing an obvious obstacles event, which can be mitigated by reducing fertilizer use. It was found that both total yields and living seedling rates were negatively correlated with the proportion of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum (a known cucumber wilt pathogen) in F. oxysporum, suggesting the two fungal groups out of balance in the rhizosphere, was the key factor for the decline in cucumber growth in the monocropping system. Furthermore, the abundance of pseudomonas group, not hydrogen cyanide- or phenazine-producing pseudomonas, can act as the defender against possible fungal pathogens. The opposite relationships between HCN-producing pseudomonas and two plant indicators (cucumber yield and living seedling rate) suggested that HCN-producing pseudomonas exerted positive effects only when cucumber plants’ density was above a certain threshold. The Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showed that changes in soil microbial population size, especially in pseudomonas groups, contributed to the mitigation process.  相似文献   

The soil microbial community is strongly influenced by a wide variety of factors, such as soil characteristics and field management systems. In order to use biological indicators based on microbial community structure, it is very important to know whether or not these factors can be controlled. The present study aimed to determine whether soil type or fertilization has a greater influence on the soil microbial community based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 12 experimental field plots containing four different soil types, Cumulic Andosol, Low-humic Andosol, Yellow Soil and Gray Lowland Soil, kept under three different fertilizer management systems since 2001 (the application of chemical fertilizer, the application of rice husk and cow manure, and the application of pig manure). Bacterial DGGE analysis using 16S rRNA genes and fungal DGGE analysis using 18S rRNA genes revealed that the bacterial community was related to the soil type more than the fertilization; however, the fungal community was related to the fertilization more than the soil type. These results might suggest that the fungal community is easier to control by fertilization than the bacterial community. Thus, we propose that indicators based on the fungal community might be more suitable as microbial indicators for soil quality.  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of 10 years’ continuous application of organic manure at various rates combined with chemical fertilizer on microbial residues was evaluated in a highly fertile temperate soil. The presence and origin of microbial residues were indicated by amino sugar analysis. The treatments were: (1) CK, unfertilized control; (2) OM0, only chemical fertilizer, no manure added; (3) OM1, organic manure added at 7.5 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer; (4) OM2, organic manure added at 15 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer; and (5) OM3, organic manure added at 22.5 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer. Fertilization significantly increased the total amino sugar concentrations, especially in the plots with higher manure addition rates (OM2 and OM3 plots, P?<?0.05). This suggests a positive effect of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizer on the accumulation of microbial residues in soil. However, the highest manure rate (OM3) did not lead to further increase in the total amino sugar pool as compared with the moderate manure rate (OM2). This suggests manure addition “saturates” in its effect on microbial residue build-up. The different patterns of individual amino sugars suggest a change in the quality of microbial-derived soil organic matter after 10 years.  相似文献   

典型黑土农田化肥氮素的优化管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王建国  何喜云  王守宇  赵军 《土壤》2000,32(5):266-269,273
在松嫩平原典型黑土农田,通过不同施氮水平的田间试验,研究了旱田主要作物对氮素的肥料效应,得出玉米、小麦氮肥与产量的数学模型。玉米施氮量141kg/hm^2,可达到最高产量;小麦施氮量131kg/hm^2可达到最高量。但在目前肥料与产品价格的比例下,经济合理施肥量,玉米施氮量111kg/hm^2小麦施氮量90kg/hm^2,可稳定获得较高的施肥利润。通过对氮素平衡盈亏状况的分析与评价,认为黑土农田氮素平衡有44%以下的赤字,并不影响作物产量,是允许范围内的赤字。  相似文献   

Soil properties and agricultural practices take a joint effect on the communities of soil bacteria. The aim of the present study was to survey Alphaproteobacterial communities as possible indicators of soil quality considering clay, loamy and sandy soils under conventional and organic farming. Alphaproteobacteria community composition were analysed by 16S rRNA gene with nested-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis (DGGE). Sequencing of partial 16S rRNA gene from the DGGE bands were performed. Conventional and organic farming resulted in significant differences in chemical properties of soils. According to the results community fingerprints were separated into groups depending on soil types and farming systems. This separation can be attributed mostly to soil pH, AL-P2O5,-K2O. The analysed sequences were identified as soil bacteria which could play the main role in nitrogen fixing, mineralisation and denitrification. The highest diversity index was revealed from the organic farming at sandy texture site, where mainly Mesorhizobium sp. and Rhizobium sp. were detected. The soil type and actual crop could have a stronger impact on the soil bacterial composition than the management.  相似文献   

有机肥与无机肥在提高土壤肥力中的作用   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
以在山东禹城试验区持续近20年的定位试验为依据,对长期施用有机肥、无机肥、有机无机结合等不同施肥条件下的土壤养分演变进行了系统总结。结果表明,在同等施肥情况下,有机肥不但在增加土壤有机营养,改善土壤有机质质量等方面具有极其显著的作用,而且随着年限的增长,在增加土壤速效养分方面,有机肥的效果也逐渐超过无机肥。  相似文献   

盐碱地盐分含量高,会对植物生长起抑制作用或直接造成危害,盐碱地的安全利用对保障粮食安全具有重大意义。为探讨化肥减量配施不同有机肥对盐碱地土壤性状及镉形态的影响变化特征,试验在化肥施用减量20%的基础上,设厩肥30000 kg/hm2(AM)、生物有机肥600 kg/hm2(BF)、厩肥30000 kg/hm2+生物有机肥600 kg/hm2(AM+BF)及化肥正常施用量(CK)4种施肥处理,研究不同有机肥配施对土壤性状、镉含量及形态的影响。结果表明:2020年,处理BF较CK土壤镉含量显著降低了16.99%;2021年,处理BF和AM与CK相比,土壤镉含量分别降低了14.06%和10.16%,且差异显著。2020年,与CK相比,处理BF、AM和AM+BF土壤有效态镉含量分别显著降低了67.44%、34.88%和60.47%;2021年,处理BF、AM和AM+BF与CK相比,有效态镉含量分别降低了66.67%、27.27%和51.52%,且差异显著。与CK相比,有机肥配施对土壤中镉形态的分配比例有明显影响,交换态镉降低19.34%~75.69%、有机结合态镉提高45.78%~135.22%、土壤pH提高1.06%~5.81%;阳离子交换量提高5.29%~29.11%、有机质含量提高4.35%~30.14%、土壤容重降低0.76%~9.09%、过氧化氢酶活性提高7.84%~56.02%、脲酶活性提高14.67%~29.07%、碱性磷酸酶活性提高16.54%~40.09%、微生物量碳提高8.02%~25.09%、微生物量氮提高12.28%~33.12%。综上,在盐碱土壤条件下,配施有机肥可改善土壤理化性状、生物学特性,促进土壤交换态镉向有机结合态镉的转化,达到降低土壤有效态镉的目的。  相似文献   


An understanding of how soil solution ionic strength (Is) and major cation activities influence crop growth is often limited by the extensive measurements required to characterize ionic composition and subsequent speciation exercises. Easily measured solution and soil attributes need to be identified that can predict these important solution parameters. Soil and soil solution chemical properties of four Ultisols in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont of North Carolina were used to develop models to predict ionic strength and solution cation attributes. GEOCHEM‐PC‐predicted Is was linearly related to electrical conductivity (EC) across soils (r2=0.92), confirming that Is for soil solutions with complex composition can be estimated from their electrical conductivity. Models of the form lnMs=a+blnEC+clnME, or modifications thereof, were developed for predicting solution aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and postassium (K) levels (Ms) from a knowledge of EC and either soil exchangeable cation #OPME) or cation saturation (MSATE) attributes. For each cation, total and free solution concentration and activity in absolute and saturation terms were investigated. The best models explained, at most, 68% of the variability associated with total solution Al concentration (Als‐T) or 74% when Als ‐T was expressed as a percent of major solution cations. Greater than 85% of the variability associated with solution Ca and Mg could also be accounted for, but only 67% of the variability associated with solution K could be explained. Including soil pH and interaction terms (MExEC, MExpH, and ECxpH) in models improved the relationship for total Al concentration (R2=0.87) and solution Ca parameters (R2 ≥0.93), but not for solution Mg and K indices. None of the models could account for >30% of the variability associated with free concentration and activity of Al3+, suggesting that the prediction of these parameters for a particular Al species could not be made from a knowledge of soil pH, solution EC, and ME or MSATE data.  相似文献   

Stable soil organic matter (SOM) is important for long‐term sequestration of soil organic carbon (SOC), but the usefulness of different fractionation methods to isolate stable SOM is open to question. We assessed the suitability of five chemical fractionation methods (stepwise hydrolysis, treatment with H2O2, Na2S2O8, NaOCl, and demineralization of the NaOCl‐resistant fraction (NaOCl + HF)) to isolate stable SOM from soil samples of a loamy sand and a silty loam under different land use regimes (grassland, forest and arable crops). The apparent C turnover time and mean age of SOC before and after fractionation was determined by 13C and 14C analysis. Particulate organic matter was removed by density fractionation before soils were exposed to chemical fractionation. All chemical treatments induced large SOC losses of 62–95% of the mineral‐associated SOC fraction. The amounts of H2O2‐ and Na2S2O8‐resistant SOC were independent from land use, while those of NaOCl‐ (NaOCl + HF)‐ and hydrolysis‐resistant SOC were not. All chemical treatments caused a preferential removal of young, maize‐derived SOC, with Na2S2O8 and H2O2 being most efficient. The mean 14C age of SOC was 1000–10000 years greater after chemical fractionation than that of the initial, mineral‐associated SOC and mean 14C ages increased in the order: NaOCl < NaOCl + HF ≤ stepwise hydrolysis ≪ H2O2≈ Na2S2O8. None of the methods appeared generally suitable for the determination of the inert organic matter pool of the Rothamsted Carbon Model. Nonetheless, our results indicate that all methods are able to isolate an older, more stable SOC fraction, but treatments with H2O2 and Na2S2O8 were the most efficient ones in isolating stable SOM.  相似文献   



Nitrous oxide (N2O) is produced naturally in soils through microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification. In recent years, the long-term application of nitrogen-heavy fertilizers has led to the acidification of tea orchard soils with high N2O emission. The present research aimed at finding out which process (nitrification or denitrification) dominates in N2O production, whether certain fertilizer managements could reduce N2O emission, and the effects of fertilizer management on the abundance of functional genes.

Materials and methods

Two nitrification inhibitors, 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and dicyandiamide (DCD), combined with different N fertilizers (ammonium sulfate and potassium nitrate) were applied to highly acidic tea orchard soil in an aerobic incubation experiment. Both amoA and nosZ gene abundances from different treatments were determined by quantitative PCR. An anaerobic nitrate effect test was carried out using C2H2 inhibition method.

Results and discussion

The application of nitrate fertilizers significantly (P?<?0.05) enhanced total N2O emission. A linear regression analysis between total N2O emission and average nitrate contents indicated that denitrification is the dominant source of N2O in this tea orchard soil. In the anaerobic incubation, no significant difference of N2O emission was observed between KNO3 and no KNO3 treatments before 96 h. Quantitative PCR revealed lower copy numbers of nosZ in nitrate-associated fertilizer-treated soils than the soils from other treatments. Compared with the control, ammonium fertilizers with DCD or DMPP significantly (P?<?0.05) inhibited nitrate production as well as N2O.


These results showed that denitrification is the dominant source of N2O in this highly acidic soil. Nitrate addition could significantly inhibit the abundance of nitrous oxide reductase, therefore causing high N2O emission. The application of ammonium fertilizers with DCD or DMPP could significantly reduce N2O emission, possibly due to the effective inhibition of nitrate production.  相似文献   

长期施用化肥对塿土微生物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】土壤微生物在土壤有机质分解、营养循环、植物生长等方面都发挥着重要作用,研究长期施用化肥对其产生的影响可为农田合理施用化肥、培肥土壤和高产高效可持续性农业生产提供理论依据。【方法】以陕西杨凌"国家黄土肥力与肥料效益监测基地"的长期定位试验为基础,利用BIOLOG分析并结合常规分析研究了6种长期不同化肥施用方式不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮钾配施(NK)、磷钾配施(PK)、氮磷配施(NP)和氮磷钾配施(NPK)对土土壤微生物量和微生物功能多样性的影响。【结果】与不施肥CK相比,长期单施氮肥(N)的SMBC、SMBN没有显著变化,但明显降低了土壤微生物商和土壤微生物对氮素的利用;NP和NPK配施能够显著增加土SMBC和SMBN含量,明显提高了土壤微生物商,使土壤微生物种群结构发生了明显变化但土壤微生物对氮素的利用没有显著提高;长期偏施肥处理(NK、PK)的SMBC、SMBN和微生物商虽轻微增加,但土壤微生物种群结构没有显著改变。BIOLOG分析结果显示施磷处理(PK、NP和NPK)对微生物代谢活性的促进作用较大且在培养初期代谢活性较不施磷处理(CK、N和NK)增加显著。长期单施氮肥(N)对于提高土壤微生物多样性没有显著作用而其他化肥施用处理可以提高土土壤微生物群落的碳源利用能力、物种的丰富度和优势度,其中NP和NPK处理配施效果最好。化肥施用对土土壤微生物群落的均匀度没有显著影响。主成分分析的结果表明不同处理的土壤微生物对碳源利用表现出显著差异,氮磷养分的差异是产生分异的主要原因。【结论】土区小麦玉米轮作下,平衡施肥(NP或NPK配施)对于改善农田土壤微生物特性具有良好作用。  相似文献   

采用室内恒温培养方法,研究了不同施肥处理对水稻长期肥料试验中不施肥区(CK)和全肥区(NPK)土壤酶活性及微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明,施肥处理(单施化肥、施猪粪和施秸杆)可以显著提高土壤的微生物量碳以及脲酶、酸性磷酸酶的活性,施用有机肥的效果明显大于单施化肥; 有机肥在无肥区(CK)的施用效果与在全肥区(NPK)的效果接近。PLFA分析表明,施肥使无肥区(CK)土壤微生物群落结构发生了显著的变化,施用有机肥显著增加了土壤微生物群落结构的多样性。与不施肥和单施化肥相比,施有机肥主要增加了细菌和真菌的特征脂肪酸如不饱和脂肪酸、环状脂肪酸cy19∶0等的相对含量,而降低了放线菌标记性脂肪酸10Me18∶0的相对含量。  相似文献   

张慧  王斌 《土壤》2024,56(2)
为了探究化肥减量配施两种不同黄腐酸钾有机肥对土壤有机碳及其组分的影响,采取盆栽模拟大田种植,以不施肥和纯施化肥为对照,以100%化肥配施100%有机肥、75%化肥配施25%有机肥、50%化肥配施50%有机肥、25%化肥配施75%有机肥和100%有机肥为处理,探讨土壤有机碳(SOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)、易氧化有机碳(LOM)和惰性有机碳(ROC)在不同生育期内的含量特征。结果表明:化肥减量配施有机肥各处理有机碳及其组分含量各生育期均表现为:花针期显著高于结荚期和成熟期,其中可溶性有机碳和微生物量碳结荚期含量显著高于成熟期(P<0.05);各处理有机碳及其组分含量均表现为:25%化肥配施75%生化黄腐酸钾处理显著高于不施肥、单施化肥和单施有机肥处理,50%化肥配施50%矿源黄腐酸钾处理显著高于不施肥、单施化肥和单施有机肥处理;其中花针期25%化肥配施75%生化黄腐酸钾处理SOC、DOC、MBC、LOM和ROC含量分别为133.0 g·kg-1、284.4 mg·kg-1、269.7 mg·kg-1、30.76 g·kg-1和111.2 g·kg-1,50%化肥配施50%矿源黄腐酸钾处理SOC、DOC、MBC、LOM和ROC含量分别为130.9 g·kg-1、250.5 mg·kg-1、251.7 mg·kg-1、29.86 g·kg-1和110.8 g·kg-1。综上,化肥减量配施生化黄腐酸钾对土壤有机碳及其组分含量的影响整体优于配施矿源黄腐酸钾(P>0.05),各生育期有机碳及其组分含量均表现为:化肥减量配施黄腐酸钾花针期显著高于结荚期和成熟期(P<0.05),其中25%化肥配施75%生化有机肥处理对提升土壤中有机碳及其组分含量效果最佳,其SOC、DOC、MBC、LOM和ROC含量各生育期分别增加0.15%-13.50%、3.45%-122.11%、15.37%-133.54%、2.56%-60.44%和0.36%-18.80%。  相似文献   

氮肥利用率低是制约我国东北黑土区玉米产业高效稳定发展的重要因素,以尿素硝铵溶液(UAN)为原料,硝化抑制剂2-氯-6(三氯甲基)吡啶微胶囊(CPCS)为材料,制备稳定性液体氮肥,研究其对黑土区玉米氮素吸收与利用和生长发育的影响。以2-氯-6(三氯甲基)吡啶传统乳油剂型(CPEC)为对照,制备了0.5%CPCS-UAN、1%CPCS-UAN、2%CPCS-UAN 3种稳定性液体氮肥。田间试验设置6个处理:不施氮肥(N0)、UAN(N180)、1%CPEC-UAN(N180)、0.5%CPCS-UAN(N180)、1%CPCS-UAN(N180)和2%CPCS-UAN(N180)。在春玉米生育期内测定土壤无机氮动态变化及植株氮素吸收量,并在成熟期测定产量及其构成因素。2020和2021年田间试验结果显示,与UAN处理相比,CPCS-UAN处理能显著提高玉米产量和植株吸氮量,其中1%CPCS-UAN处理表现最优,玉米产量增加6.38%~8.35%,吸氮量增加24.12~31.70 kg/hm2;与传统乳油剂型1%CPEC-UAN处理相比,1%CPCS-UAN处理玉米产量增加5.39%~6.30%,吸氮量增加17.51~18.98 kg/hm2,CPCS-UAN处理增产的主要原因是单穗粒数和百粒重的增加。在玉米整个生育期CPCS-UAN处理0~20 cm土层土壤的铵态氮和硝态氮整体呈现逐渐降低的趋势,其土壤铵态氮含量在各个生育时期均高于其他处理。CPCS-UAN处理能显著降低氮肥表观损失率,增加氮肥表观利用率,其中1%CPCS-UAN处理的土壤氮肥表观损失率最低,为33.2%~34.0%,氮素表观利用率最高,为40.9%~49.6%。在黑土中,CPCS配合UAN制成的稳定性液体氮肥可以有效抑制玉米生育期内铵态氮向硝态氮转化,减少氮素损失,增加植株吸氮量,提高氮肥利用率和玉米产量。  相似文献   

Nematode density and biodiversity in maize field soil treated with compost, chemical fertilizer and with no amendments were investigated in a multi-year field experiment at the Qu-Zhou experimental station, China Agricultural University. The soils were collected from the upper (0–20 cm) soil layer during the maize growing stages in 2004. The results demonstrated that significant differences for the total nematode density, bacterivores, fungivores, plant parasites and omnivores-predators density were found between treatments and between dates. The total nematode density and bacterivores density were greater in compost-treated soil than in chemical fertilizer-treated soil, and were greater in chemical fertilizer-treated soil than in control soil during all sampling periods. The total nematodes density ranged from 106 to 657 individuals per 100 g dry soil in the present study. Total 40 nematode genera were found in all treatments and sampling periods, and 12 genera were bacterivores, 4 genera were fungivores, 16 genera were plant parasites and 8 genera were omnivores-predators. Cephalobus, Rhabditis, Tylenchorhynchus, Pratylenchus, Helicotylenchus and Rotylenchus were dominant genera in present study. The plant parasites and bacterivores were dominant trophic groups. The ratio of bacterivores plus fungivores to plant parasites was higher in compost-treated soil compared to chemical fertilizer-treated soil except October. Maturity index and combined maturity index were lower in compost-treated soil compared to chemical fertilizer-treated and control soil except July. The plant parasite index was higher in compost-treated soil compared to chemical fertilizer-treated soil except July. The multi-year application of compost and chemical fertilizer had effected on soil nematode population density and community structure.  相似文献   

河西走廊玉米制种田连作障碍影响逐年加剧,如何有效缓解连作障碍、提升耕地质量和生产力是目前亟待解决的问题。采用田间随机区组设计,在连作 18 年的玉米制种田,以 100% 传统施化肥(N 375.0 kg/hm2、 P2O5 150.0 kg/hm2、K2O 120.0 kg/hm2)+ 有机肥 15000.0 kg/hm2 为基础,设置对照 CK(70% 化肥 + 有机肥)、 T1(70% 化肥 + 有机肥 + 土壤调理剂)、T2(70% 化肥 + 有机肥 + 生物菌肥)、T3(70% 化肥 + 有机肥 + 土壤 调理剂 + 生物菌肥)共 4 个处理,研究化肥减量 30% 配施有机肥、生物菌肥和土壤调理剂对玉米制种田连作土 壤理化性质、微生物种群变化和土壤酶活性及产量的影响。结果表明,不同处理对制种玉米长期连作土壤的生 态修复效应不同。T1、T2、T3 较 CK 处理对土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾影响不明显,T2 和 T3 处理与 CK 比 较,土壤容重和 pH 显著降低,土壤总孔隙度、团聚体和饱和持水量显著增加,土壤有机质、有机碳和供碳量 显著增加,土壤阳离子交换量、蔗糖酶、脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著增加,真菌显著减少,而细菌和 放线菌显著增加。T1、T2、T3 与 CK 处理比较,对玉米茎粗、穗粒数和千粒重有一定影响。其中 T2 和 T3 处理 的茎粗显著增加 13.28% 和 17.84%;穗粒数显著增加 13.32% 和 17.22%;千粒重显著增加 3.53% 和 4.07%;产 量显著增加 9.91% 和 11.45%。本试验条件下 T3 处理对玉米制种田连作土壤生态修复和增产效果最佳。  相似文献   

[目的]准确评价有机肥料提高农田土壤肥力的效果,是正确选择土壤培肥措施的基础.通过比较两种土壤肥力质量综合指数的计算方法评价有机肥培肥效果的可行性.[方法]3年田间定位试验(2015—2017)在长江中下游的红壤双季稻田进行.共设7个处理:不施肥(CK),等氮磷钾投入量下的单施化肥(CF)和一半化肥氮配施一半的牛粪(+...  相似文献   

通过开展田间试验研究了有机肥与化肥配合施用对柑橘树体养分吸收及土壤肥力的影响.结果表明,有机肥替代25%化肥及有机肥替代30%化肥处理对柑橘果实具有稳产增产的作用,增产率最高可达9.8%.有机肥替代化肥处理能够满足树体对氮、磷、钾养分的需求,而且还可以增加柑橘树体对部分中微量元素的吸收.两个有机肥替代化肥的处理土壤pH...  相似文献   

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